

AgileApps provides an interface to other products and applications to communicate with the AgileApps platform. Other products and Applications can use this connector to invoke any AgileApps REST API.

Custom Actions

AgileApps connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.

To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.


AMQP (Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol) is an open source messaging protocol operating in the application layer of ISO OSI model. AMQP mandates the behavior between the message provider and the client in a similar way of other protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and so on.



  • If the Hub and Spoke plan is enabled for your tenant, you can establish a connection from your private VPC using a private link for this connector.
  • The AMQP connector supports the AMQP 0-9-1 messaging protocol.
  • If the AMQP listener connection fails, Integration automatically tries to reestablish the connection thrice at intervals of 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 60 seconds. After the third attempt, if the connection is not established, you receive a Max retry reached error, and the listener stops working.
    You can then optionally modify and reactivate the same listener or create a new one.

AMQP 1.0

AMQP (Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol) is an open source messaging protocol operating in the application layer of ISO OSI model. AMQP mandates the behavior between the message provider and the client in a similar way of other protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and so on.

  • The AMQP 1.0 connector supports the AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol. Currently, the AMQP 1.0 messaging protocol configuration is limited exclusively to queues.
  • If the Hub and Spoke plan is enabled for your tenant, you can establish a connection from your private VPC using a private link for this connector.



API Specs

Create custom actions with ease using RAML and Swagger.



IBM webMethods Integration supports:

  • OpenAPI version 2.
  • OpenAPI version 3.0.x (up to version 3.0.2).
  • Currently, only JSON definition can be imported. YAML import is not supported.


Api2Pdf allows you to create PDFs from HTML, URLs, images, and office documents. Furthermore, PDF files can be merged, password-protected, and marked up with bookmarks.


Custom Actions

Api2Pdf connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.


Zip and unzip files with ease.



Runtime systems, for example SAP® or Oracle® systems, have data such as the frequency of executed processes and their data, access frequencies and problems or error messages that have occurred. IBM webMethods Integration allows using the ARIS connector to create the connection between ARIS and these systems. For example, this data can be transferred from runtime systems to ARIS and written to attributes in ARIS. Thus these real data are also available in ARIS.

Using the ARIS connector

ARIS connector allows you to create your own custom actions.

  1. Add a custom action.

    Always select ArisServices as the functional area. ArisAuthService is used internally by IBM webMethods Integration.

  2. Create a connection. Specify connection details and session parameters.

    • Account name: The account name is used to identify the connection. You can enter any name.
    • Server URL: The server URL is the URL to ARIS Repository API. Edit the domain. Typically, this is the host name of the ARIS system used. Enter only the URL and leave the /abs part unchanged.
    • Username: The user account name of ARIS.
    • Password: The password for the user name provided in the Username field.
    • Auth Server URL: The Auth Server URL is the URL to the User Management of ARIS. Edit the domain. Typically, this is the host name of the ARIS system used. Edit the domain. Enter only the URL and leave the /umc/api part unchanged.
    • Tenant: Specify default.
    • Session Management: Set to fixed.
    • Session Timeout: Set to 45 minutes.

      IBM webMethods Integration requests a session token from ARIS and uses it when calling ARIS. By default the session token expires in ARIS in sixty minutes. To ensure token renewal, use a session timeout lower than the duration of the ARIS session.

  3. Edit the parameters.

    The parameter umcsession is set internally by the ARIS connector.

    The Content-Type parameter of the request header should always be set to application/json.

    Do not edit either of the parameters.

  4. Find items in the database.

    The ARIS repository has a method for finding elements in a database. This method can be used to find groups, object definitions, or models. The ARIS connector provides a search function with three different operations:

    • find groups in a database
    • find objects in a database
    • find models in a database

ARIS Process Mining

Runtime systems, for example, SAP® or Oracle® systems, have data such as the frequency of executed processes and their data, access frequencies and problems, or error messages that have occurred. Using the IBM webMethods Integration connector for ARIS Process Mining allows you to create the connection between ARIS Process Mining and these systems. This data can be transferred, for example, from runtime systems to ARIS Process Mining and loaded into a data set for further analysis.

ARIS Process Mining supports a public data ingestion REST-API. The API allows you to transfer data from any data source to ARIS Process Mining. The data transferred to ARIS Process Mining must be in table format and must conform to JSON format.

The IBM webMethods Integration connector provides the REST operations from the data ingestion API that you can use to customize your own actions. Additionally, predefined operations allow you to directly use the most commonly used REST resources and operations or reduce the complexity of customizing REST operations.


Before you can create the connection, you must first create a system integration and connection for the data ingestion API in ARIS Process Mining. The system integration must be based on the Client credentials authentication method. The system integration provides the client ID and client secret required to create a connection between IBM webMethods Integration and ARIS Process Mining.

Connection Parameters

You must specify the following parameters to create a connection between IBM webMethods Integration and ARIS Process Mining:


Custom Actions

ARIS Process Mining connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.

The custom actions are based on the endpoints provided by the data ingestion API.


Beanstalk is a code hosting workflow that you can use to write, review, and deploy code instantly. This easy-to-use service removes the hassles of hosting code and managing deployments, thus accelerating the software development process.




Bitbucket, powered by Atlassian, offers web-based version control repository hosting service. It manages source code and projects with the help of mercurial or git that runs in the background.




The Clock trigger allows you to run a workflow automatically at a particular date or time.


  • If you set a clock trigger and set the Disable Concurrent Execution field to true, the clock trigger will not execute a new instance of the workflow till the previous workflow instance execution is completed, that is, workflow executes successfully, time outs, or fails. Let’s say we have a workflow that takes 2 minutes to execute and has a clock trigger that runs every 5 minutes. In a normal scenario, this trigger will keep executing a new workflow instance every 5 minutes. Now, if you set the Disable Concurrent Execution field to true in the Clock trigger configuration window, the clock trigger will wait for 7 minutes for the workflow to complete its execution. Only after the current workflow instance execution is completed, it will initiate a new workflow instance execution. This will enable you to prevent concurrent execution of the same workflow.
  • The UTC time zone option is available in Clock trigger version 9. It is recommended to select the UTC time zone to prevent the confusion caused by Daylight Saving Time (DST) changes in your chosen regional time zone.
  • You can set the Clock trigger for a future date and time only.


The Database allows you to connect to a database and perform database operations using a JDBC driver.

Creating a New Account

  1. Click the Connectors.

  2. Search for Database in the Available Connectors and select Database.

  3. Click New account.

  4. Provide the following details in the Add account page:

    a. Enter the action name and description for the account.

    b. Enter the following details in the Add account wizard:

    • Name: Name for the account you want to add.

    • Description: Short description for the account you want to add.

    • Database: Database you want to connect to.

    • Driver Group: Driver group used to connect to the database. Lists the pre-bundled drivers available and the drivers uploaded in the Database connector. For more information, see Certified Databases and JDBC Driver Jars. You can upload a new JDBC driver by selecting the icon next to the Driver Group dropdown list. You can upload only certified jars. For more information, see Adding Driver.

    • Transaction Type: Transaction type you want to perform. Transaction types supported are:

      • NO_TRANSACTION: Account automatically commits operations.
      • LOCAL_TRANSACTION: Account uses local transactions. With this transaction type, all of the operations on the same account in a single transaction boundary are either committed or rolled back together.
      Transaction Type must be set to LOCAL_TRANSACTION if you use the account with the following:
      • BatchInsertSQL or BatchUpdateSQL actions.
      • Notifications.
    • DataSource Class: Datasource class to be used. This field specifies the name of the JDBC driver’s datasource class.

    • Server Name: Name of the server that hosts the database.

      If the tenant cannot connect to the cloud database, then check the security settings of the cloud database.
    • User Name: Username associated with the account on the database server.

    • Password: Password for the specified user name.

    • Database Name: Name of the database to which you are connecting.

    • Port Number: Port number used for connecting to the database.

    • Truststore Alias: Alias of the truststore configuration. The truststore contains trusted certificates that are used to determine the trust for the remote server peer certificates. You can also add a new Truststore certificate by selecting the icon next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.

      This field is not available for connections on Edge Runtime.
    • Network Protocol: Network protocol that the connection must use when connecting to the database. Type TCP or TCPS to indicate the network protocol.

    • Keystore Alias: Alias for the Keystore file or the fully qualified file name of the SSL keystore.
      You can add a new Keystore certificate by selecting the icon next to the Keystore Alias dropdown list.
      See more information on Keystore and How to generate key-pair using Open SSL.

      This field is not available for connections on Edge Runtime.
    • Property Name: Name of the property. You can select the property from the drop-down list or use the ’+’ button to add a new property.


      Properties listed for you to select from the dropdown list are driver-dependent.

      • Example 1: Use this field to choose a property such as TableFilter. You can either select or type the TableFilter property in the dropdown list and enter the <current catalog>.Accounting in the input text field.
        Use {} to configure a combination of multiple key-value pairs.
      • Example 2:
        *connectionProperties={oracle.jdbc.V8Compatible=true,includeSynonymns=true }
        By default, the loginTimeout is set to 60, which is the time (seconds) that a connection waits while attempting to connect to a database.
      • The <current catalog> represents the default catalog associated with an account.
      • The <current schema> represents the default schema associated with an account.

    • Property Value: Value for the property selected.

    c. Click Next. The Add account > Advance Setting page appears.

    d. Provide the following details in Advance Setting page to configure connection pooling manually:

    Connection pooling is not enabled by default.
    • Enable connection pooling: Toggle the slider to the right to enable manual configuration of the connection pooling details. Disable the connection pooling to use system defined values.
    • Minimum and maximum Pool Size: Minimum and maximum connection pool size for this account.
      • Minimum Pool Size: Number of connections to create when the connection is enabled. The system maintains the specified Minimum Pool Size of connections, irrespective of whether these connections remain idle.
      • Maximum Pool Size: Maximum number of connections that can exist at a time in the connection pool.
    • Block timeout: Number of milliseconds that Integration waits to obtain a connection before it times out and returns an error. For example, you have a pool with maximum pool size of 20. In the event of receiving 30 simultaneous connection requests, 10 requests will be queued, awaiting a connection from the pool.
      • If you set the Block timeout value to 5000, the 10 requests will wait for 5 seconds to establish a connection before they time out and return an error. If the services using the connections require 10 seconds to complete and return connections to the pool, the pending requests will encounter failure and return an error message stating the unavailability of the connections.
      • If you set the Block timeout value too high, you may encounter problems resulting in error. If a request contains errors that delay the response, other requests will not be sent.

        This Block timeout must be tuned in conjunction with the Maximum Pool Size setting to accommodate such bursts in processing.
    • Expire timeout: Number of milliseconds that an inactive connection can remain in the pool before it is closed and removed from the pool. The connection pool removes inactive connections until the number of connections in the pool is equal to the Minimum Pool Size. The timer for an inactive connection is reset when the connection is used.
      • If you set the Expire timeout value too high, the connection pool might accumulate numerous unused and inactive connections. This not only consumes local memory but also ties up a connection on your backend resource. This could have an adverse effect if your resource has a limited number of connections.
      • If you set the Expire timeout value too low, the performance could degrade because of the increased activity of creating and closing connections.

        This Expire timeout must be tuned in conjunction with the Minimum Pool Size setting to avoid excessive opening and closing of connections during processing.

    e. Click Next.

    f. Verify the account details and other properties.

    g. Click Test connection to verify the database connection. A success message appears if the connectivity is successful.

    h. Review the account details and click Enable.

    i. Click Done. This will redirect you to the Predefined Connectors page containing the list of connectors created.

Sample Accounts

The following sample accounts are created for secured and non-secured connection for various databases.

Microsoft SQL Server


Edit the following fields for a secured connection to Microsoft SQL Server:

  • Select Truststore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.
  • Set the Other Properties to


Edit the following fields for a secured connection to Oracle:
  • Select Truststore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.
  • Set Network Protocol to tcps. The default value of tcps port is 2484.


Edit the following field for a secured connection to PostgreSQL:
  • Select the Truststore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.
  • The Network Protocol field is not mandatory for PostgreSQL account.


Edit the following field for a secured connection to MySQL:
  • Select the Truststore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.



Edit the following field for a secured connection to MariaDB:
  • Select the Truststore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.



Edit the following fields for a secured connection to SAP HANA:

  • Select Truststore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.
  • Set the Other Properties to
    loginTimeout=60;encrypt=true;hostNameInCertificate=<host name> 

Amazon Redshift


Edit the following fields for a secured connection to Amazon Redshift:

  • Select Truststore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.
  • Set the Other Properties to


  • Snowflake connections use SSL by default.
  • The Database Connector supports key-based authentication only for Snowflake database.
  • Select the Keystore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Keystore Alias dropdown list.
  • Set the following properties in Snowflake account
    keyPairAuthN=true and warehouse = COMPUTE_WH.


Edit the following field for a secured connection to Vertica:
  • Select Truststore Alias from the dropdown list. If this option is not available in the dropdown list, then upload your certificate by selecting the ’+’ button next to the Truststore Alias dropdown list.

Teradata Vantage

Adding Driver

The Add Driver screen gives you an option to upload a custom driver jar for a particular database. This uploaded driver can be used when you create an account.

To add a new driver

  1. In the Account page, from the Driver Group, select the ’+’ button.

  2. In the Add Driver page, select the supported Database.

  3. Type the driver group name in the Driver Group.

  4. Browse the jar in the Select the Driver field for a particular database. The driver jar gets uploaded for the corresponding database.


Pre-bundled Drivers

Pre-bundled driver jars are provided to connect to the databases like Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL. You cannot delete these pre-bundled driver group. The below table shows the driver groups and supported databases.

Driver Group Supported Databases Version
Progress® DataDirect®. Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 5.1.4
Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
This field is not available for connections on Edge Runtime.|Microsoft SQL Server
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
This field is not available for connections on Edge Runtime.
PostgreSQL 42.7.2

  • If you use Progress® DataDirect® driver to create a Non-SSL connection for Microsoft SQL Server database, then set the Other Properties with
    . >
  • For Oracle database, if you are using Progress® DataDirect® driver group to create a connection for Stored Procedure operation, then the Stored Procedure operation cannot fetch the metadata for SYS_CURSOR data type.

Certified Databases and JDBC Driver Jars

You can upload only the following list of certified driver jars:

JDBC Driver Jars for Microsoft SQL Server

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
4.1 sqljdbc41.jar
Download Path:
7 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016 and Azure SQL Database
4.2 sqljdbc41.jar
Download Path:
7 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016 and Azure SQL Database
4.2 sqljdbc42.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016 and Azure SQL Database
6.0 sqljdbc41.jar
Download Path:
7 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016 and Azure SQL Database
6.0 sqljdbc42.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016 and Azure SQL Database
6.2.2 mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre7.jar
Download Path:
7 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and Azure SQL Database
6.2.2 mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and Azure SQL Database
6.4.0 mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre7.jar
Download Path:
7 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and Azure SQL Database
6.4.0 mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and Azure SQL Database
7.0.0 mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre8.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and Azure SQL Database
7.2.2 mssql-jdbc-7.2.1.jre8.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and Azure SQL Database
7.4.1 mssql-jdbc-7.4.1.jre8.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 and Azure SQL Database
8.2 mssql-jdbc-7.2.1.jre8.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 and Azure SQL Database
8.4 mssql-jdbc-7.2.1.jre8.jar
Download Path: jdbc/release-notes-for-the-jdbc-driver?view=sql-server-ver15#84
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 and Azure SQL Database
9.2 mssql-jdbc-7.2.1.jre8.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 and Azure SQL Database
12.6 mssql-jdbc-12.6.0.jre8.jar
Download Path:
8 Microsoft SQL Server 2022

JDBC Driver Jars for Oracle

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions ojdbc6.jar
Download Path:
6 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x ojdbc7.jar
Download Path:
7,8 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x xdb6.jar
Download Path:
6,7 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x xmlparserv2-
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x ojdbc6.jar
Download Path:
6 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x ojdbc7.jar
Download Path:
7,8 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x xdb6.jar
Download Path:
6,7 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x xmlparserv2-
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x ojdbc8.jar
Download Path:
8 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x xdb6.jar
Download Path:
7,8 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x xmlparserv2-
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
18.3 ojdbc8.jar
Download Path:
8,9,11 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
18.3 xdb6.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.3 ojdbc8.jar
Download Path:
8,9,11 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.3 xdb6.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.6 ojdbc8.jar
Download Path:
8,9,11 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.6 xdb6.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.6 xmlparserv2.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.7 ojdbc8.jar
Download Path:
8,9,11 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.7 xdb6.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.7 xmlparserv2.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.8 ojdbc8.jar
Download Path:
8,9,11 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.8 xdb6.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.8 xmlparserv2.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.9 ojdbc8.jar
Download Path:
8,9,11 Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.9 xdb6.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x
19.9 xmlparserv2.jar
Download Path:
Oracle 12.1, 12.2, 18.3, 19.x

JDBC Driver Jars for PostgreSQL

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
42.2.5 postgresql-42.2.5.jre6.jar
Download Path:
6 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.5 postgresql-42.2.5.jre7.jar
Download Path:
7 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.5 postgresql-42.2.5.jar
Download Path:
8 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.6 postgresql-42.2.6.jre6.jar
Download Path:
6 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.6 postgresql-42.2.6.jre7.jar
Download Path:
7 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.6 postgresql-42.2.6.jar
Download Path:
8 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.7 postgresql-42.2.7.jre6.jar
Download Path:
6 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.7 postgresql-42.2.7.jre7.jar
Download Path:
7 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.7 postgresql-42.2.7.jar
Download Path:
8 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.8 postgresql-42.2.8.jar
Download Path:
8 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
42.2.17 postgresql-42.2.17.jar
Download Path:
8 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 8.2 or newer)
42.2.18 postgresql-42.2.18.jar Download Path: 8 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 8.2 or newer)
42.7.2 postgresql-42.7.2.jar
Download Path:
8 Aurora PostgreSQL (Compatible with PostgreSQL 9.6.8, 9.6.9, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)

JDBC Driver Jars for MySQL

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
8.0.15 mysql-connector-java-8.0.15.jar
Download Path:
8 MySQL 8.0, 5.7, 5.6, and 5.5
8.0.16 mysql-connector-java-8.0.16. jar
Download Path:
8 MySQL 8.0, 5.7, 5.6, and 5.5
8.0.17 mysql-connector-java-8.0.17.jar
Download Path:
8 MySQL 8.0, 5.7, 5.6, and 5.5
8.0.22 mysql-connector-java-8.0.22.jar
Download Path:
8 MySQL 8.0, 5.7, 5.6
8.0.23 mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar
Download Path:
If you are unable to find the driver jar for the specified version, then download the driver from the archived version’s download link as shown below:
8 MySQL 8.0, 5.7, 5.6
For MySQL driver, ensure that you download the Platform Independent variant.

