Release 10.12

Explore the release highlights, usage notes, known issues, and fixes for IBM webMethods Integration.

What's New

New features and enhancements Description
External messaging providers The Messaging feature in Integration now supports publishing and consumption of messages through external Messaging Providers. Currently, Integration supports Universal Messaging in the webMethods Cloud Container as an external messaging provider. A new connector, JMS, has been added to publish messages to the external provider. Like any other connector, you must create a JMS account to connect to the external messaging provider and use them in JMS connectors and subscribers.

The JMS connector is in addition to the existing Integration Messaging connector that connects to the internal messaging provider.

Note: Currently, you can subscribe for messages from External Messaging Providers with Flow services only.
Subscriber error management New error handling options have been added to configure the subscriber’s behaviour if they encounter any errors while processing messages. These options are available on the Subscriber settings page, which is accessible from the New subscriber or Update subscriber pages.

Based on the type of error encountered, you can configure the subscriber to suspend, retry, or recover the message.

Note: Error handling options are applicable only if the invocation target is a Flow service.

Downloading Workflow execution logs You can now download workflow execution logs (all or filtered records) in either JSON or CSV format to your local machine.
To do this, click the Download logs option located on the upper-right corner of the Workflow Executions section on the Monitor page.
Earlier, you could download execution logs of Flow services only.

Salesforce listener enhancements The Salesforce listener now supports the Last received replay option which replays all events that occurred after the most recently saved replay ID.
Enhanced password encryption The password provided in the Actions Input log of the workflow execution history page is now encrypted and displayed as ***** instead of plain text for enhanced security. This is applicable for workflows created using the REST connector or when setting up credentials for dynamic accounts.

Support for custom values Dropdown lists on the Workflow Mapping page now accept custom values. You can specify custom values if the dropdown list does not have the values you are looking for.

Earlier, you could select the values available only in the dropdown list.

Note: This feature is supported by dropdown lists that have the configuration field_usereditable set to true.
Workflow execution logs for webhook and trigger Workflow execution logs are not maintained by default for webhook or trigger executions. To view the detailed execution logs, select the option Maintain workflow execution logs when executed via webhook or trigger in Workflow Settings.

Note: The Maintain workflow execution logs when executed via webhook or trigger option is automatically disabled after seven days for existing tenants.

Optimization of Flow service execution logs Performance of Flow service execution history data loading on the Monitor page has been optimized in this release. This has been achieved by caching the Flow service execution history summary data and removing unwanted columns from the Execution History table.

Earlier, the data loaded quite slowly on the Monitoring page, especially when you selected multiple weeks.
Import and export of custom CloudStreams connectors Flow services and Workflows that contain custom CloudStreams connectors can now be exported and imported across multiple environments. Earlier versions did not offer this capability. You can now reuse your custom CloudStreams connectors in multiple environments.

The behavior is as follows:

  • Whenever you attempt to import a workflow or a Flow service that contains custom CloudStreams connectors, ensure that the connector is installed in the destination environment. If not, an error message appears and you cannot import the workflow or Flow service containing the custom CloudStreams connector.

  • Whenever you attempt to export a workflow or a Flow service that contains custom CloudStreams connectors, a warning message appears.

  • Similarly, whenever you publish or deploy a project that contains custom CloudStreams connectors, error and warning messages appear.
New APIs New APIs have been introduced in the following domains:

  • Project APIs: Allows you to retrieve a list of project assets, publish a project, deploy a project, create a project parameter, delete a project parameter, update a project parameter, list project parameters, and retrieve a project parameter.

  • Role Management APIs: Allows you to create a role for a particular tenant, update an existing role, delete a role, retrieve details of a particular role, and list a collection of roles associated with a particular tenant.

  • User Management APIs: Allows you to retrieve a list of users associated with a particular tenant and assign roles to a user.

  • Themes APIs: Allows you to create a theme, manage themes, retrieve theme details, list themes, and retrieve default values for the current theme.

  • Webhook APIs: Allows you to retrieve details of workflows that are webhook-enabled, regenerate webhook URL for an existing workflow in a particular tenant, and add an authentication mechanism to a webhook in a particular tenant.

  • Recipes APIs: Allows you to create a recipe, delete a recipe, retrieve recipe details, and retrieve all recipes for a tenant.
Deprecation notification - public API requests The following URL path for all public APIs that were introduced in Release 10.11 are deprecated and will be removed in a later release:

Deprecated URL: <domain>/enterprise/v1/rest/...

