Interface IExternalDirDataService

public interface IExternalDirDataService
  • Method Details

    • authenticateImpl

      boolean authenticateImpl(String uid, int type, Object credentials)
      Concrete directory service provider must implement this
    • search

      List<IPrincipalModel> search(int type, ISearchQuery query, IPagingCookie cookie) throws PortalException
      This isn't an LDAP query, but merely a wildcard query, such as 'bob'
      type - either IDirConstants.TYPE_USER or IDirConstants.TYPE_GROUP
      queryString -
      pagingCookie -
    • lookupByID

      IPrincipalModel lookupByID(int type, String uid)
      Lookup a principal based on its uid
      type - either IDirConstants.TYPE_USER or IDirConstants.TYPE_GROUP
      uid -
    • getMembership

      List<IPrincipalModel> getMembership(int type, boolean parents_or_children, String dn, int resultSize)
      type - either IDirConstants.TYPE_USER or IDirConstants.TYPE_GROUP
      dn -
      parents_or_children - if true returns groups the principal is member of, else returns the members of the principal or empty list in case of user
      resultSize -
      ALL groups the principal is member of or ALL children of the principal
    • listPrincipals

      List<IPrincipalModel> listPrincipals(int type, int start, int end)
      List the registered principals, either users or groups
    • getTotalPrincipalCount

      int getTotalPrincipalCount(int type)
      Return the total count of users or groups
    • setConfigData

      void setConfigData(String data)
      Setter for config data that comes from the originating Directory Service
    • supportsNestedGroups

      default boolean supportsNestedGroups()
      Indicates whether the service supports nested groups. Default is false.
    • supportsMembershipShortCut

      default boolean supportsMembershipShortCut()
      Indicates whether the service supports a one call search for all nested groups the user is member of. Default is false.
    • getMembershipShortCut

      default List<IPrincipalModel> getMembershipShortCut(int type, String userDN)
      Should return all groups the principal is member of. Called only if the service's supportsNestedGroups() and supportsMembershipShortCut() methods return true.
    • isActive

      default boolean isActive()
    • isConnected

      default boolean isConnected()
      Whether a connection is established to the external directory service