Administration APIs

Administration APIs provide a programmatic way to administer and manage functions in API Control Plane.


Runtime Management

API Control Plane allows you to manage multiple runtimes running in different landscapes.

API Control Plane exposes REST APIs to help you create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) runtimes.

The following table displays the REST APIs and resources to manage runtimes:

Resource Description
Method: POST
Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes (or) /api/assetcatalog/v2/runtimes
Creates a runtime.
This resource is only accessible to the API Platform Provider user group.
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes (or) /api/assetcatalog/v2/runtimes
Retrieves all the runtimes.
All user groups have access to the resource.
Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{id} (or) /api/assetcatalog/v2/runtimes/{id}
Retrieves a runtime with the specified ID.
All user groups have access to the resource.
Method: PUT
Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{id} (or) /api/assetcatalog/v2/runtimes/{id}
Updates a runtime with the specified ID.
This resource is only accessible to the API Platform Provider user group.
Method: DELETE
Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{id}
Deletes a runtime with the specified ID.
This resource is accessible to the API Platform Provider user group.
The following runtime management endpoints is deprecated:

  • POST/api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes

  • GET/api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes

  • GET/api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{id}

  • PUT/api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{id}
  • For details on the REST API, see Runtime Management.yaml.

    Runtime Type Management

    API Control Plane allows you to manage multiple runtime types like Developer Portal, API Gateway, and third-party gateways. API Control Plane exposes REST APIs to help you create, read, update, and delete runtime types.

    The following table displays the REST APIs and resources to manage runtimes:

    Resource Description
    Method: POST
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/types
    Creates a new runtime type in API Control Plane.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/types
    Retrieves the list of available runtimes types in API Control Plane.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/types/{id}
    Retrieves the details of the specified runtime type in API Control Plane.
    Method: PUT
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/types/{id}
    Updates the specified runtime type in API Control Plane.
    Method: DELETE
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/types/{id}
    Deletes the specified runtime type in API Control Plane.

    For details on the REST API, see Runtime Type.yaml.

    Data plane Management

    Data planes in API Control Plane are a collection of runtimes running in different landscapes.

    API Control Plane exposes REST APIs to help you create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) data planes.

    The following table displays the REST APIs and resources to manage data planes:

    Resource Description
    Method: POST
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/dataplanes
    Creates a data plane.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Platform Provider user group.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/dataplanes
    Retrieves all the data planes.
    All user groups have access to the resource.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/dataplanes/{id}
    Retrieves a data plane with the specified ID.
    All user groups have access to the resource.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/dataplanes/{id}/runtimes
    Retrieves a list of runtimes associated with the data plane with the specified ID.
    All user groups have access to the resource.
    Method: PUT
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/dataplanes/{id}
    Updates a data plane with the specified ID.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Platform Provider user group.
    Method: DELETE
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/dataplanes/{id}
    Deletes a data plane with the specified ID.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Platform Provider user group.

    For details on the REST API, see Data plane Management.yaml.

    API Management

    API Control Plane exposes REST APIs to help you create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) APIs within runtimes.

    The following table displays the REST APIs and resources to manage APIs:

    Resource Description
    Method: POST
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{runtimeId}/apis
    Creates an API in the specified runtime.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Product Manager user group.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/apis
    Retrieves all the APIs in API Control Plane.
    All user groups have access to the resource.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{runtimeId}/apis
    Retrieves all the APIs in the specified runtime.
    All user groups have access to the resource.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{runtimeId}/apis/{apiId}
    Retrieves a specific API in the specified runtime.
    All user groups have access to the resource.
    Method: PUT
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{runtimeId}/apis/{apiId}
    Updates a specific API in the specified runtime.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Product Manager user group.
    Method: DELETE
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/runtimes/{runtimeId}/apis/{apiId}
    Deletes a specific API in the specified runtime.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Product Manager user group.

    For details on the REST API, see API Management.yaml.

    Runtime Metrics

    API Control Plane exposes REST APIs to help you create runtime’s heartbeat and metrics in API Control Plane.

    The following table displays the REST APIs and resources to create runtime’s heartbeat and metrics in API Control Plane:

    Resource Description
    Method: POST
    Endpoint: /api/engine/v2/runtimes/heartbeat
    Creates the runtime’s hearbeat in API Control Plane.
    This resource is accessible to the API Platform Provider and API Product Manager user groups.
    Method: POST
    Endpoint: /api/engine/v2/runtimes/{runtimeId}/metrics
    Creates the runtime’s metrics in API Control Plane.
    This resource is accessible to the API Platform Provider and API Product Manager user groups.

    For details on the REST API, see Runtime Metrics.yaml.

    User Management

    The user management API allows you to manage the following entities:

    The following table displays the REST APIs and resources to manage users:

    Resource Description
    Method: POST
    Endpoint: /api/ingress/v1/users
    Creates a new user.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Control Plane Administrator user group.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/ingress/v1/users/{id}
    Retrieves a user with the specified ID.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Control Plane Administrator user group.
    Method: PUT
    Endpoint: /api/ingress/v1/users/{id}
    Updates the details of the user with the specified ID.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Control Plane Administrator user group.
    Method: DELETE
    Endpoint: /api/ingress/v1/users/{id}
    Deletes a user with the specified ID.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Control Plane Administrator user group.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/ingress/v1/users/self
    Retrieves the details of the currently logged-in user.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Control Plane Administrator user group.
    Method: PUT
    Endpoint: /api/ingress/v1/users/{id}/groups
    Assigns a user to a user group.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Control Plane Administrator user group.
    Method: GET
    Endpoint: /api/ingress/v1/groups
    Retrieves all the groups in the system.
    This resource is only accessible to the API Control Plane Administrator user group.
    Method: POST
    Endpoint: /api/ingress/v1/users/audits
    Retrieves audit logs of the users in the system for the specified time period. Specify the time period and event type in the request body for which you want to retrieve the audit logs. The event types are as follows:
    • LOGOUT

    All user groups have access to the resource.

    The API Control Plane search API allows you to run a search query or a count query in API Control Plane and return the search results that match the search query or the count of objects matching the search query.

    API Control Plane provides the following REST API resources:

    Audit Logs

    API Control Plane exposes the following REST API to retrieve the record of events performed on the assets (APIs, runtimes, and data planes) during a specific time period.

    Resource Description
    Method: POST
    Endpoint: /api/assetcatalog/v1/metrics/audit
    Retrieves the list of events (created, updated, deleted) performed on the APIs, runtimes, and data planes for the specified time period.
    All user groups have access to the resource.

    To retrieve audit logs, specify the following in the request body:

    Request body Description
    From, To Specify the time period for which you want to retrieve the audit logs in epoch format.
    Example: 1673352361557
    Type Specify one or more of the following asset types for which you want to retrieve the audit logs:
    • API

    A sample request body is as follows:

    "from": "1673352361557",
    "to": "1673355631997",
    "types": [