Viewing and Downloading Logs

View the activities within your environment under Transaction logs, Action logs, and Audit logs.

Transaction Log

View the updates to assets in IBM webMethods Managed File Transfer. Filter the file transaction log based on criteria such as date and time, trigger source, status of the file transfer, search text, transaction ID, and file name.

To view a file transaction log

  1. Go to Logs > Transaction log and filter the log based on the following criteria:

    Field Description
    Date and time Select a time period from the list or specify a custom date range with a time range in the HH:MM:SS (12-hour clock) format, and click Ok.
    Trigger source Select a source that triggered the file transaction from the following options:

    This option filters the transactions initiated by a user or group of users.

    Specify the following additional filters:
    • Partner: Select either All partners or Specific partner, type the partner name in the box, and click Ok.
    • User: Select either All users or Specific user, type the user name in the box, and click Ok.
    • Operation: Select All, Upload, or Download based on transaction type.
    • Protocols: Select one or more transmission protocols. Select All, All secure protocols (FTPS, SFTP, HTTPS, SCP, and WebDAVs), Non-secure protocols (HTTP, FTP, and WebDAV), or individual protocols.
    Action Specify the following additional filters:
    • Source location: Use this option to query the files which match the transactions from a particular source.

      Either specify the partial or complete source location, which can include protocols as well.

      The source location has the following format: :///.

      For example, for the FTP protocol, the source location can be: FTP://

    • Destination location: Use this option to query the files which match the transactions from a particular destination.

      Either specify the partial or complete destination location, which can include protocols as well.

      The destination location has the following format: :///.

      For example, for SFTP protocol, the destination location can be, SFTP://

    Status Select an option to display All, Success, or Failed transactions from the list.
    Search text Type the text to search for the Comment and Activities related information.
    Transaction ID Type the transaction ID of the file transfer.
    File name
    • To search for actions that match the specified file name, type either the partial or complete name of the file.
    • To search for a file with the exact name select the Match complete file name option. Match complete file name performs the query faster when you have large volumes of data that can utilize the underlying database optimization.
  2. Click Apply for the changes to take effect and Reset to reset the values.

In the Comment text box, modify the message that appears for the result of the file transaction. In the results list, click the record to view the details.

View the following information in the Transaction details section:

View the following information in the Activities section:

Action Log

Viewing the Action Log

To view an action log

  1. Go Logs > Action log and filter the log based on the following criteria:

    Field Description
    Date and time Select a time period from the list or specify a custom date range with a time range in the HH:MM:SS (12-hour clock) format, and click Ok.
    Action type Select one of the following options:
    • All. Select this option to view all the post-processing and scheduled actions.
    • Post-Processing action. Select this option, and select either All actions or Specific action and type the name of a specific post-processing action.
    • Scheduled action. Select this option, and select either All actions or Specific action and type the name of a specific scheduled action.
    Status Select an option to view All, Success, or Failed action executions from the list.
    File name
    • To search for actions that match the specified file name, type either the partial or complete name of the file.
    • To search for a file with the exact name select the Match complete file name option. Match complete file name performs the query faster when you have large volumes of data that can utilize the underlying database optimization.
  2. Click Apply for the changes to take effect and click Reset to clear the values.
    The activity logs that are retrieved appear in the results list.

  3. To view the details of a specific log, click the log ID.

View the following information in the Action details section:

Rerun a Post-Processing Action

You can trigger a post-processing action when you upload, download or delete a file in IBM webMethods Managed File Transfer. However, post-processing actions can sometimes fail due to situations such as network errors.

Rerun of a post-processing action is allowed only for the action executions within IBM webMethods Managed File Transfer v11.0 and above. Attempting to rerun a failed event that failed on v10.15.6 and lower, results in an error.

Basic Flow

To rerun a failed post-processing action:

  1. Click the Notifications icon. The notifications list provides you with the previous seven days of failed post-processing actions. IBM webMethods Managed File Transfer only supports rerun of the last seven days of failed post-processing actions.

  2. Click on your failed post-processing action in the notifications list.

  3. If your action is not listed, go to Logs > Action log, and apply the following filters:

    • Action type: Post-Processing action
    • Status: Failed

    Checkbox selection is enabled only if the above filters are applied. Default action log listing does not provide you with the rerun option.

  4. Select your Post-processing action, and click Re-run. You can select multiple post-processing actions for rerun, when the above filter is applied. To know the status of your rerun, click Apply again on the Action log filter, after allowing the action the stipulated amount of time for a rerun.

Next Steps

Audit Log

To view an audit log

  1. Go to Logs > Audit log, and filter the log based on the following criteria:

    Field Description
    Date and time Select a time period from the list or specify a custom date range with a time range in the HH:MM:SS (12-hour clock) format, and click Ok.
    Operation Select All, Created, Updated, or Deleted to display all, created, updated, or deleted assets respectively from the list.
    Asset Select All or one of the asset from the list.
    Asset name Type the name of the asset selected for Asset type.
    Asset ID Type the ID of the asset selected for Asset type.
    Search text Type any text to search for assets.
    User Select either All users or Specific user, type the user name in the box, and click Ok.
  2. Click Apply for the changes to take effect and click Reset to clear the values.

  3. In the results list, click the record to view the details. When an asset is saved without making any changes to it, an entry stating that no changes are made is added to the audit log.

View the following information in the Summary section:

View the following information in the Details section:

Download Log Data

Share audit data, file transaction data, scheduled action details, or post-processing action details with management personnel, business analysts or other members of the organization. Export any log data available on IBM webMethods Managed File Transfer to a CSV file.

After you apply a filter criteria to download the logs, you can download a maximum of 1000 logs at once.

To download log data to a CSV file

  1. Go to Logs and select the required log.
    For example, Action Log.

  2. Select the required filter criteria and select one of the following to export and download the logs:

    • Click    to export all available logs to a single CSV file.
    • To download the details of a particular activity log, click the log ID and click   .

IBM webMethods Managed File Transfer downloads all the logs with the file name as follows:

Log details format File name
Any log LogPageName_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv.
For example, TransactionLog_20191006123351.csv, AuditLog_202002201121.csv.
Action activity log ActivityLogPageNameDetails_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.csv.
For example, ActionLogDetails_20200123091101.csv.