JDBC Driver Jars for MariaDB

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
2.3.0 mariadb-java-client-2.3.0.jar
Download Path:
8 MariaDB 10.3.8
2.4.3 mariadb-java-client-2.4.3.jar
Download Path:
8 MariaDB 10.3.8
2.5.4 mariadb-java-client-2.5.4.jar
Download Path:
8 All MariaDB versions
2.7.1 mariadb-java-client-2.7.1.jar
Download Path:
8 All MariaDB versions
2.7.2 mariadb-java-client-2.7.2.jar
Download Path:
8 All MariaDB versions

JDBC Driver Jars for Tibero

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
6.0 tibero6-jdbc.jar Download Path: The driver jar is available in the Tibero 6 installation directory, ($TB_HOME/client/lib/jar). Tibero 6

JDBC Driver Jars for SAP HANA

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
2.8.11 ngdbc-2.8.11.jar Download Path: 8 All SAP HANA versions
2.8.12 ngdbc-2.8.12.jar Download Path: 8 All SAP HANA versions
2.8.14 ngdbc-2.8.14.jar Download Path: 8 All SAP HANA versions

JDBC Driver Jars for Amazon Redshift

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
1.2.53 RedshiftJDBC42-no-awssdk- Download Path: 8 All Amazon Redshift versions
1.2.54 RedshiftJDBC42-no-awssdk- Download Path: 8 All Amazon Redshift versions redshift-jdbc42- Download Path: 8 All Amazon Redshift versions redshift-jdbc42- Download Path: 8 All Amazon Redshift versions

JDBC Driver Jars for Snowflake

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
3.9.2 snowflake-jdbc-3.9.2.jar Download Path: 8 All Snowflake versions
3.12.15 snowflake-jdbc-3.12.15.jar Download Path: 8 All Snowflake versions
3.12.16 snowflake-jdbc-3.12.16.jar Download Path: 8 All Snowflake versions
3.12.17 snowflake-jdbc-3.12.17.jar Download Path: 8 All Snowflake versions

JDBC Driver Jars for Vertica

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
9.3.1 vertica-jdbc-9.3.1-0.jar Download Path: 8 All Vertica versions
10.0.1 vertica-jdbc-10.0.1-0.jar Download Path: 8 All Vertica versions
10.1.1 vertica-jdbc-10.1.1-0.jar Download Path: 8 All Vertica versions

JDBC Driver Jars for Teradata Vantage

Driver Version Driver Jar Name Java Version Supported DB Versions
16.2 terajdbc4.jar Download Path: 8 All Teradata Vantage versions
17.0 terajdbc4.jar Download Path: 8 All Teradata Vantage versions
17.1 terajdbc4.jar Download Path: 8 All Teradata Vantage versions

Database connector Actions

To use Database connector, you must select the actions to execute. Actions allow you to connect to the database and initiate an action on the database from Integration.

You call database actions to perform database operation on tables, views, or synonyms. The database actions are performed by calling JDBC APIs.

Actions are based on templates provided with Database connector. Each template represents an SQL statement for performing an action on a database. For example, use Select action to retrieve specified information from the database tables.

Creating a new action from a template is straightforward. You have to create an account for creating a new action. When creating a new action, select the action template and configure the action using the wizards.

Database connector provides the following action templates:

Advanced Options

The following options provide additional capabilities for Database operations:

Parameter Description
Select Distinct Select the toggle button to suppress the duplicate rows in the query output.
This option is applicable only for Select operation.
Convert selected to String Select the toggle button to convert the fields with input or output data type to java.lang.String. The selected fields are automatically converted to a String data type. It does not impact the fields which cannot be converted to String data type.
This option is applicable for Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Batch Insert, and Batch Update operations.
Use SQL Expression (Advanced) Use the following formats to provide SQL expressions:
  • For table columns use tableAlias.columnName.
  • For valid database functions use databaseFunction(tableAlias.columnName).

    For example, upper(tableAlias.columnName).
    This option is applicable for Select, Update, Delete, and Batch Update operations.
  • Configuring the Parameter Values

    CRUD Actions and Stored Procedures

    You can configure the following parameters for custom SQL, Select, Update, Insert, Delete actions and Stored Procedures:

    Parameter Description
    Query Time Out Type or Select the query time out value in seconds. This field specifies the number of seconds the database connection will wait for a SQL statement.
    Leave blank if you do not want to specify the Query Time Out.
    Maximum Row Type the number of rows to be retrieved from a database table.
    • Leave blank if you do not want to specify limit on the number of rows retrieved.
    • This parameter is available in custom SQL and Select actions.
    Row Count Field Name Type the field name of the Row Count Field. This field specifies the name of the output field whose value contains the number of affected rows while executing an SQL query.
    This parameter is not available in Stored Procedures.
    Row Count Field Type Select the data type of the Row Count Field.
    This parameter is not available in Stored Procedures.

    Batch Operation

    You can configure the following parameters for Batch Insert and Batch Update operations:

    Parameter Description
    Query Time Out Type or Select the query time out value in seconds.
    This field specifies the number of seconds the database connection will wait for a SQL statement to execute.
    Leave blank if you do not want to specify the Query Time Out.
    Batch Result Output Name Type the output name of the Batch Result Output Name. The output of the batch operation is a string list. Elements in the list appear in the order in which you add the Insert SQL queries for execution in the batch mode. Depending on the JDBC driver you use, the elements in the list contains one of the following values:
  • A number greater than or equal to 0. This indicates the insert SQL query is successfully executed and returns the number of rows affected in the database.
  • A value of -2. This indicates that the insert SQL query was executed successfully but the number of rows affected is unknown.
  • JDBC Data Type to Java Data Type Mappings

    Each column in the database table is assigned a SQL type. The JDBC driver maps each SQL data type to a JDBC data type. Database connector then maps each JDBC data type to one or more Java data types that are used as the input or output of the database actions.

    The following table shows the JDBC data type to Java data type mappings. You can map each JDBC data type to a set of Java data types by choosing one from the set. The JDBC data type you select during configuration will then map to the input or output of the database actions.

    For a list of data types for which Database connector has some constraints, see the DBC Data Type to Java Data Type Mapping Constraints section.

    • Database connector does not support the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data types in Oracle 10g.

    • Database connector does not support user-defined data types, Oracle PL/SQL collections, or Oracle PL/SQL records.

    • UROWID data type is not supported for Oracle database.

    • If the DATE JDBC type contains String as Java type, then the date format which Database connector accepts is YYYY-MM-DD.
    JDBC Data Type Java Data Type
    ARRAY java.sql.Array
    BIT java.lang.Boolean
    TINYINT java.lang.Byte
    SMALLINT java.lang.Short
    INTEGER java.lang.Integer
    BIGINT java.lang.Long
    FLOAT java.lang.Double
    REAL java.lang.Float
    BOOLEAN java.lang.Boolean
    DOUBLE java.lang.Double
    NUMERIC java.math.BigDecimal
    DECIMAL java.math.BigDecimal
    CHAR java.lang.String
    VARCHAR java.lang.String
    LONGVARCHAR java.lang.String
    DATE java.sql.Date
    TIME java.sql.Time
    TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp
    BINARY byte array (byte [])
    VARBINARY byte array (byte[])
    LONGVARBINARY byte array (byte[])
    LONGNVARCHAR java.lang.String
    NCHAR java.lang.String
    NULL java.lang.String
    NVARCHAR java.lang.String
    CLOB java.sql.Clob
    BLOB java.sql.Blob
    byte array
    ORACLECURSOR java.lang.Object
    ORACLEFIXED_CHAR java.lang.String
    STRUCT java.sql.Struct
    OTHER java.lang.Object

    Important Considerations When Using BLOB and CLOB Data Types

    Important Considerations When Using the Array and Struct Database Specific Data Types

    The java.sql.Struct and java.sql.Array data types are available only for Database connector operations.

    Using the SetAsString Data Type in Database connector

    The SetAsString data type is a dummy string data type. When using this data type, Database connector does not try to convert the input data into the equivalent JDBC data type, but passes the data to the underlying database driver as a string data type. Thus, you have the flexibility to specify the format of the equivalent JDBC data type by using a database specific function.

    For example, you can specify the format for date, time, or timestamp using the to_date function or a similar database function for Oracle database. Database connector treats the input data as a string data type and does not convert it to the equivalent JDBC data type. The to_date function then uses the string data to provide the required format of the date, time or timestamp.

    If your database has native database specific functions that can convert string data type to any other data type, you may use the SetAsString data type.

    The SetAsString data type is available only for database operations.

    JDBC Data Type to Java Data Type Mapping Constraints

    Database connector has some constraints when mapping JDBC data types to Java data types.

    If you select one of the following Java data types, the data type will map exactly to the Input/Output of operation:

    The data types that are not included in this list are mapped to java.lang.Object. In these cases, if the JDBC data type you specify is for input, you need to pass in the object with the selected Java data type. If the JDBC type is for output, you can cast the object to the selected Java data type.

    Database Connector Notifications

    For more information about Database notifications, see About Database Polling Notifications, Database Polling Notifications, How to create Database Polling Notifications?, and How to use the Database Polling Notifications?.

    Supported Cloud Databases

    The following table lists the supported cloud databases:

    Cloud Database Database Version
    Microsoft Azure Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8
    Amazon RDS Oracle Oracle 12c, Version
    Amazon RDS MS SQL Server SQL Server 2016 SP1 CU7 13.00.4466.4, released
    AWS Aurora PostgreSQL Aurora PostgreSQL 10.6
    AWS Aurora MySQL Aurora MySQL 5.7.12
    Amazon RDS MariaDB MariaDB 10.3.8
    Tibero on Amazon EC2 Tibero 6


    General limitations

    Amazon Redshift


    Microsoft SQL

    Driver Database Limitations
    Microsoft JDBC Driver Version 2.2.0019 Microsoft SQL Server 2000
    • When running the SelectSQL adapter service using the not null real type, the following error appears:
      Value cannot be converted to requested type.
      This is a driver issue for both the DataDirect Connect for JDBC and the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC.
    • This driver does not support retrieving table names from a database when the database’s name contains special characters.
    Microsoft JDBC Driver Version 1.0.809.102 Microsoft SQL Server 2005
    • This driver returns incorrect data type TEXT, IMAGE, and NTEXT for MS SQL data types VARCHAR(max), VARBINARY(max) and NVARCHAR(max) respectively.
    • This driver returns invalid JDBC data type for MS SQL UNIQUEIDENTIFIER data type.
    DataDirect Connect Microsoft SQL Server 2000
    • When running the SelectSQL action using the not null real type, the following error appears:
      Value cannot be converted to requested type.
    Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0 and 4.0 Microsoft SQL Azure
    • Microsoft Azure SQL Database does not support distributed transactions.



    Driver Database Limitations
    • Oracle JDBC Thin Driver
    All supported Oracle databases
    • NUMBER and NUMBER(n,m) Oracle data types map to java.math.BigDecimal in all the adapter services by default.
    • BLOB and CLOB data types cannot be used in a table definition when configuring the adapter notifications.
    • Oracle 8i
    • Oracle 9i
    • Oracle 10g
    • Oracle 11g
    All supported Oracle databases
    • StoredProcedure actions and StoredProcedure notifications do not work with Stored Procedures containing a parameter of type Oracle Cursor, when the ref cursor is declared as a cursor type that is defined as a strong type with the %ROWTYPE attribute. The workaround is to define the ref cursor as a weak type.
    • Oracle JDBC Thin Driver 9.0.1 (Mac OS )
    • Oracle JDBC Thin Driver (all other OSs)
    • DataDirect driver
    • Oracle 10g
    • Oracle 11g
    • Oracle 11g R2
    • Oracle 12c
    • Oracle 18c
    • Oracle 19c
    • With Oracle Database 10g, you cannot configure adapter services or notifications with BINARY_DOUBLE or BINARY_FLOAT databases using the Adapter Service Editor. In these cases, if you try to insert a row, the corresponding JDBC data type does not appear in the Adapter Service Editor. As an alternative, use the CustomSQL adapter service when configuring services involving these data types.


    PostgreSQL 11.2 and PostgreSQL 11.5:


    JDBC driver for SAP HANA2


    Teradata Vantage



    Deploy Anywhere Flow Services

    SAP® ERP

    SAP® ERP Connector access is restricted and is not publicly available. For more information, contact IBM support.


    SAP® ERP enables you to extend your SAP business processes and integrate non-SAP products using open and non-proprietary technology. SAP® ERP allows for bi-directional, real-time communication to and from the SAP system. SAP® ERP is based on the on-premises webMethods Adapter for SAP (WmSAP).

    SAP® ERP allows you to increase customer loyalty and efficiency across the supply chain by tightly integrating your business infrastructure with that of any partner. Typical deployment scenarios for SAP® ERP are:

    SAP® ERP key features

    The purpose of this section is to clarify the use of SAP® ERP with the restricted access (RA) version. You must read through the differences between WmSAP and SAP® ERP, and analyze if the migration of existing WmSAP applications to SAP® ERP is affected.

    Pre-requisites for getting started with SAP® ERP

    Differences between SAP® ERP and the on-premise WmSAP

    SAP® ERP provides most of the features available in the on-premise WmSAP. In some cases, you may have to use workarounds, while some others might have restrictions. Limitations will be removed in future releases.

    The deviations, and restrictions to keep in mind when migrating from WmSAP to SAP® ERP are listed below:


    Create New Account

    Complete the following fields to create a new account:

    Field Description
    Connection alias Account name by which the SAP system is known to SAP® ERP developers, clients, and partners.
    User name SAP default user for this account. If no other SAP username is provided during runtime, then this SAP user account is used to execute the client request in the SAP System.
    The SAP default user is also used to execute lookups to the DDIC for RFC, BOR and ALE metadata. So, it is necessary to set an SAP logon user with the authorization to the following SAP standard function groups: RFC1, SDIF, SG00, and SRFC.
    It is a recommended best practice to set a technical SAP user account with the minimum necessary set of authorizations as the SAP default user. If the execution of an RFC adapter service requires additional access rights, then the name of an SAP user with sufficient rights must be passed during runtime.
    Password Password of the SAP default user.
    Client Three digit SAP client number.
    Repository user name (Optional) Optional. Repository user name.
    If a repository user is provided, all meta data and repository lookups are executed with this user account.
    Repository password (Optional) Password of the repository user.
    SAP router string (Optional) Contains a substring for each SAP router to set up a connection in the route: host name, port, and the password, if one is provided. SAP router example: /H/ where H indicates the host name. The SAP router string is only needed if a firewall exists between the SAP System and Integration. For more information on configuring the SAP router, go to the SAP Service Marketplace at:
    Language (Optional) SAP language code.
    Description (Optional) Description of the connection.
    Connection Mode Setting Selection Connection mode. Possible values are:
  • Standard (Default).
  • Load balancing.
  • If the Connection Mode selected is Standard:

    Field Description
    Application server SAP application server name.
    System number SAP system number (00-99).

    If the Connection Mode selected is Load Balancing:

    Field Description
    Logon group Name of the group you want to login.
    Message server service SAP message server service.
    Message server host Host name or IP address of the message server.
    System ID System ID (SID) of the source SAP system.
    Connection name must be unique across projects.


    SAP® ERP actions execute a function module residing on an SAP system. A function module performs functions on the data in the SAP system.

    Create New Actions

    Complete the following fields to create a new action:

    Field Description
    Name Action name.
    Description (optional) Action description.
    Connect to account SAP® ERP Select the account name by which the SAP system is known to SAP® ERP developers, clients, and partners.
    Name Select the template for the action. Possible values are:
  • RFC Invocation. Invokes an RFC on the SAP® ERP system.
  • Filters
    Function pattern Type all or part of the name of the function module for which you want to create a SAP® ERP action. Use pattern-matching characters if you are unsure of the complete name and want SAP® ERP to search for several RFCs with similar names. For example, enter RFC_FUNCTION_* in the field.
    Group pattern Type all or part of the name of the group for which you want to create a SAP® ERP action. Use pattern-matching characters if you are unsure of the complete name and want SAP® ERP to search for several RFCs with similar names.
    Reset Reset the search.
    Apply Apply the pattern or exact search.
    Function name Lists the function names matching the pattern.
    Group name Group name to which the matching functions belong.
    Description Description of the matching functions.
    Request Field Selection
    Name Name of the input parameter.
    Type Java data type of the input parameter.
    Reply Field Selection
    Name Name of the output parameter.
    Type Java data type of the output parameter.


