AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a communication protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for the exchange of business-to-business (B2B) transactions over the Internet securely. The AS2 application uses the HTTP transport protocol along with Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). The AS2 application governs the means of connection and exchange of data securely and reliably. Besides the advanced security features, the AS2 application offers the following additional benefits:

The AS2 application provides a medium to exchange business data with partners by configuring an account in IBM webMethods Integration. The application supports the AS2 protocol versions 1.1 and 1.2.

Field Description
Recipient Endpoint The endpoint URL of the recipient.
Authorization Type The type of HTTP authorization scheme to use for the connection. You can choose one of the following options:
  • none: No additional authorization scheme will be executed at run time. For example, when you specify a user name and password, but do not specify a value for the authorization type, the user credentials are not inserted into an authorization header.
  • basic: When the application requires or supports HTTP basic authentication for user name and password.
From The AS2 ID of the sender.
To The AS2 ID of the recipient.
Preemptive Auth Preemptive authentication of the recipient. The default value is false.
Response Timeout The number of milliseconds the application waits for a response before canceling its attempt to connect to the back end. In case the network is slow or the back end processing takes longer than usual, increase the Response Timeout value. It is recommended to specify a value other than 0. If you specify 0, the application will wait indefinitely for a response.
Retry Count on Response Failure The number of times the application attempts to connect to the back end to read a response if the initial attempt fails. If an I/O error occurs, it will retry only if you have selected the Retry on Response Failure option.
Retry on Response Failure Whether the application should attempt to resend the request when the response has failed, even though the request was sent successfully. Select this option if you want to re-establish the connection.
Trust store Alias Select the alias name of the IBM webMethods Integration trust store configuration from the list. The trust store contains trusted certificates used to determine trust for the remote server peer certificates. Select New Certificate > New Truststore to add a new trust store from this list.
Keystore Alias Select the alias for the IBM webMethods Integration keystore configuration. This is a text identifier for the keystore alias. A keystore file contains the credentials (private key/signed certificate) that a client needs for authentication. Select New Certificate > New Keystore to add a new keystore from this list.
Client Key Alias Alias to the private key in the keystore file specified in the Keystore Alias field. The outbound connections use this key to send client credentials to a remote server. To send the client’s identity to a remote server, you must specify values in both, Keystore Alias and Client Key Alias fields.
Hostname verifier Select a hostname verifier implementation for guards against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks from the list. The default is org.apache.http.conn.ssl.DefaultHostnameVerifier. This enables hostname verification. Select org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier from the list to disable hostname verification.
Username The name of the user account that the AS2 connection will use to connect to the AS2 provider.
Password The password for the user name provided in the Username field.
Compression Select this option to compress an outbound AS2 message.
Sign Message Select this option to sign an outbound AS2 message.
Signing Algorithm The signing algorithm to use for an outbound AS2 message. The available options are:
  • MD5
  • SHA-1
  • SHA-256
  • SHA-384
  • SHA-512
Signing Keystore and Key Aliases The keystore aliases and the key aliases in the keystore to use for signing an outbound AS2 message.
Receive Signed Message Select this option to receive a signed inbound AS2 message. If you select this option and the incoming AS2 message is not signed, then an Insufficient message security error is encountered and shared with the sender if MDN is requested by the sender.
Signature Verification Certificate The certificate to use for verifying an inbound signed AS2 message.
Encrypt Message Select this option to encrypt an outbound AS2 message.
Encryption Algorithm The encryption algorithm to use for an outbound AS2 message. The available options are:
  • RC2 40
  • RC2 64
  • RC2 128
  • DES
  • TripleDES
  • AES 128
  • AES 192
  • AES 256
Encryption Certificate The certificate to use for encrypting an outbound AS2 message.
Receive Encrypted Message Select this option to receive an encrypted inbound AS2 message. If you select this option and the incoming AS2 message is not encrypted, then an Insufficient message security error is encountered and shared with the sender if MDN is requested by the sender.
Decryption Keystore and Key Aliases The keystore aliases the key aliases in the keystore to use for decrypting an inbound AS2 message.
Request MDN Whether you want the recipient to return an MDN to the sender.

You can select one of the following options:

  • None: The recipient of the AS2 message does not return an MDN to the sender.
  • Synchronous: The recipient of the AS2 message returns an MDN to the sender through the same HTTP connection used to send the original AS2 message.
  • Asynchronous: The recipient of the AS2 message returns an MDN to the sender through a different HTTP connection instead of the one used to send the original AS2 message.
Request Signed MDN Select this option if you want the recipient to sign an AS2 MDN.

Ensure that you also select an option in the Request MDN field if you want the recipient to sign and return an AS2 MDN.

Asynchronous MDN Endpoint Type your endpoint URL that accepts an inbound AS2 MDN if you selected the Asynchronous option for Request MDN.
AS2 Version Select the AS2 protocol version to use from the list.
Enable Connection Pooling Select this option if you want to enable connection pooling for a connection.
For more information, see Account configuration fields.
Minimum Pool Size The minimum number of connection objects that remain in the connection pool at all times, if connection pooling is enabled.
For more information, see Account configuration fields.
Maximum Pool Size The maximum number of connection objects that can exist in the connection pool if connection pooling is enabled.
For more information, see Account configuration fields.
Pool Increment Size The number of connections by which the pool will be incremented, up to the maximum pool size, if connection pooling is enabled and connections are needed.
Block Timeout (msec) The duration in milliseconds that IBM webMethods Integration waits to obtain a connection with the SaaS provider before the connection times out and returns an error.
For more information, see Account configuration fields.
Expire Timeout (msec) The duration in milliseconds that an inactive connection can remain in the pool before it is closed and removed from the pool, if connection pooling is enabled.
For more information, see Account configuration fields.
Session Management The session management scheme selection determines how a session or access token is handled for a given SaaS provider.
For more information, see Account configuration fields.
Session Timeout (min) The duration in minutes that IBM webMethods Integration waits before refreshing a session.
For more information, see Account configuration fields.
Enable SNI Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS protocol by which a client indicates which host name it is attempting to connect to at the start of the handshaking process. Enable this option if the SaaS provider offers SNI-based TLS connectivity, and if you want to connect to an SNI enabled SAAS provider to send the host name specified in the Server URL field, as part of the TLS SNI Extension server_name parameter.
SNI Server Name If you want to explicitly specify a host name to be included as a part of the SNI extension server_name parameter, in case the host name is other than the host name specified in the Server URL field, specify the host name value in the SNI Server Name field.

AS2 Predefined Operations

The following predefined Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) operations are available:


Receives an AS2 message from a recipient.

You can perform the following configurations in the AS2 application using the receive service.

Input Parameters

contentStream Object Receives an AS2 message of content type other than application/xml.
node Object Optional. Receives an AS2 message of content type application/xml only.

Output Parameters

status String Status of an inbound message.
statusMessage String Processing status of an inbound message.
request Document Receives the raw stream, extracted payload, and attachments of an inbound message.
stream Object Raw output stream received by an application.
headers Document AS2 message headers.
AS2-To String AS2 ID of the recipient.
AS2-From String AS2 ID of the sender.
Message-ID String Message ID of the inbound message.
AS2-Version String AS2 protocol version used for the inbound message.
Content-Type String MIME content type of the inbound message.
EDIINT-Features String Optional features supported by the application.
Receipt-Delivery-Option String Optional. Sender's asynchronous MDN endpoint URL.
Disposition-Notification-To String Optional. Acknowledgment request for the inbound message.
Disposition-Notification-Options String Optional. Acknowledgment request to be signed for the inbound message.
payload Document Extracted payload that you receive.
stream Object Extracted payload stream.
contentType String Content type assigned to the payload.
headers Document Headers assigned to the payload.
attachments Document Array Optional. Attachments you receive with an inbound message, if any.
stream Object Output stream of the attachment.
contentType String Content type assigned to the attachment.
headers Document Headers assigned to the attachment.
response Document Sent MDN or received asynchronous MDN response.
status String Status of the sent or received MDN.
statusMessage String Status message of the sent or received MDN.
receipt Document Optional. Sent or received MDN.
stream Object Object stream of the sent or received MDN.
headers Document Headers of the sent or received MDN.
AS2-To String AS2 ID of the recipient.
AS2-From String AS2 ID of the sender.
Message-ID String Message ID of the inbound or outbound MDN.
AS2-Version String AS2 protocol version used for the inbound or outbound MDN.
Content-Type String MIME content type of the inbound or outbound message.


