End-to-End Monitoring is used for monitoring cross product transactions involving webMethods.io iPaaS products and self-hosted products like webMethods Integration Server or API Gateway, but not used for monitoring of transactions that span only the self-hosted products. Support for transaction monitoring of self-hosted products is now available. The agents can now be configured to trace all self-hosted product transactions to the Application Platform Monitoring (APM) tool or data store of your choice using the OpenTelemetry standard. The OpenTelemetry support in End-to-End Monitoring for transactions within the webMethods.io iPaaS products will be available in a later release.
Following is a sample architecture diagram of hybrid integration monitoring and self-hosted transaction monitoring with OpenTelemetry support:
Currently supported versions
No subtopics in this section
webMethods API Gateway
Operating System
webMethods Integration Server
Operating System
webMethods Micro Services Runtime
Operating System
If your IBM self-hosted product version or operating system is not listed or supported, contact IBM Global support with details about your IBM product and operating system. We will assess the feasibility of providing support for your specific requirement.
End-to-End Monitoring self-hosted transaction monitoring only supports OpenTelemetry Traces.
Dual channel support
No subtopics in this section
End-to-End Monitoring supports monitoring of transactions originating in self-hosted products such as IBM webMethods Integration Server or IBM webMethods API Gateway, and also supports monitoring of hybrid integration transactions. However, this support was previously limited to a single channel support that provided transaction monitoring for either hybrid integrations or for self-hosted originating transactions. This capability has now been extended to dual channel support that provides simultaneous transaction monitoring for both hybrid integrations and self-hosted originating transactions.
Based on the flags configured, the transaction traces are transmitted to the intended targets. The following table describes the two single channel transmissions and the dual channel transmission criteria based on the flags SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_ESTABLISH_CLOUD_COMMUNICATION and SW_AGENT_EXTERNAL_ESTABLISH_COMMUNICATION:
Skipped from End-to-End Monitoring collector and sent to the APM target. However, the traces are accepted or rejected based on the traceId length criteria of the APM target.
Sent to both End-to-End Monitoring collector and APM target with 16 byte traceId length.
The traces are sent to both targets as any transaction running on-premises irrespective of the source of the transaction invocation, runs on the on-premises Integration Server.
Self-hosted originating transaction
Transactions discarded
Sent to APM target with 16 byte traceId length.
Sent to APM target with 16 byte traceId length.
Transactions are sent only to the APM target and not transmitted to the End-to-End Monitoring collector.
Transactions originating in the on-premises IBM webMethods API Gateway are not transmitted to the End-to-End Monitoring collector when dual channel support is enabled.
Dual channel support is currently available only for the setup using Integration Server (IS) package v10.15 fix 10, Integration Server (IS) package v10.11 fix 14, and not available for the setup using IBM webMethods Installer.
Dual channel support is also available for webMethods Integration Server (IS), webMethods API Gateway and webMethods Microservices Runtime (MSR) versions 10.11, 10.15 and 11.1 through the IBM webMethods Update Manager.
Self-hosted agent configuration to share data with external systems
Use the following configuration to share traces from the End-to-End Monitoring self-hosted agent to targets such as messaging queues or external Application Performance Monitoring (APM) systems or custom targets being used to store monitoring data.
Install the self-hosted IBM Products like Integration Server, Microservices Runtime or API Gateway for the version of your choice with the latest fixes.
For Integration Server V10.15 or later, download the latest JDK 17 compliant fix version.
Integration Server package-based hybrid monitoring agent setup
To start a new installation of IS package-based Hybrid Monitoring Agent, follow the instructions available here.
IBM webMethods Installer based hybrid monitoring agent setup
To start an installation of IBM webMethods Installer based Hybrid Monitoring Agent, follow the instructions available here.
OTLP common configuration
Update the following properties as per your requirements in the agent.conf file:
Sample value
Use this property to enable or disable communication from agent to cloud collector. Set this property to false to enable the OTLP support. Setting this property is mandatory for OTLP support.
Use this property to establish a connection to an external target system for pushing End-to-End Monitoring traces. Set this property to true to enable the OTLP support. Setting this property is mandatory for OTLP support.