    For more information about SAP® ERP, see SAP® ERP Listeners, SAP® ERP Listener Notifications, How to create and invoke RFC Listeners Notification?, and How to use the SAP® ERP for RFC invocation?.

    Create New Document Type

    Complete the following fields to create a new Document Type:

    Field Description
    System ID and document
    Name Document Name.
    System ID type System ID (SID) of the source SAP system.
    Document type Document Type.
  • RFC
  • IDoc
  • If the Document type selected is RFC:

    Field Description
    Document details
    RFC Structure RFC structure name.

    If the Document type selected is IDoc:

    Field Description
    Document details
    IDoc type Identifies the type of IDoc expected by the listener notification.
    CIM type IDoc type extension (CIM type/customer extension type).
    SAP system release IDoc release.
    Old IDoc type 2 (optional)
  • Checked for old version 2 IDocs.
  • Unchecked for a new version 3 IDoc.
  • DDIC Cache

    The Data Dictionary Cache (DDIC) is a cache that holds information about SAP function modules, structure definitions, Business Objects, ALE mappings, and IDocs. SAP® ERP retrieves this information from an SAP system when it performs RFC, BAPI, or IDoc lookups. To improve performance, SAP® ERP caches information it receives about function modules and structure definitions.

    SAP® ERP receives information about function modules and structure functions when:

    SAP® ERP keeps separate cached function modules, structure definitions, Business Objects, ALE mappings, and IDocs for each SAP system. When SAP® ERP requires specific data, it checks its DDIC cache for the specific SAP system to determine if the information it requires is in cache. If the required information is in the DDIC cache, SAP® ERP uses the cached information rather than retrieving it from the SAP system.

    The DDIC cache is always active. There are no configuration tasks required to activate it. When you are developing services, there may be times when the information in the DDIC cache becomes outdated; for example, if you change an RFC signature on an SAP system. In these situations, you can use the DDIC cache screens to view the information in the cache and remove specific function modules or structure definitions from the cache as necessary.

    Field Description
    System ID Uniquely identifies an SAP system within a SAP domain. RFC connections using the same system ID share the same cache.
    If you have configured and enabled an RFC listener, you will also see a Local entry in the System ID list. The cached elements of this System ID cannot be deleted or modified.
    Functions Number of cached function modules for an SAP system. You can view the function module names by clicking on the number in the Functions field. You can clear the individual function module from the cache by clicking icon.
    Structures Number of cached structure definitions for an SAP system. You can view the structure module names by clicking on the number in the Structures field. You can clear the individual structure module from the cache by clicking icon.
    Business objects Number of cached business objects for an SAP system. You can view the business object names by clicking on the number in the Business objects field. You can clear the individual business object from the cache by clicking icon.
    ALE mappings Number of cached BAPIs for an SAP system (for which ALE information of an SAP system has been checked and extracted). You can view the ALE mapping module names by clicking on the number in the ALE mappings field. You can clear the individual ALE mapping module from the cache by clicking icon.
    IDocs Number of cached function IDocs for an SAP system. You can view the IDoc names, IDoc type extension, and release information by clicking on the number in the IDocs field. You can clear the individual IDoc from the cache by clicking icon.

    Transaction Store

    SAP® ERP provides a transaction manager that allows you to monitor the transaction state for all messages associated with a transaction ID. The transaction ID uniquely identifies the transaction. The transaction ID can be up to 24 alpha numeric characters in length. If SAP® ERP receives a message without a transaction ID, it can create one for the message. The message is stored in the transaction store.

    To view and manage the transactions that SAP® ERP records in its transaction store:

    Viewing transactions

    1. You can view all the transactions or filter the transactions.

      • Click Apply without entering any values in any of the fields to view all transactions.
      • Enter a filter term in one of the following fields and click Apply to filter the transactions based on the filter criteria.

        Regular expressions are supported to allow flexible filter criteria matching.
        Field Description
        Sender Sender SAP system.
        Receiver Receiver SAP system.
        Message Type Message Type as defined in the SAP system.
        TID Transaction ID.
        State States of the tRFC protocol. Possible values are:
        • Created-Transaction is created.
        • Rolledback-Transaction is rolledback.
        • Committed-Transaction is committed.
        • Confirmed-Transaction is confirmed.
        Date and Time Range Restricts the transactions to a specific date and time interval.

        The list of transactions are displayed.

    Sorting the Transactions

    You can sort the transactions by the date and time of transactions.

    1.Click to sort the transactions in ascending or descending order by date and time.

    The transactions are sorted by date and time.

    Searching for Specific Text in the Transactions Listed

    You can search for a specific text in the transactions listed.

    1.Type the text you want to search in the field and click Search.

    The transactions containing the text are listed.

    Deleting Transactions

    1.You can delete the selected transactions or delete the filtered transactions.

    The transactions are deleted.

    Viewing Selected Transaction Details

    You can view the details of a transaction.

    1. Select a specific TID. In the transaction details page, the following fields are displayed:

      Field Description
      Audit log
      Sender Sender SAP system.
      Receiver Receiver SAP system.
      Message Type Message Type as defined in the SAP system.
      Date and Time Range Restricts the transactions to a specific date and time interval.
      Current State States of the tRFC protocol. Possible values are:
      • Created-Transaction is created.
      • Rolledback-Transaction is rolledback.
      • Committed-Transaction is committed.
      • Confirmed-Transaction is confirmed.
      Audit timestamp Record of the date and time of the audit.
      Audit log Collection of all the previous transactions.
      Document of transaction Message body of the transaction.

    Monitoring SAP® ERP Connection Pool

    Monitor the SAP® ERP repository connection pools, the SAP® ERP client connections, and the listener status from the Monitoring page. You may access a list of the size attributes of all currently active connection pools, as well as the attributes of all currently locked connections for a specific connection.

    Go to Monitor > Connectors > SAP® ERP > Connection pool. The Connection pool page appears. You can view the repository connection pools, client connections and listener status.

    Repository connection pools

    Repository connections are used to fetch metadata from SAP systems. The connection pools are shared by all the connections to the same SAP system and cannot be controlled or directly accessed by the user.

    Go to Monitor > Connectors > SAP® ERP > Connection pool > Repository connection pools.

    Field Description
    System ID SAP System ID.
    Current size Number of open repository connections currently held.
    Peak size Maximum number of repository connections used simultaneously.
    Max size Maximum number of repository connections per pool.
    Current used Number of repository connections currently in use.

    You can sort the fields in ascending or descending order.

    Client connections

    Go to Monitor > Connectors > SAP® ERP > Connection pool > Client connections.

    Field Field Description
    Connection alias SAP® ERP client connection alias.
    Pools Number of client connection pools. You can click on this value to see the details of the connection pools.
    Name Name of the JCoPool.
    Current size Number of client connections that are currently open in the pool.
    Peak size Maximum number of client connections that were used simultaneously.
    Max size Maximum number of client connections that can be used simultaneously.
    Current used Number of client connections currently in use.
    Locked connections A locked connection is an RFC connection that is locked to an Integration Server session so that it is always used for subsequent calls in the same session, which is required for multi-step SAP transactions. An RFC connection is locked by calling the public SAP® ERP service clientLockSession. You can click on this value to see the details of the locked connections.
    SAP User SAP username associated with the connection (empty if unavailable).
    Client Client number associated with the connection (empty if unavailable).
    Language Language associated with the connection (empty if unavailable).
    Host SAP host name used in the connection.
    Conversation ID Internal JCo conversation ID for the connection (empty if unavailable).
    Session ID ID of the Integration Server session to which this connection is locked.
    IS user Integration Server username associated with the connection (empty if unavailable).

    You can sort the fields in ascending or descending order.

    Click on the link in the Pools to see the details.

    Click on the link in the Locked connections to see the details.

    Listener status

    Go to Monitor > Connectors > SAP® ERP > Connection pool > Listener status.

    Field Description
    Listener Listener alias.
    Status Listener status. Possible values are:
    • ALIVE. Flag which indicates that the SAP Listener has successfully started and is listening to inbound requests.
    • DEAD. Flag which indicates that the connections of the SAP Listener could not be registered, or all are broken. The SAP Listener must be restarted.
    • HA_BROKEN. Flag which indicates that the SAP Listener was started in high availability mode, but not all SAP Gateways are successfully connected.
    • STARTED. Flag which indicates that the SAP Listener is starting.
    • STOPPED. Flag which indicates that the SAP Listener is stopped.
    • STOPPING. Flag which indicates that the SAP Listener is stopping.
    Threads Maximum number of listener threads available.
    Active Number of listener threads started.
    Busy Number of listener threads currently in use.
    Max busy Maximum number of listener threads that were used simultaneously.

    You can sort the fields in ascending or descending order.

    Monitoring SAP® ERP Performance

    Monitor the SAP® ERP performance, the SAP® response time summary, query requests and query components from the Monitoring page.

    Go to Monitor > Connectors > SAP® ERP > Performance. The summary page appears.


    You can monitor the SAP® response time summary.

    Go to Monitor > Connectors > SAP® ERP > Performance > Summary.

    Field Description
    Requests total Total number of requests executed.
    Requests with errors Number of failed requests.
    Requests ok Number of successful requests.
    Components total Number of components used in requests.
    Components per request Average number of components per request.
    Total time (ms) Execution time for all requests in milliseconds.
    Average time (ms) Average execution time for a request in milliseconds.
    Request rate (1/s) Requests per second since monitoring was enabled.

    You can refresh the data in the summary.

    Query requests

    You can view the SAP® query requests details and can also filter for the Gross time range and Net time range fields.

    Go to Monitor > Connectors > SAP® ERP > Performance > Query requests.

    Field Field Description
    Request Query Request Name. For example: sync.rfc.invoke.UI_SAP_default. Click the collapsible dropdown list to view the request details.
    Component name Name of the component used during the request.
    Gross time Gross time in milliseconds executed in the component during the request.
    Net time Net time in milliseconds executed in the component during the request.
    Level Execution level of the component during the request.
    User Name of the user for which the request was executed.
    Total components Total number of components used to execute the request.
    Gross time Gross time in milliseconds to execute the request.
    Start time Start time of the request execution.
    Status Status of the request. Possible states are:
    • OK
    • Not all components are closed
    • Request closed because of too many components
    Largest net time Name and net time in milliseconds of the component with the largest net execution time during the request.

    You can sort the fields in ascending or descending order. You can refresh the data in the page.

    Click the “>” icon for a request to view the details.

    Click the “>” icon for the Filters to filter the query requests for the Gross time range and Net time range fields.

    Query components

    You can view the SAP® query requests details for a specific component.

    Go to Monitor > Connectors > SAP® ERP > Performance > Query components.

    Field Description
    Component Name Name of the component.
    Gross time Gross time in milliseconds to execute the query requests for the component.
    Average gross time Average gross time in milliseconds to execute the query requests for the component.
    Net time Net time in milliseconds to execute the query requests for the component.
    Average net time Average net time in milliseconds to execute the query requests for the component.
    Calls Number of calls or query requests executed for the component.
    Calls ok Number of calls or query requests which were successfully executed for the component.

    You can refresh the data in the summary.

    Click the “>” icon for the Filters to filter the query components for the Gross time range, Average gross time, Net time, and Average net time fields.


    SAP® ERP allows you to perform metadata lookups for IDocs, Business Objects, structures, tables, and function interfaces in specific SAP ABAP application servers.

    Lookup Functions

    You can view the RFC function module details in a specific SAP ABAP application servers and execute the selected function modules.

    Go to Connector > Lookup. Select the Function tab.

    Field Description
    System ID Required. Select the system ID of the SAP system that hosts the function module.
    Function Name Required. Name of the RFC function module. For example, enter Z_RFC* to search for all RFCs that begin with Z_RFC.
    Group Name (optional) Optional. Name of the group to which the RFC function modules specified in the Function Name must belong. For example, enter Z_RFC* in the Function Name field and group Z000 in the Group Name field to search for all RFCs that begin with Z_RFC and belong to the group Z000.

    How to lookup functions?

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Function tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Function Name - Enter a specific function or a function name with * for matching the similarly named functions.
      • Group Name - Enter the group name to filter the functions belonging to the group.
    4. Click Apply to see the list of functions matching the criteria.

      Filtering the function to display all functions whose names begin with Z_RFC.

      Filtering the functions as per the groups.

    Lookup function module signature

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Function tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Function Name - Enter a specific function or a function name with * for matching the similarly named functions.
      • Group Name - Enter the group name to filter the functions belonging to the group.
    4. Click Apply to see the list of functions matching the criteria.

    5. Select the function to view. For example, select Z_RFC_ADD.

      Field Description
      Class Class indicating the general type of the field. Possible values are:
      • I – Input (Import)
      • C – Changing (Import or Export)
      • E – Output (Export)
      • T – Table
      • X – Exception
      Parameter Parameter name.
      Table Table name.
      Type Data type allowed. Possible values are:
      • CHAR - Character
      • INTx – Integer values of various length (INT, INT1, INT2, INT8)
      • NUM – Numeric values
      • BCD – Binary coded decimal values
      • DATE – Date values (various types)
      • TIME – Time values (various types)
      • FLOAT – Floating-point values
      • BYTE – Byte values
      • STRING – String values
      • XSTRING – String values (in raw bytes)
      • ABAPOBJECT – ABAP objects
      • STRUCTURE – Data structure of given type
      • TABLE – Table structure of given type
      • EXCEPTION – Exception string
      Length Length of the field if applicable, else 0.
      Decimals Number of digits allowed after the decimal point. Used only for float or fixed-point numeric data types.
      Optional Indicator to show whether the field is mandatory or optional. Possible values are:
      • Yes
      • No
      Test Function Execute the function with given input parameters.

    Testing a function

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Function tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Function Name - Enter a specific function or a function name with * for matching the similarly named functions. For example Z_RFC_ADD.
      • Group Name - Enter the group name to filter the functions belonging to the group.
    4. Click Apply.

    5. Select the function to view. For example, select Z_RFC_ADD.

    6. In the Function Module Signature page, add the values for the input fields. For example, in the signature for Z_RFC_ADD, add IP_VALUE1, IP_VALUE2, and IP_VALUE3.

    7. Click Test. The sum of all the input fields is displayed in the output field EP_RESULT.

    Testing a function using RFC XML

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Function tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Function Name - Enter a specific function or a function name with * for matching the similarly named functions. For example Z_RFC_ADD.
      • Group Name - Enter the group name to filter the functions belonging to the group.
    4. Click Apply.

    5. In the Function Module Signature page, click Execute As > RFC XML.

      The RFC XML template for the function appears.

    6. In the RFC XML template for the function, add the values for the input fields. For example, in the signature for Z_RFC_ADD, add IP_VALUE1, IP_VALUE2, and IP_VALUE3.

    7. Click on Invoke on <<SYSTEM_ID>>. The sum of all the input fields is displayed in the output field EP_RESULT.

    How to test a function using bXML?

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Function tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Function Name - Enter a specific function or a function name with * for matching the similarly named functions. For example Z_RFC_ADD.
      • Group Name - Enter the group name to filter the functions belonging to the group.
    4. Click Apply.

    5. In the Function Module Signature page, click Execute As > bXML.

      The bXML template for the function appears.

    6. In the bXML template for the function, add the values for the input fields. For example, in the signature for Z_RFC_ADD, add IP_VALUE1, IP_VALUE2, and IP_VALUE3.

    7. Click on Invoke on <<SYSTEM_ID>>. The sum of all the input fields is displayed in the output field EP_RESULT.

    Lookup Business Objects

    You can view the RFC function module details in a specific SAP ABAP application servers and execute the selected function modules.

    Go to Connector > Lookup. Select the Business Object tab.

    Field Description
    System ID Required. Select the system ID of the SAP system that hosts the business object.
    Business Object Name Required. Name of the business object. For example, enter Company to search for all business objects that begin with Company.

    Lookup business object details

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Business Object tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Business Object Name - Enter a specific business object. A list of business objects starting with the name is provided. If the field is left blank (or an asterisk is entered), all existing Business Objects are displayed. For example Company.
    4. Click Apply.

    5. In the list of the business objects, select the business object to view the details.

    The detailed information of a business object consists of a

    1. List of all the Keyfields of a business object. The Keyfields list is empty for business objects, which only provide instance-independent methods (static methods in programming languages like C or JAVA).
    2. List of all its BAPI methods. Optional. The list of BAPIs is empty for business objects that do not provide BAPIs.
    3. List of all Events. Optional. The list of Events is empty for business objects that do not provide events.

    Lookup keyfields of the business object

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Business Object tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Business Object Name - Enter a specific business object. A list of business objects starting with the name is provided. If the field is left blank (or an asterisk is entered), all existing Business Objects are displayed. For example Company.
    4. Click Apply.

    5. In the list of the business objects, select the business object to view the details.

    6. Go to the Keyfield(s) tab.

      Field Description
      Declaration object name Object name selected and the unique id to identify the object. For example, CompanyCode (BUS0002).
      Internal name Internal parameter name of the field.
      ABAP dictionary type Usually, a field of a structure inside the SAP Data Dictionary. Click the link to view the data type description used for this parameter.

      Key fields are used with instance-dependent (non-static) methods and with factory methods. In calls to these methods, the key fields of the corresponding business object have to be specified as attributes of the business document root element.For example, using the key field CompanyCodeId in a call to the CompanyCode.GetDetail:

      <xml version=“1.0” encoding=“iso-8859-1”?>
          <biztalk_1 xmlns=“urn:biztalk-org:biztalk:biztalk_1”>
                  <?doc:CompanyCode.GetDetail CompanyCodeId=“0001”
                  xmlns:doc=“urn:sap-com:document:sap:business” xmlns=“”>

      Example of Keyfields in a business object.