Sends an AS2 message to a recipient’s defined endpoint.

Input Parameters

data Document Payload you want to send.
stream Object java.io.InputStream object you want map from EDI or XML data.
contentType String Content type to assign to an outbound message. The following options are available by default:
  • application/edi-x12

  • application/edifact
  • application/xml

You can also type a custom value.

otherHeaders Document Optional. key and value strings of the header for an outbound message.
attachments Document Array Optional. Attachments for a message, if any.
stream Object java.io.InputStream object you want add to the attachment.
contentType String Content type of the attachment. For example, application/zip if the attachment is a .zip file.
otherHeaders Document Optional. key and value strings of the header you want to add to the attachment.
customHeaders Document Optional. Custom headers you want to include in an AS2 message.
key String Key for the custom header.
value String Value for the customer header.

Output Parameters

status String Status of an outbound message.
statusMessage String Processing status of an outbound message.
request Document AS2 message sent to a recipient.
stream Object AS2 message stream.
headers Document Optional. AS2 message headers.
AS2-To String AS2 ID of the recipient.
AS2-From String AS2 ID of the sender.
Message-ID String Message ID of the outbound message.
AS2-Version String AS2 protocol version used for the outbound message.
Content-Type String MIME content type of the outbound message.
EDIINT-Features String Optional features supported by the application.
Receipt-Delivery-Option String Optional. Recipient's asynchronous MDN endpoint URL.
Disposition-Notification-To String Optional. Acknowledgment request for the outbound message.
Disposition-Notification-Options String Optional. Acknowledgment request to be signed for the outbound message.
response Document Received MDN response.
status String Status of the received MDN.
statusMessage String Status message of the received MDN.
receipt Document Optional. Received MDN.
stream Object Object stream of the received MDN.
headers Document Optional. Headers of the received MDN.
AS2-To String AS2 ID of the recipient.
AS2-From String AS2 ID of the sender.
Message-ID String Message ID of the inbound MDN.
AS2-Version String AS2 protocol version used for the inbound MDN.
Content-Type String MIME content type of the inbound message.

Configuring the Auto Detect Option

You can select the Auto Detect option for the AS2 application to automatically identify an account based on the AS2-From and AS2-To headers of an inbound message.

This option enables the AS2 application to compare an account configured with From and To fields with the AS2-From and AS2-To headers of an inbound message and vice versa. In addition, specifying this option allows the use of an individual endpoint URL with multiple partners.

Auto Detect option is supported only for the receive operation.
Configuring multiple accounts with identical values for the From and To fields might generate unpredictable results. This happens when the application uses the account that matches the first AS2-From and AS2-To headers of an inbound message. Therefore, if you have multiple accounts configured with identical values for the From and To fields, then do not select the Auto Detect option.

Creating an Endpoint URL

A sender requires a recipient’s endpoint URL to transfer AS2 messages. You must create an endpoint URL and share it with your partner to send AS2 messages to the endpoint URL.

To create an endpoint URL

  1. Create a Flow service. Ensure that you specify a signature with contentStream and node as input parameters of type Object. Alternatively, you can define a Document Type as a signature with contentStream and node as input parameters of type Object.

  2. Configure the AS2 application with the receive operation to work with a new or existing account, or select the Auto Detect option for the application.

  3. Map the contentStream and node parameters of the Pipeline Input signature defined in step 1 with the AS2 application’s receiveInput parameter.

  4. Select the Enable Flow service to be invoked over HTTP option on the Flow service Overview page. An endpoint URL for this Flow service is generated.

  5. Share this endpoint URL with your partner to enable the partner to send AS2 messages.


Use the predefined operations in the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) application to parse, validate, and transform EDI messages received from the IBM webMethods B2B application. Use these transformed messages to create orchestrations.

This application requires you to have access to the IBM webMethods B2B product instance. Operations convertDocumentToEDIMessage, convertEDIMessageToDocument, and processEnvelope supports the processing of large documents.

The following predefined operations are available for EDI application:

Operation Description
addGroupEnvelope Adds a functional group header to an EDI message according to the UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X12, UCS, or VICS standards.
addInterchangeEnvelope Adds an interchange control header to an EDI message according to the UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X12, UCS, or VICS standards.
convertDocumentToEDIMessage Converts a document to an EDI message.
convertEDIMessageToDocument Converts an EDI message that is stream or string into a document.
createTradacomsMessage Creates a TRADACOMS message containing the STX header segment, payload, and the END segment.
formatConfiguration Validates and creates a format configuration based on the input provided for each format service.
formatDate Format the input value based on the provided input and output date format.
formatDecimal Formats exponential decimal values based on the operationType.
formatNumber Formats given numeric value by adjusting decimal character based on the operationType.
formatTime Formats the input value based on the provided input and output time format.
generateFunctionalAcknowledgement Creates a functional acknowledgment (FA) that acknowledges all levels of an input EDI document.
getDelimiter Returns the first delimiter character found in the input characterString.
getEDIString Creates a complete EDI transaction set (either String or InputStream type) from an EDI transaction set header segment.
getFirstKey Returns the name of the first key present in the input Document Doc.
nullifyIfBlank Returns null or blank based on the blankOrNull value when the input is null or contains only blank spaces.
processEnvelope Accepts and processes the envelope of an ANSI X12/UN/EDIFACT/UCS/VICS/EANCOM EDI or TRADACOMS message and converts the envelope header segments to a document.


Adds a functional group header to an EDI message according to the UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X12, UCS, or VICS standards.


  • You must insert a value for either ediMessages or ediStream input parameter.
  • When you insert the values for both ediMessages and ediStream input parameters, webMethods Module for EDI considers ediMessages as the input value.
  • When an empty space is set for an ediMessage, the field value is considered as unset and the value set for ediStream is considered as an input value.

Input Parameters

ediMessages String. (Optional). EDI messages to which a group envelope is added.
ediStream Object. (Optional). EDI stream to which a group envelope is added.
documentType String. Represents the standard of ediMessages. Configure either X12/UCS/VICS or UN/EDIFACT.
functionalIdentityCode String. Functional ID Code of the EDI document.
senderQual String. (Optional). EDI ID qualifier for the sender ID. It is used with sender.
sender String. Identifies sender in the group envelope. For example, if you specify 01 for senderQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number), specify the D-U-N-S number for sender.
receiverQual String. (Optional). EDI ID qualifier for the receiver ID. It is used with receiver.
receiver String. Receiver to be identified in the group envelope. For example, if you specify 01 for receiverQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number), specify the D-U-N-S number for receiver.
grpCtlNumber String. (Optional). Group control number of the EDI document.
agencyCode String. (Optional). Responsible agency code as per EDI standard: T (default) or X.
versionCode String. EDI standard version and release code. For example, 4010, 3040.
outputType String. (Optional). The type of document output. The available options are string and stream. The default value is string.
x12/ucs/vics Document. (Optional). When the document type is X12, UCS, or VICS, configure the following parameters:
  Key Description
  timeFormat String. (Optional). The time format for the GS 05 field of the EDI message. Supported time formats are HHmm, HHmmss, HHmmssD, and HHmmssDD.
The default timeFormat is HHmm.

Note: DD is the decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D is tenths (0-9) and DD is hundredths (00-99).
  time String Optional. Represents the time of an EDI message in the header interchange, field ISA10, and in the header group, field GS05. You can modify the time in the EDI payload. IBM webMethods B2B reflects the updated time in the EDI document.
un/edifact Document. (Optional). When the document type is UN/EDIFACT, configure the following parameters:
  Key Description
  syntaxVersion String. Syntax version of the envelope level.
  releaseCode String. (Optional). EDI message standard release code. For example, 96A, 97b.
  assignedCode String. (Optional). EDI message standard assigned code. For example, OD, EN.
  password String. (Optional). The recipient transmission reference password.
  time String Optional. Represents the time of an EDI message in the header interchange, field UNB04, sub-field S00402, and in the header group, field UNG04, sub-field S00402. You can modify the time in the EDI payload. IBM webMethods B2B reflects the updated time in the EDI document.
delimiters Document. (Optional). Delimiters used in the EDI document:
  Key Description
  segment String. (Optional). Segment terminator for the EDI document. For example, \u000a.

Default New line character

  field String. (Optional). Field separator for each EDI segment. For example, exclamation mark (!).

Default *

  subfield String. (Optional). Separator for composite elements. For example, caret (^).

