Release 11.0.0

Explore the release highlights, usage notes, known issues, and fixes for IBM webMethods Integration.

What's New

Release 11.0.7

Product Rebranding Integration has been renamed to IBM webMethods Integration.

Notifications for Integration Runtimes

Users can now view integration runtimes alerts as notifications in the Notifications centre. A new option, Source, has been added in the Notification Settings allowing users to subscribe for notifications from various sources. This allows users to filter which runtimes that they want to receive alerts from.

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Enhanced Integration Runtimes Security

Runtimes are now displayed to users based on their user roles and access privileges. Runtimes are categorized as Public and Private. Public runtimes can be accessed by all users, whereas private runtimes can be accessed by their owners and managed by both owners and administrators.

These changes improve security and usability by ensuring that users only interact with the runtimes that are pertinent to their tasks.

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Support for Managing Package Services in Projects

The Deploy Anywhere page under Projects > Connectors has been enhanced to show connections from imported custom packages, allowing users to edit connections for runtimes. That is, users need not go to each runtime to manage the connections separately.

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Support for Invoking Services in any Runtime from a Cloud-based REST API

The Resources and Methods page in REST API wizard has been enhanced to include a Select runtime drop-down list box and Sync button, allowing users to now redirect invocation to any runtime of their choice. In addition, users can invoke both project-based services or public services in imported custom packages.

This will greatly simplify the process to route the implementation of the API to the appropriate back-end environment securely and safely over our hybrid connection without exposing them over the internet.

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Pull Changes from Remote Repositories

Users can now retrieve and merge the latest changes from the remote repository into their current branch for their git-enabled projects.

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Load Status for Packages View

A new option, Load Status has been added in the Packages view. This allows users to verify whether a package has loaded successfully and determine if it is fully or partially functional.

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Security Improvements to GitHub Repository Accounts

Users now have their own GitHub accounts that are not shared. This means that any commits will be identified by the specific user.

Customer Action Required

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Enhancements to IBM webMethods Integration Projects

Users can now save the deploy anywhere assets in their existing IBM webMethods Integration projects created prior to develop anywhere, deploy anywhere enablement. Previously, users had to create new projects to work with deploy anywhere assets after the develop anywhere, deploy anywhere capability was enabled.

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New APIs for Integration Runtimes

New APIs have been added to allow users manage global configurations of a runtime. In this release, support for following configurations are added:

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Flow Editor Enhancements

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API Enhancements

The following changes have been made to the API domains listed below:

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New Functions setCustomTransactionId and setCustomTransactionIds

IBM webMethods Integration built-in services now has a new group E2E Monitoring that contains the functions setCustomTransactionId and setCustomTransactionIds. You can use these functions to set the custom transaction ID in End-to-End Monitoring as individual values or as an array of key value pairs.

webMethods CLI Connector Builder Updates

In this release, when creating a custom Node.js application and selecting the built-in OAuth authentication module for the connector, the default OAuth services will not be displayed. Instead, only OAuth services specific to your tenant will be listed. If you have not registered your own OAuth service, you will be prompted to create custom OAuth modules to use your own credentials for authentication.

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New and Updated Connectors

Explore new and updated connectors released recently in IBM webMethods Integration.

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Release 11.0.6

Changes to Audit Log Query Expressions

In earlier releases, you could filter specific audit logs using email addresses within the query expression in the search box. However, in this release, filtering with email addresses is no longer supported. Instead, usernames should now be used for filtering purposes.

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Deployments Menu Enhancements

The Deployments menu now includes two new options: Deployment Versions and Publish History. These options allow you to view the deployment versions and the publish history associated with your project.

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Invoking Services in Custom Packages directly from Integrations

You can now invoke custom packages within integrations which can be run from any integration runtime. New options supporting the custom packages are as follows:

Improved Runtime Status Display: Syncing and Running Indicators

The Sync Failed status has been removed.

Previously, when a sync operation failed on one instance of a runtime, the runtime card incorrectly displayed Sync Failed, which was misleading as other instances of the runtime were operational.

Now, regardless of whether the sync operation succeeds or fails, the runtime card displays the Syncing followed by Running statuses.

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Access to Predefined Connectors in Deploy Anywhere Integrations

Users can now use all predefined connectors through package services in the deploy anywhere integrations, configure the runtimes, and deploy them across integration runtimes.

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Managing Private APIs and Webhooks

Webhook: The user interface has now been enhanced to display webhook URL as two separate URLs: Internal URL and Private URL, when you mark a webhook as private by enabling the Private Webhook option during webhook creation or modification.
Previously, only one URL was shown in the UI, and you had to manually modify the URL by appending -internal for the rest of the configurations in the API gateway. Now, you can readily use these endpoints without any modifications.

APIs: The API Details page has now been enhanced to show the API endpoints as two distinct URLs: Public URL and Internal URL, or Private URL and Internal URL.

The new Internal URL is only accessible through IBM webMethods Integration and IBM webMethods API Gateway and cannot be accessed from the public or customer networks.

See the Customer Actions required as part of this feature.

Support for Ordered Polling Notifications in Database Connector

Ordered Polling notifications are now available with Database connector. You can use Ordered polling notification to detect changes such as multiple insert, update, or delete operations on one or more tables in the given database by creating a single notification using the same publishable document. Notifications about polling are shown in the Events panel.

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Improved UI for connection pooling feature in Database Connector

The UI for connection pooling has been enhanced on the Add account > Advance Setting page. Now, you can set the connection pool size by defining the minimum and maximum values using the respective fields.

Connection pooling is not enabled by default.

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Support for more built-in services

The following built-in services have been added for deploy anywhere flow services:

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Existing Feature Improvements in Flow Services

UTC time zone added to Clock Trigger

The UTC time zone option is now available in Clock trigger version 9. It is recommended to select the UTC time zone to prevent the confusion caused by Daylight Saving Time (DST) changes in your chosen regional time zone.

Workflow Execution Enhancement

If a workflow contains a Global Error Handler action and the workflow times out, the system will invoke the Global Error Handler action, allowing it a maximum of 60 seconds to complete execution. After 60 seconds, the execution of the Global Error Handler will be forcibly stopped.
Regardless of whether the Global Error Handler completes its execution within 60 seconds, the workflow status will be marked as ‘Timeout’ whenever the Global Error Handler is invoked due to a workflow timeout.

Even if the workflow contains the Set Workflow Status as Failed action inside Global Error Handler, the status of the workflow will remain ‘Timeout’ when the Global Error Handler is invoked due to a workflow timeout.

New and Updated Connectors

Explore new and updated connectors released recently in IBM webMethods Integration.

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Fixes included in the 11.0.6 release

See the Fixes section for information on the 11.0.6 fixes.

Release 11.0.5

Enhancements in Database Connector

Enhancements in Workflow Settings

In earlier releases, you were limited to retrying failed actions only up to 3 times before encountering an error. In this release, IBM webMethods Integration introduces a flexible retry mechanism, allowing you to configure the retry count and retry interval. This mechanism determines the total retry time for a specific workflow before the system stops its execution. The total retry time depends on two configurable parameters: the retry count and the retry interval.

Total retry time refers to the overall duration within which all retry attempts for a specific workflow are made before the system terminates the execution. The total retry time is determined by multiplying the retry count by the retry interval. For example, if you set the retry count to 5 and the retry interval to 5 minutes, the total time for the action to retry will be 25 minutes.

  • The retry mechanism is specifically designed to handle transient errors, but it does not apply to transactional errors. This means, while the option is enabled, it will only be applicable if the workflow encounters transient errors; otherwise, the workflow will fail.
  • As no connector explicitly categorizes errors as transient, none of the actions are retried even after a failure, as they are automatically treated as transactional by default. This differs from the previous approach to handling action retries within a workflow.
  • The retry mechanism operates asynchronously. When the configured retry time is reached, the system adds the task to a retry queue. The execution time for the retry task depends on the workload currently in the queue.

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Enhancements in Messaging Service Trigger

Workflows with a Messaging Service Trigger now run synchronously when invoked, allowing applicable error handling options in Subscribers. Earlier when the invocation type was workflow, the subscriber asynchronously initiated the message processing and acknowledged the message.

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See the Customer Actions required as part of this feature.