      Example of ABAP Dictionary Type in a business object.

    Lookup BAPI methods of the business object

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Business Object tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Business Object Name - Enter a specific business object. A list of business objects starting with the name is provided. If the field is left blank (or an asterisk is entered), all existing Business Objects are displayed. For example Company.
    4. Click Apply.

    5. In the list of the business objects, select the business object to view the details.

    6. Go to the BAPI(s) tab.

      Field Description
      BAPIs BAPI method name. Click > to view the details:
      • Parameters - Name of the parameter of the underlying RFC.
      • Direction - Usage direction of the parameter. Possible values are: Importing , Exporting, Changing (importing and exporting).
      • Optional - Value is set to true, indicates thar you can omit this parameter in an XML message. Usually, the implementation inside the SAP system uses specific default values for optional parameters that are omitted.
      • Table – Value is set to true, indicates that the parameter consists of several lines, where each line has the data type specified in the ABAP Dictionary Type field.
      • ABAP Dictionary Type - Link to the data type description used for this parameter. The value can be a whole structure or just a field of a structure. Following the hyperlink to see the whole structure.
      Static method Flag to indicate if the BAPI is an instance-independent method. Possible values are:
      • true. BAPI is an instance-independent method. You do not have to specify the business objects key fields when calling this method.
      • false.
      Dialog method Flag to indicate if the method is a dialog method. Possible values are:
      • true. Method is a dialog method. Dialog BAPIs require a SAPGui.
      • false. Method is not using a dialog.
      Factory method Flag to indicate if BAPI is used to create an object instance inside the SAP system. Possible values are:
      • true. BAPI is used to create an object instance inside the SAP system. Factory methods return the key fields of the business object.
      • false.
      Function module Message type that must be used to set up routing for synchronous calls coming from an SAP system. This is technically realized via RFC, so here the name of the corresponding RFC function module inside the SAP system is provided. Although it is possible, it is not recommended to call BAPIs directly via RFC-XML, as this would only be an implementation-dependent view of the BAPI.
      ALE message type Optional. IDoc type, if the BAPI has a mapping for the specific IDoc type.

      Example of ALE Message Type in the BAPI:

    7. Click > icon to view the details:

    8. Click the link on ABAP Dictionary Type to view the details:

    Lookup events of the business object

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Business Object tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Business Object Name - Enter a specific business object. A list of business objects starting with the name is provided. If the field is left blank (or an asterisk is entered), all existing Business Objects are displayed. For example OrderBasedOnCU.
    4. Click Apply.

    5. In the list of the business objects, select the business object to view the details.

    6. Go to the Event(s) tab.

      A list of events is appears.

      Field Description
      Events Optional. Name of the available for this Business Object.
      Declaration object name Business Object type name of this event. For example, OrderBasedOnCU (/CUM/ORDER)
      Internal name Internal SAP name of the event (Always upper-case).

    Lookup Table

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the Tables tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • System ID - Select the system ID from the dropdown list.
      • Table Name - Enter a specific table name. For example RFCFunc.
    4. Click Apply.

      Field Description
      Field Field Name which can consist of digits, letters, and underscores and must begin with a letter.
      Position Field position in the table in ascending order.
      Length Field length.
      Decimal Number of digits allowed after the decimal point. Used only for float or fixed-point numeric data types.
      Type Field data type. Possible values are: CHAR, TEXT, INTx, NUM, FLOAT, BCD, STRING, XSTRING, STRUCTURE, TABLE, ABAPOBJECT, EXCEPTION, DATE (various types), TIME (various types).
      Description Field description.

    Lookup IDoc

    1. Go to Connector > Lookup.
    2. Go to the IDoc tab.
    3. Provide values for the following fields:
      • IDoc type - IDoc name. For example, MATMAS02.
      • IDoc type extension (optional) - Optional. the IDoc type extension.
      • Release (optional) - Optional. IDoc release number.
    4. Click Apply.

    5. Go to the Segments tab if applicable. Lists all the fields with the following details of each field:

      Field Description
      Segment type Internal name of the segment, independent of the SAP release. Segments can include child segments and fields.
      Segment definition Release specific name of the segment or external name of the segment as seen by the partner system.
      Hierarchy level Hierarchy level of the segment in this IDoc type.
      Required Indicates if the segment type is mandatory. Possible values are yes and no.
      Min. occurrence Minimum number of times a segment must occur in the IDoc.
      Max. occurrence Maximum number of times a segment can occur in the IDoc.
      Qualified Indicates if the segment is qualified. Possible values are yes and no.
      Description Segment description.

      Example of IDoc with segments including child segments and fields:

    6. Go to the Fields tab if applicable. Lists all the fields with the following details of each field:

      Field Description
      IDoc data type SAP data type of the field.
      Data dictionary type Internal DDIC name of the data type of the field.
      ISO code Possible values:
      • yes. If the field contains an ISO code.
      • no.
      Possible values Optional. List of value/description pairs for the field, if available
      • Value - Valid field value, or value range.
      • Description - Description of the valid field value, or value range

      Example of IDoc with fields:

      Example of IDoc with field details:

    Built-In Services


    Establishes a connection to an SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias of the SAP system to which the connection must be established. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the default client is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password must be looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    result Returns Ok if connection is established successfully.


    Use clientConnect when you want to establish a connection to a target SAP system. This might be useful for creating a session pool. In the most common scenarios, it is not necessary to invoke this service explicitly, as it is invoked implicitly. For example, when a clientInvoke or clientInvokeTransaction is issued.


    Locks an RFC connection to your session so that you always exclusively use this RFC connection for subsequent calls.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias of the SAP system to which the connection must be established. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the default client is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password must be looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values



    This service locks a session to trigger a commit work command inside the SAP system. This causes a database commit. This service only works with SAP systems version 4.0A and higher because BAPIs do not write data directly to the database but use the posting engine inside the SAP system and the start of the processing of posted data.

    The data is not written to the database until the client triggers a commit work command. In order to call a BAPI that writes data, you must perform the following steps on Integration:

    1. Call the clientLockSession service in order to get an exclusive connection to the SAP system.
    2. Perform the BAPI calls.
    3. Call the BAPIcommitor BAPIrollback service
    4. Call the clientReleaseSession service in order to release the exclusive connection to the SAP system and clean up used resources on Integration.


    Releases a locked session on an SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system alias on which the locked session is located. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password must be looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values


    Example 1

    The service releases a session after a commit work or rollback work command is triggered inside the SAP system.

    This service only works with SAP systems version 4.0A and higher because BAPIs do not write data directly to the database but use the posting engine inside the SAP system.

    In order to call a BAPI that writes data, you must perform the following steps on Integration:

    1. Call the clientLockSession service in order to get an exclusive connection to the SAP system.
    2. Perform the BAPI calls.
    3. Call the BAPIcommit or BAPIrollback service.
    4. Call the clientReleaseSession service in order to release the exclusive connection to the SAP system and clean up used resources on Integration.

    Example 2

    You also need this service if you want to lock and change a certain database object. To do this, please proceed as follows:

    1. Call the clientLockSession service in order to get an exclusive connection to an SAP system.
    2. Lock an object by calling a BAPI_*_ENQUEUE.
    3. Make your changes by invoking other BAPIs.
    4. Release the object by calling a BAPI_*_DEQUEUE.
    5. Call the clientReleaseSession service.


    Invokes an RFC function module in synchronous mode on a given SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system alias on which the function module is invoked. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $rfcnamep Name of the function module to be invoked.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password is looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    This service returns the outputs (exports and tables) returned by the function module.

    Field Description
    $rfctime Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
    $runtime Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within SAP® ERP.
    $encoding MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session’s SAP code page.
    $call Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
    • true for request.
    • false for response.


    This service is used when you are directly calling an RFC on an SAP system without creating an RFC adapter service. When an RFC adapter service is used, this service is invoked implicitly.


    Invokes a tRFC function module on a given SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system alias on which the function module is invoked. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $rfcnamep Name of the function module to be invoked.
    $tid Transaction this invoke is assigned to.
    $queueName Optional. Name of the SAP system inbound queue. Specify a value in case of a qRFC scenario
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password is looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $runtime Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within SAP® ERP.
    $rfctime Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
    $encoding MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session’s SAP code page.
    $call Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
    • true for request.
    • false for response.


    This service is used in outbound flows and can handle both synchronous and transactional RFC calls. Therefore, it can be seen as a generic wrapper for clientInvoke, clientInvokeTransaction and clientConfirmTID.


    Call this service if you want to obtain a transaction ID (TID; which is a GUID) that conforms to the format of SAP TIDs.

    The obtained TID can be used as an input value for clientInvokeTransaction, clientSendIDoc, and clientConfirmTID.

    If no TID exists in the pipeline, then the ALEoutboundProcess service performs the function of both the clientCreateTID and clientInvokeTransaction services. For IDocs, it is recommended that you use either the ALEoutboundProcess service or the call sequence of clientCreateTID and clientSendIDoc.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias of the SAP system that sends the TID. This name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password is looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $tid Contains the TID.


    This service is used in tRFC client scenarios, which require a transactional ID (TID) uniquely identifying the transaction. See also clientConfirmTID.


    Confirms the transaction specified by the TID on the specified SAP system.

    This service must be called after a transactional invoke in order to complete a transaction on the target system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias of the SAP system that sends the TID. This name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $tid Transaction ID to be confirmed.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password is looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values



    This service is used in tRFC client scenarios in order to confirm a transaction which is executed completely.

    1. Invoke clientCreateTID. This service creates an SAP-conformant TID. It is necessary to have one, otherwise you cannot invoke the function module with clientInvokeTransaction. If you have already obtained a TID, you must use that one in order to guarantee that the transaction is executed only once.
    2. Invoke clientInvokeTransaction. This service invokes the given function module as a tRFC on the SAP system specified by serverName. The TID is passed as a parameter on this call.
    3. Invoke clientConfirmTID. Confirms that the transaction is completed. Pass the same serverName and $tid value on this call.


    Connects to the given SAP system and returns information specific to one RFC client connection session.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias of the SAP system that sends the TID. This name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password is looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    destination String. Destination of the connection.
    ownHost Hostname (or IP) of the machine Integration is running on.
    partnerHost Hostname (or IP) of the machine the SAP system is running on.
    systemNumber System number of the SAP system.
    systemID Unique three-letter-ID of SAP system (in local network).
    client Client the session is connected to.
    user SAP user that has connected with this session.
    language Logon language.
    SOLanguage ISO name for logon language.
    ownCodepage SAP codepage this connection is using.
    partnerCodepage SAP codepage the SAP system is running on.
    ownRelease Version of the loaded RFC library used by SAP® ERP.
    partnerRelease Release of the SAP system.
    kernelRelease Kernel release of the SAP system.
    partnerType RFC type of the partner; SAP ECC(3), R/2(2) or external RFC server(E).
    trace Flag indicating whether trace is turned on (true) or off (false) for this connection.
    ownType RFC type of SAP® ERP must always be E.
    rfcRole Role of SAP® ERP in this call must always be C (for client).
    CPICConversationID CPIC ID of the connection (low level protocol information).
    encoding IANA-encoding that is equivalent to the SAP codepage used, for example: ISO-8859-1.
    charset Charset that is equivalent to the SAP codepage used, for example: ISO8859_1 (used in Java constructors).
    bytesPerChar Number of maximum bytes used per char in the codepage.


    Looks up the function interface definition of an RFC function module in the given SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    $rfcname Function module for which the interface definition is looked up.
    serverName Alias of the SAP system on which the RFC function module is defined. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.

    Return Values

    Document list named params that contains all parameter-related information.

    Field Description
    paramClass Class of parameter; I (importing), E (exporting), T (table), X (exception).
    parameter Name of the parameter in the function interface.
    tabName Name of the table in the SAP system the parameter is referring to.
    type Type of the parameter (for example: CHAR, STRUCTURE, TABLE, …)
    length Internal length in bytes of the parameter.
    decimals Only relevant for decimal types; number of decimals used.
    optional Flag indicating whether parameter is optional.


    Looks up the structure definition of an SAP structure in the given SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    structName Structure name for which the definition is looked up.
    serverName Alias of the SAP system on which the RFC function module is defined. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.

    Return Values

    Document list named params that contains all parameter-related information:

    Field Description
    tabLength Length of the structure when used in a table. This might differ from the sum of all field lengths, as the number types have to be aligned to memory segments.
    fieldName Name of the field.
    tabName Optional. Name of the table/structure in the SAP system the field is referring to.
    position Position within structure.
    offset Offset in bytes to this field.
    length Internal length in bytes.
    decimals Only relevant for decimal types; number of decimals used.
    type Type of the field (for example: CHAR, STRUCTURE, TABLE, …).


    Returns the performance throughput value of the connection since the adapter startup or the last reset to zero

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias for the SAP system from which you want to receive the RFC connection specific attributes. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP. Optional. Set to true to reset the performance throughput values to zero
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password must be looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    numberOfCalls Number of calls executed by the connection.
    numberOfBytesSent Number of bytes sent by the connection.
    umberOfBytesReceived Number of bytes received by the connection.
    marshallingTime Time (ms) spent by the connection to convert pipeline data into RFC data.
    unmarshallingTime Time (ms) spent by the connection to convert RFC data into pipeline data.
    timeForPreparation Time (ms) spent by the connection for preparation and repository lookups.
    timeForMiddlewareCalls Time (ms) spent by the connection during RFC network calls.
    timeForAdapterServiceCalls Time spent by the connection for processing inbound or outbound requests in Integration services.
    totalTime Total time spent by the connection for processing inbound and outbound services.


    Sends an IDoc list to a given SAP system. The IDocs in the list must be of the same IDoc type.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias for the SAP system from which you want to receive the RFC connection specific attributes. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP. Optional. Set to true to reset the performance throughput values to zero
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as object of the type.
    $tid ID of the transaction under which the service is executed
    $queueName Optional. Name of the SAP system IDoc inbound queue. Specify a value in case of an ALE queueing scenario.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password must be looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $runtime Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within SAP® ERP.
    $rfctime Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
    $encoding MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session’s SAP code page.
    $call Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
    • true for request.
    • false for response.


    Sends a heterogenous list of IDoc lists to a given SAP system. All the IDoc elements in an IDoc list must be of the same IDoc type, but the IDoc lists can contain different types. All IDocs can be processed in a single transaction.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias for the SAP system from which you want to receive the RFC connection specific attributes. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP. Optional. Set to true to reset the performance throughput values to zero
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as object of the type.
    $tid ID of the transaction under which the service is executed
    $queueName Optional. Name of the SAP system IDoc inbound queue. Specify a value in case of an ALE queueing scenario.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password must be looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $runtime Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within SAP® ERP.
    $rfctime Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
    $encoding MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session’s SAP code page.
    $call Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
    • true for request.
    • false for response.


    Checks the response time of an SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName Alias for the SAP system from which you want to receive the RFC connection specific attributes. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP. Optional. Set to true to reset the performance throughput values to zero.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the client specified in the SAP system alias settings is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password must be looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    responseTime Response time of the SAP system.


    Converts an RFC-XML (XRFC) string into the pipeline so that is in a format that can be passed to an SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    xmlData String. An RFC-XML message.
    bytes Optional. Byte array that contains the data to be decoded as XRFC.
    node Optional. XML object that represents the XRFC data. For example, you get a node when putting an XML file via FTP with a .xml extension. The service checks in that order if an input document is available: xmlData, bytes, node.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the input document’s XML header,for example: iso-8859-1 if $encoding is not included in the pipeline before.


    This service can be used when an RFC-XML document is posted to Integration in a variable.


    Converts an RFC call stored in the pipeline to an XML string in a format specified by the SAP RFC-XML (XRFC) specification.

    Input Parameter

    This service needs the RFC calls in Values representation as input.

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system used as a repository. This name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1
    $call Optional. Flag indicating whether the pipeline is interpreted as a call or as a response. Possible values are:
    • true for call.
    • false for response.
    $envelope Optional. XRFC, bXML, or SOAP. Specifies the type of document generated.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    xmlData String. Contains the RFC-XML representation of the RFC.
    contentType Content type associated with the generated document, for example, application/x-sap.rfc.


    Use this service to create RFC-XML corresponding to the pipeline and perhaps forward it to another server, for example, via HTTP. This is done in the XML transport’s Outbound Process for function modules.


    Creates an RFC-XML (XRFC) template for the specified function module.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system used as a repository. This name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $rfcname Optional. Function module for which you want to create the template.
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header,for example, iso-8859-1
    $call Optional. Flag indicating whether the pipeline is interpreted as a call or as a response. Possible values are:
    • true for call.
    • false for response.
    $envelope Optional. XRFC, bXML, or SOAP. Specifies the type of document generated.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    xmlData String. Contains the XML template that represents the RFC.


    Use this service to create templates for testing purposes.


    Converts the SDATA field from a String object to a Document object and immediately converts the whole list of IDocs to a object for further processing.

    The IDocDecodeSDATA service is only required if you receive an IDoc in the tables representation from a sending system. That is, you have created an RFC listener notification for function module IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS or INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system alias which is used as repository for structure information about the IDoc. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    -OR -
    Both keys are Document lists (Tables) containing the control and data tables for the IDoc. The SDATA field is a Document object containing the keys and values from the segment table. The name of the segment table is specified by the SEGNAM field.
    This service handles both IDoc versions 2 and 3. The difference between the two is that, for IDocs version 2, the service looks for IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA in the pipeline. For IDocs version 3, it looks for IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40.
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as object of


    Decodes an IDoc from a String equivalent, the format that is used by the file port of an SAP system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system alias which is used as repository for structure information about the IDoc. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    iDocString String. IDoc in the file port.
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as object of


    Converts a document to an object of type IDoc(s).

