Interface IPagingCookie

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IPagingCookie
Base interface for a paging cookie that maintains the paging state of a session's view of a list. The paging cookie should at least maintain the start index and the paging size of the list, and whether the list can page forward or back. Other data and functionality is optional.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    move the cookie forward
    static final int
    move the cookie backward
    static final int
    repeat the same search
    static final String
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The index of the last item in the current page.
    The order by which the list is sorted: #ASCENDING or #DESCENDING.
    Returns true if the list is ordered ascending (a-z or 1-10).
    The total number of pages in the list.
    The index of the current page.
    The maximum number of items in the current page.
    Query which produced the list or null.
    The resource providing the list.
    The sort key by which the list is sorted (ex: 'name').
    The index of the first item in the current page.
    The total number of items in the list.
    User for whom the list was populated or null.
    The name of the view used to identify the paging cookie (ie 'children' or 'containers').
    True if the list can page forward.
    True if the list can page back.
    Pages the cookie backward.
    Pages the cookie forward.
    Clears the state of this in preperation for re-use or disposal.
    setEnd(int end)
    The index of the last item in the current page.
    The order by which the list is sorted: #ASCENDING or #DESCENDING.
    setPageIndex(int pageIndex)
    The index of the current page.
    setPageSize(int pageSize)
    The maximum number of items in the current page.
    Query which produced the list or null.
    setResourceID(IURI targetID)
    The resource providing the list.
    setSort(String sortKey)
    The sort key by which the list is sorted (ex: 'name').
    setStart(int start)
    The index of the first item in the current page.
    setTotal(int total)
    The total number of items in the list.
    User for whom the list was populated or null.
    The name of the view used to identify the paging cookie (ie 'children' or 'containers').
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • hasPrevious

      boolean hasPrevious()
      True if the list can page back.
      True if the list can page back.
    • hasNext

      boolean hasNext()
      True if the list can page forward.
      True if the list can page forward.
    • getStart

      int getStart()
      The index of the first item in the current page. The index of the first item in a list is one (1). Returns zero (0) if the starting index is unavailable.
      The index of the first item in the current page.
    • setStart

      void setStart(int start)
      The index of the first item in the current page. The index of the first item in a list is one (1). Returns zero (0) if the starting index is unavailable.
      start - The index of the first item in the current page.
    • getEnd

      int getEnd()
      The index of the last item in the current page. The index of the last item in a list of ten (10) is ten (10). Returns zero (0) if the ending index is unavailable.
      The index of the of the last item in the current page.
    • setEnd

      void setEnd(int end)
      The index of the last item in the current page. The index of the last item in a list of ten (10) is ten (10). Returns zero (0) if the ending index is unavailable.
      end - The index of the of the last item in the current page.
    • getTotal

      int getTotal()
      The total number of items in the list. Returns zero (0) if the total is unavailable.
      The total number of items in the list.
    • setTotal

      void setTotal(int total)
      The total number of items in the list. Returns zero (0) if the total is unavailable.
      total - The total number of items in the list.
    • getPageSize

      int getPageSize()
      The maximum number of items in the current page. The actual number of items in the current page may be less than this number. Returns zero (0) if the page size is unavailable.
      The maximum number of items in the current page.
    • setPageSize

      void setPageSize(int pageSize)
      The maximum number of items in the current page. The actual number of items in the current page may be less than this number. Returns zero (0) if the page size is unavailable.
      pageSize - The maximum number of items in the current page.
    • getPageIndex

      int getPageIndex()
      The index of the current page. The index of the first page in a list is one (1). Returns zero (0) if the page index is unavailable.
      The index of the current page.
    • setPageIndex

      void setPageIndex(int pageIndex)
      The index of the current page. The index of the first page in a list is one (1). Returns zero (0) if the page index is unavailable.
      pageIndex - The index of the current page.
    • getPageCount

      int getPageCount()
      The total number of pages in the list. The page count of a list of zero (0) to (10) items with a page size of ten (10) is one (1). Returns zero (0) if the page count is unavailable.
    • getSort

      String getSort()
      The sort key by which the list is sorted (ex: 'name'). Returns null if the sort key is unavailable.
      The sort key by which the list is sorted (ex: 'name').
    • setSort

      void setSort(String sortKey)
      The sort key by which the list is sorted (ex: 'name'). Returns null if the sort key is unavailable.
      sortKey - The sort key by which the list is sorted (ex: 'name').
    • getOrder

      String getOrder()
      The order by which the list is sorted: #ASCENDING or #DESCENDING. Ascending order is a-z or 1-10; descending order is z-a or 10-1. Returns null if the order is unavailable.
      The order by which the list is sorted: #ASCENDING or #DESCENDING.
    • setOrder

      void setOrder(String order)
      The order by which the list is sorted: #ASCENDING or #DESCENDING. Ascending order is a-z or 1-10; descending order is z-a or 10-1. Returns null if the order is unavailable.
      order - The order by which the list is sorted: #ASCENDING or #DESCENDING.
    • getOrderAtoZ

      boolean getOrderAtoZ()
      Returns true if the list is ordered ascending (a-z or 1-10). Returns true if the order is unavailable.
      True if the list is ordered ascending (a-z or 1-10).
    • getResourceID

      IURI getResourceID()
      The resource providing the list. Returns null if not applicable.
      Id of the resource providing the list or null.
    • setResourceID

      void setResourceID(IURI targetID)
      The resource providing the list.
      targetID - Id of the resource providing the list or null.
    • getView

      String getView()
      The name of the view used to identify the paging cookie (ie 'children' or 'containers'). Returns null if the cookie has no view.
      Name of view or null.
    • setView

      void setView(String view)
      The name of the view used to identify the paging cookie (ie 'children' or 'containers').
      view - Name of view or null.
    • getUserID

      IThingID getUserID()
      User for whom the list was populated or null.
      User for whom the list was populated or null.
    • setUserID

      void setUserID(IThingID userID)
      User for whom the list was populated or null.
      userID - User for whom the list was populated or null.
    • getQueryString

      String getQueryString()
      Query which produced the list or null.
      Query which produced the list or null.
    • setQueryString

      void setQueryString(String query)
      Query which produced the list or null.
      query - Query which produced the list or null.
    • pageForward

      void pageForward() throws PortalException
      Pages the cookie forward.
      PortalException - if the cookie cannot page forward.
    • pageBackward

      void pageBackward() throws PortalException
      Pages the cookie backward.
      PortalException - if the cookie cannot page backward.
    • release

      void release()
      Clears the state of this in preperation for re-use or disposal.