End-to-End Monitoring supports the capability to transfer Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere transaction traces to OTLP targets. The following mandatory environment variables are required to be assigned when you bring up the Edge Runtime (ERT) container:
Environment Variable
Sample value
Use this property to enable or disable communication from agent to cloud collector. Set this property to false to enable the OTLP support. Setting this property is mandatory for OTLP support.
Use this property to establish a connection to an external target system for pushing End-to-End Monitoring traces. Set this property to true to enable the OTLP support. Setting this property is mandatory for OTLP support.
Use this property to set the external target system name. Setting this property is optional.
The default value is apm.
Use this property to update the endpoint URL of the external target APM server.
Use this property to provide key value pairs containing authorization tokens and required headers separated by commas. The header key and value are separated by ‘#’. The external target system requires valid headers .
The support for OTLP exporter functionality in Develop Anywhere, Deploy Anywhere is dependent on the IBM webMethods Integration release v11.0.7.
OTLP Configuration based on target server
APM specific configuration for target server
Update the following attributes in the agent configuration, if you need to push End-to-End Monitoring trace data directly to an APM tool like Dynatrace or New Relic.
The following example shows attributes for Honeycomb APM.
Sample value
Use this property to update the endpoint URL of the external target APM server.
Example: https://<otlp_endpoint>/v1/traces
Use this property to provide key value pairs containing authorization tokens and required headers separated by commas. The header key and value are separated by ‘#’. The external target system requires valid headers .
The following APM systems have been verified with End-to-End Monitoring:
APM target server
Supported Version
V10.15 Fix 8
LightStep(Service Now)
V10.15 Fix 8
V10.15 Fix 9
New Relic
V10.15 Fix 9
Grafana Tempo
V10.15 Fix 9
V10.15 Fix 9
Cisco Appdynamics
V10.15 Fix 9
IBM Instana
V10.15 Fix 9
Elastic APM
V10.15 Fix 9
KAFKA specific configuration for target server
Update the following attributes in the agent configuration, if you need to push End-to-End Monitoring trace data to the KAFKA messaging queue and subsequently to process this data in a pre-configured KAFKA consumer client.
The following example shows attributes for the KAFKA server.
Sample value
Use this property to update the endpoint URL of the external target Kafka server.
Example: https://<host_name>:9091
Use this property to provide key value pairs containing authorization tokens and required headers separated by commas. The header key and value are separated by ‘#’.
Example: key#value
Use this property to provide the username of the target server.
Use this property to provide the password of the target server.
Use this property to provide the topic name defined in Kafka.
Use this property to provide the acknowledgement level.
${SW_AGENT_EXTERNAL_KAFKA_ACK:all} Valid values are 0, 1 and all.
The default value is all.
Use this property to define the retries setting that determines the number of times the producer attempts to send a message before marking it as failed.
The default value is 0.
Use this property to provide the label that names a particular producer.
Use this property to define the amount of time a Kafka producer waits before sending a batch of messages, in milliseconds
The default value is 0.
Use this property to provide the maximum amount of time the client waits for the response of a request, in milliseconds. If the response is not received before the timeout, the client resends the request or fails the request if the number of retries have been exhausted.
The default value is 60.
Use this property to provide the size of the TCP send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) to use when sending data.
The default value is -1.
Use this property to provide the size of the TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data.
Use this property to provide the compression type for all data generated by the producer. Compression consists of full batches of data, so the efficacy of batching also impacts the compression ratio. More batching means better compression.
Valid values are: none gzip snappy lz4 zstd
The default value is none.
Use this property to define the maximum size of a request in bytes. This setting limits the number of record batches the producer sends in a single request to avoid sending large requests.
The default value is 1048576 (1 MB).
Copy the KAFKA client library version 3.5.1 or above in your IS directory and add a full path reference entry to the KAFKA library at the end of the file <INSTALL-DIR>\profiles\IS_default\configuration\custom_wrapper.conf.
set JAVA_UHMKAFKA_OPTS=-Xbootclasspath/a:"..\..\..\E2EMonitoring\agent\kafka-clients-3.5.1.jar" set JAVA_CUSTOM_OPTS=%JAVA_CUSTOM_OPTS% %JAVA_UHMKAFKA_OPTS%
at the end of the file <INSTALL-DIR>\IntegrationServer\bin\setenv.bat
Custom implementation
You can implement solutions to share End-to-End Monitoring tracing data to your custom targets like APM tools or custom data stores like Elasticsearch using a Java-based API provided by End-to-End Monitoring. The reference implementation is available for the following target systems:
However, if you need to implement your own solution using the End-to-End Monitoring common API, use the following JAVA docs and sample classes that implement the API.
