ClassDescriptionAbstractTaskContentProvider is the abstract base implementation class of
.Base class for task context bean used within task assignments and events.BaseTaskSearchContentProvider is the abstract base implementation ofITaskSearchContentProvider
.DynamicSearchQueryTerm represents dynamically created search term used in saved search.Constants to support IBM webMethods BPM Task Engine integration with Business RulesCommon interface for task distribution manager.Search provider to search and display ad-hoc workflow process instancesTask Content provider which can be used to load/update task instancesList provider which loads task audit entries list for a given task instance.Abstract base class to load/update/create task instances.Abstract base class to load/update/create task instances.TaskData is the concrete implementation ofITaskData
.TaskDataHelper defines a collection of helper methods forITaskData
conversion.Extends theTaskInboxIndexedSearchContentProvider
and introduces an additional search term for HPSTRA full-text searches.Extends base provider class which implements task indexed searches by adding a default search query for custom inbox This search query implements some pre-defined set of search terms typically used.Extends base provider class which implements task non-indexed searches by adding a default search query for custom inbox This search query implements some pre-defined set of search terms typically used.Content provider which implements Indexed Task searches and intended to be used as value for table controls in custom task inbox portlets
When using this provider class you need to configure its search queryTaskIndexedSearchContentProvider.getSearchQuery()
terms and callTaskIndexedSearchContentProvider.refresh()
method.TaskInfo is the concrete implementation ofITaskInfo
Bean which is implements sending task notifications and to subscribe/un-subscribe users to task subscriptionsThis exception is thrown if task being updated is not up-to-date.Content provider which implements Task searches and intended to be used as value for table controls in custom task inbox portlets
When using this provider class you need to configure its search queryTaskSearchContentProvider.getSearchQuery()
terms and callTaskSearchContentProvider.refresh()
method.Deprecated.use com.webmethods.portal.service.task.TaskSearchQuery insteadExtended search query, which supports results aggregation.Deprecated.use com.webmethods.portal.service.task.TaskSearchQueryTerm insteadDeprecated.use com.webmethods.portal.service.task.TaskSearchQueryV2 insteadTaskServiceProviderFactory is the factory class forITaskServiceProvider