Restarting Workflows

This feature affects the following two areas:


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API Reference

The enhancements to the Restart feature will affect the output of both the Execution Summary and Execution Log of Metrics APIs. With these changes, you will now observe the addition of two new keys, restarted_from and restart_history, in the output when using these APIs.

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Improved Error Handling Mechanism

In earlier releases, when an action with an error handler failed within a workflow, the error path was executed. However, upon resuming the workflow, if the same action failed again, the error path was not triggered again, assuming the error handler action had completed successfully.

In this release, the error handling mechanism is enhanced, so that upon resuming the workflow, even if the same action fails again, the error path is executed.

Grouping Notifications

A new option, Group notifications by, has been added to group notifications by topic or severity in the Notifications centre for streamlined interaction with incoming information. You can quickly identify urgent notifications and manage them efficiently with single-action group clearance.

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New and Updated Connectors

Explore new and updated connectors released recently in IBM webMethods Integration.

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Fixes included in the 11.0.5 release

See the Fixes section for information on the 11.0.5 fixes.

Feature Activation

Newly provisioned tenants will not have certain capabilities enabled by default in this release. Existing Enterprise Plus tenants will not be affected by this change. Contact your Account Executive to enable the capabilities for your tenant. The capabilities are:

In the help documentation, the respective sections include a note indicating about activation.

Read more about Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere and Central Control, Distributed Execution

Deploy Anywhere Flow Services Enhancements

Resynchronizing Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere Projects

You can now resynchronize projects if the runtime is mutable. This feature is useful for addressing failures in the edge runtime caused by outdated assets.

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Release 11.0.3

Webhook Enhancements

  1. Webhook URL Update

    To enhance performance, /sync is replaced with /sync/v2 in the new and existing webhook URLs. The webhook URL will automatically update to a new URL when you configure the Autoconnect Return Data on Sync Webhook option or the Return Data on Sync Webhook action in a workflow.
    For example, if your existing webhook URL is,
    the updated URL will appear as

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    Existing Webhook URLs

    All your existing webhook URLs will continue to work as before. You can either keep using the old URLs or switch to the new URL format.

    It is recommended to switch to the new URL format as the old format might get deprecated in the future.

  2. When cloning, importing, or deploying a workflow containing a webhook configured with any Webhook authentication method from the source, the same authentication method will persist in the target. In earlier releases, all cloned, imported, and deployed workflows containing a webhook would, by default, have the Webhook authentication method set to Tenant Credentials, irrespective of the webhook authentication method configured in the source.

  3. When you clone, import, or deploy a workflow containing a webhook with the Webhook authentication method configured as Webhook Key, a unique webhook key is generated for the initial copy of the cloned, imported, or deployed workflow at the target. If you later overwrite the workflow with the same authentication type, the webhook key remains unchanged.

  4. When cloning, importing, or deploying a workflow containing a webhook configured as private in the source, it remains private at the target. In earlier releases, all such private webhooks would default to public at the target.

  5. When you import or deploy a project with a workflow using the Webhook Key authentication method through a public API, a unique webhook key for the initial copy of the imported or deployed workflow at the target. If you later overwrite the workflow with the same authentication type, the webhook key remains unchanged.

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Monitor Page Enhancements

  1. Clear Storage Locks

    A new option, Clear storage locks, has been provided allowing users to release any locks applied on an integration. The option can be accessed by going to Monitor > General > Clear Storage locks.

    This improvement eliminates the need for users to wait for the default period for the lock to reset before proceeding with integration executions. Now, users have the flexibility to promptly release locks, streamlining the integrations and enhancing efficiency.

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  2. Audit Logs for Edge and Cloud Runtimes

    Support for audit logs has been added into the Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere, as well as Central Control and Distributed Execution capabilities. This enhancement enables users to monitor real-time operations associated with edge and cloud runtimes. The objective is to offer users improved visibility and keep them informed about critical events as they happen.

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  3. The usage bar displaying the number of transactions consumed by tenant workflows and Flow services out of the total allocated transactions for the current month will no longer be visible to paid tenants. Only the total number of transactions consumed will be displayed. However, non-paid and Free Forever Edition (FFE) tenants will experience no changes.

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REST API Enhancements

  1. New field added in the Create API form for REST API

    In the REST API creation form, the newly added Convert to Defined Type field provides an option to decide whether to convert/transform the datatype of a variable in the request body to the data type defined in the signature or not. This field is only available during the creation of a REST API using the Import API/I have an existing API and Import API Using URL options.
    The default selection for Convert to Defined Type field is True, indicating that the input variables in the request body are converted to the datatype defined in the signature. However, if the value is set to False, the input variables in the request body are passed as-is in the service pipeline.

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  2. A new API has been introduced in the Reference APIs domain, enabling you to delete reference data.

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Built-In Services are updated for XML services

New services are added for XML Iterator in IBM webMethods Integration as following:

Tooltips for Sync and Run Buttons in Deploy Anywhere Flow Services

To enhance user guidance for deploying anywhere flow services, tooltips are now available for the Sync and Run buttons in the Flow Editor. These tooltips provide instructions for the subsequent user actions when working with deploy anywhere flow service, and can be accessed by hovering over the Sync and Run buttons.

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Disabled Default Authorization for Spoke Tenants

In this release, the Default Authorization option has been disabled for Spoke tenants. Spoke tenants can use only Custom Authorization option to create authorizations.

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Version Control Enhancements

GitHub accounts are now organized on the Version Control page according to their Hostname for improved accessibility. Previously, users faced difficulty locating their accounts as all GitHub accounts were listed together.

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Notifications Feature: Seamless Updates and Enhanced User Control

The Notifications feature in IBM webMethods Integration has undergone significant improvements. You can view the notifications on the Notifications centre, which is accessible through the bell icon located on the IBM webMethods Integration title bar. Earlier, notifications are visible for specific actions like creating or updating integrations and viewing alerts, with a limit of 10 notifications at any given time.

The enhanced notifications centre offers various options to subscribe, unsubscribe, pin, unpin, dismiss, delete, or group notifications. The notifications are shown as and when they are generated.

The redesigned user interface makes it easy to stay informed about critical events or changes, enabling users to check the notifications at their convenience.

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Usage Guidelines and Limits

Learn about the usage guidelines and limits for the IBM webMethods Integration platform. Usage limits and quotas may vary depending on the licensing model and tier provisioned for a tenant.

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Flat File Connector Enhancements

Following enhancements are made to the Flat File Connector wizard for better usability:

Flat File Type Page - Enhanced error validation for custom input that is not in the appropriate format when specifying values for Delimiter, Fixed Length, and Variable Length parsers.

Flat File Structure Page - The newly added Data Fields panel on the Structure page allows you to manage schema fields.
You can now quickly navigate within the schema using the left, right, up, and down arrows. Additionally, you can add new elements or perform edit actions on existing elements in the property panel using the Edit Mode and utilize the keyboard shortcuts to modify the flat file schema fields.

Flat File Summary Page - The Summary page is enhanced to include the Structure tab, which displays both the file schema and sample data details for the output.

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Support for Polling Notifications in Database Connector

Polling notifiations are now available with Database connector. You can use stored procedures to retrieve data at regular intervals via polling notifications, or actively monitor tables to retrieve updates or changes.

Notifications about polling are shown in the Events panel. There are multiple choices available on the panel to add, remove, enable, and disable notifications.

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IBM® Power® Connector

IBM® Power® connector is now available for Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere.

You can create accounts and actions to exchange data with IBM Power systems through the use of IBM Toolbox for Java. IBM® Power® ensures smooth and real-time communication with the IBM Power systems.

IBM® Power® connector is now available for Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere. The access is restricted and is not publicly available. Contact IBM support to enable IBM® Power® connector for your Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere tenants.

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New and Updated Connectors

Explore new and updated connectors released recently in IBM webMethods Integration.

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Displaying Flow Service Syntactic Errors

If there are syntactic errors present while creating flow services, IBM webMethods Integration displays error messages and offers guidance to users. Ensure that all syntactic errors are corrected to enable successful saving and functioning of the flow service.

If any existing flow services contain syntactic errors, it may affect the flow service execution. You must correct these errors and rerun the affected flow services.

Fixes included in the 11.0.3 release

See the Fixes section for information on the 11.0.3 fixes.

