Software AG is pleased to introduce a major release of the webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 First Customer Ship (FCS). The webMethods SWIFT Solution was recently awarded the SWIFTReady Financial Label for 2009 providing the assurance of interoperability and the ability to support high-volume, high-speed and high-assurance transactions.
Software AGÂ’s webMethods SWIFT Module is built upon the webMethods ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), an award-winning platform that delivers business agility and flexibility through integration across applications and interconnecting existing technology investments. The webMethods SWIFT Module enables financial institutions to exchange messages securely through the SWIFT network and leverage SWIFTNet solutions. The webMethods SWIFT Solution provides a single integration platform, thus enabling financial institutions to achieve true end-to-end STP and seamless integration with various SWIFT services.
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 provides the following new features:
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 combines SWIFT FIN and SWIFTNet support into a single product, enabling unified connectivity for both SAA (SWIFT Alliance Access) and SAG (SWIFT Alliance Gateway).
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 now supports SWIFTNet InterAct and FileAct messaging services in real-time and store and forward modes using the MQHA and FTA interfaces through webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 also interfaces with SAA via MQHA.
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 now provides a user interface to configure connectivity with SAG.
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 provides structural and semantic validation of all MX (ISO 20022) and MT message types, including the latest 2009 MT message set.
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 provides support for FpML, including structural and content validation of FpML messages.
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 supports exchange of MT and MX messages through SAA using the XML v2 format.
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 now provides out of the box support for reconciling all levels of notifications, including ACK and NAK acknowledgments, with the original SWIFT messages that are exchanged over SAA in XML v2 format.
webMethods SWIFT Module 7.1 enables lookup and validation of MT and MX messages against the BICPlusIBAN directory. It also validates IBAN-BIC combinations, enables translating of BICs into national bank/clearing codes, and derives BIC from the IBAN code when BIC is missing.
For details on all these features, see the webMethods SWIFT Module Installation and User's Guide.
For the most up to date information about the software and operating systems that the module supports, see the webMethods eStandards Modules System Requirements document, available in the webMethods area of the Software AG Documentation Web site (
This document applies to webMethods SWIFT Module Version 7.1 FCS and to all subsequent releases.
Specifications contained herein are subject to change and these changes will be reported in subsequent release notes or new editions. Copyright © 2009 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA, Inc., Reston, VA, United States of America, and/or their suppliers. All rights reserved.
The name Software AG, webMethods, and all Software AG product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Software AG and/or Software AG USA, Inc. Other company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.