GitHub Repositories

Add and manage a GitHub repository to store the package or project files.

You can use a GitHub repository in a public GitHub account, or a GitHub Enterprise Server account to store your integration packages. A package corresponds to a folder or a container for organizing your integrations.

Configuring GitHub Accounts

Before you begin

Basic Flow

  1. Click Profile () > Settings from the IBM webMethods Integration title bar. A list of various settings applicable for IBM webMethods Integration appears.

  2. Click Version Control. The Version Control page appears, listing all existing GitHub accounts related to the logged in user.

    GitHub accounts linked to projects before version 11.0.7 are considered shared and only Administrators can view and manage them. Users who want to commit changes to such a project will be prompted to enter a GitHub username and access token when committing for the first time.

    Sample Screen for Admin Users

    Sample Screen for Non-Admin Users

  3. In the Version Control page, click (). The Add git account page appears.

  4. Provide the following details in the Add git account page:

    • Source Control - Account: Unique name for the account. The source control account name can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and spaces. It cannot begin with a space and exceed 36 characters.

    • Username: User name used to access the GitHub server.

    • Hostname: Name of the GitHub server. The default value is

      Do not add http// or https// in front of the host name. Simply enter or, where enterprise is the name of your organization.
    • Personal Access Token: Personal access token for the GitHub account.

  5. Click Validate and do one of the following:

    • If the Token Expiry Date field displays a date, verify that this is the correct date when the personal access token expires. The date is provided in GitHub.

    • If the Token Expiry Date field displays as No expiry, this means that the personal access token is valid for lifetime.

    If the validation is successful, the Add button is enabled.

  6. Click Add. The GitHub repository account is saved and listed in the Version Control page.

Click the corresponding Edit and Delete icons in the Action(s) column to modify or delete a GitHub account. You cannot delete an account that is linked to an existing project. To delete an account, you must first remove all projects that are linked to the account.

Viewing Configured GitHub Accounts

Administrators can view the details of all configured GitHub accounts in the Version Control page. Other users can view, edit, or delete only the accounts they add themselves.

The displayed accounts are grouped based on the Host name. Access the Version Control page by clicking Profile () > Settings > Version Control in the IBM webMethods Integration title bar. Additionally, you can add, edit, or delete GitHub accounts from the Version Control page.

The following details are displayed in a tabular format for the configured GitHub accounts:

Use a GitHub Repository for Projects

GitHub support for projects is not available by default for the Enterprise Plus tenant. To enable the capability, contact your Account Executive.

You can use a GitHub repository in a public GitHub account, or a GitHub Enterprise Server account to store your project files. A project corresponds to a folder or a container for organizing your integrations.

In order to store the project files to your repository, you must configure your GitHub account information.

Configuring your GitHub account information allows you to securely connect to your private GitHub repositories within IBM webMethods Integration, facilitating the storage of your project assets. You can configure your GitHub account details on the Version Control page.

The basic flow to store your project files in a GitHub repository is as follows:

  1. Configure GitHub account details for accessing your GitHub repository. For more information, see Configuring Git Accounts.

  2. Link the GitHub account details to a project to store the project assets. For more information, see Linking Projects to a GitHub Repository

After successfully linking to a project, the project files are stored in the configured GitHub repository. To view, update, or delete any of the configured GitHub accounts, see Viewing Configured GitHub Accounts.

  • A GitHub account is required to store your project files in a GitHub repository.

  • A GitHub repository cannot be linked to existing projects. You can link only new projects to a GitHub repository.

  • A project’s GitHub repository cannot be changed after a project is linked to a GitHub repository. Also, you cannot transfer existing projects to a GitHub repository. You can only link new projects to a GitHub repository.

  • A single GitHub repository cannot be associated with multiple projects.

  • Workflows and flow services are not currently included in version control. Only deploy anywhere flow services and related assets are saved in your GitHub repository.