Release 11.0

Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere and Central Control, Distributed Execution

The Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere and Central Control, Distributed Execution capabilities are currently available only with the Enterprise Plus tier. Contact your Account Executive to discuss upgrading your contract to the Enterprise Plus tier.

IBM webMethods Integration has been enhanced to seamlessly combine the strengths of the established IBM iPaaS platforms and self-managed integration platforms. With Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere, and Central Control, Distributed Execution, you can link and integrate data and applications across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments.

The Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere, and Central Control, Distributed Execution capabilities allows you to:

Read more about Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere and Central Control, Distributed Execution.

Custom Polling Intervals for Triggers

You can now customize the polling interval of a trigger by selecting the relevant interval from the Polling interval field. In the previous release, the polling interval was 5 minutes with no support for interval customization.

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Managing Private APIs, Webhooks, and Services

You can now flag APIs, webhooks, and service invocation as private, that is, these can be used only from other webMethods components, currently IBM webMethods API Gateway, running inside your tenant’s network. For instance, API Gateway can be used to secure access to any of these assets without exposing them over the internet.

APIs: REST and SOAP APIs can be marked as private by enabling the Access option during the creation or modification of APIs. Once the API is marked as private, the external API invocation URL is modified to incorporate the private label.
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Flow Services: An individual Flow service can be marked as private by enabling the Enable private invocation option.
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Webhook: A webhook can be marked as private by enabling the Private Webhook option during webhook creation or modification. Once a webhook is marked as private, it can be accessed only by API Gateway. This feature is available only for tenants with a paid plan.
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Reorganization of Listeners and Webhooks

From release 11.0, you can access the Listeners and Webhooks functionality through Events under the Projects section.

Read more about Listeners and Webhooks.

Enhancements in Insights

You can now access and download the transactions and execution count reports for a specified timeframe using the newly added Reports section in the Insights feature of both Workflows and Flow services.

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Enhancements in Queues and Topics in Messaging Service

You can now publish and consume messages from queues and topics created in other projects by marking them as shared. This allows collaboration between projects without hidden dependencies.

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Enhancements in Monitor Page

Workflows can now be filtered based on a custom context Id. These identifiers can be set from within the workflow using Set Context Id and assigned any value, such as order Id, customer name, and so on.

Read more about Context IDs.

OAuth 2.0 (JWT Client Assertion Flow) for REST Connectors

A new authentication method named OAuth 2.0 (JWT Client Assertion Flow) is introduced to connect to REST endpoints in a secure way. This method enables you to generate access tokens for backends that utilize OAuth 2.0 by allowing clients to create digitally signed JWT assertions.

Additionally, you can include custom fields by clicking the Add field button, which appears when you select the OAuth 2.0 (JWT Client Assertion Flow) authentication method. These custom fields are then displayed on the Add Account window when creating an account for the REST connector.

Currently, IBM webMethods Integration supports this authentication method exclusively for Microsoft endpoints.

Read more about the OAuth 2.0 (JWT Client Assertion Flow) authentication method.

New Project APIs

The following new APIs have been introduced in the Project APIs domain:

Read more about the new Project APIs.

Changes in Token Management Page

The Token Management page in Settings > OAuth2.0 has been modified to address security vulnerabilities. The Access Token and Refresh Token columns are now hidden, preventing other users from accessing or viewing your tokens.

Removed Connector

Starting from Release 11.0, the Notification - Send an Email connector will no longer be available for the Free Forever Edition tenants. To continue using this connector, upgrade to one of the paid plans.

Existing tenants on the Free Forever Edition plan will remain unaffected and continue to work as usual.

New and Updated Connectors

Explore new and updated connectors released recently in IBM webMethods Integration.

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Fixes included in the 11.0 release

See the Fixes section for information on the 11.0 fixes.

Customer Actions

This section provides information on the actions you need to perform before or after upgrading to IBM webMethods Integration v11.0 and the subsequent release patches or fixes.

Release 11.0.7

GitHub Accounts

GitHub accounts linked to projects prior to version 11.0.7 are visible only to administrators and are maintained solely for backward compatibility. However, any user committing changes to these projects is prompted to enter their own GitHub account and access token to ensure that they have their own credentials.

New users starting with version 11.0.7 must link their Empower credentials to the tenant before using the Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere and Central Control, Distributed Execution capabilities to access the Package Registry. For more information about how to configure your credentials, see Linking a Package Registry to Tenant.

Users prior to 11.0.7 does not require any change.

Notification - Send an Email Action Update

In this release, the Send an Email action of the Notification connector has been updated to version 5. The following restrictions should be considered:

Release 11.0.6

Public API Update

After upgrade, you will need Admin-level privileges to invoke the following API:

    GET /apis/v1/rest/users

Invoking this API with Developer-level privileges will result in a 403: Forbidden error.

Learn more about roles and privileges.

Managing Private APIs and Webhooks

Webhook: Support for domains with -internal will soon be deprecated, so you must reconfigure the alias in IBM webMethods API Gateway by using the Internal URL provided on the webhook configuration page once the Private Webhook is enabled.

APIs: Support for domains with -internal will soon be deprecated, so you must reconfigure the alias in IBM webMethods API Gateway by using the Internal URL provided under API Endpoints on the REST or SOAP API details page.

Changes to Audit Log Query Expressions

In earlier releases, you could filter specific audit logs using email addresses within the query expression in the search box. However, in this release, filtering with email addresses is no longer supported. Instead, usernames should now be used for filtering purposes.

SSL/TLS Certificate Update

SSL/TLS certificates for IBM webMethods Integration will expire on the date mentioned in the Service Status Page. If you are currently using SSL/TLS certificates with IBM webMethods Integration, download the updated certificates from the location mentioned in the Service Status Page and replace your existing certificates.
If you do not update the certificates, 2-way SSL transactions will fail and you might experience an SSL handshake error. Root and intermediate certificates remain unchanged.

Release 11.0.5

Enhancements in Messaging Service Trigger

The synchronous messaging trigger has a timeout of 6 minutes. Therefore, you need to add a Return Data on Sync Webhook action in your workflow immediately after the Start action if the workflow will take more than 6 minutes to execute.

DKIM Implementation in the Send an Email Action

To enhance security in the Send an Email action, DKIM has been implemented. This implementation validates domains, preventing the use of unknown or unauthorized domains. The following restrictions have been implemented:

In upcoming releases, we plan to remove the From Name and From Email fields from the Send an Email action.

Release 11.0.6

Public API Update

After upgrade, you will need Admin-level privileges to invoke the following API:

    GET /apis/v1/rest/users

Invoking this API with Developer-level privileges will result in a 403: Forbidden error.

Learn more about roles and privileges.

Managing Private APIs and Webhooks

Webhook: Support for domains with -internal will soon be deprecated, so you must reconfigure the alias in API Gateway by using the Internal URL provided on the webhook configuration page once the Private Webhook is enabled.

APIs: Support for domains with -internal will soon be deprecated, so you must reconfigure the alias in API Gateway by using the Internal URL provided under API Endpoints on the REST or SOAP API details page.

Changes to Audit Log Query Expressions

In earlier releases, you could filter specific audit logs using email addresses within the query expression in the search box. However, in this release, filtering with email addresses is no longer supported. Instead, usernames should now be used for filtering purposes.

Release 11.0.5

Enhancements in Messaging Service Trigger

The synchronous messaging trigger has a timeout of 6 minutes. Therefore, you need to add a Return Data on Sync Webhook action in your workflow immediately after the Start action if the workflow will take more than 6 minutes to execute.

DKIM Implementation in the Send an Email Action

To enhance security in the Send an Email action, DKIM has been implemented. This implementation validates domains, preventing the use of unknown or unauthorized domains. The following restrictions have been implemented:

In upcoming releases, we plan to remove the From Name and From Email fields from the Send an Email action.

Release 11.0.3

Deprecating support for certificates with SHA-1 based signature algorithms

IBM webMethods Integration aims to enhance application security by deprecating weak certificate signature algorithms. Moving forward, only strong algorithms will be supported.
If you are using two-way SSL or mTLS, ensure that your certificate does not utilize the SHA1 signature algorithm. Additionally, you can generate a new certificate within the application through the User -> Settings menu.