Default :

  release String. (Optional). Release character for composite elements. For example, caret (^).

Default ?

Output Parameters

ediMessage String. (Optional). Contains the ediMessage. If the input parameter outputType is set to string, the value of this field populates.
ediMessageStream Object. (Optional). When the outputType input parameter is set to stream, the value appears for the parameter ediMessageStream. If the size of the EDI message is less than 1 MB, the value of ediMessageStream is java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. If the size of the EDI message is greater than 1 MB, the value ediMessageStream is com.wm.ff.util.AutoCloseReservationInputStream.
statusCode String. Status code based on success or failure.
statusMessage String. Status message after executing the operation.


Adds an interchange control header to an EDI message according to the UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X12, UCS, or VICS standards.


  • You must insert a value for either ediMessages or ediStream input parameter.
  • When you insert the values for both ediMessages and ediStream input parameters, webMethods Module for EDI considers ediMessages as the input value.
  • When an empty space is set for an ediMessage, the field value is considered as unset and the value set for ediStream is considered as an input value.

Input Parameters

ediMessages String. (Optional). EDI messages to which a group envelope is added.
ediStream Object. (Optional). EDI stream to which a group envelope is added.
documentType Either X12/UCS/VICS or UN/EDIFACT.
senderQual String. (Optional). EDI ID qualifier for the sender ID. It is used with sender.
sender String. The sender to be identified in the group envelope. For example, if you specify 01 for senderQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number), specify the D-U-N-S number for sender.
receiverQual String. (Optional). EDI ID qualifier for the receiver ID. It is used with receiver.
receiver String. The receiver to be identified in the group envelope. For example, if you specify 01 for receiverQual (indicating a D-U-N-S number), specify the D-U-N-S number for receiver.
ctlNumber String. (Optional). The interchange control number of the EDI document.
ackRequested String. (Optional). Indicates whether to request an acknowledgment for this interchange:
  Value Meaning
  false Do not request an acknowledgment.

Default false

  true Requests an acknowledgment.
outputType String. (Optional). The type of document output. The available options are string and stream. The default value is string.
delimiters Document. (Optional). Delimiters used in the EDI document.
  Key Description
  segment String. Segment terminator for the EDI document. For example, \u000a.

Default \

  field String. Field separator for each EDI segment. For example, exclamation mark (!).

Default *

  subfield String. Separator for composite elements. For example, caret (^).

Default :

  release String. (Optional). Release character for composite elements. For example, caret (^).

Default ?

  decimal String. (Optional). Decimal character for composite elements. For example, caret (^). If UN/EDIFACT > unaSegmentRequired is true, the decimal delimiter is used.

Default .

If UN/EDIFACT > unaSegmentRequired is false, decimal is ignored.
X12/UCS/VICS Document. When the document type is X12/UCS/VICS, assign values to the following parameters:
  Key Description
  authQual String. (Optional). Authorization qualifier for the interchange envelope.
  authInfo String. (Optional). Authorization information for the interchange envelope.
  securityQual String. (Optional). Security qualifier for the interchange envelope.
  securityInfo String. (Optional). Security information for the interchange envelope.
  ctlVersion String. Version of the EDI standard used, with a 00 prefix. For example, if version is 4010, specify 004010.
  addLeadingZerosToCtlNumber String. (Optional). (ANSI X12 only) Adds leading zeros to the interchange control number to make it a nine-digit number.
    Value Meaning
    false Do not add leading zeros to the interchange control number.

Default false

    true Add leading zeros to the interchange control number to make it a nine digit number. For example, 12 becomes 000000012.
  repSeparator String. (Optional). A separator for the repeated occurrences of a simple data element or a composite data structure. Field length: 1
Note: The repSeparator must be different from the record, field, or subfield delimiters.
  messageAlignment String. (Optional). Aligns the messages.
    Value Description
    left Left justify.
    right Right justify.
    none No justification.


  testIndicator String. (Optional). Whether to indicate production or test mode.
    Value Meaning
    P Production. This is the default Value.
    T Test.
    I Information.
  time String Optional. Represents the time of an EDI message in header interchange, field ISA10, and in header group, field GS05. You can modify the time in the EDI payload. IBM webMethods B2B reflects the updated time in the EDI document.
UN/EDIFACT Document. When the document type is UN/EDIFACT, assign values to the following parameters:
  Key Description
  syntaxID String. Syntax identifier.
  syntaxVersion String. (Optional). Syntax version of the envelope level.
  password String. (Optional). Recipient transmission reference password.
  passwordQual String. (Optional). Recipient reference password qualifier.
  applReference String. (Optional). Application reference.
  priority String. (Optional). Processing priority code.
  agreementID String. (Optional). Interchange agreement identifier.
  unaSegmentRequired String. (Optional). Adds a UNA segment to the resulting final message.
    Value Description
    true Create UNA segment.
    false Do not create UNA segment.
  directoryVersionNumber String. (Optional). Type the directory version number in the UNB01/S00103 subfield of the EDIFACT envelope interchange header.
  characterEncoding String. (Optional). Type the character encoding in the UNB01/S00104 subfield of the EDIFACT envelope interchange header.
  syntaxReleaseNumber String. (Optional). Type the syntax release number in the UNB01/S00105 subfield of the EDIFACT envelope interchange header.
  senderInternalId String. (Optional). Type the sender's internal ID in the UNB02/S00203 subfield of the EDIFACT envelope interchange header.
  senderInternalSubId String. (Optional). Type the sender's internal sub ID in the UNB02/S00204 subfield of the EDIFACT envelope interchange header.
  receiverInternalId String. (Optional). Type the receiver's internal ID in the UNB03/S00203 subfield of the EDIFACT envelope interchange header.
  receiverInternalSubId String. (Optional). Type the receiver's internal sub ID in the UNB03/S00204 subfield of the EDIFACT envelope interchange header.
  testIndicator String. (Optional). Indicates the testing parameters.
    Value Meaning
    1 Indicates that the interchange is a test.
    2 Indicates that test only the syntax of the structure.
    3 Returns the request without any change.
    4 Returns the response without any change except for this data element changing from 3 to 4.
  time String Optional. Represents the time of an EDI message in the header interchange, field UNB04, sub-field S00402, and in the header group, field UNG04, sub-field S00402. You can modify the time in the EDI payload. IBM webMethods B2B reflects the updated time in the EDI document.

Output Parameters

ediMessage String. (Optional). Contains the ediMessage. If the input parameter outputType is set to string, the value of this field populates.
ediMessageStream Object. (Optional). When the outputType input parameter is set to stream, the value appears for the parameter ediMessageStream. If the size of the EDI message is less than 1 MB, the value of ediMessageStream is java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. If the size of the EDI message is greater than 1 MB, the value ediMessageStream is com.wm.ff.util.AutoCloseReservationInputStream.
statusCode String. Status code based on success or failure.
statusMessage String. Status message after executing the operation.


Converts a document to an EDI message. When creating an orchestration with ConvertDocumentToEDIMessage, you must select the appropriate document type. This is for the structure of an ediDocument to appear in the pipeline data when you map with another ediDocument during orchestration. For the operation convertEDIMessageToDocument, the transaction size of the document is considered as the large document.

Input Parameters

ediDocument Document. The ediDocument you want to convert to an EDI message.
documentType String. (Optional). Either Default or TRADACOMS.
encoding String. (Optional). The type of encoding used to write a message to the output file.

Default UTF-8

delimiters Document. (Optional). Delimiters used in the outbound EDI document.
Note: This parameter is not applicable to TRADACOMS messages.
  Key Description
  segment String. (Optional). Segment terminator character to be appended at the end of each record in the output string.
  field String. (Optional). Field separator to be inserted between each field for each segment.
  subfield String. (Optional). Separator for composite elements.
  release String. (Optional). Release character to use as the escape character for composite elements.
messageAlignment String. (Optional). Aligns the messages.
  Value Description
  left Left justify.
  right Right justify.
  none No justification.


noEmptyTrailingFields String. (Optional). Indicates whether to remove empty trailing fields from the output.
  Value Description
  true Removes empty trailing fields from the output. For example, AAA*01*02! (where ! is the segment terminator).
  false This does not remove empty trailing fields. Instead it uses the field separator to denote an empty field. For example, AAA*01*02********!(where * is the field separator and ! is the segment terminator).
txnCtlNumber String. (Optional). The value of the control number to set in the outbound transaction.
hasUndefData String. (Optional). Processes the undefined output of the operation processEnvelope. Applicable for X12 and UNEDIFACT documents.
The possible values are.
  • true. Processes the undefined data.
  • false. Do not process the undefined data.
outputType String. (Optional). The type of document output. The available options are string and stream. The default value is a string.
formatConfiguration Document Array. (Optional). Format configuration for each format service.
  Key Description
  formatName String. Name of the format service.
  internalFormat String. (Optional). The format required by your internal application (for example, your back-end system).