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    document IDoc in hierarchical structure.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as object of


    Converts every SDATA field from a Document object to a String object.

    This service is usually called prior to sending an IDoc to an SAP system via clientInvokeTransaction or by an RFC adapter service for function module IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS or INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS.

    A client service clientSendIDoc allows you to send the iDocList directly.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system alias which is used as repository for structure information about the IDoc. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1.
    - OR -
    Contains the IDoc(s) as object of
    - OR -
    Both keys are Document lists (Tables) containing the control and data tables for the IDoc. The SDATA field is a Document object containing the keys and values from the segment table. The name of the segment table is specified by the SEGNAM field.
    This service handles both IDoc versions 2 and 3. The difference between the two is that, for IDocs version 2, the service looks for IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA in the pipeline. For IDocs version 3, it looks for IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40.
    You can specify the iDocList or IDoc tables containing IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA or IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40 in the input parameters.

    Return Values

    Field Description
     - OR -
    Both keys are document lists (Tables) containing the control and data tables for the IDoc. The SDATA field is a 1000-byte field.At this point, the IDoc in the pipeline is ready to be sent to an SAP system via either clientInvokeTransaction or an adapter service for one of the function modules (IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS” or “INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS”).


    Encodes an IDoc to a String equivalent, the format that is used by the file port of an SAP system.

    The service first checks for the iDocList field, if that parameter is not present, it looks for the IDOC_* record lists.

    When saving to a file, make sure that String is saved with correct encoding.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system alias which is used as repository for structure information about the IDoc. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    iDocRelease Optional. SAP system release that the IDoc is sent to.
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1.
    - OR -
    Contains the IDoc(s) as object of
    - OR -
    Both keys are Document lists (Tables) containing the control and data tables for the IDoc. The SDATA field is a Document object containing the keys and values from the segment table. The name of the segment table is specified by the SEGNAM field.
    This service handles both IDoc versions 2 and 3. The difference between the two is that, for IDocs version 2, the service looks for IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA in the pipeline. For IDocs version 3, it looks for IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40.
    You can specify the iDocList or IDoc tables containing IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA or IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40 in the input parameters.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocString String. IDoc in the file port.


    Generates a Document representation of an IDoc list to perform mappings in Flow service.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    conformsTo Name of the document structure of the IDoc. The document structure is used as a template to discriminate between documents and document lists. Without conformsTo parameter, all tables in the hierarchical structure are document lists.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    document IDoc in hierarchical structure.


    Generates tables from an object of type IDoc(s).

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as object of

    Return Values

    Field Description
    - OR -
    Both keys are Document lists (Tables) containing the control and data tables for the IDoc. The SDATA field is a Document object containing the keys and values from the segment table. The name of the segment table is specified by the SEGNAM field).
    This service handles both IDoc versions 2 and 3. The difference between the two is that, for IDocs version 2, the service looks for IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA in the pipeline. For IDocs version 3, it looks for IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40.


    Generates object of type IDoc(s) from tables.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    - OR -
    Both keys are Document lists (Tables) containing the control and data tables for the IDoc. The SDATA field is a Document object containing the keys and values from the segment table (the name of the segment table is specified by the SEGNAM field).
    This service handles both IDoc versions 2 and 3. The difference between the two is that, for IDocs version 2, the service looks for IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA in the pipeline. For IDocs version 3, it looks for IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as object of


    Service that converts an IDoc list to an XML string in a format specified by the SAP IDoc-XML Specification.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1
    - OR -
    Contains the IDoc(s) as object of the type
    - OR -
    Both keys are Document lists (Tables) containing the control and data tables for the IDoc. The SDATA field is a Document object containing the keys and values from the segment table. The name of the segment table is specified by the SEGNAM field.
    This service handles both IDoc versions 2 and 3. The difference between the two is that, for IDocs version 2, the service looks for IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA in the pipeline. For IDocs version 3, it looks for IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40.
    You can specify the iDocList or IDoc tables containing IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA or IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40 in the input parameters.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    xmlData String. IDoc in XML. The XML format is consistent with the SAP-XML specification.


    This service is most often used when you want to receive an IDoc from an SAP system and convert it to XML.


    Service that converts an XML string in a format specified by the SAP IDoc-XML Specification into an IDoc that is of the type and necessary for an RFC call (using clientSendIDoc).

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    - OR -
    Byte array. Contains the data to be decoded as IDocXML.
    - OR -
    XML Node object that represents the IDocXML data. For example, you get a node when putting an XML file via FTP with a .xml extension. The service checks in that order if an input document is available: xmlData, bytes, node.
    xmlData String.. IDoc in XML. The XML format is consistent with the SAP IDoc-XML specification.
    You can specify the bytes or node or xmlData in the input parameters.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $encoding Specifies the encoding from the input document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1.
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type


    This service is the first service called when you want to send an IDoc-XML document to an SAP system. The following is a sequence of service calls that take an IDoc in XML format, convert it to a object, then fire it into the SAP system:

    1. Invoke this service (IDocDecode). This takes the input xmlData (the XML String) and creates an object that is in RFC-ready form. (This means that it matches the RFC call used to send an IDoc into the SAP system, and that the pipeline is almost in the required format).
    2. Invoke clientCreateTID service. Use this service to request a transaction id from an SAP system that can be used for sending the IDoc to the SAP system.
      Store this transaction ID, so that you can resend the IDoc in case of errors with the same ID.
    3. Invoke clientSendIDoc.


    Internal service used to trace the status of certain IDocs back to either the sending SAP system or to a further processing .

    This service is directly called from SAP systems.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    SELECTION_DATE Date parameter passed to IDOC_DATE_TIME_GET on the sending SAP system.
    SOURCE_SYSTEM Partner number of the sending SAP system.
    T_IDOCINFO List of IDocs to be traced.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    T_IDOCINFO List of IDocs with updated trace information.


    Switches Sender and Receiver (logical systems) for a list of given ALEAUD01 IDocs.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList List of ALEAUD01 IDocs to be switched.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList List of ALEAUD01 IDocs with switched RVCPRN and SNDPRN fields.


    This service sends out SYSTAT01 IDocs to the sending SAP system for all IDocs that have been received in ‘Monitoring’ mode.

    Can be executed exactly once for the IDocs of a transaction.

    Input Parameters


    Return Values



    Decodes bXML documents and generates a corresponding pipeline.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    - OR-
    String. A document in bXML format.
    - OR -
    Byte array. Contains the data to be decoded as bXML.
    node XML Node object that represents the bXML data. Ffor example, you get a node when putting an XML file via FTP with .xml extension .
    The service checks in that order if an input document is available: xmlData, bytes, node.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding found in the bXML document, for example, iso-8859-1.


    Converts a BAPI call represented in a pipeline to an XML string in a format specified by the SAP bXML specification.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    objectName Name of the business object.
    bapiName Name of the BAPI.
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1.
    $call Optional. Flag indicating whether the pipeline is interpreted as a call or as a response. Possible Values are:
    • true for call.
    • false for response. Default.
    $abapexception Optional. If this object is in the pipeline, an exception document is created.
    $metabapi Optional. Contains metadata information about the BAPI, that must be encoded.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    xmlData A document in bXML format as a string.


    Generates a bXML document template for the definition of a BAPI in an SAP system.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    serverName SAP system alias for the SAP system that is used as a repository. The alias must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    objectName Name of the business object to encode.
    bapiName Name of the BAPI.
    $encoding Optional. Specifies the encoding used in the output document’s XML header, for example, iso-8859-1.
    $call Optional. Flag indicating whether a call or a response is created. Possible Values are:
    • true for call.
    • false for response. Default.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    xmlData The bXML template for the BAPI as a string.


    Commits a transaction with a single or multiple BAPI calls.

    You need to use clientLockSession or clientReleaseSession to make sure to keep your connection in transaction scenarios as the transaction context is stored with the session in the SAP system.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    serverName Alias of the SAP system on which the transaction must be committed. This name must match an RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the default client is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password is looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.
    wait Optional. Flag indicating if call must wait until data is really written to database.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    Return Return code in BAPI style keeping the success/failure of the commit.


    Rolls back a transaction with a single or multiple BAPI calls.

    You need to use clientLockSession or clientReleaseSession to keep your connection in transaction scenarios because the transaction context is stored with the session in the SAP system.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    serverName Alias of the SAP system on which the transaction must be committed. This name must match an RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $client Optional. Client for the session. If no client is specified, the default client is used.
    $user Optional. User name for the session. If no user is specified, the default user is used.
    $pass Optional. Password for the session. If the password is not specified, then the user and password is looked up in the SAP User store.
    $language Optional. Language used during the session. If no language is specified, the default language is used.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    Return Return code in BAPI format including the success/failure of the commit.


    Returns a list of transactions from the transaction store that match the filter criteria. Regular expressions are supported to allow flexible filter criteria matching.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    endDate Optional. Filter criteria: Last creation date of the transaction. .
    startDate Optional. Filter criteria: Earliest creation date of the transaction.
    sender Optional. Filter criteria: name of the sender of the transaction.
    receiver Optional. Filter criteria: name of the receiver of the transaction.
    msgType Optional. Filter criteria: name of the message type of the transaction.
    state Optional. Filter criteria: state of the transaction.
    $tid Optional. Filter criteria: TID of the transaction.
    $sortKey Optional. Specifies the sort key. Valid values are:
    • noSort. Default.
    • $tid
    • sender
    • receiver
    • msgType
    • date
    • state
    The resulting transaction list is sorted by the given attribute.
    $dir Optional. Specifies the sort direction. Possible values:
    • descending. Triggers a descending sort order.
    • Any value other than descending. Triggers ascending sort order.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    transactions Optional. A Document List containing one document with detail information for each transaction. The following keys are always included:
    • $tid
    • sender
    • receiver
    • msgType
    • date. Date/time, when the state of this transactions was last changed, formatted in the usual “Log Timestamp Format”
    • state
    $sortKey Optional. Specifies the sort key. Valid values are:
    • noSort. Default.
    • $tid
    • sender
    • receiver
    • msgType
    • date
    • state The resulting transaction list is sorted by the given attribute.
    $dir Optional. Specifies the sort direction. Possible values:
    • descending. Triggers a descending sort order.
    • Any value other than descending.
    Triggers ascending sort order.


    Returns detail information for a single transaction.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    $tid The TID of the transaction.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    sender Optional. Name of the sender of this transaction.
    receiver Optional. Name of the receiver of this transaction.
    msgType Optional. Name of the message type of this transaction.
    state Optional. Current state of this transaction.
    date Optional. Creation date of this transaction.
    auditLog Optional. A Document List containing the date and message that tracks of all events that occurred during processing of this transaction.


    Returns the pipeline containing the actual message body.

    This service works if the storing of message bodies is not disabled.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    $tid The TID of the transaction.

    Return Values



    Adds a new audit log entry to the given transaction, and optionally changes the transaction status to the given new state.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    $tid The TID of the transaction.
    msg Optional. Message string to be logged.
    state Optional. String. Valid values are:
    • Created
    • Executed
    • Committed
    • Rolledback
    • Confirmed

    Return Values



    This service sets new runtime parameters for the cache of the transaction store.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    writeCache Optional. State of the write cache. Possible values are:
    • On: Write cache of the transaction is switched on.
    • Any other value. Write cache of the transaction is switched off.
    cacheTimeToLive Optional. This value sets the maximum time-to-live for a cache entry (value in seconds). Valid range: 0-500.
    cachFlushPeriod Optional. This value sets the time period after which unmodified cache entries are flushed (value in seconds). Valid range: 0-100.

    Return Values



    Returns the current configuration and cache parameter of the transaction store.

    Input Parameters


    Return Values

    Field Description
    storeType SQL Transaction Store.
    writeCache State of the cache. Possible values are:
    • On
    • Off
    cacheSize Number of entries currently held in the transaction cache.
    cacheTimeToLive Current maximum time-to-live period for a cache entry (in seconds).
    cacheFlushPeriod Current period after which unmodified cache entries are flushed (in seconds).


    Deletes one transaction from the transaction store.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    $tid TID of the transaction.

    Return values



    Deletes the entire transaction store. Exercise care if you choose to use this.

    Input Parameters


    Return Values

    Field Description
    deletedEntries Total number of deleted transactions that matched the filter criteria.


    This service can be used to cleanup the transaction store that matches the given filter criteria.

    For example, set it up in the Scheduler as follows:

    1. Create a Flow Service, which invokes sweepTransactions.
    2. In the Flow Service, define the inputs using Set Value.
    3. Create a scheduler job that executes the Flow Service.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    elapsedTime Filter criteria: time in minutes since the transaction has been modified the last time.
    maxTrxCount Optional. Maximum number of transactions to be deleted in one execution of the Service.
    sender Optional. Filter criteria: name of the sender of the transaction.
    receiver Optional. Filter criteria: name of the receiver of the transaction.
    msgType Optional. Filter criteria: name of the message type of the transaction.
    state Optional. Filter criteria: state of the transaction. Valid values are:
    • Created
    • Executed
    • Committed
    • Rolledback
    • Confirmed

    Return Values

    Field Description
    deletedEntries Total number of deleted transactions that matched the filter criteria.


    Receives an IDoc and forwards it to the routing listener.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    $tid Optional. TID of the transaction.
    $action Optional. One of the following transaction codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.

    Return Values



    Receives an IDoc and forwards it to the routing listener.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    $tid Optional. TID of the transaction.
    $action Optional. One of the following transaction codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.

    Return Values



    Default service to retrieve routing information from a list of IDocs.

    This service can also handle IDOC_CONTROL and IDOC_DATA record lists (for IDocs version 3) or IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40 and IDOC_DATA_REC_40 record lists (for IDocs version 4) as IDoc input parameters instead of iDocList.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    sender Retrieved from sender partner number from the header of the first IDoc.
    receiver Retrieved from receiver partner number from the header of the first IDoc.
    msgType Retrieved from message type from the header of the first IDoc.


    Receives a message from a remote Integration and forwards it to the routing listener, which determines the routing notification to use to route the message based on the sender, receiver, and message type specified in the input parameters.

    After determining the routing notification to use, it invokes the flow service that processes the matching routing notification. This can be called with an arbitrary message to pass it on to the routing listener.

    It is recommended that you use this service as the receiving point when you are connecting two Integration’s.

    Input Parameters

    In addition to the parameters specified below, the input parameters must also include the message to be routed through SAP® ERP. Use a key for the message that the outbound transport expects.

    Field Description
    sender Sender of a message.
    receiver Receiver of the message.
    msgType Message type of the message.
    $tid Optional. The TID of the transaction.
    $action Optional. One of the following transaction codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.

    Return Values

    Depends on transaction and invoked routing notification.


    Invokes an RFC on an SAP system.

    This service can handle both RFC and tRFC calls.

    Input Parameters

    This service requires the following input parameters:

    Field Description
    serverName Optional. Alias of the SAP system to which the connection must be established. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP. If serverName is set, it overrides the value of serverName in transportParams.
    transportParams A document with the following key/value pair:
    • serverName. SAP system alias for the SAP system on which invoke the RFC. The alias must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $tid Optional. TID of the transaction. If you want to process the RFC call asynchronously using tRFC, specify the transaction ID. If you want to perform a synchronous RFC call, do not specify this parameter.
    $action Optional. Transaction state. Specify one of the following codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.
    $rfcname Optional. RFC that must be called.
    $queueName Optional. Name of the SAP system inbound queue. Specify a value in case of a qRFC scenario.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $runtime Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within SAP® ERP.
    $rfctime Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
    $encoding MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session’s SAP code page.
    $call Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
    • true for request.
    • false for response.


    Invokes an RFC on an SAP system.

    This service can handle both RFC and tRFC calls.

    Input Parameters

    This service requires the following input parameters:

    Field Description
    serverName Optional. Alias of the SAP system to which the connection must be established. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP. If serverName is set, it overrides the value of serverName in transportParams.
    transportParams A document with the following key/value pair:
    • serverName. SAP system alias for the SAP system on which invoke the RFC. The alias must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    $tid Optional. TID of the transaction. If you want to process the RFC call asynchronously using tRFC, specify the transaction ID. If you want to perform a synchronous RFC call, do not specify this parameter.
    $action Optional. Transaction state. Specify one of the following codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.
    $rfcname Optional. RFC that must be called.
    $queueName Optional. Name of the SAP system inbound queue. Specify a value in case of a qRFC scenario.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    $runtime Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within SAP® ERP.
    $rfctime Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
    $encoding MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session’s SAP code page.
    $call Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
    • true for request.
    • false for response.


    Can be called \for example, using HTTP post with arbitrary XML documents to pass them on to the routing listener.

    Input Parameters

    This service requires the following input parameters:

    Field Description
    node XML Node object that can be generated by calling XML:xmlStringToXMLNode and is automatically generated when posting an XML document via HTTP (using text/xml).
    $tid Optional. TID of the transaction.
    $action Optional. Transaction state. Specify one of the following codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.

    Return Values

    Depends on transaction and invoked routing notification.


    Use this service to post an XML document to a specified URL. The XML transport is basically used for posting XML documents to external Web servers.

