Release 3.0

Explore the release highlights, usage notes, and known issues for IBM webMethods Integration.

What's New

New features and enhancements Description
Smart Mapping Smart mapping provides you with recommendations while mapping the pipeline data and utilizes a series of algorithms to determine the likely accuracy of a given suggestion, enabling you to toggle between high, medium, and low levels of mapping confidence.
A Machine Learning (ML) algorithm is applied to provide the suggestions. The ML algorithm learns from the mappings you create and provides suggestions automatically to map similar fields. The algorithm benefits from having more data from more number of users.
Smart mapping is anonymous and does not store any customer-specific information or actual data of any kind and is available to only those tenants who provide their consent to share their mapping information.

OAuth 2.0 You can now protect integration services and REST APIs using the OAuth 2.0 protocol. In OAuth 2.0, the client obtains an access token issued by an authorization server on approval of the resource owner. The client uses the access token to access the protected resources.

Two-Way SSL for inbound connections IBM now supports Two-Way SSL for inbound connections. You can store client certificates, associate a certificate with a user account, and also set the following Two-Way SSL security mode while configuring an SSL connection:
  • Default: Allow one-way and Two-Way SSL API execution calls. Use either credentials or certificate.
  • Force: Allow one-way and Two-Way SSL API execution calls. Certificate is mandatory.
  • Exclusive: Allow only Two-Way SSL API execution calls. Certificate is mandatory.

Cloud Messaging The IBM messaging solution allows you to implement the publish/subscribe or point-to-point messaging styles by bringing the JMS-based messaging capabilities.
Messaging is not available by default for a tenant. To enable this functionality, contact IBM Global Support.

Support for Flow service Recipes In earlier releases, you could browse and use only workflow recipes in the selected project.
In this release, Flow service recipes are also available on the Recipes page, which enables you to use pre-configured Flow services in your project.

Project Permissions for Custom Roles In earlier releases, you could create custom roles to define which projects are accessible under a particular custom role.
In this release, project permissions for custom roles determine the actions a user can perform in each project.
There are three types of project permissions:
  • Read
  • Write
  • Execute
Based on the permissions assigned for each project, users added under that role can perform actions in the relevant projects.

Custom domain names A custom domain is a unique name that identifies your website. There are scenarios where you do not want to expose the default domain provided by IBM. In such cases, you can customize the default tenant URL or domain and access the tenant using your own domain. Use custom domains if you want to make your application accessible on your own domain.
Contact IBM Global Support for details on how to enable and configure the custom domain capability.
Refreshing OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens To refresh the access tokens for accounts which use the OAuth 2.0 protocol, you can now specify a Refresh Token Callback Service which will execute when the access token expires. Select Refresh Token Callback Service in the Refresh URL Request field and provide the integration name in the Refresh Token Callback Service field.

Dedicated messaging infrastructure support for hybrid integration scenarios Performance, scalability, and availability of on-premises connectivity for hybrid integration scenarios have now been enhanced by having dedicated IBM Universal Messaging (UM) nodes for each tenant. A tenant can be configured with dedicated UMs based on the license.
Contact IBM Global Support for assistance in setting up the dedicated hybrid infrastructure.
Manage environments through IBM webMethods iPaaS In earlier releases, you could register and manage environments from within your IBM webMethods iPaaS tenant.
In this release, you can register, link, and manage environments from IBM webMethods Integration as well.

Grouping of right-click options in the Flow services editor In this release, if you right-click on a field in the pipeline, you can copy a field, move fields up, down, left, or right in the pipeline, set a value for a field, remove the value set for a field, drop a field from the pipeline, undo the drop field action, and delete, or edit a field.

Enhanced Operations screen You can now view the root level element of the Input and Output signatures for all the newly added predefined and custom connectors in IBM in the same way as on-premises. These changes are not applicable to the existing pre-defined and custom connectors in IBM.

Support for REST resource error handling You can now handle HTTP errors by selecting the Error Response message option.
If this option is selected while creating a REST resource, then during the execution of an operation in a Workflow or a Flow service, if you receive a corresponding Status Code as response from the back end, an exception appears.
For example, if a resource is created with status HTTPs code as 300-500 identified as Error Response, then during execution, if we receive any response from 300-500, the operation execution will be considered as failure.