The otlpClientPlugin.jar file contains the interfaces and helper classes to implement trace exporter for the plugged-in external target servers.
Use the otlpClientPlugin.jar file in <INSTALL-DIR>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmE2EMIntegrationAgent\resources\agent\plugins directory.
Plugin file path for Microservices Runtime: INSTALL_DIR>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmE2EMIntegrationAgent\resources\agent\plugins
Plugin file path for API Gateway: <INSTALL_DIR>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmE2EMAPIAgent\resources\agent\plugins
Custom implementation configurable properties
Sample value
Use this property to set the external target system. Valid values are apm and kafka. You can also use a custom target.
Use this property to enable trace export process to refer to specific classes during the processing. Update the full name of the specific class where you have implemented the logic to handle connectivity.
Use this property to enable the trace export process to refer to specific classes during processing. Update the full name of the specific class where you have implemented the logic to process the traces to the external target server.
Use this property to update the endpoint URL of the external target Kafka server.
Use this property to provide key value pairs containing authorization tokens and required headers separated by commas. The header key and value are separated by ‘#’.
Use this property to provide the username of the target server.
Use this property to provide the password of the target server.
Custom implementation configuration
Connect all the implemented classes for connectivity and trace exporter to the corresponding properties in the agent.config file. Provide the full name of connector and client implementation details in the properties exporter.client_connector_class and exporter.client_implementation_class.
Add a reference entry of the external client library with full path at the end of the custom_wrapper.conf file at <INSTALL-DIR>\profiles\IS_default\configuration.
set JAVA_UHM_CLI_OPTS=-Xbootclasspath/a:"packages/WmE2EMIntegrationAgent/resources/agent/externalClient.jar"
The following section provides details about the classes that have implemented the API from the otlpClientPlugin.jar file.
APM Connector reference implementation
This class is used to execute the attach and release connectivity operations and must implement the TraceExportConnector interface.
An APM client that creates a connection resource that helps to publish traces to APM cluster.
Assume that you want to publish a data to an OTLP endpoint e.g. https://api.xxxx.io/v1/traces
Usage example:
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager asyncConnManager = new
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager( new
HttpAsyncClientBuilder asyncClientBuilder = HttpAsyncClients.custom();
CloseableHttpAsyncClient clientHttps = syncClientBuilder.build();
To enable loggers in your implementation, get a logger instance from the logger factory with name "e2eagentOtlpTraces". The logs generated will be added to a file e2eagentOtlpTraces.log.
Usage example:
private final Logger e2eagentOtlpTraces = LoggerFactory.getLogger("e2eagentOtlpTraces");
Note: In the example, you are adding the serverInfo to systemConnection object.
Usage example:
TargetServerConnection object has been initialized in the class level. Example is as shown below.
private final TargetServerConnection systemConnection = new TargetServerConnection();
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
serverInfo.put("CONNECTION_CLIENT", clientHttps);
serverInfo.put("CONFIG", externalServerConfig);
public classAPMTraceExportConnectorImpl implements TraceExporterConnector {
private final Logger e2eagentOtlpTraces = LoggerFactory.getLogger("e2eagentOtlpTraces");
private final TargetServerConnection systemConnection = newTargetServerConnection();
private List<String> ERROR_CODES = null;
This method is used to connect to Plugged-In external APM server from End-to-End Monitoring.
1. To connect using SSL, do the following steps.
a. SSL property "exporter.tls" needs to be enabled e.g. "true" in the agent.config file.
b. If the target server requires a client certificate for the identity
Usage example for SSL configuration.
