Release 3.1

Explore the release highlights, usage notes, and known issues for IBM webMethods Integration.

What's New

New features and enhancements Description
Streaming support and replaying Salesforce events IBM webMethods Integration now allows you to integrate with streaming APIs and process streaming API events using listeners. You can subscribe to any supported streaming API event and specify the Flow service that should be invoked when the subscribed event occurs. Currently, this feature is enabled only for the Salesforce connector.

You can create a Salesforce CRM listener, select a subscription channel, and specify the Flow service to be invoked on the incoming events. Additionally, you can configure the headers and parameters as well as enable and disable the listener. Once enabled, the listener receives the streaming API events and processes the received events.
The Salesforce CRM listener can subscribe and listen to Salesforce events. Salesforce stores standard volume events for 24 hours, so for versions of Salesforce later than v37.0, you can retrieve the events if they are within the retention window. You can replay the lost events by selecting the following replay options:
  • New - Receive only new events that are broadcast after subscription.
  • All - Receive new events including past events (last 24 hours) that are within the retention window.
Two-way SSL communication for hybrid integrations webMethods Integration Server 10.7 and later versions support two-way SSL communication between the on-premises Integration Server and IBM webMethods Integration. In two-way SSL communication, both the on-premises Integration Server and IBM webMethods Integration validate each other’s certificate using private keys.
Support for multipart request body For some connectors and operations, IBM webMethods Integration now supports the multipart/form-data media type using which you can embed binary data such as files into the request body. Here’s the list of connectors that currently support multipart functionality:
  • FreshService (This connector also allows adding custom headers)
  • Salesforce Bulk
  • Google Drive

New Services Compress category
Use Compress services to compress the data before sending the HTTP request and decompress it after receiving the HTTP response.
compressData: Performs compression of data.
decompressData: Performs decompression of data.

Datetime category
Use Datetime services to build or increment a date/time. The services in datetime provide more explicit timezone processing than similar services in the date category.
build: Builds a date/time string using the specified pattern and the supplied date/time elements.
increment: Increments or decrements a date and time by a specified amount of time.

Flow category
In the existing Flow category, the new setCustomContextID service is now available. setCustomContextID associates a custom value with an auditing context. This custom value can be used to search for Flow service executions in the IBM webMethods Integration Monitor screen.
Execution Source In the IBM webMethods Integration Monitor screen, the Execution Source filter is now available, using which you can search for Flow service executions and fetch relevant execution data based on the execution source. Available values are Scheduler, User Interface, HTTP Interface, REST APIs, SOAP APIs, Workflow Interface, Streaming, and JMSTrigger.

Custom Transaction ID You can now select the SetCustomContextID service available in the Flow category, set a value for the id field in the mapping editor, save and run the Flow service, and then can search for the custom context ID in the Monitor > Execution Results > Flow service execution page by clicking Filters and specifying the custom context ID in the Context ID field.

Support for Partner Certificate for AS2 connector IBM webMethods Integration now allows you to add a certificate of a trusted partner. The partner’s certificate contains a public key which is required to encrypt outbound request messages and verify the signature of inbound messages.

The certificate received by your trusted partner can be used while configuring accounts for certain connectors (currently only supported in the AS2 connector) to securely send and receive business data across the communication protocol.

Database Application changes Dynamic SQL and custom SQL action templates

Custom SQL: Defines and executes custom SQL to perform database operations. You can run almost any SQL statement required, such as data management statements and data definition statements.

Dynamic SQL: Configures a dynamic SQL statement, part of which you set at run time using input fields. At run time, the Dynamic SQL action will create the SQL statement by combining the contents of the input fields and then run it. This is useful when you need the flexibility to set all or part of a SQL statement at run time, instead of at design time.

Database Application supports the following databases: SAP HANA, Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Heroku PostgreSQL, Teradata, and Vertica.
Dynamic Accounts for predefined connector operations The Dynamic Account feature enables you to dynamically override certain details of the account being used to run a predefined operation of a connector.
Currently, the dynamic account feature is enabled for certain operations in the following predefined connectors:
  • Sitecore Content Hub
  • MessageBird
  • Docuware
Dynamic Accounts for custom REST connector operations The Dynamic Account feature enables you to dynamically override certain details of the account being used to run a custom action created under a custom REST connector.
You can enable this feature while creating a new custom action or by editing an existing custom action of a custom REST connector.