Audit log enhancements IBM now allows you to apply filters on audit logs to retrieve specific logs through the Monitors tab. You can filter your logs by using the following criteria:
  • Time-range selector: You can view and fetch audit logs for a certain time frame using the date picker located at the top-right corner of the Audit Logs screen.
  • Search query: You can search and filter a set of particular log entries by specifying a search term or a query expression in the search query box.
Alert email notification enhancements The following enhancements are now available in the alert email notification process for Workflows:
  • Ability to use custom sender address for alert email notifications.
  • Display tenant name in the subject of the alert email notification.
  • Display tenant time zone in alert email notifications.
Disable accounts IBM now allows you to stop a workflow or a Flow service from being executed through the Connectors tab. Disabling an account of an application or an external web service is temporary. You can re-enable the account anytime as per your requirements.
Enable invalid or disabled accounts Occasionally, accounts configured for connectors get disabled and/or become invalid due to several reasons. In such cases, IBM now allows you to re-establish the invalid or disabled account connection of configured accounts through the Connectors tab.
Conditional logging IBM now stores the execution logs of workflows, only if you select the Maintain execution logs option under Workflow Settings.

User interface and user experience improvements For improved usability and experience, the following user interface enhancements are implemented in this release:

  • Client Certificate, White Label, OAuth 2.0, and Preferences options are now available under Profile > Settings.

  • In earlier releases, while creating a custom action using the Node.js block, there was no limit to the number of characters that can be specified for the name of the custom action in the field label. In this release, the maximum number of characters accepted as an input in the label field is 36.

  • In earlier releases, deleting of undeployed projects in the destination environment was not available. In this release, you can delete the undeployed project in the destination environment. To do so, click on the vertical ellipsis icon (or three tiny dots) at the right-corner of the project, and click Delete.

  • In earlier releases, the search feature for the Timezone field in the Clock trigger was not supported. In this release, search support is added for the Timezone field, which will help you to search for a specific timezone region by entering the name of the region in Search Timezone.

  • In this release, regarding the Interactions feature for Custom Actions, the drag-and-drop functionality is added, which will help you to change the order of interactions within the list as per your requirements. Note that business objects and interactions appear only for certain connectors and operations.

  • In this release, regarding the Multiple Business Objects feature for Custom Actions, the drag-and-drop functionality is added, which will help you to change the order of objects within the list as per your requirements. Note that business objects and interactions appear only for certain connectors and operations.

Configure Stop icon for Workflows IBM now allows you to configure the Stop icon for workflows. The Stop icon allows you to output a message (up to 256 KB) of the preceding action or a workflow in console logs. In case the specified message exceeds 256 KB, you will get the Message Size Too Large string.
This icon works the same as the Logger action.

Secure webhooks with Webhook Key authentication You can now apply the Webhook Key authentication mechanism to add an extra layer of security to your webhooks.

When you select the Webhook Key authentication option while configuring a webhook, a random webhook key is automatically generated. Once configured, you will need to pass this webhook key as a header every time you send a webhook execution request. Without this webhook key, the webhook execution request will not be processed.
Disable workflow actions You can now disable one or more actions of your existing workflows. This eliminates the need to manually detach or delete actions that you do not want the workflow to execute, thereby saving time and effort.