String keystoreType = targetServerConfig.getString(TargetServerConfig.KEYSTORE_TYPE);
KeyStore trustStore = keystoreType != null && keystoreType.equalsIgnoreCase("JKS")
? KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType())
: KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType);
trustStore.load(loadStream(trustStoreLoc), truststorePassword.toCharArray());
SSLContextBuilder sslBuilder = SSLContexts.custom()
.loadTrustMaterial(trustStore, new TrustSelfSignedStrategy())
.setSecureRandom(new SecureRandom());
SSLContext sslContext = sslBuilder.build();
SSLIOSessionStrategy sessionStrategy = null;
if (targetServerConfig.getBoolean(TargetServerConfig.NO_OP_HOSTName_VERIFIER)) {
sessionStrategy = new SSLIOSessionStrategy(sslContext, null, null,
} else {
sessionStrategy = new SSLIOSessionStrategy(sslContext, null, null,
RegistryBuilder<SchemeIOSessionStrategy> registryBuilder = RegistryBuilder.create();
registryBuilder.register("https", sessionStrategy).register("http",
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager clientConnectionManager = new PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager(
new DefaultConnectingIOReactor(IOReactorConfig.DEFAULT), registryBuilder.build());
HttpAsyncClientBuilder asyncClientBuilder = HttpAsyncClients.custom();
// Create a UsernamePasswordCredentials object
asyncClientBuilder = passwordBuilder(username, password, asyncClientBuilder);
if (asyncClientBuilder == null)
return null;
clientHttps = asyncClientBuilder.build();
2. In case of username and password is configured for the external target server then use below mechanism to configure the credentials in the connection property.
Usage example:
if (username != null && !username.isEmpty()) {
if (password != null && !password.isEmpty()) {
final CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password));
} else {
e2eagentOtlpTraces.info("Password initializing from IS PassMan is in progress");
return null;
Note: E2EM agent is loaded during the Integration Server startup. Password retrieval from the password manager will take a while so have a logic to re-try until password is received.
3. If SSL is not enabled, then do the following steps.
a. SSL property needs to be disabled in the agent.config file.
B. If the target server doesn't require a client certificate for the identity.
Usage example:
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager asyncConnManager = new
PoolingNHttpClientConnectionManager( new
DefaultConnectingIOReactor(IOReactorConfig.DEFAULT)); HttpAsyncClientBuilder
asyncClientBuilder = HttpAsyncClients.custom();
CloseableHttpAsyncClient clientHttps = syncClientBuilder.build();
4. The connection object has to be added into TargetServerConnection for the exporter implementation reference.
TargetServerConnection object has been initialized in the class level. Example is as shown below.
private final TargetServerConnection systemConnection = new TargetServerConnection();
Usage example:
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
serverInfo.put("CONNECTION_CLIENT", clientHttps);
serverInfo.put("CONFIG", externalServerConfig);
5. Error codes have been configured to validate the connectivity of target OTLP REST endpoint. In the example below shows how to initialize the error codes.
The error codes are configurable in the agent config file. The default values are "exporter.api_error_codes=502,503,504"
Usage example:
this.ERROR_CODES = Arrays.asList(externalServerConfig.getString(TargetServerConfig.API_ERROR_CODES).split(","));
Configured passwords are retrieved from Integration Server Password Manager utility.
The error codes are configured to validate the connectivity for OTLP REST endpoint. You can load the error codes if required. Refer to point.
* @param targetServerConfig A TargetServerConfig object with parameters
* specific for connecting to the external server.
* Parameters defined in the Connectivity Information
* while creating the Exporter from E2EM can be
* retrieved using getters.
* @return ExternalSystemConnection object with connection to external server
* @throwsException
public TargetServerConnectionconnect(TargetServerConfig targetServerConfig) throws Exception {
// Code to create required connection resource objectreturn systemConnection;
* This method is used to release the external server connection from End-to-End
* Monitoring.
* Here is an example,
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = (HashMap<String, Object>) systemConnection.getConnection();
CloseableHttpAsyncClient httpClient = (CloseableHttpAsyncClient) serverInfo.get("CONNECTION_CLIENT");
if (httpClient != null) {
* @param systemConnection A TargetServerConnection object containing connection
* to the plugged in EXPORTER connection to the plugged
* in external server.
* @throwsIOException
public voidrelease(TargetServerConnection systemConnection) throws Exception {
// code to release the connection resource
This method is used to check the connectivity with the external server.