New URL: <domain>/apis/v1/rest/...

  • In this release, both the deprecated URL and the new URL are supported for the following public APIs:
    • Workflow APIs - Exporting, importing, deleting, executing a workflow, and retrieving workflow execution status.
    • Flow service APIs - Exporting, importing, deleting, and executing a Flow service.
    • Project APIs - Creating, updating, deleting, retrieving a project, and retrieving a list of projects.
  • In this release, deprecated URLs are supported only for backward compatibility and will become obsolete in a later release.
  • It is strongly recommended that you review the current deployment and change the implementation to utilize the new URL format provided.
  • This will be a minor revision and the API version will not be impacted.
New services The following new services have been added in this release in the Document, Flow, and Schema categories:
  • Document
    • removeNullFields: Removes null fields from the given document. Optionally, by specifying trimStringFields and removeEmptyStringFields, you can trim leading and trailing spaces in a string field, and after trimming the fields, if the string field length is zero, they can be removed. For array fields, it reduces the size of the array by the number of null fields. After removing all the null fields, if the size is zero, the array field is removed from the given document.
  • Flow
    • getRetryCount: Retrieves the retry count and the maximum retry count for a service.
    • throwExceptionForRetry: Throws an ISRuntimeException and instructs to re-execute a service using the original service input.
  • Schema
    • validate: Validates an object using an IS document type, XML document type, or an IS schema.
    • validatePipeline: Validates the pipeline against a document type.
Monitor page enhancements The following enhancements are now available in the Workflow Execution and Flow service Execution features:

  • A new column Duration is included in the Executions table. This column displays the duration of a particular workflow or a Flow service execution.

  • The new Settings option is added in the upper-right corner of the page beside the Download Logs option. This option, when clicked, displays a list of column names and allows you to select the columns you want to view in the Executions table based on your requirements. Column names that are not selected will be hidden in the Executions table.

  • In the Flow service Execution page, a Sort by provision is added beside the column names in the Executions table that allows you to view a list of execution details in an ascending or descending order based on the following criteria:
    • Name: Sorts the list based on the Flow service name.
    • Start Time: Sorts the list based on the Flow service start time.
    • Duration: Sorts the list based on the length of the Flow service execution duration.

  • In the Running Executions table on the Flow service Execution page, you can now select one, multiple, or all running Flow service executions to terminate in just one click. In earlier releases, you could terminate only one running Flow service execution at a time.

  • On the detailed execution page of a particular Flow service, a new detail Transaction count is added. It displays the total number of transactions consumed by that particular Flow service during an execution.

SAP® ERP enhancements Transaction Store
SAP® ERP now provides a transaction store that allows you to monitor the transaction state of messages. The transaction ID uniquely identifies the transaction.

ALE Listener notification
The ALE listener notification works in conjunction with a listener to filter and process the IDocs in a synchronous manner.

Prioritize Listener notifications in SAP® ERP
You can rearrange and change the priority of the listener notifications in SAP® ERP.

New built-in services
SAP® ERP now provides the following built-in services to simplify and accelerate user interaction with the system:

  • clientConnect
  • clientLockSession
  • clientReleaseSession
  • clientInvoke
  • clientInvokeTransaction
  • clientCreateTID
  • clientConfirmTID
  • clientGetAttributes
  • clientGetFunctionInterface
  • clientGetStructureDefinition
  • clientGetThroughput
  • clientSendIDoc
  • clientSendIDocLists
  • clientPing
  • RFCdecode
  • RFCencode
  • RFCcreateTemplate
  • IDocDecodeSDATA
  • IDocDecodeString
  • documentToIDoc
  • IDocEncodeSDATA
  • IDocEncodeString
  • IDocToDocument
  • IDocToTables
  • tablesToIDoc
  • IDocEncode
  • IDocDecode
  • IDocTrace
  • swapSenderReceiverLS
  • SYSTAT01report
  • BAPIdecode
  • BAPIencode
  • BAPIcreateTemplate
  • BAPIcommit
  • BAPIrollback
  • listTransactions
  • getTransaction
  • getTransactionMessageBody
  • getTransactionLog
  • setTransactionCacheParameter
  • storeTransactionConfig
  • deleteTransaction
  • deleteAllTransactions
  • sweepTransactions
  • ALEinboundProcess
  • ALEoutboundProcess
  • ALEgetRoutingInfo_Default
  • ISinboundProcess
  • RFCinboundProcess
  • RFCoutboundProcess
  • XMLinboundProcess
  • XMLoutboundProcess
  • BAPIinboundProcess
  • BAPIoutboundProcess

    Built-in Services Specifications:
  • ALE Routing Info Default
  • ALE Routing Info
  • ALE Mapping Info
  • ALE Mapping Info Default
  • XML Routing Info

    Enable and disable Listeners for SAP® ERP
    You can now view a more detailed listener status such as Pending enabled, Pending disabled, Enabled, and Disabled.