Input and Output field Validations The Define IO feature has been enhanced to perform validations for the input and output fields during runtime. These validations are performed based on the constraints specified while defining the fields.
The validation process prevents erroneous information such as incorrect lengths, inappropriate compositions, out of range, invalid or missing data from being processed and stored. Further, it ensures that the data entered is reliable and accurate as identifying and correcting errors can be very time-consuming and expensive.
Two new fields Validate input and Validate output have been added in the Define input and output fields screen in support of this feature. You can either enable or disable the validations based on your requirement.

Expression Editor New interface Expression Editor has been added to enable you to create complex expressions with ease for conditional controls such as If, Else If, While, and Do Until in Flow services. Further, the Expression Editor:
  • Lists fields and operators to help you complete expressions quickly and prevent typing errors. Document references can also be selected with ease.
  • Validates the entered expression and displays error messages within the Editor if the expression syntax is incorrect.
  • Highlights the scope of the expression enhancing your ability to differentiate the conditions, especially when the expression spans multiple lines.

Map by Condition A new option Map by Condition has been added in Pipeline that allows you to define conditions for mapping between fields. For example, map the fields BuyersTotal and OrderTotal only if BuyersTotal has a value, that is, Not Null. Only when the condition is satisfied the fields are mapped. Otherwise, the Flow service fails.
This helps you to validate the values at design time and ensure that the Flow service runs without errors.

Indexed Mapping The Array Mapping feature in Pipeline has been enhanced to allow you to map array fields at the element level. For example, you can specify the index for the array element you want to map, that is, map the third element in a String Array to a String.
Earlier, the mapping at the array element-level was not possible. A new dialog box Indexed Mapping has been introduced to map the array elements.

This option is not available for Document and Document Reference arrays currently.
Managing subscriber states in Messaging You can now view, change, and manage the state of a subscriber. The states that can be set for a subscriber are Enable, Disable, and Suspend.

Import and export functionality for Messaging connector IBM webMethods Integration now allows you to import and export workflows or Flow services that uses a Messaging connector.
Cloning Messaging connector IBM webMethods Integration now allows you to clone workflows or Flow services that uses a Messaging connector.
Account usage for connectors In earlier releases, IBM webMethods Integration supported two different authentications for connectors in Workflows and Flow services.
From this release, IBM webMethods Integration supports one common Account for both CloudStreams and Node.js connectors. This will reduce the effort to create multiple Accounts for actions and triggers.
The common authentication functionality is currently available for the following connectors:
  • JIRA
  • Google Contacts
  • Salesforce
  • Marketo
  • Cumulocity
Previewing Flow service Recipe Pipeline Mappings In earlier releases, you were able to preview the Flow service steps of a Recipe but not the pipeline mappings. You can now view the mappings of each Flow service step that does not include either custom operations or other Flow services. This helps you to gain more insight about the Recipe functions before using them.

Recipe Lock A message will now appear for a user who is trying to import a recipe when another user is already importing the same or a different recipe concurrently, in the same tenant.
Selecting all data fields to use for business objects You can now select all the data fields to use for the business object while creating a custom operation by selecting the Fields option.

Search functional areas while creating custom operations For some connectors, for example, Coupa and Cumulocity, you can now search for the functional areas while creating a custom operation.

Tooltip for predefined connectors in Flow services While creating a Flow service, if you hover over a predefined connector, you can now view a pop-up window that provides detailed information about the particular connector.

Revamped Getting Started wizard The revamped Getting Started wizard allows you to get familiarized with IBM webMethods Integration and access the referenced resources.

Intercom removed from the user interface In earlier releases, you could use the Intercom available on the user interface for support. In this release, the Intercom is removed.
For support, go to the Help menu and click Support.

New Recipies for Magento connector The following new recipies have been added in workflows for Magento:
  • Get Order Details for a Customer from Magento: Returns the details of a customer and the orders associated with that customer’s account.
  • Get the list of Customers from Magento: Obtains the Magento customer details.