Partner Portal at a Glance
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Understanding Partner Portal
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Partner Portal is a single web-based self-service interface for faster onboarding, transaction monitoring, and configuring communication details between you and your enterprise.
Partner Portal provides features that support an enterprise’s effort to onboard and manage its partners.
Partner Portal allows you to do the following:
- Add or update identities, contacts, endpoints, and certificates.
- View partner’s inbound and outbound transactions.
- View the attribute and content for a particular transaction.
- Download enterprise certificates.
- View the endpoint, username, and password.
Logging and Getting Started
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Log in to Partner Portal with the URL and username you received in the email, from your enterprise. Set a new password for it.
In Partner Portal, go to Get Started to configure contacts and addresses, identities, certificates, and endpoints in the wizard and click Done.
Click to add or modify an asset and Save.
Your enterprise partner receives a request to validate the details you updated on the Partner Portal.
The default contact details are retrieved from the details you provided during the onboarding process.
Managing Your Partners
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An enterprise can provide you access to maintain an account, view the account, feed, and transactions of other partners.
In this case, one user can view multiple partners feeds.
To switch between partners:
Login to Partner Portal with the URL and username you received in the email from the enterprise. Set a new password for it.
to view the list of partners you have access to.
Select a partner from the list to view and manage its account, feed, and transactions.
If you do not see a partner in the list, but saw it previously listed, this could mean that you no longer have access to view the details for that partner.
In addition, if you do not want to monitor the feeds of a specific partner, contact the enterprise to remove your contact from that specific partner profile.
Managing My Account
Password Restrictions for Partner Portal User AccountsClick to view your account information.
My Account provides a detailed summary of the following:
- Assets (such as contacts and addresses, identities, certificates, and endpoints).
- Recent activities.
- Quick help.
Points to note:
To add or edit any of your assets click
on that respective asset card.
For a list of ID type mapping for EDI documents, see Reference Information on ID type Mapping.
Partner Portal supports two usages as authentication mechanisms for certificates:
- Sign-verify
- Encrypt-decrypt
You can add a maximum of 2 certificates. One for each Sign-verify and Encrypt-decrypt. You can update the certificate set only if the certificate chain is valid.
For more information on certificate usages and verification, see How Can I Secure Document Exchange?.For more information on endpoint, see Supported Channel Types and Details
You cannot create a cXML channel through Partner Portal.
Password Restrictions for Partner Portal User Accounts
The following password restrictions apply to Partner Portal User accounts:
- Password needs to have a minimum password length of 16 characters with one uppercase, one lowercase, one number, and one special character. The following special characters are supported:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
- You cannot have parts of username or account name or full name exceeding two consecutive characters. The password cannot have more than two repeating characters or sequential characters(ascending and descending both). For example, 1122 is fine, but not 11122. Both 123 and 321 are not allowed.
- You cannot reuse the previous five passwords.
- The session times out after 15 minutes of inactivity. You must log in again to continue accessing Partner Portal.
Viewing My Feed
To View and Monitor TransactionsSearching for Specific Transactions Using FiltersMy Feed gives a detailed summary of the following:
- Transactions
- Certificates
- Endpoints
- Identities
- And any new assets created
- Reason for approval or rejection of any asset.
You can also track your most recent activities in My recent activities section.
To View and Monitor Transactions
You can search, view, and monitor transactions on the Transaction page.
To view a summary of your transactions with your enterprise click View transactions summary here on the My Feed page. Apply the appropriate filter on the Transaction page to view the transactions. Select one of the following options:
- 24H. Displays transactions in the last 24 hours. This is the default option.
- 7D. Displays transactions in the last seven days.
- 30D. Displays transactions in the last 30 days.
- Custom. Provide a custom date range along with the timestamp to view the transactions in the specified date and time range.
To monitor your transactions, click on the Transactions page. Your transactions appear in the Transaction visualization widget.
Transaction visualization widget shows a bar graph display of transactions for the selected period. The X-axis denotes the date. Depending on the number of days for which the data is available. The range is calculated by dividing the total number of days for which the data is available by six. For example, if data is available from 1/05/2020 to 30/05/2020 (total of 30 days), then each group in the X-axis has six days starting from 1/05/2020-5/05/2020 and so on. The Y-axis displays the total number of transactions for that date range. The legend is as follows:
- Red. indicates the total number of failed transactions.
- Green. indicates successful transactions.
- Orange. indicates transactions that are in progress.
To view specific categories of transactions (success, failed, or in progress), click on the legend for that category.
Searching for Specific Transactions Using Filters
The filter allows you to select multiple document attributes as search criteria for the transactions.
To search using filter conditions
- In Partner Portal, go to the Transactions page and click on the filter icon
Click Select attributes. It displays all the available document attributes in the system.
Select the attributes and specify the values.TipSelect the Negate value option to use the opposite values while searching. In the following example, on filtering withApplication Reference
which is a document attribute, all transactions in which theapplicationReference
attribute does not have a value equal tonew
, are listed:Click Apply to see the search result. Transactions appear based on the values of all the attributes provided.
Points to note:
- You can view transactions for a maximum of the last 30 days. Your feeds are automatically cleared after 30 days.
- You can view a maximum payload content of 32KB.
You can only view the following assets of your enterprise partner:
- Endpoints: All the endpoints using which you can share your business documents with the enterprise.
- Certificates: The public certificates of the enterprise. These can either be partner-specific ones, or a default certificate if a partner-specific certificate is not configured for you.
- Users: User credentials using which business documents are shared with the enterprise.
Only the certificates, endpoints, and users credential information meant for you, as a partner, is listed on My Feed page. This information is not visible to the other partners.