webMethods PIP Tools 6.0.1 Service Pack 1

                             May 2004


This file provides important information for applying
Service Pack 1 (PipTools_6-0-1_SP1) to webMethods Pip Tools
6.0.1. For release information about webMethods Pip Tools 6.0.1,
see the Release Notes document in the directory in which you
installed the product.

1.0  Service Pack Name
2.0  Product(s) Affected
3.0  Service Pack Requirements
4.0  Service Pack Contents
5.0  Platform Support
6.0  Service Pack Installation
7.0  Cautions and Warnings
8.0  Globalization Statement
9.0  Copyright
10.0 Contacting Us

1.0 Service Pack Name

webMethods Pip Tools 6.0.1 Service Pack 1

2.0 Product(s) Affected

This service pack affects webMethods Pip Tools 6.0.1.

3.0 Service Pack Requirements


4.0 Service Pack Contents

This service pack provides the ability to import Modular PIPs
released by RosettaNet.

5.0 Platform Support

This service pack can be applied on all platforms supported
by webMethods Pip Tools 6.0.1.

6.0 Service Pack Installation

Installing webMethods PIP Tools Service Pack 1

1. Download the webMethods Installer from the webMethods
   Advantage Web site at http://advantage.webmethods.com.

2. If you are installing the Service Pack on an existing
   installation of the Integration Server, shut down the server
   if it is running.

3. Start the webMethods Installer and follow the instructions in
   the wizard.

4. Choose the webMethods platform version. If you are installing
   the Service Pack on an existing installation of the
   Integration Server, be sure to choose the same version of the
   webMethods platform as the existing installation of the
   Integration Server. Specify the webMethods Integration
   Platform installation directory (by default, webMethods6).

5. In the component selection list, navigate to webMethods
   Integration Platform > eStandards > webMethods RosettaNet
   Module > Service Pack 1, and then select PIPTools.

6. Complete the steps in the webMethods Installer wizard.

Uninstalling webMethods PIP Tools Service Pack 1

1. Shut down the Integration Server on which you installed the
   Service Pack.

2. Start the webMethods Uninstaller.

3. In the component selection list, navigate to webMethods
   Integration Platform > eStandards > webMethods RosettaNet
   Module > Service Pack 1, and then select PIPTools.

4. Complete the steps in the webMethods Uninstaller wizard.

7.0 Cautions and Warnings

- RN_6-0-1_Fix5 must be installed for webMethods RosettaNet 6.0.1
to use Modular PIPs successfully.

- Re-importing a Modular PIP using the new Modular PIP Import
tool provided by webMethods PIP Tools Service Pack 1 will not
overwrite the TN Document Types, but it will overwrite the
default TPAs.

- Exporting a Modular PIP using the PIP Export tool will not
completely export all of the referenced schemas for that PIP. The
Modular PIP IS Documents contain referenced schemas in the
/Pip and /Common folders of the WmRNPips package. The RosettaNet
PIP Export tool does not currently export these referenced
schemas, so the exported PIP will contain only the PIP IS
Document Type and not its referenced schemas. If you want to move
an entire Modular PIP from one Integration Server to another, you
must copy the /Pip and /Common folders from the WmRNPips package
namespace on the first Integration Server and paste them into the
WmRNPips package namespace on the other Integration Server.

- If the IS Document for a Modular PIP is moved from a 6.x
Integration Server to a 4.x Integration Server, the rootTag of
the corresponding TN Document Types should be changed to reflect
the Modular PIP's IS Document Name. To do so:
1) In Developer for the 4.x Integration Server, browse to the
   PIP that you copied, and copy the name of the PIP IS
2) In Trading Networks for the 4.x Integration Server, open the
   appropriate PIP TN Document Type, paste the PIP IS document
   name into the "roottag" field, and save the TN Document

8.0 Globalization

webMethods PIP Tools Service Pack 1 conforms to the
internationalization standards of webMethods and includes support
for operation in any country, locale, or language. Support for
character encodings and proper formatting, display, and
validation of data (such as number and date formats) has been
provided throughout the webMethods PIP Tools.

webMethods PIP Tools is fully compliant with the requirements of
the Unicode Standard, version 2.1.8 (see http://www.unicode.org).
If you expect to display non-English data in your webMethods
tools, you need to ensure that an appropriate font is installed
in your operating environment. You should test to see if there
are hollow boxes or black squares where you would expect to see
non-English data, and if you see problems, modify your JRE
font.properties file to reference the font on your system.
Information on modifying your font.properties file can be
located on the Javasoft website and in the FAQ at

9.0 Copyright

webMethods Administrator, webMethods Broker, webMethods
Dashboard, webMethods Developer, webMethods Glue, webMethods
Fabric, webMethods Installer, webMethods Integration Server,
webMethods Mainframe, webMethods Manager, webMethods Mobile,
webMethods Modeler, webMethods Monitor, webMethods Optimize,
webMethods Portal, webMethods Trading Networks, webMethods
Workflow, and the webMethods logo are trademarks of webMethods,
Inc. "webMethods" is a registered trademark of webMethods, Inc.

All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright (c) 2004 by webMethods, Inc. All rights reserved,
including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any

10.0 Contacting us

Authorized technical support contacts can reach webMethods
Technical Services for support via:

  Advantage: http://advantage.webMethods.com
  E-mail: support@webMethods.com
  US Phone: 1-888-222-8215
  Europe/EMEA Phone: +800-963-84-637 or +31-207783640
  Asia/Pacific Phone: +612-8913-1198 or +656-389-3222

Self-service support is also available in the Advantage
Knowledge Base and in Advantage Customer Forums at