Specify a string that follows the conventions described in the java class java.text. DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

  externalFormat String. (Optional). The format required by the EDI standard you are using. If you are using the EDI ANSI standard format, you should not change the setting.

Specify a string that follows the conventions described in the java class java.text. DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

  applyFormat String. (Optional). Indicates whether the convertEDIMessageToDocument or convertDocumentToEDIMessage services should apply the converted value.
    true The service validates and updates the document to reflect the converted value.
    false The service validates, but does not update the document with the converted value.
The input Document Array mapped to the formatConfiguration must be the output of EDI formatConfiguration operation.

Output Parameters

ediMessage String. (Optional). Contains the ediMessage. If the input parameter outputType is set to string, the value of this field populates.
ediMessageStream Object. (Optional). When the outputType input parameter is set to stream, the value appears for the parameter ediMessageStream. If the size of the EDI message is less than 1 MB, the value of ediMessageStream is java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. If the size of the EDI message is greater than 1 MB, the value ediMessageStream is com.wm.ff.util.AutoCloseReservationInputStream.
errors[] String List. (Optional). Error messages describing the errors encountered during conversion. If there are no errors, then error[] is null.
segmentCount String. (Optional). The number of segments in the ediMessage.
statusCode String. Status code based on success or failure.
statusMessage String. Status message after executing the operation.


Converts an EDI message that is stream or string into a document. When creating an orchestration with ConvertEDIMessageToDocument, you must select the appropriate document type. This is for the structure of an ediDocument to appear in the pipeline data when you map with another ediDocument during orchestration.


  • You must insert a value for either ediMessages or ediStream input parameter.
  • When you insert the values for both ediMessage and ediStream input parameters, webMethods Module for EDI considers ediMessage as input value.
  • The document is considered large based on its transaction size.

Input Parameters

ediMessage String. (Optional). Contains the ediMessage. If the input parameter outputType is set to string, the value of this field populates.
edistream Object. (Optional). Contains the edistream. If the input parameter outputType is set to string, the value of this field populates.
documentType String. (Optional). Either Default or TRADACOMS
encoding String. (Optional). The encoding of the message passed into an ediMessage or edistream.
delimiters Document. Delimiters to parse the input message. If no delimiters are specified, then the parameter uses the default delimiter defined for the flat file schema.
Note: This parameter is not applicable to TRADACOMS messages.
  Key Description
  segment String. Segment terminator used in the input message.
  field String. Field separator used in the input message.
  subfield String. Subfield separator used in the input message.
  release String. Release character used in the input message.
validate String. (Optional). Validates the ediMessage.
  Value Description
  true Return errors describing how the given ediMessage violates the constraints described in the flat file schema.
  false Do not return error messages describing how the ediMessage differs from the specified flat file schema. This is the default value.
processOnlyTopLevelRecord String. (Optional). Processes the segments one at a time or process all input data at one time. Specify true or false.
  Value Meaning
  true Starts processing segment structures with a top-level record as defined by the flat file schema. The parameter returns to the caller when it encounters another top-level record in the input data.
  false Processes all input data at one time. This is the default value.
ignoreSpaces String. (Optional). Ignores white space from the beginning of the segments. Specify true or false.
  Value Meaning
  true Ignore white spaces. This is the default value.
  false Use the segments as they are. Specify false when the data contains positional data records.
repeatingFieldSeparator String. (Optional). Inserts field separator between repeating fields of an EDI document.
Note: This parameter is not applicable to TRADACOMS messages.
formatConfiguration Document Array. (Optional). Format configuration for each format service.
  Key Description
  formatName String. Name of the format service.
  internalFormat String. (Optional). The format required by your internal application (for example, your back-end system).

Specify a string that follows the conventions described in the java class java.text. DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

  externalFormat String. (Optional). The format required by the EDI standard you are using. If you are using the EDI ANSI standard format, you should not change the setting.

Specify a string that follows the conventions described in the java class java.text. DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

  applyFormat String. (Optional). Indicates whether the convertEDIMessageToDocument or convertDocumentToEDIMessage services should apply the converted value.
    true The service validates and updates the document to reflect the converted value.
    false The service validates, but does not update the document with the converted value.
The input Document Array mapped to the formatConfiguration must be the output of EDI formatConfiguration operation.

Output Parameters

ediDocument Document. The Document representation of the input ediMessage.
isValid String. (Optional). Checks the validity of ediMessage.
  Value Description
  true validate input parameter was set to true and no errors were found.
  false validate input parameter was set to true and errors were found.
errors[] Document List. (Optional). The validation errors, if any, that were found in edimessage.Validation errors are returned in errors only if validate is set to true and returnErrors is set to asArray or both. The list includes the path of the errors.
statusCode String. Status code based on success or failure.
statusMessage String. Status message after executing the operation.


Creates a TRADACOMS message containing the STX header segment, payload, and the END segment. When the validate parameter is set to true, EDI application validates the content of the message.


  • You must insert a value for either tradacomsMessages or tradacomsStream input parameter.
  • When you insert the values for both tradacomsMessages and tradacomsStream input parameters, webMethods Module for EDI considers tradacomsMessages as input value.
  • When an empty space is set for tradacomsMessages, the field value is considered as unset and the value set for tradacomsStream is considered as an input value.

Input Parameters

STX Document. The document representation of TRADACOMS STX segment.
includeRSGRSG String. (Optional). Whether the service creates an RSGRSG (reconciliation) message in the output message.
  Value Description
  true Creates an RSGRSG message in the output message. This is the default value.
  false Does not create an RSGRSG message.
encoding String. (Optional). The encoding format to use in the message.
tradacomsMessages String. (Optional). The TRADACOMS payload.
tradacomsStream Object. (Optional). The TRADACOMS message stream.
END Document. The document representation of TRADACOMS END segment.
validate String. (Optional). Validates the tradacomsMessages.
  Value Description
  true Returns errors describing how the given tradacomsMessages violates the constraints described in the flat file schema.
  false Does not return error messages describing how the tradacomsMessages differs from the specified flat file schema. This is the default value.
outputType String. (Optional). The type of document output. The available options are string and stream. The default value is string.

Output Parameters

ediMessage Object. (Optional). Contains the EDI message. If the input parameter outputType is set to string, the value of ediMessage populates.
ediMessageStream Object. (Optional). When the outputType input parameter is set to stream, the value appears for parameter ediMessageStream. If the size of the EDI message is less than 1 MB, the value of ediMessageStream is java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. If the size of the EDI message is greater than 1 MB, the value ediMessageStream is com.wm.ff.util.AutoCloseReservationInputStream.
errors[] String List.(Optional). Validation errors, if any, that are found in tradacomsMessages. Validation errors are returned only if validate is set to true.
isValid String. Checks the validity of tradacomsMessages.
  Value Description
  true If the validate is set to true and no errors are found.
  false If the validate is set to true and there are errors.
statusCode String. Status code based on success or failure.
statusMessage String. Status message after performing the operation.


Validates and creates a format configuration based on the input provided for each format service.

A format service formats the value of a field and optionally validates the field against restrictions defined in the format service. EDI connector uses format services to convert field values into a different format as required by your system. For example, a format service can change the format of a date field from YYYYMMDD to MMDDYYYY or data from the EDI standard into a different format used by your internal application. Format services are associated with fields in EDI document type.

The following EDI operations use format services to convert the EDI field values as defined in the EDI document type:

  1. convertDocumentToEDIMessage - Converts a document which contains the internal document format to EDI standard message.
  2. convertEDIMessageToDocument - Converts an EDI standard message to document which contains the internal document format.
If a field in EDI document type does not have a values, then the associated format service does not run.

To modify format conversion related configuration, use formatConfiguration operation.

By default, the external format configuration represents the EDI ANSI standard format. You must update the configuration, so that it reflects the EDI standard you are using and the formats of your internal application, for the system to accurately convert field values from one format to another.

Below are the default format configurations used by convertDocumentToEDIMessage and convertEDIMessageToDocument when formatConfiguration is not passed explicitly to the input.