  • Enhancements in errors, warnings, and information messages Error and warning messages for the following functionalities have been revised for enhanced usability:

    • Exporting or importing workflows or Flow services containing custom CloudStreams connectors.

    • Publishing or deploying projects containing custom CloudStreams connectors.

    • Importing Flow services.
    Stability and performance improvements The following stability and performance improvements have been implemented in this release:
    • Auto Scaling is added for more components in the execution platform for paid users to improve their TPS (transactions per second) rate. Your systems are now monitored, and their capacity automatically adjusted to maintain a steady and predictable performance.
    • Execution logs are now directly stored into the database using an efficient log collector.
    Copy field names A new option, Copy field name, has been added in the Pipeline tasks that allows you to copy any field name in the Pipeline panel. You could use this option if you would like to extract field names only, instead of the complete metadata of the node as using Copy fields.
    Message retention period Messages are now retained by the internal messaging providers for 30 days instead of seven days. In case your messaging provider is external, you can specify the retention period through the timeToLive parameter according to your needs.
    File size limit restrictions You can now upload files of any size and run integrations using the HTTP, REST API, and SOAP API interfaces.
    Earlier, Integration had a 1 MB file size limitation and displayed a 413 error when integrations exceeded the file size limit.
    Tutorials In this release, new tutorials are added to assist you in understanding the features of Integration.
    New and updated Connectors Explore new and updated connectors released each month in Integration.
    Asset support matrix View the list of functions supported for various assets in the current version of Integration.


    This section provides information on the fixes for IBM webMethods Integration v10.12.

    Issue ID Release Date Region Description
    CCH-4425 October 15, 2022 EU2 Frankfurt AWS While executing Node.js CLI connectors, the following error message appears: dial tcp connect: connection refused. This issue is now resolved.
    BIC-17357 September 14, 2022 US1 Oregon AWS Listener packages were not loading correctly due to multiple reload requests resulting in lock issues.
    Changes are made to remove unnecessary reloads. In addition, packages are now deleted and reloaded when a lock issue occurs.
    BIC-17462 September 14, 2022 US1 Oregon AWS Flow services initiated through the Salesforce listener did not run successfully. This issue occurred because IBM webMethods Integration did not respond due to high load.
    Retry logic has now been added to run the Flow services. Failed Flow services are retried 180 times with a default interval of five seconds.
    BIC-15390 August 29, 2022 EU2 Frankfurt AWS Workflow did not respond when run from the console. This issue occurred when the user clicked the Start button before the previous workflow’s execution process cleanup was completed.
    Added a verification step to ensure that the user can click the Start button only after the previous workflow execution process cleanup is completed.
    BIC-15212 August 29, 2022 EU2 Frankfurt AWS The signature in webMethods API was not getting synched to the webhook. Following error message was displayed when a user tried to save the API: Not all the path parameters in the URL template are present as variables of type String in the input signature of Service fld_1018430376_stage00.projects.fl7f72df15d038f2b2b2f40d.workflows:fld09ae0a270bd59cd3ce3bb. Missing parameter(s): [userId, id].
    Corrected the API mapping while updating the Workflows or Flowservices. Now the error messages display the correct project id and integration id values.
    BIC-16520 August 28, 2022 US1 Oregon AWS An error occurred when running the IBM webMethods IntegrationReceive850ScanSource for this document. The original error was Error executing via wmio integration: [ISC.0064.9324] Server Error: 502 Bad Gateway. This issue occurred due to network connectivity issues when saving the entries in the database.
    Added a retry logic to ensure that the data is saved after the database network connectivity is restored.
    BIC-15992 August 28, 2022 EU3 West Azure The API name was not displayed in the swagger.yaml file but was displayed in the swagger.json file. This issue was observed when an API was generated from a Flow service.
    Title is now added to the YAML file downloaded from the REST API.
    BIC-16648 August 28, 2022 US1 Oregon AWS The Flow service ran successfully but did not save the data to database due to connectivity issues. Due to this the following errors were observed: B2B errors (integration execution failed), one processed 4.5 hrs later, one did not Process.
    Added a retry logic to ensure that the data is saved after the database network connectivity is restored.
    WFL-73 August 29, 2022 EU2 Frankfurt AWS Users were unable to test a Memory store action with the Transform functionality.
    Users can now test the Memory Store action with the Transform functionality.
    WFL-28 August 29, 2022 EU2 Frankfurt AWS Workflows did not run successfully when the project parameter was changed to password mode in a NodeJS custom action input. The workflow fails with the following error: {{{}} “name”: “SyntaxError”“message”: “Unexpected token [ in JSON at position 2”}.
    Workflows now run successfully in the mentioned scenario.
    WST-6275 August 28, 2022 US1 Oregon AWS The listener got disabled intermittently whenever the 403::Unknown Client error was received from Salesforce.
    The listener now does not get disabled in the mentioned scenario.
    WST-6276 August 28, 2022 US1 Oregon AWS At times, listeners did not respond when an Invalid replayID error was received from Salesforce. This issue was observed when the Select replay option was configured as Last Received in IBM webMethods Integration.
    IBM webMethods Integration now retries to recover the listeners with the Select replay option All in the mentioned scenario.
    PIE-75626 August 28, 2022
    August 29, 2022
    US1 Oregon AWS
    EU2 Frankfurt AWS
    Users were unable to view Workflows or Flow services in the Stage environment. This issue was observed when the log messages in the queue exceeded the limit.
    The queue implementation has now been removed and the log messages are processed in parallel, thus improving the performance. The Workflows and Flow services are now displayed without any delays.
    WF-24903 August 28, 2022
    August 29, 2022
    US1 Oregon AWS
    EU2 Frankfurt AWS
    OAuth 2.0 authentication for Coupa
    Coupa has strengthened its security for all API integrations and require the use of only OAuth 2.0 authentication for all integrations. You can select this authentication type while adding a custom action in Coupa.