The anticipated error codes for your external server can be configured in the agent.config file. "exporter.api_error_codes=502,503,504"
If any of these error codes are received, then this method returns false. Else, it returns true.
Usage example:
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = (HashMap<String, Object>) systemConnection.getConnection();
TargetServerConfig targetServerConfig = (TargetServerConfig) serverInfo.get("CONFIG");
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(targetServerConfig.getString(TargetServerConfig.SERVER_HOST));
try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault();
CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(httpGet)) {
int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
return this.ERROR_CODES.contains(String.valueOf(statusCode)) ? false : true;
* @param systemConnection A TargetServerConnection object containing connection
* to the plugged in EXPORTER connection to the plugged
* in external server.
* @returnBoolean
* @throwsException
public BooleangetConnectivityStatus(TargetServerConnection targetServerConnection) throws Exception {
// Code to check the health of target server.
APM Client reference implementation
This class is used to execute the trace export operation and must implement the TraceExportClientService interface.
An APM client that publishes traces to the APM cluster.
This is a thread safe implementation and it shares a single CloseableHttpAsyncClient instance across threads for better performance.
This method adds a listener to notify the status of the execution to the caller. To add a listener, do the following :
private List<OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener> listeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener>());
public void addChannelListener(OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener listener) {
To enable loggers in your implementation, get a logger instance from the logger factory with name "e2eagentOtlpTraces". The logs generated will be added to a file e2eagentOtlpTraces.log.
Usage example:
private final Logger e2eagentOtlpTraces = LoggerFactory.getLogger("e2eagentOtlpTraces");
public classAPMTraceExportClientServiceImpl implements TraceExporterClientService {
private final Logger e2eagentOtlpTraces = LoggerFactory.getLogger("e2eagentOtlpTraces");
private List<OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener> listeners = Collections.synchronizedList(newLinkedList<OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener>());
This method is used to export the trace data using the Plugged-In external server.
Usage example: Using the CloseableHttpAsyncClient to send records with single TracesData containing the key/value pairs.
Get the connection resource from TargetServerConnection
Create HttpPost or required type with the hostname. URL is dynamically loaded from agent config property field "exporter.url".
Prepare and set headers for the HTTP Post object. Header values are being dynamically loaded from agent configuration property field "exporter.headers".
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = (HashMap<String, Object>) systemConnection.getConnection();
CloseableHttpAsyncClient httpClient = (CloseableHttpAsyncClient) serverInfo.get("CONNECTION_CLIENT");
TargetServerConfig externalServerConfig = (TargetServerConfig) serverInfo.get("CONFIG");
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(externalServerConfig.getString(TargetServerConfig.SERVER_HOST));
String serverHeader = externalServerConfig.getString(TargetServerConfig.HEADERS);
String contentType = "";
if (serverHeader != null) {
String[] headers = serverHeader.split(",");
for (String header : headers) {
String[] individualHeader = header.split("#");
if (individualHeader[0].equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")) {
contentType = individualHeader[1];
httpPost.setHeader(individualHeader[0], individualHeader[1]);
Default security headers. Add required security headers based on your needs
Usage example:
// -- default security headers
httpPost.setHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'none'");
httpPost.setHeader("Feature-Policy", "microphone 'none'; geolocation 'none'");
httpPost.setHeader("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block");
httpPost.setHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
httpPost.setHeader("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN");
httpPost.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "null");
httpPost.setHeader("Referrer-Policy", "no-referrer");
httpPost.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-Cache");
Prepare and set supported content type for the request. Content-Type is being added part of header values in agent config.
Usage example:
if (!contentType.isEmpty() && contentType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/x-protobuf")) {
byte[] serializedMessage = traceData.toByteArray();
// Set the serialized protobuf message as the request body
ByteArrayEntity reqEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(serializedMessage);
} else {
String protoJson = JsonFormat.printer().printingEnumsAsInts().omittingInsignificantWhitespace()
StringEntity requestEntity = new StringEntity(protoJson, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
e2eagentOtlpTraces.debug("JSON data: \n " + protoJson);
Post the data using Async mechanism and response is handled in respective callback methods.