Format Name Default internalFormat value Default externalFormat value Description
formatDate6 MM/dd/yy yyMMdd Converts the date format from MM/dd/yy to yyMMdd
formatDate8 MM/dd/yyyy yyyyMMdd Converts the date format from MM/dd/yyyy to yyyyMMdd
formatDecimal #.########## #.#####E0 Converts the input to a decimal value
formatTime4_4 HH:mm HHmm Converts the timestamps from HH:mm format to HHmm
formatTime4_6 HH:mm:ss HHmmss Converts the timestamps from HH:mm:ss format to HHmmss
formatTime4_8 HH:mm:ss.SS HHmmssSS Converts the timestamps from HH:mm:ss.SS format to HHmmssSS
formatTime6_6 HH:mm:ss HHmmss Converts the timestamps from HH:mm:ss format to HHmmss

Input Parameters

input Document Array. Format configuration for each format service.
  Key Description
  formatName String. Name of the format service.
  internalFormat String. (Optional). The format required by your internal application (for example, your back-end system).

Specify a string that follows the conventions described in the java class java.text. DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

  externalFormat String. (Optional). The format required by the EDI standard you are using. If you are using the EDI ANSI standard format, you should not change the setting.

Specify a string that follows the conventions described in the java class java.text. DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

  applyFormat String. (Optional). Indicates whether the convertEDIMessageToDocument or convertDocumentToEDIMessage services should apply the converted value.
    true The service validates and updates the document to reflect the converted value.
    false The service validates, but does not update the document with the converted value.

Output Parameters

formatConfiguration Document Array. (Optional). Format configuration for each format service.
  Key Description
  formatName String. Name of the format service.
  internalFormat String. (Optional). The format required by your internal application (for example, your back-end system).

Specify a string that follows the conventions described in the java class java.text. DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

  externalFormat String. (Optional). The format required by the EDI standard you are using. If you are using the EDI ANSI standard format, you should not change the setting.

Specify a string that follows the conventions described in the java class java.text. DecimalFormat and java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

  applyFormat String. (Optional). Indicates whether the convertEDIMessageToDocument or convertDocumentToEDIMessage services should apply the converted value.
    true The service validates and updates the document to reflect the converted value.
    false The service validates, but does not update the document with the converted value.
hasError String. Indicates whether any error exists in the input.
  true Indicates an error in the input received that needs correction.
  false Indicates no error in the input received.
errorMessage String. (Optional). The error message describing the formatting error.


Formats the input value based on the specified input and output date format.

Input Parameters

value String. The field value to format.
inputFormat String. The date format that represents the input value. Follows the conventions described in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
outputFormat String. The date format that represents the output formattedvalue after conversion.

Follows the conventions described in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

Output Parameters

formattedValue String. The field value after applying outputFormat.
isValueError Boolean. Indicates whether the value can be formatted or not.
  • True. The value cannot be formatted.
  • False. The value can be formatted.
errorMessage String. (Optional). The error message describing the formatting error.


Formats exponential decimal values based on the operationType.

Input Parameters

value String. The field value to format.
operationType String. Indicates the type of operation to apply to the input value. Select one of the two operations below :
  • writeValueToFormat. Formats any non-exponential numeric value to an exponential decimal format.
  • readAsFormattedValue. Formats any exponential decimal value into a non-exponential numeric value.
decimalChar String. (Optional). The character that represents the decimal. The default decimal character is '.'.

Output Parameters

formattedValue String. The field value with appropriate formatting applied.
isValueError Boolean. Indicates whether the value can be formatted or not.
  • True. The value cannot be formatted.
  • False. The value can be formatted.
errorMessage String. (Optional). The error message describing the formatting error.


Formats the given numeric value by adjusting the decimal character based on the operationType.

Input Parameters

value String. The numeric value to format.
operationType String. Indicates the type of operation to apply to the input value. Select one of the below two operations:
  • writeValueToFormat. Formats the value by placing a decimalChar after the decimalCount number of characters.
  • readAsFormattedValue. Formats the value by placing a decimalChar before the decimalCount number of characters.
decimalCount String. Determines the number of decimals from the value that need to be formatted.
decimalChar String. (Optional). The character that represents the decimal. The default decimal character is '.'.

Output Parameters

formattedValue String. The field value with appropriate formatting applied.
isValueError Boolean. Indicates whether the value can be formatted or not.
  • True. The value cannot be formatted.
  • False. The value can be formatted.
errorMessage String. (Optional). The error message describing the formatting error.


Formats the input value based on the specified input and output time format.

Input Parameters

value String. The field value to be formatted.
inputFormat String. The date format that represents the input value follows the conventions described in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
outputFormat String. The date format that represents the output formattedvalue after conversion follows the conventions described in the Java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
pad String. Indicates whether to pad the value with zeros, when the value is shorter than the inputFormat. The default option is true.
  • True. Pad with zeros.
  • False. Do not pad with zeros.

Output Parameters

formattedValue String. The field value after applying outputFormat.
isValueError Boolean. Indicates whether the value can be formatted or not.
  • True. The value cannot be formatted.
  • False. The value can be formatted.
errorMessage String. (Optional). The error message describing the formatting error.


Creates a functional acknowledgment (FA) that acknowledges all levels of an input EDI document. This operation takes an EDI document as input, performs validation and compliance check, and creates an FA as output.


  • You must insert a value for either ediMessages or ediStream input parameter.
  • When you insert the values for both ediMessage and ediStream input parameters, webMethods Module for EDI considers ediMessage as input value.
  • When an empty space is set for an ediMessage, the field value is considered as unset and the value set for ediStream is considered as an input value.

Input Parameters

ediMessage String. (Optional). An unparsed EDI document for which you want to generate an FA. Specify a value for either ediMessage or ediDocument.
ediStream Object. (Optional). An unparsed EDI document for which you want to generate an FA. Specify a value for either edistream or ediDocument.
ediDocument Document. (Optional). A parsed EDI document (an IData object) for which you want to generate an FA. This must include the error results. This is the output from the processEnvelope EDI operation. Specify a value for either ediMessage or ediDocument.
delimiters Document. (Optional). Delimiters used in the outbound FA. If you do not specify delimiters, the operation uses the delimiters from the document it is acknowledging.
  Key Description
  segment String. The segment terminator for the FA, for example, +. The default is the ' character.
  field String. The field separator for each EDI segment for example, !. The default is the + character.
  subfield String. The separator for composite elements, for example, ^. The default is the : character.
  release String. Character used to ignore a record, field, or subfield delimiter in a field. If a release character occurs in a field or subfield before the delimiter, it is prefixed with this character in the output.
functionalAckRequest String. (Optional). Indicates the manner to handle potentially conflicting information in the EDI interchange header of the inbound document. For ANSI X12, the inbound document specification is in ISA14. For UN/EDIFACT, the inbound document specification is in UNB09. Specify one of the following:
  Value Meaning
  yes The FA is generated regardless of FA specification in the input EDI interchange header.
  no If no and the input EDI interchange header specifies that an FA is not required, the FA is not generated.
  dependOnInput The FA is generated based on the FA specification in the input EDI interchange header.
functionalAckLevel String. (Optional). The level at which to acknowledge. If any errors occur at the level you select, the FA lists those errors at the level selected. Specify one of the following:
  Value Meaning
  default Acknowledge at the envelope level (group for ANSI X12 and interchange for UN/EDIFACT).
  transactionSet Acknowledge at the transaction set level (ANSI X12 only).
  segment Acknowledge at the segment level (ANSI X12 only).
  element Acknowledge at the element level (ANSI X12 only).
generateControlNumber String. (Optional). Indicates how you want the operation to obtain the control number it uses in the interchange and group headers of the generated FA. Specify one of the following:
  Value Meaning
  fromInboundDocument Use the control number from the corresponding header in the EDI document that is being acknowledged. For example, if generating an FA for a group in an ANSI X12 document, use the control number from the group header of that group for the control number of the FA.
  random The operation randomly generates a control number.
addGroup String. (Optional). Indicates whether you want to add group segments to the ANSI X12 or UN/EDIFACT FA (e.g., a 997 or a UN/EDIFACT CONTRL).
  Value Meaning
  true Add a group to the FA.
  false Do not add a group to the FA.
addInterchangeEnvelope String. (Optional). Whether you want to add an interchange envelope to the FA.
  Value Meaning
  true Add an interchange to the FA. This is the default. For ANSI X12, if you add an envelope, you will automatically get the group.
  false Do not add an interchange to the FA.
syntaxErrorStatus String. (Optional). Indicates how you want the operation to report the syntax error status for a transaction, group, or UN/EDIFACT interchange. The syntax error status indicates whether there are syntax errors. For example, missing mandatory elements, violation of syntax rules, invalid field lengths, code list violations, or segment repeat counts exceeded.
  The operation uses the syntax error status along with the logical error status and child transaction rejected status (if applicable) to determine the FA status for a transaction, group, or UN/EDIFACT interchange.
  Specify one of the following to indicate how you want the EDI operation to report syntax errors:
  Value Meaning
  rejected The syntax error status is reported as "rejected" if syntax errors are encountered. Specify rejected if you want to reject elements that have syntax errors.
  accepted, but errors were noted The syntax error status is reported as accepted, but errors were noted if syntax errors are encountered. Specify accepted, but errors were noted if you want to know whether there are syntax errors, but do not want to reject an element because of them.
  accepted The syntax error status is always reported as "accepted" regardless of any syntax errors that might be encountered. Specify accepted, but errors were noted if you do not want to check for syntax errors.
logicalErrorStatus String. (Optional). Indicates how you want the operation to report the logical error status for a transaction, group, or UN/EDIFACT interchange. The logical error status indicates whether there are logical errors, for example:
  • The control number in a header does not match the control number in the corresponding trailer, or
  • The segment count in a trailer does not have an accurate group, transaction, or segment count.

