Provides interfaces and utilities for various content providers.
ClassDescriptionUtility functions for manipulating collections.Filter expression constructed by a string for use by
CollectionUtils.filter(Collection, FilterExpression, IFilterableValueDecorator)
.Filter value decorator for use byCollectionUtils.filter(Collection, FilterExpression, IFilterableValueDecorator)
.Deprecated.Filter value decorator for table rows, using a binding expression to calculate the value.Filter value decorator forISelectItemProvider
s.Exception class for content providers.Utility functions for content providers.Table content provider with rows addressable by a uniqueString
identifier.Main content provider interface.Allows a group of select-items to be filterable.Allows table data to be filterable.Interface extension for implementing pagination forITableContentProvider
.Provider that allows wrapped data to be refreshed, i.e.Content provider that allows wrapped data to be refreshed, i.e.Table content provider that allows the re-ordering of table rows.Table content provider that supports selecting individual rows by leveraging ability of identifying and addressing rows by id from <@link}Models a group of select items (like a select-box or group of checkboxes, etc.).Models individual select item data, (like a select-box option or a checkbox, etc.).Table whose rows can be sorted based on data specified inISortInfo
Table sort information.Table content provider allows access to a structured content in a tabular format.Updateable content provider that allows to accumulate changes to the wrapped data and then submit them all at ones to the data source by callingITransactionalContentProvider.applyChanges()
.Updateable content provider extendsIContentProvider
by adding data modification methods.Table content provider that allows the modification of wrapped data.