    Input Parameters

    This service requires the following input parameters:

    Field Description
    transportParams A document with the following key/value pair.
    • url. URL to which to post the document.
    • xmlType. XML dialect to use. Specify Values-XML if you want the XML in Integration native XML format.
      • Specify SAP-XML if you want the XML in a format that is compliant with the SAP XML specification. For an IDoc, IDoc-XML is used; for an RFC, RFCXML (XRFC) is used. Note that the IDoc must be available as input to this service.
      • Arbitrary XML allows to post any XML document.
      • SOAP XRFC can be selected as additional XML dialect. This equals to XRFC (RFC-XML) with a SOAP envelope (higher than SOAP 1.1).
    • useTextXml. Optional. Flag that overwrites the content-type of bXML, XRFC and IDoc-XML to text/xml. Possible values are:
      • true. Overwrites the content-type to text/xml.
      • false.
    • useUTF8. Optional. Flag that allows to force the XML rendering engines to use UTF-8 as encoding for the resulting documents. Possible values are:
      • true.
      • false.
    • httpUser. Optional. User name to supply for a user name and password authentication challenge.
    • httpPassword. Optional. Password to supply along with httpUser for a user name and password authentication challenge.
    • useBAPI. Possible values are:
      • ON. Pipeline is encoded using bXML for Business Objects.
      • OFF. Default.
    • objectName. Name of the business object, to which the call is mapped.
    • bapiName. Name of the BAPI method, to which the call is mapped.
    xmlData Optional. An XML document as string, only used if transportParams/xmlType is Arbitrary XML.
    $encoding Optional. Encoding used by the XML request document.
    $tid Optional. Transaction ID. Specify a transaction ID if the document must be sent as a transaction.
    $action Optional. Transaction state. Specify one of the following codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.

    Return Values

    The return values depend on the document that is posted. The return value is a Values object representation of the answer to the posted document.


    When posting bXML documents representing a BAPI of a Business Object to this service, it takes care of passing the document to the routing listener.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    sbcHeader Document that contains the key/value pairs with routing information is generated by the bXML parser.
    objectName Optional. Name of the business object that is represented in the pipeline.
    bapiName Optional. Name of the BAPI that is represented in the pipeline.
    $action Optional. The transaction state. Specify one of the following codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.
    $tid Optional. TID of the transaction.

    Return Values

    Depends on transaction and invoked routing notification.


    Executes a BAPI in an SAP system. This transport service can handle both asynchronous and synchronous execution of a BAPI.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    serverName Optional. Alias of the SAP system to which the connection must be established. The name must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP. If serverName is set, it overrides the value of transportParams/serverName.
    transportParams A document with the following key/value pair:
    • serverName. The SAP system alias on which to execute the BAPI. The alias must match a configured RFC connection alias at SAP® ERP.
    • mode. Allows to restrict the way how the BAPI can be invoked. Possible values are:
      • no restrictions. Is executed as the client requested.
      • synchronous only. Only synchronous call is allowed, if client passes a $tid (indicating an asynchronous call) an exception is thrown.
      • asynchronous only. Only asynchronous call is allowed, if client does not pass a $tid (indicating a synchronous call) an exception is thrown.
    $tid Optional. TID of the transaction.
    $action Optional. Transaction state. Specify one of the following codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.
    $queueName Optional. Name of the SAP system inbound queue. Specify a value in case of a qRFC scenario.
    objectName Optional. Name of the business object.
    bapiName Optional. Name of the BAPI method.

    Return Values

    A pipeline that represents the response or an exception of the executed BAPI.

    Field Description
    $metabapi Optional. Document created if the BAPI was executed. Contains the BAPI metdata (for example, the internal name, the external name, and the RFC name). It also contains information about whether it is static (yes/no), dialog (yes/no), or factory BAPI (yes/no).
    $abapexception Optional. Document created if the execution of the BAPI caused one or more ABAP exceptions with severity of 3 or higher. The document contains the name, the severity, and the message attributes of the general BAPI failure. It also contains the document attributes that contain the complete collection of all exceptions that have occurred during execution of the BAPI, with a detailed description and the message attributes for each exception.
    $runtime Total invocation time (ms), including processing time within SAP® ERP.
    $rfctime Time (ms) spent within the RFC library to complete the invocation.
    $encoding MIME-compliant character set corresponding to the session’s SAP code page.
    $call Flag indicating whether pipeline represents a request or response of a function module. Possible values are:
    • true for request.
    • false for response.

    Builtin Services Specifications

    ALE Routing Info Default

    To allow content based routing for all IDocs, the user might provide a service that implements this specification.

    This service is called prior to selecting the right routing notification by the routing listener.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    sender Contains the sender value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.
    receiver Contains the receiver value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.
    msgType Contains the message type value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.

    ALE Routing Info

    To allow message type specific content based routing, the user might provide a service that implements this specification.

    This service is called prior to selecting the right routing notification by the routing listener but after the default ALE routing info service was called.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    sender Contains the sender value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.
    receiver Contains the receiver value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.
    msgType Contains the message type value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    sender Contains the sender value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.
    receiver Contains the receiver value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.
    msgType Contains the message type value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.

    ALE Mapping Info

    To allow message type specific mapping for IDocs, the user might provide a service that implements this specification.

    This service is called prior to sending an IDoc to an SAP system using the service but after the default ALE mapping info service is called.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    msgType Contains the message type value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type

    ALE Mapping Info Default

    To allow mapping for all IDocs, the user might provide a service that implements this specification.

    This service is called prior to sending an IDoc to an SAP system using the service.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type

    Return Values

    Field Description
    iDocList Contains the IDoc(s) as an object of the type
    msgType Contains the message type value as determined by this ALE default routing info service.

    XML Routing Info

    To allow routing for incoming XML documents, the user must provide a service that implements this specification.

    This service is called prior to selecting the right routing notification by the routing listener.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    node - OR - XML Node object that can be generated by calling XML:xmlStringToXMLNode and is automatically generated when posting an XML document via HTTP (using text/xml).
    document XML in hierarchical structure.
    You can specify the node or document in the input parameters.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    document XML in hierarchical structure.
    sender Contains the sender value as determined by this XML routing info service.
    receiver Contains the receiver value as determined by this XML routing info service.
    msgType Contains the message type value as determined by this XML routing info service.
    $tid TID of the transaction as determined by this XML routing info service.
    $action Optional. The transaction state as determined by this XML routing info service. One of the following codes:
    • 1. Default. Execute.
    • 4. Confirm.


    Call this service if you want to obtain a transaction ID (TID; which is a GUID) that conforms to the format of SAP TIDs even when not connected to a SAP system. The Transaction ID is based on a randomly created UUID Version 4.

    The obtained TID can be used as an input value for clientInvokeTransaction, clientSendIDoc, and clientConfirmTID.

    Input Parameters


    Return Values

    Field Description
    $tid Contains the TID.


    This service is used in tRFC client scenarios, which require a transactional ID (TID) uniquely identifying the transaction. See also clientConfirmTID.


    Call this service if you want to obtain the current runtime state and configuration of an enabled RFC listener instance.

    RFC listener instance refers to the RFC listener on the SAP Server.

    Input Parameters

    Field Description
    alias Node name of the RFC listener instance for which you want to obtain the runtime state.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    runtimeState Describes the current runtime state of the selected RFC listener. Possible values are:
    • Started
    • Stopping
    • Stopped
    • Alive
    • Alive, but ping failed
    • Dead
    • HA Broken
    pingMessage Result of the ping test from the SAP Gateway to the RFC listener instance.
    pingLatency Ping latency (milliseconds), if the ping test was successful.
    activeThreads Number of listener threads currently available, if the RFC listener instance is enabled.
    busyThreads Number of listener threads currently busy, if the RFC listener instance is enabled.
    maxBusyThreads Maximum number of listener threads which have been concurrently busy, if the RFC listener instance is enabled.
    $error Error message:
    • If the RFC listener instance for the given alias input does not exist.
    • If the RFC listener instance is disabled.
    • If an error has occurred.
    $warning Additional information in the case of error, along with hints to fix it.

    How to create the SAP® ERP Account

    Let’s understand how to use the SAP® ERP action with the help of an example.

    Let’s say you have a project Test_SAP_ERP. You want to create a SAP® ERP Account.

    To create a SAP® ERP Account, follow the steps given below:

    1. Select Connectors from the menu.
    2. Search SAP® ERP in the Available Connectors section.
    3. Select SAP® ERP connector. This will take you to the Add account configuration screen.

    4. Provide the following details:

      • Connection alias - Provide a suitable name for the account you want to add.
      • User name - Provide the SAP registered user name.
      • Password - Provide the password for the SAP registered user.
      • Client - Provide the 3-digit SAP client number.
      • Repository user name (Optional) - Provide the repository user name.
      • Repository password (Optional) - Provide the password of the repository user.
      • SAP router string (Optional) - Provide the SAP router string.
      • Language - Select the supported language from the dropdown list.
      • Description (Optional) - Provide the description. Click Next.
    5. Select the Connection mode setting selection.

      Click Next.

    6. Provide the details in the Connection mode.

      • If you selected Standard (Default) as the connection mode, provide the following details:

        • Application server - Provide a SAP application server name.
        • System number - Provide a SAP system number (00-99).
      • If you selected Load Balancing as the connection mode, provide the following details:

        • Logon group - Provide the name of the group you want to login.
        • Message server host - Provide a host name or IP address of the message server.
        • Message server service - Provide a SAP message server service.
        • System Id - Provide a SAP system number (00-99).

      Click Next.

    7. Verify the connection details.

      Click Add account.

    8. Select Done.

    You will see the configured custom account.

    How to create a Document Type for SAP

    Let us see how to create a new document type from an SAP RFC structure or SAP IDoc, that matches the structure of the document and content of the SAP RFC structure or SAP IDoc respectively.

    Let’s say you have a project DocTest_Project.

    To create a SAP® ERP Account, do the following:

    1. Select Configurations > Flow service > Document types.

    2. Click Add Document Type.

    3. In the Add new Document type screen, select SAP®.

      Click Ok.

    4. In the System ID and document screen, provide the following details:

      • Save As - Provide a suitable name for the Document Type you want to add.
      • System ID - Type or select System ID (SID) of the source SAP system.
      • Document type - Select the document type RFC or IDoc.
      • Description - Optional. Provide a description for the document type.

      Click Next.

    5. In the Document details screen, provide the following details:

      • If you selected RFC as the Document type, provide the following details:
        • RFC structure - Select the RFC structure from the dropdown list of cached names. If cached names are not available, you must type the RFC structure name.

      • If you selected IDoc as the Document type, provide the following details:
        • IDoc type - Select the IDoc type expected by the listener notification from the dropdown list of cached names. If cached names are not available, you must type the IDoc type.
        • CIM type(optional) - Provide a IDoc type extension (CIM type / customer extension type).
        • SAP system release(optional) - Provide the IDoc release.
        • Old IDoc type 2 (optional) -
          • Checked for old version 2 IDocs.
          • Unchecked for a new version 3 IDoc.

      Click Save and continue.

    6. In the Overview screen, verify the details and click Done.

      • If you selected RFC as the Document type:

      • If you selected IDoc as the Document type:

      A new Document Type is created.

      You can add, edit, delete, or copy a document type from the Document Types page. To edit an existing document type, on the Document Types page, click the Edit icon for the document type.

    IBM® Power®

    IBM® Power® connector access is restricted and is not publicly available. This option is available for Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere enabled tenants only. For more information, contact IBM support.

    IBM® Power® connector facilitates data exchange with IBM Power systems through the use of IBM Toolbox for Java. IBM® Power® ensures smooth and real-time communication with the IBM Power systems. You can create and run services capable of running commands and programs, as well as reading and writing data from the dataqueues on the IBM Power systems.

    IBM® Power® consists of the following components:

    The IBM Power Adapter connections utilizing SSL/TLS authentication are not supported due to platform support constraints.

    Creating a New Account

    1. In the Flow services page, click (Plus) icon to create a new deploy anywhere flow service.

    2. Select Deploy Anywhere Flow Service and click Create.

    3. Provide a name and description for the deploy anywhere flow service. Description is optional.

    4. From the list, select an Runtime on which you run a deploy anywhere flow service.

    5. On the flow service step, type IBM® Power® to select the IBM Power connector.

    6. In the Type to choose action box, click Add Custom Action.

      The Connect account page appears.

    7. Perform the following in the Account page to create an account that can be used to access IBM Power systems:

      a. Enter the name and description for the action.

      b. Select the runtime. The Runtime on which the action or account is deployed. By default, the selection on the Flow Editor page is considered. However, if you change the Runtime on Add account wizard, the connection is redeployed.

      The Runtime selected in the Default runtime field takes precedence during the connection redeployment.

      c. Click the (Plus) icon to add a new IBM® Power® account. You are redirected to the Add account wizard.

      d. Enter the following details in the Add account wizard:

      • Connect to account IBM® Power®: Name of the account by which the IBM Power system is known to IBM® Power® developers, clients, and partners.
      • Default system user: Use the default user for the system name specified in the System name field.
      • User: Username of the IBM Power system.
      • Password: Password of the user defined in the User field or the default user for the system name specified in the System name field.
      • System name: Hostname or IP address of the IBM Power system.
      • Service type: Type of service representing the various ways to interact with and utilize an IBM Power systems service type capabilities, such as for data management, system administration, or other tasks. The specific usage and functionality can vary depending on the context and the software or tools being used to establish the connections. Possible values are:

        • COMMAND - Runs the non-interactive Control Language (CL) commands or Report Program Generator (RPG) programs. You can perform system administration and automation tasks.
        • DATAQUEUE - Performs read or write and other operations on the dataqueue of the IBM Power system. Dataqueues are used for asynchronous communication between programs on the system.
        Create an account with COMMAND service type if you want to use services like Call Command or Call Program, and an account with DATAQUEUE service type if you want to use services like Read DataQueue or Write DataQueue.
      • Current library: Optional. Library used for accessing the IBM Power system resources. The library specified in the Current library field is available as %CONN_CURLIB% envionment variable in your service.

      • Socket Properties: Any socket properties that you prefer to add for this account, which the IBM Toolbox for Java sets on its client side sockets. You can select or type the property name and enter the value in the corresponding input text field.

        • Property Name: Name of the property. You can select the property from the drop-down list or use the ’+’ button to add a new property.
        • Property Value: Value for the property selected.
      • Other Properties: Any additional properties that you prefer to add for this account. You can type the property name and enter the value in the corresponding input text field.

        • Property Name: Name of the property. You can use the ’+’ button to add a new property.
        • Property Value: Value for the property selected.
      IBM® Power® connector for Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere enabled tenants does not support SSL connections.

      d. Click Next. The Add account > Advance Setting page appears.

      e. Provide the following details in Advance Setting page to configure connection pooling manually:

      Connection pooling is enabled by default.
      • Enable connection pooling:
        • Manual: Toggle the slider to right to enable configuration of the connection pooling details manually. The default value is manual. Disable the Manual connection pooling to use system defined values.
      • Minimum and maximum Pool Size: Minimum and maximum connection pool size for this account.
        • Minimum Pool Size: Number of connections to create when the connection is enabled. The system maintains the specified Minimum Pool Size of connections, irrespective of whether these connections remain idle.
        • Maximum Pool Size: Maximum number of connections that can exist at a time in the connection pool.
      • Block timeout: Number of milliseconds that Integration waits to obtain a connection with the IBM Power system before it times out and returns an error. For example, you have a pool with maximum pool size of 20. In the event of receiving 30 simultaneous connection requests, 10 requests will be queued, awaiting a connection from the pool.
        • If you set the Block timeout value to 5000, the 10 requests will wait for 5 seconds to establish a connection before they time out and return an error. If the services using the connections require 10 seconds to complete and return connections to the pool, the pending requests will encounter failure and return an error message stating the unavailability of the connections.
        • If you set the Block timeout value too high, you may encounter problems resulting in error. If a request contains errors that delay the response, other requests will not be sent. This Block timeout must be tuned in conjunction with the Maximum Pool Size setting to accommodate such bursts in processing.
      • Expire timeout: Number of milliseconds that an inactive connection can remain in the pool before it is closed and removed from the pool. The connection pool removes inactive connections until the number of connections in the pool is equal to the Minimum Pool Size. The timer for an inactive connection is reset when the connection is used.
        • If you set the Expire timeout value too high, the connection pool might accumulate numerous unused and inactive connections. This not only consumes local memory but also ties up a connection on your backend resource. This could have an adverse effect if your resource has a limited number of connections.
        • If you set the Expire timeout value too low, the performance could degrade because of the increased activity of creating and closing connections. This Expire timeout must be tuned in conjunction with the Minimum Pool Size setting to avoid excessive opening and closing of connections during processing.

      f. Click Next. The Add account > Synchronize page appears.

      g. Click Next. The Next button is enabled only after a successful validation. The Add account > Test and review page appears.

      h. Review the account details.

      i. Click Test connection to verify the connection. A success message appears if the connectivity is successful.

      j. Click Enable.

      k. Click Done.

      You are redirected to the Add custom action page and the newly created account appears in the Connect to account drop-down list. You can use this account to run any IBM® Power® custom action created under the same project.

    Action Types

    IBM® Power® provides templates to perform the following types of actions:

    Creating Read and Write DataQueues

    1. In the Flow services page, click (Plus) icon to create a new deploy anywhere flow service.

    2. Select Deploy Anywhere Flow Service and click Create.

    3. Provide a name and description for the deploy anywhere flow service. Description is optional. For example, GetCustomerInfo.

    4. From the list, select an Runtime on which you run a deploy anywhere flow service.

    5. On the Flow service step, type IBM® Power® to select the IBM® Power® connector.

    6. In the Type to choose action box, click Add Custom Operation.

    7. Perform the following in the Account page to create an account that can be used to access IBM Power systems:

      a. Enter the name and description for the action.

      b. Select the runtime. The Runtime on which the action or account is deployed. By default, the selection on the Flow Editor page is considered. However, if you change the Runtime on Add account wizard, the connection is redeployed.