Release 11.0.0

SSL/TLS Certificate Update

SSL/TLS certificates for IBM webMethods Integration will expire on the date mentioned in the Service Status Page. If you are currently using SSL/TLS certificates with IBM webMethods Integration, download the updated certificates from the location mentioned in the Service Status Page and replace your existing certificates.
If you do not update the certificates, 2-way SSL transactions will fail and you might experience an SSL handshake error. Root and intermediate certificates remain unchanged.

Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere

Before using the Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere capability, you need to link your tenant with IBM Package Registry using Empower credentials. For more information about how to configure your credentials, see Linking IBM Package Registry to your Tenant.

Flow Service Export and Publish Update

After upgrade, if you are unable to export or publish a certain Flow service after modifying it, it is recommended to save the Flow service again. This will resolve the issue.


This section provides information on the fixes for IBM webMethods Integration version 11.0.0 and the subsequent release patches.

Release 11.0.7

Issue ID Release Date Region Description
PSRT-8531 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
A 502 Bad Gateway error was observed for the B2B_ECOM API, potentially resulting from a dropped connection.
Changes have been made to prevent such connection disruptions.
BIC-43295 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
In an instance, the scheduler, which was set to run daily, failed to run due to the prevent concurrent executions setting, which caused errors when multiple schedulers ran simultaneously.
This issue has been resolved to ensure that each run operates independently.
Flow-5981 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
A new feature has been introduced to initialize existing projects as deploy anywhere projects. This allows users to add the deploy anywhere assets into their existing projects after they have been initialized as deploy anywhere projects.
Flow-5982 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Users can add the deploy anywhere assets into their existing projects after they have been initilized as deploy anywhere projects.
Previously, users tried to add packages to a regular project that had not been initialized as a deploy anywhere project.
Flow-5944 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
In flow services, mappings are not visible in the user interface for certain fields, even though the values are correctly populated at runtime.
To view mapping, first expand the input nodes and then expand all direct mappings in the transformer.
Flow-6092 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Pressing the **ESC** key closes both the pop-up window and the entire View/Edit Pipeline pane, returning the user to the flow service overview.
Now, clicking the **Cancel** button closes the pop-up window and returns you to the View/Edit Pipeline pane.
Flow-6259 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
After users deleted the associated GitHub repositories for certain packages, they encountered an error when trying to delete the packages.
A cleanup of the affected packages was performed, as a result, the packages are no longer available.
FLOW-5979 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When opening the pipeline mapping for the flow service step, the Expand All button does not function for both Pipeline In and Pipeline Out sections.
Now, the Expand All button expands all elements in the Pipeline In and Pipeline Out sections up to the third level.
FLOW-5980 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When typing in the search field within the pipeline input/output, the field loses focus after 1 or 3 characters, requiring manual re-selection to continue typing.
The search field now remains focused while typing.
KUB-29985 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
In rare instances, users encountered a 502 Bad Gateway error when executing a flow service action, which may arise due to connection closing prematurely.
Changes are now made to the Keep Alive pool to match the underlying infrastructure and flow service components.
PIE-92842 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Integration Server experiences memory issues (high resource and memory consumption) during design time activities such as copy, paste, rename, and so on. Designer and IBM webMethods Integration show slow response times during design time activities such as copy, paste, rename, and so on with hundreds of document type references, resulting in high resource and memory consumption.
This issue is resolved. Now, Integration Server performs better by optimizing the flow service operations to minimize memory usage.
WFL-7343 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
The Execution History Logs tab failed to display logs when using multiple JSON Customizer Actions in a workflow with a Node.js transform action containing the $log() method. The issue was that the JSON Customizer and Logger actions were not capturing logs from the Node.js transform action, despite being configured to do so. Logging was only working for one of these actions and was restricted to the first action or connector in the sequence.
WFL-7417 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When invoking a flow service from a workflow, input and output variables declared as TextArea in the flow service were incorrectly displayed as plain text fields in the workflow action.
WST-8288 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When special characters are included in the objectName while using the Amazon S3 connector, the backend fails to authenticate and returns a SignatureDoesNotMatch exception.
BIC-43232 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When processing a UTF-8 BOM (Byte Order Mark) encoded file with the DelimitedDataStreamToDocument parser, the invisible BOM character was inadvertently included in the first field name, leading to integration failures. To address this issue, the parsing services delimitedDataStreamToDocument and delimitedDataBytesToDocument have been updated. Users are now required to set the skipBOMBytes (optional) parameter to True to ensure proper file parsing and prevent integration issues.
FLOW-6259 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When attempting to delete certain packages from the project, users encountered the following error message: Unable to perform dependency check on the package. Package cannot be removed.
BIC-43958 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
The deployment of assets took longer than expected, primarily due to insufficient free memory space in the Integration Server. Additionally, long-running messaging subscribers in the tenant were consuming a significant portion of the Integration Server resources.
BIC-43288 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Alert emails were not sent, even though alert rules were configured for flow service execution. This issue affected all tenants and was due to the logic for sending email alerts relying on event source information in the execution results.
Changes have now been made to ensure that alerts are triggered correctly.
September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Previously, creating a document type through XSDs took longer than expected.
Improvements have been made to ensure that it now processes within the expected timeframe.
BIC-43069 September 28, 2024
October 05, 2024
October 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Users encountered an issue where the scheduler, which was configured to run a job at a specific time, did not execute as expected.

Release 11.0.6

Issue ID Release Date Region Description
CCH-7692 October 03, 2024 West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3 IBM webMethods Integration utilizes the third-party OLINGO library to serialize data into the ODataResponse object. Previously, information about selected child properties was not being transmitted to the ODataEntityProviderPropertiesBuilder. As a result, OLINGO generated a payload that included all unselected child fields, each set to null.
To address this issue, the details of the selected child properties are now explicitly passed.
CCH-7808 October 03, 2024 West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3 In the SAP S/4HANA connector, a successful create operation would previously trigger a parsing exception if the response included a DateTime value with higher precision.
Changes are now made to resolve the issue.
WFL-7762 October 03, 2024 West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3 Users experienced system slowness when opening workflows that had been executed multiple times, primarily due to the large number of associated execution logs. Additionally, projects containing numerous workflows with high execution counts resulted in increased response times.
To resolve these issues, code optimizations are implemented to significantly enhance performance, allowing workflows and projects to open more quickly than ever before.
BIC-44111 September 27, 2024
September 25, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When running a REST API with OAuth authentication, our system attempts to validate the provided token. However, we encountered an issue where the OAuth server connection details were missing. Code changes are made to ensure that the execution server always retains the necessary OAuth authentication server connection details.
WFL-7714 September 27, 2024
September 25, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When users edited the trigger interval for the Dynamics CRM 365 trigger, the new trigger interval was not reflected for workflow execution.
This issue has been resolved, and the system now correctly considers the updated trigger interval for workflow execution.
BIC-43069 September 27, 2024
September 25, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When a user schedules a flow service to run on a specific date each month between 12:00 AM and 5:30 AM IST, the scheduler currently runs on the following day. For instance, if a user schedules a flow service to run at 4:30 AM IST on the 14th of each month, it actually runs on the 15th at 4:30 AM IST.
Changes are now made to ensure that the scheduled time and date are set correctly for the flow service execution.
BIC-43280 September 10, 2024
September 10, 2024
September 11, 2024
September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
East US Virginia Azure US2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Australia East Azure AU1
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
In a particular scenario, the TCP connection remained open when the REST API triggered a workflow from webMethods API Gateway to webMethods Integration, causing an accumulation of unused connections.
Modifications have been made to ensure that connections are properly closed and made available after each task, allowing the system to efficiently handle new requests without exhausting available connections.
September 10, 2024
September 10, 2024
September 11, 2024
September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
East US Virginia Azure US2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Australia East Azure AU1
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Previously, creating a document type through XSDs took longer than expected.
Improvements have been made to ensure that it now processes within the expected timeframe.
BIC-43288 September 10, 2024
September 10, 2024
September 11, 2024
September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
East US Virginia Azure US2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Australia East Azure AU1
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Alert emails were not sent, even though alert rules were configured for Flow service execution. This issue affected all tenants and was due to the logic for sending email alerts relying on event source information in the execution results.
Changes have now been made to ensure that alerts are triggered correctly.
WF-34148 September 05, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
This patch release is scheduled to upgrade a few OpenAI models for webMethods AI.
Please note that this capability is currently in the beta phase and is not generally available.
PIE-92842 September 03, 2024