Usage example:
httpClient.execute(httpPost, new FutureCallback<HttpResponse>() {
public void completed(final HttpResponse response) {
String body = null;
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
APMTraceExportClientServiceImpl.this.notify(httpPost, true);
body = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
} else {
APMTraceExportClientServiceImpl.this.notify(httpPost, false);
body = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
public void failed(final Exception e) {
APMTraceExportClientServiceImpl.this.notify(httpPost, false);
public void cancelled() {
APMTraceExportClientServiceImpl.this.notify(httpPost, false);
The send() method is asynchronous. When called it publishes the record to an OTLP endpoint.
This allows sending many records in parallel without blocking to wait for the response after each one.
* @param systemConnection A ExternalSystemConnection object containing
* parameters specific to run the pushing action through
* the external server.
* @param traceData An object array containing trace data.
* @return A Boolean
* @throws Exception if an error occurs in the exporting process.
public voidsend(TargetServerConnection systemConnection, TracesData traceData)
throws Exception {
// Code to process the trace data to external server.
The status of the execution needs to be notified to the caller. To do, you need to add configured listener as shown in below example.
The configured listener class gets a status update (true/false) as and when it receives an HTTP response from the ASYNC execution.
Usage example code for how to send an update to listener class using a notify separate method.
private void notify(HttpPost httpPost, boolean status) {
for (OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener listener : listeners) {
TODO - Get the status from Http Response.
listener.statusChanged(count, status);
public voidaddChannelListener(OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener listener) {
Kafka Connector reference implementation
This class is used to execute the attach and release connectivity operations and must implement the TraceExportConnector interface.
A KAFKA client that creates a connection resource that helps to publish traces to KAFKA cluster.
Usage example of the sample producer to send records with strings containing sequential numbers as the key/value pairs.
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092");
props.put("linger.ms", 1);
props.put("key.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer");
props.put("value.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer");
producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props, new StringSerializer(), new StringSerializer());
To enable loggers in your implementation, get a logger instance from the logger factory with name "e2eagentOtlpTraces". The logs generated will be added to a file e2eagentOtlpTraces.log.
Usage example:
private final Logger e2eagentOtlpTraces = LoggerFactory.getLogger("e2eagentOtlpTraces");
Note: In the example, you are adding the serverInfo to systemConnection object.
Usage example:
TargetServerConnection object has been initialized in the class level.
private final TargetServerConnection systemConnection = new TargetServerConnection();
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
serverInfo.put("PROPERTIES", props);
serverInfo.put("CONNECTION", producer);
public classKafkaTraceExportConnectorImpl implements TraceExporterConnector {
private final Logger e2eagentOtlpTraces = LoggerFactory.getLogger("e2eagentOtlpTraces");
private final TargetServerConnection systemConnection = newTargetServerConnection();
This method is used to connect to Plugged-In external KAFKA server from End-to-End Monitoring.
1. To connect using SSL, do the following steps.
a. SSL property "exporter.tls" needs to be enabled e.g. "true" in the agent.config file.
b. If the target server requires a client certificate for the identity
Usage example for SSL configuration.
String truststorePassword = targetServerConfig.getString(TargetServerConfig.EXPORTER_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD);
if (truststorePassword != null && !truststorePassword.isEmpty()) {
kafkaProperties.put("security.protocol", "SSL");
kafkaProperties.put("ssl.truststore.password", truststorePassword);
String keyStoreLoc = targetServerConfig.getString(TargetServerConfig.KEYSTORE_LOCATION);
if ((keyStoreLoc != null && !keyStoreLoc.isEmpty())) {
if (!targetServerConfig.getBoolean(TargetServerConfig.NO_OP_HOSTName_VERIFIER)) {
kafkaProperties.put("ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm=", "");
} else {
// -- Password initializing from IS PassMan is in progress.
return null;
2. Skip the above step if server doesn't require to pass client certificate for the identity.
3. In case of username and password is configured for the KAFKA cluster then use below mechanism to configure the plain SASL credentials in the connection property.
Usage example:
kafkaProperties.put("sasl.jaas.config", "org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="+user+" password="+password+";");
kafkaProperties.put("security.protocol", !targetServerConfig.getBoolean(TargetServerConfig.TLS) ? "SASL_PLAINTEXT" : "SASL_SSL");
kafkaProperties.put(SaslConfigs.SASL_MECHANISM, "PLAIN");
currently single SASL client authentication is supported for both PLAINTEXT and SSL.