      Runtime selected in the Default runtime field takes precedence during the connection redeployment.

      c. Select the IBM® Power® account.

      d. Click Next.

    8. Select the Read DataQueue or Write DataQueue action in the Action page.

    9. Click Next.

    10. Provide the following fields in the Data queue page:

      • Library name: Name of the library where the dataqueue exists. Type the library name or select from the library list (containing user, system, and other libraries added).
      • Queue name: Name of the dataqueue.
      • Operation type: Type of read operation. Available in Read DataQueue only. Possible values are:
        • Read: Reads a record from the dataqueue and removes it from the dataqueue. If no records exist in the dataqueue, then returns.
        • Peek: Reads a record from the dataqueue without removing it from the dataqueue. If no records exist in the dataqueue, then returns.
      • Read timeout (sec): Time in seconds to wait if the dataqueue is empty. Specify -1 to wait until a record becomes available. Available in Read DataQueue only.
      • Queue type: Type of dataqueue. Possible values are:
        • Sequential. Dataqueue organized in a linear or sequential order.
        • Keyed. Dataqueue organized as key-value pair. The key-value pair allows direct access to messages based on the specific identifier (key).
      • Key type: List of the IBM Power native data types in which the key is stored in the dataqueue if the Queue type is Keyed.
      • Key input type: List of the possible Java data types corresponding to the Key type selected, if the Queue type is Keyed.
      • Key length: Length of the key in bytes if the Queue type is Keyed.
      • Key value: Value of the key if the Queue type is Keyed.
      • Key compare type: Type of comparisions to perform on the Key value if the Queue type is Keyed. Available in Read DataQueue only. Possible values are:
        • EQ: Equal
        • NE: Not equal
        • LT: Less than
        • LE: Less than or equal
        • GT: Greater than
        • GE: Greater than or equal

      Sample of the Data queue page in Write DataQueue:

      Sample of the Data queue page in Read DataQueue:

    11. Click Next. The Record page appears.

    12. Click Add Record and provide the following fields in the Record page:

      • Data name: Name of the record to be stored in or retrieved from the dataqueue.
      • Native data type: List of IBM Power native data types for the record.
      • Byte length: Length in bytes of the data value.
      • Is array: Flag to indicate if the data value is an array.
      • Input data type: List of possible Java data types depending on the Native data type and the Is array fields selection. Available in Write DataQueue only.
      • Data occurrence: Number of elements in the array if Is array is selected. Available in Read DataQueue only.
      • Output data type: List of possible Java data types depending on the Native data type and the Is array fields selection. Available in Read DataQueue only.
      • Data value: Value of the record to store in the dataqueue. You can specify the data value either in the field or during runtime. If the intention is to provide the value at runtime, then include a ? in the Data value field. Available in Write DataQueue only.

      Sample of the Record page in Write DataQueue:

      Sample of the Record page in Read DataQueue:

    13. Click Next. The Overview page.

    14. Verify the details in the Overview page.

    15. Click Add. The success message appears.

    16. Click Done. The flow service editor page appears.

    17. Click (Save) to save the service.

    18. Click (Sync) to sync the service.

    19. Click (Run) to run the service.

      Sample of the run in Write DataQueue:

      Sample of the run in Read DataQueue:

    Creating Call Command and Call Programs

    1. In the Flow services page, click (Plus) icon to create a new deploy anywhere flow service.

    2. Select Deploy Anywhere Flow Service and click Create.

    3. Provide a name and description for the deploy anywhere flow service. Description is optional.

    4. From the list, select an Runtime on which you run a deploy anywhere flow service.

    5. On the Flow service step, type IBM® Power® to select the IBM Power connector.

    6. In the Type to choose action box, click Add Custom Operation. The Connect account page appears.

    7. Perform the following in the Account page to create an account that can be used to access IBM Power systems:

      a. Enter the name and description for the action.

      b. Select the runtime. The Runtime on which the action or account is deployed. By default, the selection on the Flow Editor page is considered. However, if you change the Runtime on Add account wizard, the connection is redeployed.

      Runtime selected in the Default runtime field takes precedence during the connection redeployment.

      c. Select the IBM® Power® account.

      d. Click Next.

    8. Select the Call Command or Call Program action in the Action page.

    9. Click Next.

    10. If you have selected Call Command in the Action page:

      a. Provide the following details in the Command page:

      • Library name: Optional. Name of the library where the command exists. Type the library name or select from the library list (containing user, system, and other libraries added). Default is *LIBL.
      • Command name: Name of the command to call.
      When you select a command to call, the description for the command appears.

      b. Click (Plus) icon to add the parameters which must be passed to the command.

      c. Provide the following fields in the Add Parameter page:

      • Name: Name of the parameter to pass when the command is called.
      • Value: Value associated with the parameter. You can specify the parameter value either in the field or during runtime. If you want to provide the value at runtime, then include a ? in the Value field.

      d. Click Add.

      e. The Command page appears with the parameters listed.

      f. Click Next. The Overview page appears.

    11. If you have selected Call Program in the Action page:

      a. Provide the following details in the Program page:

      • Library name: Name of the library where the program exists. Type the library name or select from the library list (containing user, system, and other libraries added).
      • Program name: Name of the program to call.
      • Inquire message reply: Option to indicate how the program must respond to inquiry messages.
        • INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_DEFAULT - Sends the default reply message to respond to any inquiry received while the program is running. The default reply is either defined in the message description or is the default system reply.
        • INQUIRY_MESSAGE_REPLY_SYSTEM_REPLY_LIST - Checks system reply list to see if there is an entry for an inquiry message issued while the program is running. If a match occurs, the system sends the reply value for that entry. If no entry exists for that message, the system sends an inquiry message.

      b. Click Next. The Input page appears.

      c. Provide the following details in the Input page:

      • Input parameter name: Name of the input parameter to pass when the program is called.
      • Native data type: List of IBM Power native data types for the parameter.
      • Byte length: Length in bytes of the input parameter value.
      • Is array: Flag to indicate if the parameter value is an array.
      • Input data type: List of possible Java data types depending on the Native data type and the Is array field selection.
      • Parameter value: Value associated with the parameter. You can specify the parameter value either in the field or during runtime. If you want to provide the value at runtime, then include a ? in the Parameter value field.

      d. Click Next. The Output page appears.

      e. Provide the following fields in the Output page:

      • Output parameter name: Name of the output parameter returned when the program is called.
      • Native data type: List of IBM Power native data type for the parameter.
      • Is array: Flag to indicate if the parameter value is an array. Default value is 1.
      • Data occurrence: Number of elements in the array if Is array is selected.
      • Output data type: List of possible Java data types depending on the Native data type and the Is array field selection.
      • Output data length: Length in bytes of the output data value.

      If you want to specify a parameter as both input and output, add the parameter in the Input page as well as in the Output page with the same parameter name.

      f. Click Next. The Overview page appears.

    12. Verify the details in the Overview page.

    13. Click Add. The success message appears.

    14. Click Done. This will redirect you to the flow service editor page.

    15. Click (Map Pipeline) to add the input parameters to the service pipeline.

      Sample of the map pipeline in Call Command:

      Sample of the map pipeline in Call Program:

    16. Click (Save) to save the service.

    17. Click (Sync) to sync the service.

    18. Click (Run) to run the service.

      Sample of the run service in Call Command:

      Sample of the run service in Call Program:

    IBM® Power® BuiltIn Services


    Creates a sequential or keyed dataqueue in the IBM Power system.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    $connectionAlias String. Required. Connection alias of the IBM Power system.
    queueName String. Required. Name of the dataqueue. The dataqueue name must be between 1 to 10 characters in length. For example, MYQUEUE.
    libraryName String. Required. Library in which the dataqueue must be created. The library name must be between 1 to 10 characters in length.
    queueType String. Required. Dataqueue type. Possible values are:
    • FIFO: Processes records in a sequential order of First In, First Out (FIFO) in the dataqueue.
    • LIFO: Processes records in a sequential order of Last In, First Out (LIFO) in the dataqueue.
    • Keyed: Processes records as a key-value pair in the dataqueue.
    keyLength String. Optional. Length of the key in bytes if the queueType is Keyed. If the queueType is:
    • FIFO or LIFO: keyLength is not required.
    • Keyed - keyLength is mandatory. Valid values are 1 to 256.
    maxEntryLength String. Required. Maximum number of bytes per dataqueue record. Valid values are 1 to 64512.
    authority String. Required. Public authority for the dataqueue. Valid values are *ALL, *CHANGE, *EXCLUDE, *USE, *LIBCRTAUT.
    saveSenderInformation String. Optional. Default value is false. Set to true if the sender (origin) information of the records must be saved.
    forceToAuxiliaryStorage String. Optional. Default value is false. Set the value to true to immediately write the records to a permanent storage. Set the value to false to keep the records to write in memory, which could be lost in the case of a power outage.
    description String. Text description of the dataqueue. String must be 50 characters or less.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    success String. Status of the service execution. Returns true if the dataqueue is successfully created, else returns false.
    error String. Error message if the dataqueue creation fails.


    Returns the default user ID for the system name specified in $connectionAlias.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    $connectionAlias String. Connection alias of the IBM Power system.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    userId String. Default user ID for the system name specified in $connectionAlias.
    error String. Error message if the service fails.


    Removes the default user for the system name specified in $connectionAlias.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    $connectionAlias String. Connection alias of the IBM Power system.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    success String. Status of the service execution. Returns true if the service runs successfully, else returns false.
    error String. Error message if the service fails.


    Sets the default user for the system name specified in $connectionAlias.

    Input Parameter

    Field Description
    $connectionAlias String. Connection alias of the IBM Power system.
    userId String. Default user ID to set for the system name specified in $connectionAlias.

    Return Values

    Field Description
    success String. Status of the service execution. Returns true if the service runs successfully, else returns false.
    error String. Error message if the service fails.

    Data Store

    Store and retrieve keys with local and global scope for your workflows.


    Know how to use Account Store, Flow Store, and Memory Store actions in detail.

    DevOps Tools

    Execute shell commands over SSH connections.


    Developer Tools

    Developer Tools are the set of in-built services offered by IBM webMethods Integration to help you add advanced functionalities to your workflows.


    • If the workflow containing a Global Error Handler timeouts due to some reason, then the workflow execution is not handled by the Global Error Handler.
    • If a workflow contains a Global Error Handler action and the workflow times out, the system will invoke the Global Error Handler action, allowing it a maximum of 60 seconds to complete execution. After 60 seconds, the execution of the Global Error Handler will be forcibly stopped.
    • Regardless of whether the Global Error Handler completes its execution within 60 seconds, the workflow status will be marked as Timeout whenever the Global Error Handler is invoked due to a workflow timeout.
      Even if the workflow contains the Set Workflow Status as Failed action inside Global Error Handler, the status of the workflow will remain Timeout when the Global Error Handler is invoked due to a workflow timeout.
    • Context ID must be a string.
    • Context ID must contain at least one character.


    The File actions let you accomplish certain tasks when working on file-related activities.



    FTP or File Transfer Protocol, is a network protocol used to transfer files among hosts over a TCP-based network or internet.

    The FTP connector cannot be used in both Workflows and Flow services with the same account. You must create seperate accounts.

    Workflow Actions

    Flow service Actions

    FTP Predefined Operations

    The following predefined FTP operations are available:


    Retrieves a file from a remote FTP server.

    Input Parameters

    remoteFile String Name of the remote file.
    transferType String FTP file transfer mode (ASCII or binary). The default is ASCII.

    Output Parameters

    contentStream Object A object.
    statusCode String Standard FTP protocol status code.
    statusMessage String Standard FTP protocol status message.


    Returns a list of file names in a specified remote directory. If path is not specified, the operation retrieves the file listing of the current remote directory. The operation also retrieves additional details such as permissions and ownership information.

    Input Parameters

    remotePath String Optional. Absolute or relative path of the remote directory. If remotepath is not specified, the listFiles operation retrieves the directory listing of the current remote directory. You can use the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) after the last slash mark (/) to view all remote directories that match the specified path.
    listFilter String Optional. Filter that specifies the names of the files to include in the list (for example, *.txt).

    Output Parameters

    fileList [] String List List of file names matching listFilter.
    statusCode String Standard FTP protocol status code.
    statusMessage String Standard FTP protocol status message.


    Delete file(s) from a remote FTP server.

    Input Parameters

    remotePath String Optional. Absolute or relative path of the remote directory. If remotepath is not specified, the deleteFiles operation deletes the directory listing of the current remote directory. You can use the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) after the last slash mark (/) to view all remote directories that match the specified path.
    deleteFilter String Optional. Filter that specifies the names of the files to be deleted (for example, *.txt).

    Output Parameters

    filesDeleted [] String List List of deleted files that match the deleteFilter.
    filesNotDeleted [] String List List of files not deleted.
    statuscode String Standard FTP protocol status code.
    statusmsg String Standard FTP protocol status message.


    Transfers a file to a remote FTP server.

    Input Parameters

    remoteFile String The name of the remote file.
    transferType String FTP file transfer mode (ascii or binary). The default is ascii.
    writeOption String Optional. Indicates whether to send a STOR or a STOU (Store as Unique File) command to the remote FTP server. Set to:
  • true to send a STOU (Store as Unique File) command.
  • false to send a STOR command. This is the default.
  • contentStream, byte[ ], or String Data to be transferred to the remote file.

    Output Parameters

    statusCode String Standard FTP protocol status code.
    statusMessage String Standard FTP protocol status message.

    Usage Notes

    Some FTP servers do not support “putting” a unique file. When using the putFile operation to put a unique file to an FTP server that does not support putting a unique file, you may encounter the following error: 500 'STOU': command not understood.


    Renames a file on a remote FTP server.

    Input Parameters

    oldFileName String Fully qualified name of the file you want to rename (for example, temp/oldfilename.txt).
    newFileName String Fully qualified name of the new file (for example, temp/newfilename.txt).

    Output Parameters

    StatusCode String Standard FTP protocol status code.
    StatusMessage String Standard FTP protocol status message.


    GitHub is a website for storing your project’s files. It is a Git repository hosting service which helps you manage projects, build software along other developers, and use version control.



    Google Apps Admin

    The Google Apps Admin actions let you perform important admin related tasks, helping you organize, manage, and control business operations easily.


    Google BigQuery

    Google BigQuery is a popular serverless data warehouse which provides efficient functions to help you analyze your big data and make informed decisions.


    Custom Actions

    Google BigQuery connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.

    To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.

    Google Cloud PubSub

    Google Cloud PubSub is a real-time messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages among independent applications and services.



    Heroku is a cloud-based platform as a service (PaaS) tool supporting several programming languages. It enables the developers to build, run, and operate the applications across languages such as Java, Node.js, Scala, Clojure, Python, PHP, and Go.




    HTTP is the in-built action provided by IBM webMethods Integration to make HTTP/HTTPS requests to servers.


    The URL to which you want to make the HTTP request should contain a valid security certificate.

    Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

    Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a predefined connector provided by IBM webMethods Integration and can be used to send HTTP or HTTPS requests to web servers from within the IBM webMethods Integration environment.


    All connection-related fields such as URLs, passwords, and timeouts can be specified using an account. During runtime, the values associated with the selected account are used. Additionally, you have a choice to specify the values in a Pipeline. In this case, the values specified in the Pipeline are used instead of the values configured in the account.


    The JMS connector allows you to publish messages to an external messaging provider.

    For more information on the JMS connector, see External Messaging Providers.


    JSON Tools

    JSON Tools let you perform various operations on JSON data.



    Jotform is an online form creation tool that helps users publish forms and receive responses.






    The Logger action allows you to output a message to the console. This message can be any data such as a static string or previous action’s data (up to 256 KB). In case the given message exceeds 256 KB, you will get the “{ [Message Size Too Large] }” string.

    The input/output tabs that show the input/output of the executed action in the Debug Panel have been removed for the Logger action.


    Mailgun is a cloud-based email service used by developers for sending, receiving, and tracking email messages sent through websites and applications. The intelligent inbound routing and storage provided by Mailgun allows you to know exactly where your messages are going.


    Custom Actions

    Mailgun connector also lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.

    To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.


    Messaging connector lets you publish messages to an internal messaging provider. For more information on the Messaging connector, see Messaging Connector Parameters.


    MongoDB Atlas

    MongoDB Atlas is a global cloud database service that allows you to leverage the latest MongoDB features while automating several database operations and administration tasks efficiently.



    MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Protocol) is a publish-subscribe based messaging protocol working at the top of the TCP/IP protocol. It sets up the connections with remote locations where there is a limited network bandwidth.


    OAuth 1.0 Keys

    OAuth 1.0 Keys is the in-built action provided by IBM webMethods Integration to generate OAuth 1.0 parameters. You can use the parameters obtained from the result of this action to make REST API requests.


    OData v2.0

    OData v2.0 allows you to create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.

    API Versions: 2

    API Types: REST

    Authentication and Authorization: Basic authentication

    Key Capabilities: Custom Fields support


    Custom Actions

    OData v2.0 connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.

    To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.

    OData v4.0

    OData v4.0 allows you to create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.

    API Versions: 4

    API Types: REST

    Authentication and Authorization: OAuth v2.0 and Credentials

    Key Capabilities: Custom Fields support


    Custom Actions

    OData v4.0 connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.

    To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.




    Pastebin is an online text sharing application that allows users to upload and share texts. You can upload and share any kind of text through public posts called pastes. The most common usage of this is to share or review (collaborate) source code.


    Pretty Good Privacy

    The Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) connector provides a set of built-in PGP services, which can be used to encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify the stream or bytes of data.



    Data up to 1GB can be uploaded and tested for PGP Encryption and Decryption operations.