September 04, 2024

September 05, 2024
Australia East Azure AU1
East US Virginia Azure US2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Integration Server experienced memory issues, including high resource consumption, during design-time activities like copy, paste, and rename. This also led to slow response times in webMethods Designer and IBM webMethods Integration, particularly when handling hundreds of document type references.
This issue is now resolved. Integration Server now operates more efficiently, with optimized flow service operations that reduce memory usage.
CCH-7721 August 29, 2024

August 30, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
East US Virginia Azure US2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
A new Publish Message action is now added to the AMQP 1.0 connector.
BIC-43845 August 29, 2024

August 30, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
East US Virginia Azure US2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
Certain existing SOAP APIs were inaccessible due to the tns field being marked as mandatory in the SOAP WSDL.
To resolve this issue, the tns field is now marked as optional.
WFL-7542 August 13, 2024 Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Australia East Azure AU1
East US Virginia Azure US2
Following the release of version 11.0.6, an increase in database queries was detected.
To address this, an internal maintenance patch is being released to optimize database performance.
July 28, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 Previously, when deploying workflows containing REST or SOAP connectors, users had to manually configure accounts each time they deployed the workflow.
Now, users will only need to set up accounts manually during the initial deployment.
WST-7840 July 28, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 Previously, if a user deployed a list of connectors, the deployment could fail due to the presence of another faulty connector in the project.
This issue is now resolved. Now, if a connector in the selected list is faulty, the deployment might still fail, but it will not fail because of a faulty connector outside the selected list.
BIC-42648 July 28, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 Previously, when a user tried to create a document type from an XSD file containing multiple internal references an error message was seen.
Now the user is able to create a Document Type with an XSD file or URL that has multiple XSD references.
BIC-42754 July 28, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 Previously, when the SFTP account was used at the beginning and end of a flow process, if the process took longer than the account's timeout period, the second SFTP step failed. This happened because it tried to reuse a connection that had already timed out.
Now, with this fix, if the current connection is invalid, a new connection will be established.
July 28, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 When a workflow action included a filepath field, the Test button did not function correctly. This problem arose because an incompatible library version was used to zip the test data.
The issue has now been resolved by switching to a compatible library version.
WFL-6936 July 28, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 Users can now successfully run the workflows containing deploy anywhere flow services with document references which was previously not possible.
July 28, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 IBM webMethods Integration UI was experiencing prolonged load times. This issue was caused by the notification eventStream connection, which was sending multiple API requests from the same domain. AS browsers limit the number of concurrent API requests from a single domain to six, this led to delays in the UI loading process.
Changes are now made to ensure that the notification eventStream connection will only send API requests when a user refreshes or signs in to the website.

Release 11.0.5

Issue ID Release Date Region Description
July 31, 2024
August 1, 2024
August 1, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
IBM webMethods Integration UI was experiencing prolonged load times. This issue was caused by the notification eventStream connection, which was sending multiple API requests from the same domain. As browsers limit the number of concurrent API requests from a single domain to six, this led to delays in the UI loading process.
Changes are now made to ensure that the notification eventStream connection will only send API requests when a user refreshes or signs in to the website.
FLOW-5960 July 19, 2024 West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
East US Virginia Azure US2
Users experience longer than expected loading times when accessing the Flow services option under Projects > Integrations . This issue is specific to tenants where the Develop Anywhere Deploy Anywhere capability is not enabled.
Changes are made to ensure the UI loads within the expected timeframe for all components, regardless of the tenant configuration.

July 11, 2024 EU2 Frankfurt AWS Few connector executions intermittently fail when invoked from a flow service because resources are sometimes unavailable.
Changes are made to minimize these failures, with additional changes anticipated after the 11.0.7 release.
CCH-6734 July 10, 2024 West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3 Previously, users could not connect to custom endpoints using the S/4HANA OData v2 connector. The connector has been enhanced to support the integration of custom endpoints or services that extend beyond the standard connector service list. To establish a successful connection, you can specify a Service Name parameter during connection setup and utilize unique endpoints such as sap/<function_Name> within your configurations.
CCH-7374 June 13, 2024 US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
AU1 Australia East Azure
US1 Oregon AWS
EU2 Frankfurt AWS
AU2 Sydney AWS
While executing the New File/Folder event type in the Box File or Folder Operation trigger, users encountered an issue where the filename was missing from the output.
WFL-7023 June 08, 2024 East US Virginia Azure US2 When users execute a workflow via a messaging trigger, and the messaging trigger output data has mappings within the workflow, the workflow mappings are not handled properly.
Changes are made to handle the messaging trigger output data properly.
WF-33360 June 09, 2024
June 11, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
This patch release is scheduled to enhance the webMethods AI capability on our servers. Please note that this capability is currently in the beta phase and is not generally available.
FLOW-5960 July 19, 2024 West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
East US Virginia Azure US2
Users experience longer than expected loading times when accessing the Flow services option under Projects > Integrations . This issue is specific to tenants where the Develop Anywhere Deploy Anywhere capability is not enabled.
Changes are made to ensure the UI loads within the expected timeframe for all components, regardless of the tenant configuration.

July 11, 2024 EU2 Frankfurt AWS Few connector executions intermittently fail when invoked from a flow service because resources are sometimes unavailable.
Changes are made to minimize these failures, with additional changes anticipated after the 11.0.7 release.
CCH-6734 July 10, 2024 West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3 Previously, users could not connect to custom endpoints using the S/4HANA OData v2 connector. The connector has been enhanced to support the integration of custom endpoints or services that extend beyond the standard connector service list. To establish a successful connection, you can specify a Service Name parameter during connection setup and utilize unique endpoints such as sap/<function_Name> within your configurations.
CCH-7374 June 13, 2024 US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
AU1 Australia East Azure
US1 Oregon AWS
EU2 Frankfurt AWS
AU2 Sydney AWS
While executing the New File/Folder event type in the Box File or Folder Operation trigger, users encountered an issue where the filename was missing from the output.
WFL-7023 June 08, 2024 East US Virginia Azure US2 When users execute a workflow via a messaging trigger, and the messaging trigger output data has mappings within the workflow, the workflow mappings are not handled properly.
Changes are made to handle the messaging trigger output data properly.
WF-33360 June 09, 2024
June 11, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
This patch release is scheduled to enhance the webMethods AI capability on our servers. Please note that this capability is currently in the beta phase and is not generally available.
BIC-25018 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When publishing a REST or SOAP API with reference data from the source environment to the target environment, the reference data was also being published, potentially overwriting existing values in the target environment.
Now, instead of automatically publishing reference data between environments, it is manually updated, as the data can be specific to each environment.
FLOW-5597 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When moving projects from one environment to another, users noticed problems with document references. When launching flow services in the target environment, the built-in services *DocumentToXMLString* and *XMLNodeToDocument* returned failures. This issue impacted a variety of projects and document formats.
The document type name references have been adjusted so that the services get updated appropriately during project deployment, ensuring that the correct environment references are used.
FLOW-5695 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When users attempted to add a pipeline variable after selecting a specific field, the feature did not work as intended. Furthermore, after exiting the modal, an empty field was inadvertently added to the pipeline.
Users can now add pipeline variables after selecting a specific field without worrying about an empty field being added after the modal closes.
FLOW-5589 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When attempting to loop over a TAX document array, every time the user selected the first TAX document, it remained in the array, creating an unending loop.
Changes are made to accurately access the second Tax document in the data, avoiding the unending loop issue.
FLOW-5534 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When building logic for a customer using the flow service and the Shopware API, there was an issue where the loop iterating through a list of elements could not be saved due to an "Unreachable code" error if there were multiple break statements in the 'if...else' condition.
Previously, having more than one exit statement within a repeat loop was considered erroneous. Now, the system evaluates other conditional and loop statements to determine the integrity of the flow service.
FLOW-5605 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
The displayName field for the flow service was getting corrupted. This corruption caused duplicate flow names to appear on the publish screen, leading to confusion and errors.
Users will now see the correct names of the flow services without any errors caused by the corrupted displayName.
BIC-25229, BIC-24910 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
In high-load scenarios, the OAuth 2.0 authentication server failed to respond when generating and validating tokens. This resulted in service execution failures.
The cache size has been increased to prevent the token generation and validation issues. Users can now run the services successfully.
WFL-6852 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Users encountered an issue with the Workflow-Execute API where in the message for individual input and output logs were not provided. Only the message for "type: system" logs were displayed. As part of the logs optimization feature released in version 11.0.3, "type: input" and "type: output" logs were merged with "type: system" logs. As "type: input" and "type: output" logs were no longer explicitly stored in the database, the API had to generate the relevant input/output logs for each "type: system" log associated with the specified bill. However, this translation was missing in the case of the reported API, causing the "message" property of logs to only data from "type: system" logs.
BIC-42327 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When publishing projects with SOAP APIs containing WSDLs and namespaces to other tenants, the target namespaces were not retained after deployment. Instead, they were replaced with the details of the tenant host.
WFL-6933 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Some workflows fail intermittently with the 401 - Unauthorized error. This issue occurs when the JWT token expires during the workflow execution.
The lifetime of JWT token is now increased.
WFL-5278 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Sometimes strange icons appear on screen when a page is rendering or reloading.
Screens are now loaded correctly without incorrect icons being displayed.
BIC-24806 June 02, 2024
June 09, 2024
June 16, 2024
June 22, 2024
June 23, 2024
July 06, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When a flow service references a project variable and its value is updated, sometimes the updated value does not reflect during execution and the flow service execution fails.
Now the updated value of a project variable is reflected properly during flow service execution.