This feature is useful for complex workflows where you may want to disable multiple actions quickly and easily.
Database application You can connect to a database using the Database application and perform database operations with cloud databases. In earlier releases, you can create the Database application by clicking the IBM webMethods Integration Flow Apps option available on the App Switcher.
From this release, the Database application is available within the IBM User Interface.
More connectors in the Flow services editor More connectors are now provided in the Flow services editor. Note that all the connectors available in IBM are listed on the Connectors screen.
As the pre-defined connectors are currently being synchronized for Workflows and Flow services, you may observe variances in the list of pre-defined connectors available on the Workflow and Flow services screens.
Connector account configuration fields A new section on connector account configuration fields is added in this release. The connector account configuration fields allow you to connect with the connector. The fields available may vary according to the selected connector.
Common error scenarios while configuring an account A new section is added in this release where you can learn more about some of the most common scenarios while configuring a connector account.
Rename conflicting child Flow services during import In earlier releases, you could not rename a child or dependent Flow service if it had a conflict during import. From this release, you can also rename the child Flow service if it has a conflict during import.
Default Authorization option for some connectors In this release, you can easily get the Access Token automatically after selecting the Default Authorization option and specifying a few parameters while configuring an account from the Flow services editor. The Default Authorization option is currently enabled for some connectors only.

New Connectors The following connectors are added in this release:
  • DocuWare
  • MessageBird
  • Microsoft To Do
  • Sitecore Experience Platform
  • Amazon Polly
  • Adobe Sign
  • TinyURL
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Microsoft Azure Service Bus
  • Sitecore Content Hub
  • Magento Asyc Calls
  • Amazon Glue
Delete option in Data Store actions In earlier releases, you could only set key-value pairs and fetch them when required during a workflow execution using Data store actions, namely Account Store, Flow Store, and Memory Store.
From this release, you can delete the stored key-value pairs using Data Store actions, namely Account Store, Flow Store, and Memory Store.

Enhanced workflow keyboard shortcuts Few new keyboard shortcuts and some existing ones have been enhanced in this release in the workflow canvas to make your integration experience richer.
Visual indicator for the Transform operation All actions containing the Transform operation now have the icon. This eliminates the need to open the action, and check whether an action contains a Transform operation or not.

IBM Tech Community Tutorials A new section in Tutorials has been added in this release where you can browse through some of the IBM Tech Community tutorials relevant to IBM.
Masking sensitive project parameters in console logs In Project Parameters, if you have marked a project parameter as a password field, then the value of the specified parameter will now not display in the console log.

Clone, Import, and Export Workflows containing Flow services Earlier you had to manually clone, import, or export a Flow service if it was a part of a cloned, imported, or exported Workflow, respectively. From this release, all Flow services available inside a cloned, imported, or exported Workflow will be automatically cloned, imported, or exported along with other Workflow assets.
View webhook and trigger payload data in execution logs You can now view the payload data of your configured trigger or webhook in the workflow execution logs under the Monitor tab.

Prevent concurrent executions in Clock trigger You can now optionally restrict the concurrent execution of a clock trigger. If you set a clock trigger and set the Disable Concurrent Execution field to true, the clock trigger will not execute a new instance of the workflow till the previous workflow instance execution is completed, that is, the workflow executes successfully, time outs, or fails.

Support for webhook payload increased to 10 MB In earlier releases, the support for webhook payload was up to 5 MB. From this release, the webhook payload support has been increased to 10 MB.
Monitor Enhancements In the Monitor tab, the following enhancements have been made in this release:
  • The Refresh option is now added in the Workflow Execution and Flow service Execution options under the Execution Results section. By clicking this icon, you can fetch the latest workflow or Flow service execution details in the execution Logs.

  • In earlier releases, you could view the Start Time, indicating the workflow queue time, in the execution details page of a workflow. From this release, you can view Requested At and Start Time, indicating the workflow queue time and workflow actual execution time respectively, in the execution details page of a workflow.

Stream support for upload and download actions In this release, stream support for upload and download actions has been added for the following connectors:
  • Box
    • Action Name: Upload File
    • Action Name: Download File
  • Dropbox
    • Action Name: Upload File
    • Action Name: Download File
  • Developer Tools
    • Action Name: Download File
Feedback on Documentation You can now provide feedback on a page, specific content on a page, or on the IBM documentation website by using the feedback form.
Enhanced custom operation screens in Flow services In this release, custom operation screens for the following connectors are replaced with workflow screens for improved usability and experience.
Note: You cannot use the accounts created earlier for these connectors using the custom operation screens. Ensure that you create new accounts in such cases.
  • Concur
  • Google Prediction
  • Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store
  • Salesforce Bulk V2 Data Loader
  • Zendesk