    PubNub is a global data stream network (DNS) that enables real-time message streaming among web, mobile and the IoT applications. The device signalling and publish/subscribe model of PubNub supports capabilities such as WebSockets, Socket.IO, SignalR, and so on.




    Pushbullet is a service that connects your mobile and desktop OSes. It is one of the fastest methods to get files, notes, links, contacts, and so on from your desktop computer to your mobile device, and vice versa.



    Quick Base is a custom application building platform that empowers you to quickly and easily build applications to manage and improve processes.




    Robin connector provides developers with the ability to build applications that interact with the Robin platform, giving them access to their team’s data such as locations, spaces, and presence.

    Custom Actions

    Robin connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do. To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.

    Raw Engineering Backend

    Raw Engineering Backend is a backend-as-a-service (BaaS) provider. It takes care of the back end requirements and helps you create efficient mobile and web apps quickly.




    Runscope is an API monitoring and testing tool that helps users to solve complex API problems and ensure optimal API performance at all times.


    SAP S/4HANA® Cloud OData v2.0

    SAP S/4HANA® Cloud allows you to perform create, update, query, read and delete operations on supported entities using the OData based REST interface.


    Custom Actions

    SAP S/4HANA® Cloud OData v2.0 connector lets you create your own custom actions for performing specific tasks. The actions you create look and work exactly like the other actions do.

    To know more about how to create custom actions, click here.


    Steps to use Custom Endpoints

    1. To use a custom endpoint or service that is not included in the standard connector service list, utilize the specific connection parameter, Service Name, when defining a connection. For example, to use a custom endpoint like<function_Name>, populate the following connection configuration fields:
      • Server URL:
      • Service Name: sap/<function_Name>
    2. Save and close the connection.
    3. When configuring a cloud connector service, select Custom Service from the service list to access operations on the specified endpoint within the connection. Choose the Entity and required fields from the available options.
    • Each new custom endpoint or service requires a separate connection, allowing operations solely on the specified endpoint. The Custom Service function will only work with a connection that has explicitly defined the Service Name.
    • Not all entity operations (Query, Update, Delete, Create, and Read) visible in the connector may be enabled for the custom endpoint. Ensure that you choose permissible operations allowed in your backend service definitions.
    • Ensure accurate entry of the Service Name in the connection, as connection validation is not enabled. Custom endpoint validation is not performed while saving the connection.
    • It is not recommended to use the standard service definition where the Service Name is populated in the connection configuration and is intended to be used with a custom endpoint or service.
    • It is not recommended to populate the Service Name value in the connection configuration when using a standard functional area or service.


    SFTP or Secure File Transfer Protocol is a secure version of the FTP (File Transfer Protocol), which processes the data access and data transfer over a Secure Shell (SSH) data stream.

    • You must create separate accounts for the SFTP connector in workflows and flow services. Additionally, the names of the SFTP V1 account and SFTP V2 account must be unique.
    • If the Hub and Spoke plan is enabled for your tenant, you can establish a connection from your private VPC using a private link for this connector.

    Workflow Actions

    All actions of the SFTP connector have been updated to new versions for an improved connection mechanism. With this change, a new connection will be created whenever an action of the SFTP connector is called in a workflow and the created connection will be closed after the operation is completed.

    Common Questions

    How to create an account for the SFTP connector?

    To add an account for SFTP in IBM webMethods Integration:

    Why is the Flow service execution failing with error for SFTP account: Host Key has been changed?

    If the host key is changed after the SFTP account creation, manually update the account to get the latest host key in order to avoid the transaction failures.

    What are the different download methods available under the Download File (v6) action of the SFTP connector for workflows?

    The Download File (v6) action under SFTP connector for workflows lets you download a particular file from a remote SFTP server. Following methods are available under the Download File (v6) action:

    Flow service Actions

    Additional Information

    SFTP V1 Details
    Preferred Key Exchange Algorithms ecdh-sha2-nistp256

    Preferred Key Exchange Algorithms are the algorithms that Integration Server presents to the SFTP server for key exchange.

    SFTP Predefined Operations

    The following predefined SFTP operations are available:


    Changes the working directory on the remote SFTP server.

    Input Parameters

    path String Absolute or relative path of the directory that you want as the working directory on the remote SFTP server.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.


    Changes the group ownership of one or more remote files.

    Input Parameters

    groupId String Numeric group identifier of the group to which you want to transfer ownership of the remote files.
    path String Absolute or relative path of the remote files.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.


    Changes permissions of one or more remote files.

    Input Parameters

    mode String The permission mode to apply to the remote file (for example, 777).
    path String Absolute or relative path of the remote files.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.


    Changes the owning user of one or more remote files.

    Input Parameters

    uid String Numeric user ID of the new owning user of the file.
    path String Absolute or relative path of the remote files.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.


    Retrieves a file from a remote SFTP server.

    Input Parameters

    remoteFile String Absolute or relative path of the remote file.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.
    contentStream Object A object.


    Retrieves the remote directory listing of the specified path. If path is not specified, the ls service retrieves the file listing of the current remote directory. The ls service also retrieves additional details such as permissions and ownership information.

    Input Parameters

    path String Optional. Absolute or relative path of the remote directory. If no path is specified, the ls service retrieves the directory listing of the current remote directory. You can use the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (?) after the last slash mark (/) to view all remote directories that match the specified path.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.
    dirList Document List of directories matching the pattern specified in the path parameter. This document has the following parameters:
  • fileName: String Specifies the name of the remote file.
  • fileSize: String Specifies the size of the remote file.
  • permissions: String Specifies the access permission of the file (read, write, or execute).
  • lastAccessTime: String Specifies the time when the file was last accessed.
  • lastModifiedTime: String Specifies the time when the file was last modified.
  • uid: String Specifies the user ID of the file owner.
  • gid: String Specifies the group ID associated with the file.
  • longName: String Specifies the long name of the ls entry. It contains all the parameters separated by a space.
  • mkdir

    Creates a new remote directory.

    Input Parameters

    path String Absolute or relative path of the remote directory where you want to create a new directory.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.


    Transfers a file to a remote SFTP server.

    Input Parameters

    contentStream Data to be transferred to the remote file.
    remoteFile String Absolute or relative path of the remote file to which the contentStream would be written based on the mode.
    mode String Optional. Specifies how the local file is to be transferred to the remote SFTP server. Set to:
  • overwrite to overwrite the contents of the remote file with the contents of the contentStream. This is the default.
  • append to append the entire contents of the contentStream to the remote file.
  • resume to resume writing the contents of the contentStream to the remote file from the point the writing was stopped during previous SFTP sessions.
  • Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.


    Displays the remote working directory in the SFTP server.

    Input Parameters


    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.
    path String Absolute or relative path of the working directory on the remote SFTP server.


    Renames a file or directory on a remote SFTP server.

    Input Parameters

    oldPath String Fully qualified name of the file you want to rename (for example, temp/oldname.txt).
    newPath String New fully qualified name for the file (for example, temp/newname.txt).

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.


    Deletes one or more remote files on the SFTP server.

    Input Parameters

    path String Absolute or relative path of the file you want to delete.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.


    Deletes one or more remote directories on the SFTP server.

    Input Parameters

    path String Absolute or relative path of the directory you want to delete.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.

    Usage Notes

    The remote directories that you want to delete must be empty.

    Creates a symbolic link between the old path and the new path of a file.

    Input Parameters

    oldPath String Old path of the file for which you want to create a symbolic link.
    newPath String New path of the file to which the symbolic link should point.

    Output Parameters

    returnCode String Standard SFTP protocol return code.
    returnMsg String Text message describing the return code.

    SFTP V2

    The SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a network protocol that is based on the Secure Shell protocol (SSH). SFTP facilitates secure file access, file transfer, and file management over any reliable data stream. The Version 2 client has additional configuration properties, Key Exchange Algorithms, Machine Access Code (MAC) algorithms, and ciphers that are not available in the Version 1 client.

    You must create separate accounts for the SFTP connector in workflows and Flow services. Additionally, the names of the SFTP V1 account and SFTP V2 account must be unique.

    Workflow Actions

    Flow service Actions

    Additional Information

    SFTP V2 Details
    Preferred Key Exchange Algorithms curve25519-sha256
    Preferred Ciphers C2S
    Preferred Message Authentication Code (MAC) Algorithms C2S
    Preferred Message Authentication Code (MAC) Algorithms S2C
    SFTP Advanced Settings Min DH key Size
    Max DH Key Size
    host Hostname of the SFTP server that you are using.
    Key Exchange Algorithms such as diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 and diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 consider values set for the Min DH Key Size and Max DH Key Size parameters. All other algorithms ignore these values.


    SendGrid is a cloud-based email delivery service which lets you send emails easily.


    The sendMail action sends email to a recipient over SendGrid’s v3 Web API. Upon successful execution of the sendMail action, the SendGrid API queues the email along with other pending emails in its system and displays the success response in the IBM webMethods Integration user interface. The email is delivered to the user only after the SendGrid API processes and sends all the other pending emails already added to the queue before it.


    Siteleaf is an online content management system that allows users to create, edit, and maintain websites.



    Common Questions

    How to retrieve the API key and API Secret for Siteleaf?

    To retrieve or access the API key and API Secret for Siteleaf, ensure that you are an admin or account owner of the Siteleaf account.

    Whenever you try to create a Siteleaf account for configuring a trigger or action, you will see the following window:

    To retrieve the API key and API Secret for Siteleaf, follow the steps given below:

    1. Login to your Siteleaf account

      Once you login, click on the Settings option listed in the left-side panel.

    2. Retrieve the API key and API secret

      On clicking the Settings option, a window will appear on screen. From the right panel of the window, click on the Account Settings option.

      On clicking this option, you will be redirected to the My Account screen. Click on the API tab listed on top.

      In the window that appears, you will see theAPI KEY and API SECRET associated with your Siteleaf account.

      Copy and paste the API key and API secret in the API Key and API Secret fields respectively in the Connect to Siteleaf window in IBM webMethods Integration and then click ADD

      An account will be automatically created and added under Connect to Siteleaf field. Once added, this account will be available in all Siteleaf actions and triggers.


    SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP-IP protocol that lets you send and receive emails.

    The SMTP connector cannot be used in both Workflows and Flow services with the same account. You must create separate accounts.

    Workflow Actions

    Flow service Actions

    SMTP Predefined Operation


    Sends emails to specified recipients. You can attach one or more files to the message.

    Input Parameters

    from String Optional. E-mail address of the sender.
    to String Optional. E-mail address of the receiver. If you specify multiple addresses, separate them with commas.
    subject String Subject of the message.
    body String The content of the message.
    cc: String Optional. E-mail addresses of additional receivers. If you specify multiple addresses, separate them with commas.
    bcc: String Optional. E-mail addresses of additional receivers. If you specify multiple addresses, separate them with commas.
    subjectCharSet: String Optional. The character set used to encode the subject. Default: UTF-8.
    bodyCharSet: String Optional. The character set used to encode the email message. Default: UTF-8.
    attachments Document List Attachments to the email message.
    Key Description
    contenttype String Content type of the attachment. For example: application/pdf.
      content byte[ ], String, or Content of the attachment.
    filename String Name to assign to the attachment.
    encoding String Encoding of the attachment, for example, base64 or 7bit. If encoding is not specified, 7bit is used.
    charset String Character set encoding of the attachment. If charset is not specified, then UTF-8 encoding is used.
    Rich content, such as HTML, can be sent by email in the same way but you must take care of the following points:
    • body: The field must remain blank.
    • Attachments:
      • contenttype: Type text/html.
      • Content: Content of the attachment in the HTML format.

    Output Parameters

    status String Final status of the operation.

    Usage Notes


    Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehouse that is not only easier to use but also faster, reliable, and flexible when compared to traditional data warehouses.


    Common Questions

    How to find the account name for Snowflake

    To find the account name for your Snowflake account, follow the instructions given below:

    This option lists accounts you have been signed in to.


    Stripe offers services that allow individuals and businesses to accept payments over the Internet.




    Syniverse provides business solutions to mobile service providers and facilitates connectivity and interoperability with a wide range of services.




    JSON consists of 6 data types, string, number, boolean, null, object, and array. As JSON does not have a Date type, it encodes dates as ISO 8601 strings. Hence, for the XLS to JSON action to interpret dates correctly, the ‘Date’ or ‘Time’ data-type field should always have a value in DateTime format or the column should be converted into a ‘String’ data-type.


    USgeocoder is a customizable Geographic Information System (GIS) web application.


    Weather Underground

    Weather Underground is a weather service that provides real-time weather information over the Internet.


    webMethods Cloud Container

    webMethods Cloud Container is a custom connector that allows you to invoke and execute flow services (or any executable node) created in your cloud container environment on IBM webMethods Integration.

    How to use webMethods Cloud Container

    Let’s understand how to use the IBM webMethods Cloud Container connector with the help of an example.

    Let’s say you have a Flow service on your cloud container environment named add(flow_service) inside solution(tess). You want to invoke this flow service and execute it on IBM webMethods Integration.

    The Flow service add(flow_service) used in the example is a simple Flow service that adds two numbers.

    To invoke and execute add(flow_service) and use the results in Workflows in IBM webMethods Integration, we will have to use the IBM webMethods Cloud Container connector. To do so, follow the steps given below:

    1. Add the IBM webMethods Cloud Container connector on the canvas and connect it to the Start and Stop icons as shown below:

    2. Add/select custom action

      Double-click the IBM webMethods Cloud Container connector icon and click on the + button to start creating a custom action.

      This will redirect you to the ‘Add Custom Action’ configuration screen.

      You can alternatively select an existing action (if any) by clicking the Select Action drop-down field.

    3. Connect to a IBM webMethods Cloud Container account

      Select an existing IBM webMethods Cloud Container account (if any) by clicking the drop-down icon or click on the ‘+’ button to add a new IBM webMethods Cloud Container account.

      This will take you to the ‘Add Account’ configuration screen where you will need to provide the following details:

      • Account Name - Provide a suitable name for the account you want to add.
      • Server URL - Enter the cloud server URL where your on-premises assets are deployed. E.g.,
      • User Name - Enter the user name associated with the account on the cloud server.
      • Password - Enter the password for the specified user name.
      • Response Timeout - Enter the duration (in milliseconds) for which you want IBM webMethods Integration to wait for a response before canceling its attempt to connect to the backend. In case the network is slow or the backend processing takes longer than usual or if your service takes longer time to execute then, increase the Response Timeout value. It is recommended to specify a value other than 0. If you specify 0, IBM webMethods Integration will wait indefinitely for a response.

      Once you have entered all the relevant details, click Add.

      This will take you back to the ‘Add Custom Action’ configuration screen.

      Now, if you click on the Connect to IBM webMethods Cloud Container drop-down icon, you will see the added account in the list. This account can now be used to execute any IBM webMethods Cloud Container custom action created under the same project.

      Once you have added/selected an account, provide a suitable name and description for the action you are about to create, and then click Next.

    4. Select the operation to be performed

      By default, only one operation - Execute - is available. Select the ‘Execute’ operation and click Next.

    5. Select the Input Business Object

      Here, you will see all the available Solutions that are present in the specified cloud container environment. Select the input business object to be associated with the selected Execute operation.

      Here, in our example, we have only one solution(tess) in the specified cloud container environment.

      Click on the expand icon to see the available Integration Servers and packages associated with the cloud container environment.

      We will select the add(flow_service) service from the (add)package package as the input business object and then click Next.

      This will take you to the ‘Select the Data Fields’ configuration screen where you will see the Input and Output data fields of the service add(flow_service).

      The data fields that are displayed will be the same as you see in your cloud container environment. By default, the data fields for the Business Object are mandatory and cannot be cleared.

      Click Next to continue.

    6. Confirm the action

      The next step is to verify and confirm the custom action. Once this is done, click Done.

      With this, the custom action will be created successfully.

      You can optionally change the default custom action name and then click Next.

      You will be redirected to the custom action configuration window. Provide values for all the required fields while configuring an action, and then click Next.

      You will be redirected to the Test this action window where you can check if the action is working as expected before executing the workflow. To do so, click on the Test button.

      If the custom action is configured correctly, you will see the output data for the action.

      With this, we have verified that add(flow_service) has been successfully executed on your cloud container environment and the results are returned to IBM webMethods Integration as expected.

      Next, save the workflow by clicking on the Save button located at the upper-right corner of the canvas.

    Editing a webMethods Cloud Container action

    You can edit an existing custom action created using the IBM webMethods Cloud Container connector.

    To do so, follow the steps given below:

    1. Drag and drop webMethods Cloud Container from the connectors panel and double-click on the connector icon.

      The IBM webMethods Cloud Container window appears on the screen.

    2. Click the Select Action drop-down icon, select the custom action you want to edit, and then click Edit.

      Here, in our example, we had created a custom action named tess. So, we see only one created custom action in the drop-down list.

    3. You can now make relevant edits to the custom action based on your requirements. Once done, you can execute the action as you would normally do.
    4. Note
      You can edit the account description and select the required business objects associated with the execute operation. The business object can only be selected from the available Flow services (solutions) that are present in the specified cloud container environment.

    Deleting a webMethods Cloud Container action

    You can delete an existing custom action created using the IBM webMethods Cloud Container connector.

    To do so, follow the steps given below:

    1. Drag and drop the Deleting a webMethods Cloud Container action from the connectors panel and double-click on the connector icon.

      The IBM webMethods Integration window appears on the screen.

    2. Click the Select Action drop-down icon, select the custom action you want to delete, and then click the Delete button.

      Here, in our example, we had created a custom action named tess. So, we see only one created custom action in the drop-down list.

      You will be prompted to confirm the deletion request. Click Delete. This will permanently remove the custom action from your tenant.