Release 11.0.3

Issue ID Release Date Region Description
WFL-6921 June 12, 2024 US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Users are not receiving notifications from the RSS bot.
Changes are made to ensure that the RSS bot correctly sends notifications.
WFL-6808 June 12, 2024 US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When users set up the Clock trigger with a monthly interval, the trigger does not execute at the designated date and time.
Code changes are made to ensure that the Clock trigger runs at the specified date and time.
WFL-6921 June 12, 2024 US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Users are not receiving notifications from the RSS bot.
Changes are made to ensure that the RSS bot correctly sends notifications.
WFL-6808 June 12, 2024 US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
When users set up the Clock trigger with a monthly interval, the trigger does not execute at the designated date and time.
Code changes are made to ensure that the Clock trigger runs at the specified date and time.
WFL-6831 May 15, 2024 West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3 While sending a response to a sync webhook execution, the wrong Content-Type was passed in the response header.
Changes are made to ensure that the correct response headers are added in the Return Data on Sync Webhook action while responding to the sync webhook workflow.
BOC-29594 May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Australia East Azure AU1
East US Virginia Azure US2
The output for parameter groups is not iterating the data properly for the GetExtendedFields service. Now, the data type for the GetExtendedFields service is changed from Document to Document List.
WFL-6813 May 04, 2024
May 05, 2024
May 06, 2024
May 06, 2024
May 06, 2024
May 06, 2024
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Australia East Azure AU1
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
East US Virginia Azure US2
The execution status of a few workflows was affected by a memory leak in one of our components. However, there was no impact on the completion of the workflows.
Changes have been made to resolve this issue.
BIC-24974 May 05, 2024 US West Oregon AWS US1 Enhancements for the Flow service execution performance are released as part of this fix.
WFL-5233 May 04, 2024 Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2 While utilizing a Swagger file URL containing circular references, the Swagger Open API connector throws an error.
Code changes are made to disregard the circular references during file processing.
BIC-38906 May 04, 2024 Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2 When users publish a project from one environment to another, the reference data from the source environment overwrites the reference data of the destination environment.
Changes are made to ensure that the reference data of the destination environment is preserved.
WF-31819 April 27, 2024
April 28, 2024
May 05, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
Australia East Azure AU1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
AMQP Connector Enhancement
The AMQP 1.0 connector supports the AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol. Currently, the AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol configuration is limited exclusively to queues.
WFL-5221 April 12, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 When a workflow action fails and users directly resume the workflow execution without modifying the input, the workflow execution is resumed and completed successfully.
Changes are made to resolve this issue.
WFL-5309 April 12, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 For polling triggers, if multiple events are performed during the same polling interval, the data from only one event is recognized.
Changes are made to resolve this issue.
WFL-5311 April 12, 2024 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 After release 11.0.3, some workflow executions fail with Status 401 Unauthorized error. This issue occurs when users send the username in uppercase while sending the request.
Now, the case-insensitive condition is implemented for usernames to resolve this issue.
WFL-4948 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Some workflow executions were getting impacted because during the scale down, the engine pods were not terminating properly.
Engine pod scale down logic is improved to address this issue.
WFL-4862 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
While deploying workflows with a listener, the deployments were failing very intermittently due to socket hang up error. Exception scenarios are handled to address this issue.
WFL-4971 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
While editing an action label, if user adds hyphen (-) to the label and then resumes the workflow, the resume operation does not work properly.
Now the resume operation will work as expected even if the action label contains hyphen(-).
CCH-6320 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
The OData v4.0 Connector does not work for Microsoft Graph API. This issue is now resolved.
WFL-5089 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When users try to invoke an API operation hosted on webMethods API Gateway using the Swagger - Open API action, the 404 - Access denied error appears. This issue occurs due to the incorrect URL formed by the Swagger - Open API action.
Now, the Swagger - Open API action generates an accurate URL and invokes relevant API operation as expected.
WFL-5008 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When users test any workflow action 6 times consecutively, the screen keeps loading. Now, when users test an action consecutively, the response of the test operation appears on screen.
BIC-23953 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
If the WSDL file being used to create a SOAP API contains port names ending with _port, an error appears.
Now, all types of port names are supported for WSDL files.
BIC-21774 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Some workflows time out intermittently.
Changes have been made to resolve this issue.
FLOW-5297 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Users were unable to map child elements of a dropped parent field.
Now, users can seamlessly map child elements after dropping a parent field.
FLOW-5294 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Previously, when dropping a child node, users had the ability to drop the parent node as well.
Now, users can no longer drop parent nodes if their child nodes have already been dropped.
FLOW-5254 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Pipeline document and document reference variables' set values with nested flows were disappearing after deployment, import, and export.
Now, the set values of pipeline document and document reference variables with nested flows are retained during subsequent deployment, import, and export processes.
FLOW-5535 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Previously, the carriage return character was not parsed correctly when used within set values. Now, the fix ensures that the carriage return character is parsed accurately within set values. It includes details about displaying special characters like \r, \f, \b, and \t with run results and set value modal.
WFL-4311 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
The total number of workflow executions displayed on the Monitor page appears to be incorrect for DST time zones.
This issue is now resolved.
WFL-4401 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
While attempting to edit or copy an existing REST API, users encountered an issue where the Save button appeared to be disabled, followed by the error message: An error occurred while processing your request. Contact support.
This issue is now resolved.
CCH-6456 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When attempting to subscribe to a shared topic in the messaging service trigger, users encountered the following error message: Could not create the subscriber. An existing topic or queue name must be specified.
Changes have been made to resolve this issue.
PIE-84972 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Change to getEnvelopeStream service to specify whether a MimeMessage or InputStream will be returned when any of the body parts in the message exceed the large data threshold.

Previously, the getEnvelopeStream service always returned a javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage in the mimeMessage parameter if any of the message body parts exceed the threshold. Now, the getEnvelopeStream service includes a new input parameter to indicate if the MIME message will be returned as a MimeMessage or InputStream if the threshold is exceeded.

returnMimeMessage – String. Optional. Specifies whether the MIME message is returned as a javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage object when any of the body parts in the message exceed the large data threshold.
Set to:
- yes to return the MIME message in the mimeMessage output parameter as a MimeMessage when the large data threshold is exceeded. This is the default.
- no to return the MIME message as an InputStream in the envStream output parameter when the large data threshold is exceeded.
PIE-84565 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
The references to docTypes are updated incorrectly in REST API Descriptors (RADs). When you generate a RAD from a Swagger document, and move the RAD with associated assets across folders, some references to document types (docTypes) are updated incorrectly, leading to issues at runtime. This issue is now resolved.
PIE-85308 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Issues at runtime while invoking a REST API in IBM webMethods Integration. When invoking a REST API for a service associated with a Swagger-based REST API Descriptor (RAD), IBM webMethods Integration tends to convert the data type of the input variables in the request body to the data type defined in the service signature.
This issue is resolved. Now, IBM webMethods Integration provides an option while importing a Swagger document to decide whether to use the variable with the data type defined in the signature or the data type in the request body.
WFL-4949 March 30, 2024
April 07, 2024
May 04, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
When attempting to delete the Return Data on Sync Webhook action configured within a loop in a workflow, users encountered an error in the console log.
This issue is now resolved.