    OAuth 2.0 authentication for Coupa requires Scope - assignment which is like a set of permissions set on the API key. You can find the list of scopes and their underlying Coupa permissions by going to the Coupa API Scope management page at /oauth2/scopes. Scopes are available for review on https://{your_instance_address}/oauth2/scopes.
    For detailed steps on OAuth client creation and scope assignment in Coupa, see the OAuth 2.0 Transition Guide available at the Coupa Success Portal.
    WF-24927 August 28, 2022
    August 29, 2022
    US1 Oregon AWS
    EU2 Frankfurt AWS
    OAuth 2.0 authentication for SAP SuccessFactors
    OAuth 2.0 authentication is enabled for the SAP SuccessFactors connector to authenticate users in a more secure way.

    Mandatory fields required to generate the access token to authorize the API requests under the OAuth 2.0 authentication for SAP SuccessFactors are as follows:
    • Company ID: SuccessFactors Company ID.
    • Client ID: API Key you obtain after you register your client application in SAP SuccessFactors.
    • Grant Type: Set the value to urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:saml2-bearer.
    • Assertion: Base64-encoded assertion obtained from generating a SAML Assertion.

    WF-18488 August 28, 2022
    August 29, 2022
    US1 Oregon AWS
    EU2 Frankfurt AWS
    The following changes are implemented in the Edit Account screen:
  • In earlier releases, when you clicked the Edit Account button, all the existing values of the mandatory fields were automatically cleared. You had to re-enter the value for each mandatory field.
    Now the existing values of the mandatory fields (for example, Client Key) are masked.

  • You can now update the masked value of any mandatory field. To do so, click the Edit icon on the relevant mandatory field, enter updated value, and click Save.

  • FLOW-4109 August 28, 2022 US1 Oregon AWS You can now modify a document type created from an XML Schema Definition.
    August 28, 2022 US1 Oregon AWS A generic error message was displayed when deploying B2B projects to higher environments as the Rosettanet object (3B2 V01.01) was not getting deployed. Also, the same issue was observed when exporting or publishing a Flow service having 3B2 PIP documents.
    IBM webMethods Integration has been updated to manage large document types which are generated from the XSD files during export/import or publish/deploy. This ensures that the projects are deployed successfully to other environments.