E2EM agent is loaded during the Integration Server startup. Password retrieval from the password manager will take a while so have a logic to re-try until password is received.
4. The connection object has to be added into TargetServerConnection for the exporter implementation reference.
TargetServerConnection object has been initialized in the class level. Example is as shown below.
private final TargetServerConnection systemConnection = new TargetServerConnection();
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
serverInfo.put("PROPERTIES", props);
serverInfo.put("CONNECTION", producer);
Configured passwords are retrieved from Integration Server Password Manager utility.
* @param targetServerConfig A ExternalServerConfig object with parameters
* specific for connecting to the external server.
* Parameters defined in the Connectivity
* Information while creating the Exporter from E2EM
* can be retrieved using getters.
* @return ExternalSystemConnection object with connection to KAFKA server
* @throwsException
public TargetServerConnectionconnect(TargetServerConfig targetServerConfig) throws Exception {
// Code to prepare a connection resource objectreturn systemConnection;
* This method is used to release the KAFKA server connection from End-to-End
* Monitoring.
* Here is an example,
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = (HashMap<String, Object>) systemConnection.getConnection();
final Producer<String, TracesData> kafkaServer = (Producer<String, TracesData>) serverInfo .get("CONNECTION");
* @param systemConnection A ExternalSystemConnection object containing
* connection to the plugged in EXPORTER connection to
* the plugged in KAFKA server.
* @throwsIOException
public voidrelease(TargetServerConnection systemConnection) throws Exception {
// code to release the connection resource
This method is used to check the connectivity with the external Kafka server.
The status is returned as true/false based on the kafka server response.
Usage example:
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = (HashMap<String, Object>) systemConnection.getConnection();
Properties properties = (Properties) serverInfo.get("PROPERTIES");
TargetServerConfig externalServerConfig = (TargetServerConfig) serverInfo.get("CONFIG");
try (AdminClient client = KafkaAdminClient.create(properties)) {
DescribeTopicsResult topics = client
return (topics != null?true:false);
public BooleangetConnectivityStatus(TargetServerConnection externalSystemConnection) throws Exception {
// Code to check the health of target server.returntrue;
Kafka Client reference implementation
This class is used to execute the trace export operation and must implement the TraceExportClientService interface.
A KAFKA client implementation that publishes records to the KAFKA cluster.
The producer is a thread safe implementation and has been optimized for better performance.
This method adds a listener to notify the status of the execution to the caller. To add a listener, do the following :
private List<OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener> listeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener>());
public void addChannelListener(OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener listener) {
To enable loggers in your implementation, get a logger instance from the logger factory with name "e2eagentOtlpTraces". The logs generated will be added to a file e2eagentOtlpTraces.log.
Usage example:
private final Logger e2eagentOtlpTraces = LoggerFactory.getLogger("e2eagentOtlpTraces");
public classKafkaTraceExportClientServiceImpl implements TraceExporterClientService {
private final Logger e2eagentOtlpTraces = LoggerFactory.getLogger("e2eagentOtlpTraces");
private List<OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener> listeners = Collections.synchronizedList(newLinkedList<OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener>());
This method is used to export the trace data using the Plugged-In external server.
Here is a simple example of using the producer to send records containing strings and trace data numbers as the key/value pairs.
Get the connection resource "Producer" from TargetServerConnection.
final HashMap<String, Object> serverInfo = (HashMap<String, Object>) systemConnection.getConnection();
Producer<String, TracesData> producer = (Producer<String, TracesData>) serverInfo.get("CONNECTION");
TargetServerConfig externalServerConfig = (TargetServerConfig) serverInfo.get("CONFIG");
producer.send(new ProducerRecord<>(externalServerConfig.getString(TargetServerConfig.KAFKA_TOPIC),
"trace", traceData), new Callback() {
public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception e) {
if (e != null) {
} else {
long count = metadata.offset();
The producer send() method is asynchronous. When called, it adds the record to a buffer of pending record sends and immediately returns. This allows the producer to batch together individual records for efficiency. </p
The acks config controls the criteria under which requests are considered complete. The default setting "all" will result in blocking on the full commit of the record, the slowest but most durable setting.