Release 11.0.0

Issue ID Release Date Region Description
FLOW-5535 April 04, 2024 AU1 Australia East Azure
US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
When users try to parse a flat file containing multiple records, only the first record gets fetched and an error appears. The issue occurred because the carriage return character was not parsed when used within set value.
Now, a parsed flat file will return relevant records.
April 04, 2024 AU1 Australia East Azure
US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
Workflows are intermittently getting into queued state.
Changes have been made to resolve this issue.
BIE-8340 March 07, 2024 US West Oregon AWS US1 Some webhook-based triggers take too long to execute.
Now, the webhook-based triggers execute on time.
WFL-4332 February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
AU1 Australia East Azure
When users try to restart a workflow containing a trigger, 502 Bad Gateway error appears. This issue occurs due to an incorrect JSON format being sent to the payload.
Now, users are able to restart a workflow containing a trigger.
WFL-4319 February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
AU1 Australia East Azure
While creating a REST connector, if users add multiple GET resources and set response body as document type, and then add POST resources and set a request body, then the same POST request body is automatically added to the GET resources.
Now, when users create a REST connector, the POST request body is not automatically added to the GET resources.
WFL-4311 February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
AU1 Australia East Azure
The execution statistics are inaccurate for the selected timeframe on the Monitor Dashboard screen. This issue occurs when the start date is specified in DST (Daylight Saving Time) format and the end date is not in DST format.
Now, Monitor dashboard shows accurate execution statistics for the selected timeframe irrespective of the selected start date and end date formats.
WFL-4401 February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
AU1 Australia East Azure
Users are unable to update the Swagger URL of an existing REST API.
Now, users can update the Swagger URL of an existing REST API.
WFL-4838 February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
US2 East Azure
EU3 West Azure
AU1 Australia East Azure
Some users are unable to view the execution logs of failed workflows.
Now, users can view the execution logs of a failed workflow.
WIE-1555 February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Addressed minor bugs and stability issues.
February 08, 2024
February 13, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
The hotfix is scheduled to install webMethods AI capability on our servers. This capability is still in the beta phase and is not generally available as of now.
WFL-31949 February 08, 2024
February 07, 2024
US West Oregon AWS US1
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Some workflow executions were experiencing intermittent timeouts.
Changes have been made to resolve this issue.
PIE-86627 January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
The projects were not getting synchronized on the edge runtime due to an additional space in the GitHub account name.
The issues associated with extra spaces in the GitHub account name have been resolved. The synchronization process is working as expected on the edge runtimes.
BOC-22218 January 22, 2024
January 22, 2024
January 22, 2024
East US Virginia Azure US2
West Europe Netherlands Azure EU3
Australia East Azure AU1
In IBM webMethods Integration, the payload fails to reach the recipient when you resend the payload using the send operation of the AS2 connector after a specific period (approximately 10 minutes).
WIE-1389 January 12, 2024
January 12, 2024
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
The issue was associated with the transformation behavior in the deploy anywhere flow service, specifically when dealing with a document type containing an array. In the Repeat step, the output field would display an array list even when the input field was a single document.
The transformation behavior now functions as expected, and the array in the Repeat step is considered as a single dimension field.
WIE-1378 December 14, 2023 Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2 The assets related to older packages stored in an external GitHub repository were not being displayed. This issue occurred because assets related to the previous package naming convention were not retrieved.
Now, the assets associated with older package naming conventions are properly retrieved and displayed under Projects.
December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
The Integration Runtimes page now presents the status of edge runtime instances accurately.
Earlier, when instances were stopped, the status appeared as Unknown.
December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
From 11.0 version, you can use the pub.utils:generateUUID service from an edge runtime.
WFL-4033 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
When users try to import a custom recipe into a workflow, the following error message appears: `502 Bad Gateway`.
This issue is now resolved.
BIC-23051 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
All users configured in the alert rule continue to receive alert notifications every 15 minutes for a Flow service, even though the corresponding alert rule was set for different time frequencies or has been deactivated.
This issue is now resolved.
WFL-4221 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Users are unable to disable the connector action attached to an Error Handler action. Code changes made to ensure that users can disable the required connector actions attached to an Error Handler action.
WFL-4206 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
When users deploy a workflow with a trigger, make some changes to the workflow, and then revert to the deployed workflow version, the configured trigger goes missing. Code changes made to ensure that the trigger stays intact in the deployed workflow version.
FLOW-5214 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Debugging breakpoints in complex nested flow structures, especially when using if-else conditions was not effective.
The debugging process for nested flow structures has been streamlined. During runtime, the program pauses at designated breakpoints, facilitating straightforward debugging.
FLOW-5124 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Users were unable to set empty values into a document as well as could not configure values at the parent level of the document reference. This issue was observed when dealing with internal structures containing documents and document arrays.
Users can now assign empty values to a document. The managing of empty values at the parent level of the document reference has been addressed, regardless of the complexity of the internal structure.
FLOW-5159 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
The Log business data field value was overwritten by another field's alias in the Log Business Data dialog. This issue was observed while reopening the Log Business Data dialog.
The Log business data field values are now retained in the mentioned scenario.
BIC-23232 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
Adding new fields to an existing XSD-created document type is now possible. Furthermore, deleting a parent document type also deletes the linked child documents, unless the child is used by another parent document.
Also, deleting a child document type flags all related parent and child document types for recursive deletion.
WFL-4113 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
In an instance when a REST connector is configured, an incorrect header Operation is seen on the document types page within the table. With this fix, the problem has been addressed and the header is corrected to display Name.
WFL-4065 December 02, 2023
December 09,2023
December 16, 2023
Asia Pacific Sydney AWS AU2
Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2
US West Oregon AWS US1
The REST Connector "DownloadESSJobExecutionDetails" is now seen in the "Configuration > Workflow > Connections" section when deploying it to another environment.

Known Issues

This section provides information on known issues for IBM webMethods Integration v11.0 and the subsequent release patches.


Polling notifications are not being enabled when database objects already exist and the following error message appears:
Error: The database objects for “xxx” notification already exist. You can delete the objects and try enabling the notification again. To delete the existing database objects use the “pub.pollingNotificationUtils:dropDatabaseObjects” service.

Workaround: Either delete or drop related database objects.

Ordered Notification is not being enabled when multiple conditions are added for multi-table selection and the following error message appears:
Error: Cannot enable Polling Notifications : “xxx”. Cause: Execution of DDL query of Notification failed during enable/disable. Please check the datatypes of columns selected in notification. ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

Workaround: Specify query conditions using only a single table for notifications.


Polling notifications are not being enabled when database objects already exist and the following error message appears:
Error: The database objects for “xxx” notification already exist. You can delete the objects and try enabling the notification again. To delete the existing database objects use the “pub.pollingNotificationUtils:dropDatabaseObjects” service.

Workaround: Either delete or drop related database objects.

Ordered Notification is not being enabled when multiple conditions are added for multi-table selection and the following error message appears:
Error: Cannot enable Polling Notifications : “xxx”. Cause: Execution of DDL query of Notification failed during enable/disable. Please check the datatypes of columns selected in notification. ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

Workaround: Specify query conditions using only a single table for notifications.


Test button fails for workflow actions containing a filepath field.
Workaround: If the Test button does not work as expected for a workflow action, manually run the workflow. Then, use the execution log data from the relevant action to map and configure the rest of the workflow.

When users send bursts of sync workflow execution requests over the rate limit to IBM webMethods Integration, sometimes they receive “System: The requested operation cannot be performed at the moment. Please try again after some time.” error.
Workaround: Send sync workflow execution requests in smaller batches.

When you create a custom Node.js connector with label (name) as test and test it, the output shows error.

After logging out from IBM webMethods iPaaS, when a user logs in again using a different username and then navigates to IBM webMethods Integration using the App Switcher, the user sees that the earlier user’s session has still not been logged out.
Workaround: Log out from IBM webMethods Integration instead of from IBM webMethods iPaaS.