The operation uses the logical error status along with the syntax error status and child transaction rejected status (if applicable) to determine the FA status for a transaction, group, or UN/EDIFACT interchange.

Specify one of the following to indicate how you want the operation to report logical errors:

  Value Meaning
  rejected The logical error status is reported as "rejected" if logical errors are encountered. Specify rejected if you want to reject elements that have logical errors.
  accepted, but errors were noted The logical error status is reported as accepted, but errors were noted if logical errors are encountered. Specify accepted, but errors were noted if you want to know whether there are logical errors, but do not want to reject an element because of them.
  accepted The logical error status is always reported as "accepted" regardless of any logical errors that might be encountered. Specify accepted if you do not want to check for logical errors.
childTransactionRejectedStatus String. (Optional). Indicates how you want the operation to report the child transaction rejected status for a group or UN/EDIFACT interchange. The child transaction rejected status indicates whether child elements of a group or UN/EDIFACT interchange have an FA status of rejected. Specify one of the following:
  Value Meaning
  rejected Reports the child transaction rejected status as:
  • rejected if the FA status of any of the child transactions is rejected.
  • accepted, but errors were noted if the FA statuses of all child transactions are "accepted" and accepted, but errors were noted.
  • accepted if the FA statuses of all the child transactions are accepted.
  partially accepted Reports the child transaction rejected status as:
  • rejected if the FA statuses of all of the child transactions are rejected.
  • partially accepted if the FA status of at least one child transaction is rejected, but the FA status of other child transactions are accepted or accepted, but errors were noted.
  • accepted if the FA statuses of all the child transactions are accepted.
  accepted, but errors were noted Reports the child transaction rejected status as:
  • accepted, but errors were noted if the FA status any child transaction is rejected or accepted, but errors were noted.
  • accepted if the FA statuses of all the child transactions are accepted.
documentType String. (Optional). The substandard of the EDI standard. Use this parameter in conjunction with ediDocuments. Valid values are EANCOM, UCS, UNEDIFACT, VICS, X12, and ODETTE.
encoding String. (optional). The encoding of the data passed to the ediMessage parameter.
Note: When the generateFunctionalAcknowledgement operation is invoked manually, the value of this parameter is passed to the ediMessage parameter in both the convertToString and the convertToValue operations, as well as the generateFunctionalAcknowledgement operation.
outputType String. (Optional). The type of document output. The available options are string and stream. The default value is string.
additionalInfo Document. (Optional; for use with ODETTE only) Additional information about the input message, to be used in the outbound FA.
  Value Meaning
  code String. A qualification and identification of the purpose and function of a text segment. Maximum length: 3 characters.
  text String. Text. Maximum length: 70 characters.
messageIdentifier Document. (Optional). Specifies details to include in the CONTRL message.
  Value Meaning
  versionNumber String. Specifies the following values in the output CONTRL message to determine the schema to use:
  • UNH02/S00902 (second subfield in the second field)
  • UNG07/S00801 (first subfield in the second field, if present)
  releaseNumber String. Specifies the following values in the output CONTRL message to determine the schema to use:
  • UNH02/S00903
  • UNG07/S00802 (if present)
  controllingAgency String. Specifies the following values in the output CONTRL message:
  • UNH02/S00904
  • UNG07/S00803 (if present)
  associationCode String. Specifies the following values in the output CONTRL message:
  • UNH02/S00905
  • UNG07/S00804 (if present)
  codeListDirectoryVersionNumber String. (Optional). Specifies the following values in the output CONTRL message:
  • UNH02/S00906
  messageTypeSubFunctionIdentification String. (Optional). Specifies the following values in the output CONTRL message:
  • UNH02/S00907
  • If no value is provided for VersionNumber, ReleaseNumber, or ControllingAgency, these input fields takes the values from the input document.
  • versionNumber and releaseNumber determine the schema to use, as follows:
    • If you specify values for both fields, the schema used will be EDIFFSchema.%s_standard%.V%MessageIdentifier/VersionNumber%%MessageIdentifier/ ReleaseNumber%:TCONTRL.
    • If you specify only the value of versionNumber, the schema used will be EDIFFSchema.%s_standard%.V%MessageIdentifier/VersionNumber% :TCONTRL.
    • If you specify only the value of ReleaseNumber, the default schema is used, but the UNH02/S00903 field in the output CONTRL message is populated with the value of the releaseNumber field.
generateAnyway String. (Optional). Specifies whether the generateFunctionalAcknowledgement operation should throw a com.wm.ff.parse.ParseException exception when a delimiter is missing at the envelope level of an EDIFACT message.
  Value Meaning
  true Generate a negative CONTRL message and do not throw an exception.
Note: If you set this parameter to true, you must also assign the values for the CONTRL message header fields in UNH02.
  false Throw the exception
ParseException. This is the default option.
UNH02_messageIdentifier Document. (Optional). Values to assign to the CONTRL message header fields if generateAnyway is set to true.
  Key Description
  S00902_versionNumber String. The version number of the CONTRL message. For example, to set the version number of the CONTRL message to "D," set the value of S00902_versionNumber to D.
  S00903_releaseNumber String. The release number of the CONTRL message. For example, to set the release number of the CONTRL message to "96A," set the value of S00903_releaseNumber to 96A.
  S00904_controllingAgency String. (Optional). The controlling agency of the CONTRL message. For example, to set the version number of the CONTRL message to "UN," set the value of S00904_controllingAgency to UN.
  S00905_associationCode String. (optional). The association assigned code, 1 to 6 characters in length, for the CONTRL message.

Output Parameters

Note: UN/EDIFACT and ODETTE CONTRLs both use the version 4 UN/EDIFACT CONTRL error codes.

functionalAcknowledgement String List. (Optional). The outbound functional acknowledgement. If the input parameter outputType is set to string, the value of functionalAcknowledgement populates.
functionalAcknowledgementStream Object. (Optional). When the outputType input parameter is set to stream, the value appears for the parameter ediMessageStream. If the size of the EDI message is less than 1 MB, the value of ediMessageStream is java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. If the size of the EDI message is greater than 1 MB, the value ediMessageStream is com.wm.ff.util.AutoCloseReservationInputStream.
summaryDocument Document List. Summary of information about the interchanges, groups, and transactions from the input EDI document.


Returns the first delimiter character found in the input characterString.

Input Parameters

characterString String. Input string from which the first delimiter is identified. Input string can represent any of the following values:
  • A character (for example, Normal characters - '!' or Any special characters - '\r\n').
  • Hexadecimal value (for example, 0X09).
  • Octal value (for example, 009).
  • Unicode characters (for example, \uXXXX, where XXXX represents the unicode value of the character).

Output Parameters

charOut String. The delimiter character found in the input characterString. Returns null. when the input characterString is invalid.


Creates a complete EDI transaction set (either String or InputStream type) from an EDI transaction set header segment.

Input Parameters

Values Document. The single EDI transaction set within a single interchange and a single functional group. This input object is part of the output of the processEnvelope operation.

