Defines different types of content provider and data types used in content providers.
ClassesClassDescriptionProvider which limits a wrapped provider to exposing a specified set of properties; the properties are specified via binding expressions.Provider which limits a wrapped table content-provider to exposing a specified set of properties; the properties are specified via binding expressions.
adapter for aITableContentProvider
.Represents a period of time, optionally with regard to a fixed date.DefaultCalendarProvider represents the default implementation forICalendarProvider
.Compares two objects using a locale-specific collator for strings.Default implementation ofISelectItemGroupProvider
.Default implementation ofISelectItemProvider
implementation that wraps any object and accesses its properties using faces' expression language.Adapts an object to anISelectItemProvider
using faces' expression language to access its properties.Content provider implementation that does not have any propertiesContent provider implementation that does not have any propertiesAdaptsList
and Array objects to theIFilterableTableContentProvider
and Array objects to theIFilterableTableContentProvider
the andISelectableTableContentProvider
interfaces.Filter value decorator for wrapped table rows, using a binding expression to calculate the value.Provider which limits a wrapped provider to exposing a specified set of properties.Provider which limits a wrapped table content-provider to exposing a specified set of properties.AdaptsList
and array objects to theIUpdateableContentProvider
enabling their use with table and tree table UI controls.Adapts aMap
to anIContentProvider
.Exposes an rss/atom syndication feed as a content-provider.Content provider that wraps a method call on an object instance.Table content provider that allows paging using a secondary page service.Adapts aResourceBundle
to anIContentProvider
implementation for an object that doesn't really have rows.Schedule that encapsulates an interval of time, plus an optional relative starting date (the "at" property).ExtendsListTableContentProvider
with select rows capabilities.Addressable row wrapper.Compares two rows using column sorting info.Helps implementISelectableTableContentProvider
.Implementation of table sort information bean.Table provider which displays a list of W3C DOMNode