Flow Services

In a transform pipeline, when both direct mappings and prediction mappings are present and you try to scroll the pipelineInput or pipelineOutput columns, the mapping lines are broken.
Workaround: Collapse and expand the direct mappings. The mapping lines will be repainted properly. This issue exists only when the scroll bar exists and you scroll either horizontally or vertically.

The icon position for adding a new Flow service step is not proper when the Expand All and the Collapse All buttons are used.
Workaround: Toggle the expanded state of the step on which the icon appears. This corrects the icon position when adding a new step.

Ensure that you provide correct values for the input fields in the Set Value or Run dialog boxes when running a Flow service. This is because the input values are not validated according to their data types by the system and you may encounter errors.


When a user updates a SOAP connector with another WSDL file having different port bindings, the new connector URL and port binding value do not get updated in the existing account of that SOAP connector.
Workaround: Create a new account for that SOAP connector instead of updating the existing account.

When a Database service is edited, a side panel appears by default, which hides the delete or edit button.
Workaround: Minimize the overlay or side panel.

When the Firefox web browser is used to add or edit the Database Account, port number validation fails.

SAP® ERP metadata lookup for a business object intermittently returns empty data.

Unable to edit imported action with created account.
An account name is associated with each SAP® ERP action. If the account with associated account name is not enabled in the project, the SAP® ERP action cannot be edited.
When an export/import function is used, the SAP® ERP action in the target project contains the associated account name.
However, the SAP® ERP account is not created in the target project.
Workaround: To edit the SAP® ERP action in the target project, do the following:
- If an SAP® ERP account with an associated account name exists in the target project, enable the SAP® ERP account in the target project and disable it in all other projects.
- If an SAP® ERP account with an associated account name does not exist in the target project, create and enable the SAP® ERP account in the target project.

In the Database connector, updating an Update operation leads to incorrect output.
Workaround: Once you add or delete the table columns or data fields, verify the input/output names and update the proper input/output names if they are not correct.

Editing an imported workflow or flow service having database connector operations displays an error.
When a workflow or a flow service is exported using the IBM webMethods Integration export functionality, the connection name is not saved in the exported workflow or flow service. On editing the database operation in the imported workflow or flow service, the connection associated with the action is not found.
Workaround: The imported workflow or flow service having database operations can be executed with a valid connection.

The SQL query in CustomSQL is parsed by the system using a third-party SQL query parser (FoundationDB SQL Parser) to populate the input and output. When the SQL query parser is unable to parse, the error Failed to fetch Database Metadata appears.
Workaround: If the input and output for CustomSQL operation is not populated, ignore the error and configure the input and output explicitly.

The database connection gets disabled whenever the edge runtime container restarts.
Workaround: You can resync the edge runtime from the Flow Editor page or, do the following:
1. Go to Integration Runtimes > Connections page of the corresponding edge runtime.
2. Click the Restart option for the relevant database connection to initiate the restart of the connection.


Contact Support error observed while deploying a project having an SAP® ERP listener. This issue occurs while deploying a project having SAP® ERP listener notifications.
When you deploy a project containing SAP® ERP listener notifications, the deploy wizard provides you with an option to either create a new listener or select an existing listener. This listener is associated with the listener notification being deployed.
When you select a listener from the drop-down list, which is in disabled mode or enable pending mode, the listener notification deployment fails with an error related to enabling the listener. If you continue with the deployment even after the error, An error occurred while processing your request. Contact support. error message appears.
Workaround: Always select an enabled listener while deploying a project having SAP® ERP listener notifications.


Users are unable to update the custom time field under the Monitor tab with a simple click in Firefox browser.
Workaround: In Firefox, users can clear the time field value they want to update and re-enter the required value. Alternatively they can use any other browser to update the custom time field value with a simple click.

Monitor in Deploy Anywhere, Develop Anywhere

In the Monitor page, if you select multiple projects in the Filters field, then the Executions list displays each project as a separate entry in the list. This is applicable for projects having Develop anywhere, deploy anywhere assets.

The Download logs option is not be available for the cloud and edge runtime transactions on the Monitor > Flow service execution page.

Projects in Deploy Anywhere, Develop Anywhere

The access control permissions are not supported for IBM webMethods Integration Projects.

You cannot work on projects and assets created by other users.

Projects prefixed with the WM word are currently designated exclusively for product packages within edge runtimes. Any develop anywhere, deploy anywhere assets generated within these projects are not deployed to the edge runtime.

Integration Runtimes User Interface

The mouse pointer does not respond when you hover on the button corners.

Cloud Runtime

Occasionally, project dependency packages may not be automatically restored after the cloud runtime restarts.
Workaround: The recommended approach is to manually add those packages again in such cases.

Edge Runtime

An edge runtime running in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) connects to IBM webMethods Integration through an outbound internet connection rather than through any private link.

Connectors in Deploy Anywhere, Develop Anywhere

The Database connector icon is not displayed in the Flow service Listing view for deploy anywhere flow services.

The Delete button is not visible while editing a custom action for the Database connector. The Delete button is hidden under the Overview page.
Workaround: You must toggle the Overview page to perform the Delete action.

You cannot deploy a deploy anywhere flow service from an edge runtime to cloud runtime. A connection not available error appears. This error occurs as the database account in the cloud runtime is in the disabled state.
1. Navigate to Integration Runtimes.
2. Select Cloud Runtime.
3. Go to the Connections tab.
4. Enable the connection.
5. Run the deploy anywhere flow service.

The port numbers are not validated in the Database connector’s Add account dialog box.

If the Firefox web browser is used to add or edit the database account, port number validation fails.

The Driver Group and DataSource Class fields are displayed as text fields instead of drop-down lists when editing connections.

The disabled database connection in an edge runtime is enabled automatically after syncing the deploy anywhere flow services.

The database connection gets disabled whenever the edge runtime container restarts. Workaround: You can resync the edge runtime from the Flow Editor page or, do the following:
1. Go to Integration Runtimes > Connections page of the corresponding edge runtime.
2. Click the Restart option for the relevant database connection to initiate the restart of the connection.

Date type values retrieved in the IBM Power connector displays as one day old when the IBM Power server and the connector operate in different time zones. This discrepancy affects date values in operations such as Write DataQueue, Read DataQueue, and Call Program services. This issue does not occur if the server and connector time zones are the same.

The Call Command Service’s Command Name drop-down field lists both the non-interactive and interactive command names. It is important to note that this service is designed specifically for the execution of non-interactive batch commands. Workaround: Users must select only non-interactive commands for the service to provide the desired results. Selection of interactive commands may not provide the expected results.

You cannot sync your package while creating an action in the Database connector in Flow Editor.
Workaround: To sync a package while creating an action in the Database connector, you need to do the following:
1. Go to Integration Runtimes and select the Edge Runtime. The Edge Runtime dashboard appears.
2. Go to Projects.
3. Click Sync. The package gets refreshed with the latest changes.

Deploy Anywhere Flow Services

The Sync button is in disabled mode by default. It is enabled after you save the service.

WIE-361, WIE-400
The Sync In Progress dialog box does not respond when you try to run a deploy anywhere flow service with errors.

The error message, The Edge Runtime Default is unavailable appears when you try to run a deploy anywhere flow service that is having a flow step without any action.

Deploy anywhere flow service fails with a b2b exception. This is due to an expired or unpaired Empower token. If any of the project in edge runtime has the Database account created using this token will pose issue.
Workaround: Create a database account with a valid token and run the services.

The cloned deploy anywhere flow services are not listed in the warning message when you try to delete any custom operations.

Deploy anywhere flow service invocations have the default timeout set to one minute. Due to this, the deploy anywhere flow services that have larger processing times, higher payloads, or complex steps might take more than a minute, causing the service to fail with a timeout error. Currently, this value is not configurable.


In the Security feature, enabling Java services from Allowed to Denied throws an error.

The REST and SOAP resources for dependent packages are not displayed in the Assets page.

The asset details displayed in the Assets Page do not include nested packages imported from GitHub.
Workaround: You must manually install packages.

Deploy anywhere flow services using dependent custom packages might encounter errors if the dependent custom packages are deleted. This issue is observed in scenarios where the custom packages were added as dependents to other projects in the same tenant.
Workaround: Recommendation is not to add custom packages as dependents to the projects that are in the same tenant.