Output Parameters

EDIstring Object. A single EDI transaction set in String or InputStream type.


Returns the name of the first key present in the input document Doc.

Input Parameters

Doc Document. Input document from which the name of the first key is determined.

Output Parameters

firstKey String. Name of the first key found in the Doc.


Returns null or blank based on the blankOrNull value when the input is null or contains only blank spaces.

Input Parameters

input String. Input data.
blankOrNull String. (Optional). Indicates whether to return blank or null if the input string is null or contains only blank spaces. The default value is null.
  Value Meaning
  blank Returns blank if the input is null or contains only blank spaces.
  null Returns null if the input is null or contains only blank spaces.

Output Parameters

output String. Same data as input or null or blank based on the blankOrNull value.


Accepts and processes the envelope of an ANSI X12/UN/EDIFACT/UCS/VICS/EANCOM EDI or TRADACOMS message and converts the envelope header segments to a document. When creating an orchestration with processEnvelope, you must select the appropriate document type. This is for the structure of an ediDocument to appear in the pipeline data when you map with another ediDocument during orchestration.


  • You must insert a value for either ediMessages or ediStream input parameter.
  • When you insert the values for both ediMessage and ediStream input parameters, webMethods Module for EDI considers ediMessage as input value.
  • When an empty space is set for an ediMessage, the field value is considered as unset and the value set for ediStream is considered as an input value.

Input Parameters

ediMessage String. (Optional). Processes the input EDI message. Input must not have manual line breaks.
ediStream Object. (Optional). Processes the input EDI stream. Input must not have manual line breaks.
validate String. (Optional). Whether to validate the envelopes against a predefined flat file schema.
  Value Description
  true Validate the envelopes against a predefined flat file schema.
  false Does not validate the envelope.
complianceCheck String. (Optional). Performs a compliance check against the interchange.
Note: This parameter is not applicable to TRADACOMS messages.
  Value Description
  true Perform a compliance check. The parameter stops executing after encountering the first error. This is the default value.
  false Does not perform the compliance check.
iterate Boolean. (Optional). Indicates if the transactions are present for the iteration. Enable this parameter to iterate the multiple envelopes of an EDI document.
ediObject Object. (Optional).ediObject is used for an internal purpose when iterate is set to true. The input parameter ediObject is auto mapped to the output parameter ediObject.

Output Parameters

ediEnvelopeDocument Document. Resulting EDI envelope document.
standard String. The standard to which the EDI document adheres. For example, X12 or UNEDIFACT.
ediObject Object. (Optional). ediObject is used for an internal purpose when the input parameter iterate is set to true. You should not delete this parameter from the pipeline. The input parameter ediObject is auto mapped to the output parameter ediObject
hasMore String. (Optional). Indicates the EDI message remaining to iterate. When you enable the input parameter iterate, and there is an additional message to iterate, the value for hasMore is true; otherwise; it is false.
hasError String. Whether the validation or compliance check resulted in error.
  Value Description
  false If the validate is true, validation errors are retrieved from errorArray.Otherwise, it indicates errors from the compliance check.
  true No errors.
errors[] Document List. (Optional). Validation errors, if any, that were found in edimessage. Validation errors are returned in errors only if validate is set to true -AND- returnErrors is set to asArray or both. The list includes the path of the errors.
hasUndefData String. (Optional). It is always set to true to process the data from the payload, it automatically maps when used in conjunction with the convertDocumentToMessage operation.
statusCode String. Status code based on success or failure.
statusMessage String. Status message after executing the operation.


HIPAA allows your organization to implement the HIPAA 5010 and 5010A standards comprehensively and at scale. HIPAA streamlines the healthcare industry by providing the functionality to validate HIPAA transactions and generates the appropriate acknowledgments.

Supported HIPAA Transactions

HIPAA supports the following document types:

Action Description Document types
270 Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry Determines whether a subscriber or dependent is eligible for certain claim benefits.
  • X12_5010_270_B1A1
271 Health Care Eligibility Benefit Response Requests an inquiry about the health care benefits and eligibility associated with a subscriber or dependent. The response document contains eligibility status, maximum benefits, in-plan/out-of-plan benefits, and co-payments.
  • X12_5010_271_A1
276 Health Care Claim Status Request Requests the status of a specified claim.
  • X12_5010_276_A1
277-A1 Health Care Information Status Notification The health care payer notifies the status of the adjudication process to the requestor or requests more information regarding a health care claim. If the request matches more than one claim in the payer’s system, the response may include multiple claims.
  • X12_5010_277_A1
277-B3 Health Care Claim Acknowledgment The health care payer acknowledges the claim of the requestor.
  • X12_5010_277_B3
278-A1 Health Care Service Review Information - Review Sends a health care services request for review to the health care provider, payers, delegated UMO entities, and other providers.
  • X12_5010_278_A1
278-A3 Health Care Service Review Information - Response Sends a health care services request for response to the health care provider, payers, delegated UMO entities, and other providers.
  • X12_5010_278_A3
820 Payroll Deducted and Other Group Premium Payment for Insurance Products Initiates a payment for insurance products with or without the remittance detail that a premium receiver needs.
  • X12_5010_820_A1
834 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Used to transfer enrollment information from the sponsor to a payer.
  • X12_5010_834_A1A1
835 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice Sends an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) remittance advice or make a payment and send an EOB remittance advice from a health care payer to a health care provider, either directly or through a Depository Financial Institution (DFI).
  • X12_5010_835_W1A1
837-Q1A1 Health Care Claim - Professional Insurance company submits healthcare claim billing information, encounter information, or both, from providers of health care services.
  • X12_5010_837_Q1A1
837-Q3A2 Health Care Claim - Institutional Insurance company submits healthcare claim billing information, encounter information, or both, from providers of health care services.
  • X12_5010_837_Q3A2
837-Q2A2 Health Care Claim - Dental Insurance company submits health care claim billing information, encounter information, or both, from providers of health care services.
  • X12_5010_837_Q2A2

The following predefined operations are available for HIPAA application:

Operation Description
convertHipaaMessageToDocument Converts a HIPAA message into a HIPAA document type.
convertDocumentToHipaaMessage Converts a HIPAA document type into a HIPAA message.


Converts a HIPAA message into a HIPAA document type. When creating an orchestration with convertHipaaMessageToDocument, you must select the appropriate document type. This is for the structure of a hipaaDocument to appear in the pipeline data when you map with another hipaaDocument during orchestration.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Converts a HIPAA document type into a HIPAA message. When creating an orchestration with convertDocumentToHipaaMessage, you must select the appropriate document type. This is for the structure of a hipaaDocument to appear in the pipeline data when you map with another hipaaDocument during orchestration.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


The IBM webMethods B2B application allows you to:

The timeout for IBM webMethods B2B application operations to receive a response from IBM webMethods B2B is 5 minutes. If a response is not received within this timeframe, IBM webMethods B2B application times out and the operation execution fails with a timeout error.

The following predefined operations are available for IBM webMethods B2B application:

Operation Description
addOrUpdatePeppolPartner Creates the recipient partner profile and channel in IBM webMethods B2B with the certificate of the recipient.
addTransactionContentPart Adds a new content part to a document.
changeUserStatus Changes the user status of a specified transaction.
constructSubmitInput Prepare the necessary input used for submitting the business documents to IBM webMethods B2B product instance.

Note: This operation is deprecated in the IBM webMethods B2B application and now included as a B2B Utils built-in service in IBM webMethods Integration. You must modify your integration to use this operation in the B2B Utils instead of the IBM webMethods B2B application.
downloadTransactionContentParts Downloads the necessary content parts of a transaction. This service is enabled only for enterprise production tenant where the payload separation is enabled. If the payload separation is not enabled, an unsupported operation error appears.
generateResponse Generates a response for the processing rule Call an integration action.