Usage example: The value is configurable in the agent config file. Applicable values are - 0, 1, all
If the request fails, the producer can automatically retry. The retries setting defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE, and it's recommended to use delivery.timeout.ms to control retry behavior, instead of retries.
Usage example: The value is configurable in the agent config file.
Note: As shown in above examples, Kafka properties are configurable in the agent config file. Refer to below list
* @param systemConnection A ExternalSystemConnection object containing
* parameters specific to run the pushing action through
* the KAFKA server.
* @param traceData An object array containing trace data.
* @return A Boolean
* @throws Exception if an error occurs in the exporting process.
public voidsend(TargetServerConnection systemConnection, TracesData traceData)
throws Exception {
// Code to process the trace data to external server.
The configured listener class gets a status update (true/false) as and when it receives an response from the ASYNC execution.
Here is an example of how to send an update to listener class using a notify private method.
private void notify(HttpPost httpPost, boolean status) {
for (OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener listener : listeners) {
listener.statusChanged(count, status);
public voidaddChannelListener(OutboundOtlpHttpChannelListener listener) {
SSL configuration
No subtopics in this section
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration contains attributes that control the behavior of client and server SSL endpoints. To enable SSL in End-to-End Monitoring self-hosted agents to target server, use the following configuration.
Sample value
Use this property for secure SSL/TLS connections. Set this property to true to enable secure connections.
The default value is false.
Use this property to check the hostname of the connecting destination server.
This property is applicable only if the exporter.tls property is enabled.
The default value is false.
Use this property to provide the truststore detail. Ensure that the Java truststore contains the external server certificate imported. Valid values are JKS or PCKS12.
This property is applicable only if the exporter.tls property is enabled.
Default value is JKS.
This property is applicable only if the exporter.tls property is enabled. Provide the full path of the truststore file.
This property is applicable only if the exporter.tls property is enabled. Provide the password of the truststore.
Two-way SSL communication is currently not supported.
You must disable tracing if the Integration Server malfunctions due to errors in the End-to-End Monitoring agent.
To disable tracing without restarting Integration Server:
In Integration Server, go to Administration > Packages > Management.
In the Package List, click the Home icon for the WmE2EMIntegrationAgent package. For the API Gateway agent, click the Home icon for the WmE2EMAPIAgent package.
In the dynamicagent.config section, click Edit and change the SW_AGENT_DISABLE_TRACING property to true. Click Update.
Verify the confirmation message.
Uninstalling an agent
To completely uninstall the End-to-End Monitoring agent from the Integration Server:
In Integration Server, go to Administration > Packages > Management. In the Package List, click the Home icon for the WmE2EMIntegrationAgent or WmE2EMAPIAgent package. In the End-to-End Monitoring Status and Configuration page, Product Configuration section, click Restore.
Optionally, in Integration Server, go to Administration > Packages > Management. In the Package List, click the Delete icon for the WmE2EMIntegrationAgent or WmE2EMAPIAgent package.
Integration Server logs scale based on the logger configuration. For example, if you are running services in Integration Server, the session log file size or service log file size is governed by Integration Server and not by End-to-End Monitoring.
Self-hosted transactions have not been tested with End-to-End Monitoring collector. Do not route your self-hosted transactions to the collector to avoid a transaction overload on the collector.
End-to-End Monitoring currently supports OTLP/HTTP that uses Protobuf payloads encoded either in binary format or in JSON format. Regardless of the encoding the Protobuf schema of the messages is the same for OTLP/HTTP. Support for OTLP/gRPC is planned in future releases.
Currently unsupported capabilities
If you have an existing hybrid monitoring agent setup installed using the IBM webMethods Installer and IBM webMethods Update Manager based fixes, use the following steps to install IS package-based hybrid monitoring agent.
Uninstall the existing End-to-End Monitoring setup using the IBM webMethods Installer.
Remove the custom_wrapper.conf changes previously configured during the IBM webMethods Installer based setup.
Remove any copied jar files or packages from integration or lib folders previously configured during the IBM webMethods Installer based setup.
Read the New installation section to install hybrid monitoring agent using package-based approach.