Release 1.4

This readme includes improvements, usage notes, and known and resolved issues that have been implemented for the IBM webMethods B2B 1.4 release.


Component Description
Support for XML document IBM webMethods B2B now supports XML documents. It allows you to:
  • Extract and build from an XML schema.
  • Extract and build from a sample XML.
  • Extract and build from a DTD.
For more information, see XML Documents.
Control Numbers Control numbers definitions can now be used to ensure that the business documents exchanged between partners are processed in a sequence and no documents are lost or left unprocessed.

For more information, see Control Numbers.
Email Alert Action You can now configure the processing rule to send an email alert upon receiving inbound documents that match the processing rule criteria
For more information, see Adding a Processing Rule.
Call an Integration You can now configure the processing rule to call an integration from IBM webMethods Integration by selecting the project, flow service created by user.
For more information, see Adding a Processing Rule.
Activity Logs You can now view activity logs for general, deployment, and transaction types for better error resolution and overall transaction monitoring. It is presented in one easy to use consolidated user-interface for easy access.

For more information, see Monitoring Activity Logs.
Secure File Transfer (SFTP) channel You can now send and receive business documents using SFTP-IN and SFTP-OUT Channels.

For more information, see Supported Channel Types and Details.
RosettaNet Infrastructure Framework (RNIF) channel You can now send and receive business documents using RNIF-IN and RNIF-OUT Channels.

For more information, see Supported Channel Types and Details.
Transaction Dashboard You can now view transactions based on graphical widgets. The widgets display:
  • Overall transaction status
  • Cross partner metrics
  • Transaction visualization
  • Overall error status
For more information, see Transaction Dashboard.
Document Submission Before the actual document exchange between partners, you can submit a sample document and validate the processing flow of the document from IBM webMethods B2B.
For more information, see Document Submission.
Archive and Purge You can now archive the transactional data present in production database by moving them to archive tables.You can also purge the archived data after a retention period.
For more information, see Archive and Purge.

Usage Notes

The following functionalities have certain restrictions in IBM webMethods B2B system:

Known Issues

When importing business documents from releases below IBM webMethods B2B 1.3, if the attributes configured for these business documents have transformation function set to EDIINT AS1, AS2, or AS3, then those attributes do not appear in the Attributes tab of that document.

If you click the More details link from E2E Monitoring, it redirects you to the Transaction page, which has both analytics widget and Grouped Transaction table. The widgets can be minimized so you can see only the Transactions table.

Once all the widgets are minimized(minimize all) in IBM webMethods B2B, it remains so until you clear the browser cache.

The webMethods. io B2B instance begins to experience slowness on the Processing Rules listing page if there are more than 50 processing rules configured with 100 partners each.

Multiple clicks on the UI where assets are listed, when the number of assets is lesser than the page size, an 500 - internal server error occurs. Workaround: Click the search button again to find the search results.

Importing business documents from IBM webMethods B2B 1.3 or lower releases.

When importing business documents from releases below IBM webMethods B2B 1.3, if the attributes configured for these business documents have transformation function set to EDIINT AS1, AS2, or AS3, then those attributes do not appear in the Attributes tab of that document.

There is no workaround for this issue.

Extracting a custom attribute fails in a special case.

Extracting a custom attribute, which has the same name as one of the system attributes SenderID, ReceiverID, GroupID, DocumentID, ConversationID, UserStatus, Signature, SignedBody) fails with an error.

To work around this issue, rename the custom attribute and try extracting it.

Ordinal indices of rules get corrupted due to some race conditions observed.

Some race conditions are observed when multiple actions, such as import, rule movement, applying a deployment, are simultaneously performed on rules. This makes changes to the ordinal index of rules due to which some ordinal indices go missing or get repeated because of which some rules would have problems in updating the details.

There is no workaround for this issue.