Note: This operation is deprecated in the IBM webMethods B2B application and now included as a B2B Utils built-in service in IBM webMethods Integration. You must modify your integration to use this operation in the B2B Utils instead of the IBM webMethods B2B application.
getAddresses Retrieves all addresses of a partner.
getContacts Retrieves all contacts of a partner.
getControlnumber Retrieves the control number from IBM webMethods B2B to be used in outbound group, envelope, and transaction documents.
getCorporation Retrieves the corporation information of a partner.
getExtendedFields Retrieves a set of extended fields for a partner.
getFAReport Retrieves a list of transactions with reconciled functional acknowledgments, and generates a report.
getIDTypeCodes Retrieves the list of ID types from IBM webMethods B2B.
getPartnerID Retrieves the partnerID for the partner.
getPartnerIdentities Retrieves all external IDs of a partner.
getRelatedTransactions Retrieves the related transactions based on a specific transactionID, with or without details from either the live or archive database.
getTaskInfo Retrieves the information related to the task.
getTransactionByDocumentID Retrieves the transactions based on a specific documentID in the given duration from either the live or the archive database.
getTPA Retrieves Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) information from IBM webMethods B2B.
getTransactionContentParts Retrieves the necessary content parts of a transaction.
getTransactionSenderReceiver Retrieves the sender and receiver information for the specified document from the database.
log Adds an entry into the activity log.
parseContent Parses request content passed by the processing rule Call an integration action as bytes or String data type.

Note: This operation is deprecated in the IBM webMethods B2B application and now included as a B2B Utils built-in service in IBM webMethods Integration. You must modify your integration to use this operation in the B2B Utils instead of the IBM webMethods B2B application.
queryMorePartners Loops over the data cached from the queryPartners operation and returns the batchSize of data.
queryPartners Creates a query for partner profiles and returns the first batch of matching results.
queryTaskIDs Retrieves the task ids that satisfy a given criteria.
queryTransactions Retrieves the transactions that match the specified criteria.
relateTransactions Creates a relationship between two transactions.
resetQueryPartners Resets the queryLocator making it available for the next concurrent execution
restartTask Restarts a failed or stopped task.
reprocess Reprocess a document on IBM webMethods B2B.
resubmit Resubmit a document to IBM webMethods B2B
retrievePeppolParticipantDetails Retrieves the details (for example, endpoint address, recipient certificate) of peppol recipient participant.
submit Submits the business documents to IBM webMethods B2B product instance.
updateAttribute Updates the attribute for the chosen transaction.


Creates the recipient partner profile and channel in IBM webMethods B2B with the details retrieved from the operation retrievePeppolParticipantDetails.

The caCertificateChain input field is optional. The matching root and intermediate certificates issued by Peppol are used as default. The certificate varies based on the production or test environment.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Adds a new content part to a document.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Changes the user status of a specified transaction.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


This operation is deprecated in the IBM webMethods B2B application and now included as a B2B Utils built-in service in IBM webMethods Integration. You must modify your integration to use this operation in the B2B Utils instead of the IBM webMethods B2B application.

Prepare the necessary input used for submitting the business documents to IBM webMethods B2B product instance.

Input Parameters

Configuring an AS4 body

Document. To configure an AS4 body document. This is optional.

Configuring AS4 attachments [ ]

Document List. To configure AS4 attachments. This is optional.

Configuring AS4 params

Document. A document that provides parameters on how IBM webMethods B2B recognizes and processes a AS4 document.
Configure AS4 params.

Configuring an RNIF body

Document. To configure an RNIF body document.

Configuring an RNIF attachments [ ]

Document List. To Configure a list of attachments to be use in RNIF message. This is optional.

Configuring an RNIF params

Document. A document that provides parameters on how IBM webMethods B2B recognizes and processes a RNIF document. Configure RNIF params.

Output Parameters

Output of constructSubmitInput operation is the input parameters for submit operation. Refer Submit. for details.


Retrieves the necessary content parts of a transaction.
A content part can be a segment of a document or an attachment retrieved during the processing of submitted content. IBM webMethods B2B does not ensure the sequence of retrieved contentPartNames. IBM recommends that you validate the sequence of the partName before you map the contentPartNames further in the flow service pipeline.

downloadTransactionContentParts service is enabled only for enterprise production tenant and not available for downloading archival transactions contentParts.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


This operation is deprecated in the IBM webMethods B2B application and now included as a B2B Utils built-in service in IBM webMethods Integration. You must modify your integration to use this operation in the B2B Utils instead of the IBM webMethods B2B application.

Generates a response for the processing rule Call an integration action.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves all addresses of a partner.

Input Parameters

partnerID: String. The internal identifier of the partner for which you want to retrieve the addresses.

Output Parameters


Retrieves all contacts of a partner.

Input Parameters

partnerID: String. The internal identifier of the partner for which you want to retrieve the contacts.

Output Parameters


Retrieves the control number from IBM webMethods B2B to be used in outbound group, envelope, and transaction documents. This control number can be used as an input for the operations in the EDI application.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

controlNumber: String. (optional) Control number returned from IBM webMethods B2B for the outbound group, envelope, or transaction.


Retrieves the corporation information of a partner.

Input Parameters

partnerID: String. The internal identifier of the partner for which you want to retrieve the corporate information.

Output Parameters


Retrieves a set of extended fields for a partner.

Extended fields are custom fields that you can define to maintain additional information about you partners. For example, you might want to define extended fields for preferred shipping method, cost centers, or customer codes.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves a list of transactions with reconciled functional acknowledgments, and generates a report. When generateReport input is set to true, the report is generated, but the list of transactions do not appear in the output.
You must continue to run the operation until the isIterate (output parameter) variable value is false. While iterating, iteratorCount must be 1 for the initial iteration and should be incremented by 1 for each of the subsequent iterations.

This operation fetches the transactions from the live dataSource only.

Input Parameters

You should configure either senderID and receiverID or senderIdentity and receiverIdentity. When you configure all four input parameters, the senderID and receiverID take precedence for processing the getFAReport operation.

Output Parameters


Retrieves the list of ID types from IBM webMethods B2B.

Output Parameters


Retrieves the partnerID for the partner.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

partnerID: String. The internal identifier for a partner.


Retrieves all external IDs of a partner.

Input Parameters

partnerID: String. The internal identifier of the partner for which you want to retrieve the identities.

Output Parameters


Retrieves the related transactions based on a specific transactionID, with or without details from either the live or archive database.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves the information related to the task.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves the transactions based on a specific documentID in the given duration from either the live or the archive database.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) information from IBM webMethods B2B.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves the necessary content parts of a transaction.
A content part can be a segment of a document or an attachment retrieved during the processing of submitted content. IBM webMethods B2B does not ensure the sequence of retrieved contentPartNames. IBM recommends that you validate the sequence of the partName before you map the contentPartNames further in the flow service pipeline.

For large contentParts, this service displays an unsupported operation error. Instead, use downloadTransactionContentParts.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves the sender and receiver information for the specified document from the database.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Adds an entry into the activity log.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


This operation is deprecated in the IBM webMethods B2B application and now included as a B2B Utils built-in service in IBM webMethods Integration. You must modify your integration to use this operation in the B2B Utils instead of the IBM webMethods B2B application.

Parses request content passed by the processing rule Call an integration action as bytes or string data type. For more information, see Call an integration.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Loops over the data cached from the queryPartners operation and returns the batchSize of data.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Creates a query for partner profiles and returns the first batch of matching results.

A user can execute 15 queries concurrently.

Input Parameters

If the field is left blank, then IBM webMethods B2B returns all the above fields including the isEnterprise and partnerID fields. For details on these values, see getCorporation
By default, the query results contain isEnterprise and partnerID fields.

Output Parameters


Retrieves the task ids that satisfy a criteria. The number of task ids retrievable from this service is limited to 1000.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves the transactions that match the specified criteria.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Creates a one-way relationship between two transactions.

To relate the transactions using relateTransactions, the transactions should be persisted in the live datasource.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

You can retrieve the related transactions by using getRelatedTransactions operation by specifying either the fromTransactionID Or the toTransactionID as an input.


Resets the queryLocator making it available for the next concurrent execution.

The queryLocator reset involves clearing the cached results. If you do not reset a queryLocator, it remains active for 15 minutes. After which, IBM webMethods B2B automatically resets it.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Restarts a failed or stopped task.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Reprocess the existing transactions of IBM webMethods B2B based on the transaction IDs. This operation reprocesses the transactions asynchronously.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Resubmits the existing transactions of IBM webMethods B2B as new documents based on the transaction IDs. This operation resubmits the transactions asynchronously.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Retrieves the details (for example, endpoint address, and recipient certificate) of the Peppol recipient participant. This service retrieves the details of both production and test participants.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Submits the business documents to IBM webMethods B2B product instance.

IBM webMethods B2B recognizes the type of document and processes it. Every document that you submit through this service is created as a new transaction in IBM webMethods B2B.

The endpointUrl input field is applicable for Peppol bound documents only.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


Updates the attribute for the chosen transaction.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters