webMethods HIPAA Module, 6.0.2

                          December 2003

Copyright (C) 1996-2003, webMethods, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to the webMethods HIPAA Module. This file provides
important information about using webMethods HIPAA Module

webMethods Integration Server, webMethods Trading Networks,
webMethods EDI, and webMethods EDIforTN must be installed
before you can install and run the webMethods HIPAA Module.
For information about webMethods Integration Server, Trading
Networks, EDI, or EDIforTN, see the readme files in the
directory where you installed the software.

For information about webMethods Integration Platform 6.0.2
enhancements, see the webMethods Integration Platform 6.0.2
Release Notes. For information about the status of previous
webMethods releases, see the General Support Statement. You can
download these documents from the webMethods Advantage Web site.

The webMethods Integration Platform Installation Guide contains
important information that you must read before you install
webMethods Integration Platform 6.0.2. The guide also contains
instructions you must follow to perform and complete the

The webMethods Integration Platform Upgrade Guide contains
important information that you must read before you upgrade
to webMethods Integration Platform 6.0.2. The guide also
contains instructions you must follow to perform and complete
the upgrade.


1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Documentation
3.0 Known Problems and Limitations
4.0 Usage Notes
    4.1 Clustering Capability Statement
5.0 Globalization
6.0 Deprecated Components
7.0 Fixes and Enhancements
    7.1 Fixes and Enhancements for HIPAA Module 6.0.2
        7.1.1 Fixes
        7.1.2 Added Services
   WmHipaaTransactions for 820 Transactions
   WmHipaaTransactions for 834 Transactions
   WmHipaaTransactions for 835 Transactions
   WmHipaaTransactions for 837-I Transactions
        7.1.3 Changed Services
        7.1.4 Removed Services
8.0 Copyright Information
    8.1 webMethods
    8.2 Other Products
9.0 Contacting Us

1.0 Getting Started

The webMethods HIPAA Installation Guide Version 6.0.2
contains detailed instructions for installing and configuring
the webMethods HIPAA Module.

2.0 Documentation

Documentation for the webMethods HIPAA Module is located in the
packages\WmHipaa\pub\doc directory of the WmHipaa
package where you installed the server. The following guide
is provided as a PDF file:

  - webMethods HIPAA Module Installation and User's Guide,
    Version 6.0.2

An index.html file is located in the packages\WmHIPAA\pub
directory of the WmHIPAA package where you installed the
server. This file provides links to release information,
HIPAA documentation, and other HIPAA related links.

To view the documentation supplied with this version of the
webMethods HIPAA Module you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader
4.0 or later. You can download and install Acrobat Reader 4.0


3.0 Known Problems and Limitations

- webMethods HIPAA Module 6.0.2 only provides support for the
  the following transactions:
  - 820:   Payment Order/Remittance Advice
  - 834:   Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance
  - 835:   Claim Payment/Advice
  - 837-I: Claim (Institutional)

4.0 Usage Notes

4.1 Clustering Capability Statement

During operation, the webMethods HIPAA Module data is written
to the Integration Server repository as well as to the database
with which users connect to webMethods Trading Networks. As
such, the webMethods HIPAA Module is clusterable because
the Integration Server repository is clusterable and most
commercial databases are clusterable.

However, because of the many different options and possible
architectures for clustering, webMethods is not recommending or
certifying a specific configuration at this time. Please
contact webMethods Professional Services for support in
architecting and implementing your webMethods HIPAA Module
clustering solution.

5.0 Globalization

Because the HIPAA Module was designed primarily to support U.S.
regulatory compliance, webMethods has performed only limited
testing with non-ASCII data and character encodings and
non-English environments. The module does make use of the
webMethods Integration Platform's global support and thus can be
interoperated with other platform components in a global
environment. Attempts to store, process, or publish non-English
or non-ASCII data through the Module might lead to problems with
your EDI partners or other HIPAA-specific operations. You should
not need to perform this sort of processing during normal

If you expect to display non-English data in your webMethods
tools, you need to ensure that an appropriate font is installed
in your operating environment. You should test to see whether
hollow boxes or black squares appear where you would expect to
see non-English data, and if you see problems, modify your JRE
font.properties file to reference the font on your system.
Information about modifying your font.properties file can be
located on Sun's Java website. For the JRE provided with
this release, see:

Or refer to the document located at:

6.0 Deprecated Components


7.0 Fixes and Enhancements

7.1 Fixes and Enhancements for HIPAA Module 6.0.2

7.1.1 Fixes

The following is a list of fixes for webMethods HIPAA 6.0.2.
These fixes must be installed when using the webMethods HIPAA
Module 6.0.2.


This fix updates wm.b2b.editn:ediPartnerIDToTNPartnerID service
in the WmEDiforTN package in order to provide a mapping from the
HIPAA sender, receiver id qualifiers to the External ID type in
the Trading Networks Console. This fix also updates
wm.b2b.editn.rec:EDIHEADERS in the WmEDIforTN package. This is
done in order to modify the validation criteria specified by the
EDI Module for GS08 element. It adds the HIPAA version release
numbers in the constraints for GS08 element in the EDIHEADERS


This fix enables the wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service to
provide more detailed error messages about conditional
validation errors. When a conditional validation rule is
violated, the convertToValues service can now report:
- The actual text of the conditional rule that was violated.
- The fields that were missing, but required by the syntax
  validation rule.
- The fields that were present, but not allowed by the syntax
  validation rule.


This fix enables the pub.flatFile:convertToValues service to
provide more detailed error messages about conditional
validation errors. When a conditional validation rule is
violated, the convertToValues service can now report:
- The actual text of the conditional rule that was violated.
- The fields that were missing, but required by the syntax
  validation rule.
- The fields that were present, but not allowed by the syntax
  validation rule.


Excess elements are not detected in a composite or record. This
fix adds the new field "Check Fields" to record and composite
definitions. If this field is set to true, any extra fields at
the end of a record or composite will be noted as an error
during calls to pub.flatFile:convertToValues, if validation is
turned on. By default, all existing records and composite have
the "Check Fields" value set to false.

7.1.2 Added Services

The following services have been added to the WmHipaa package.
See the webMethods HIPAA Module Installation and User's Guide for
details. WmHipaa

- wm.ip.hipaa.util:sortErrors

  This service takes wm.ip.hipaa.rec:errorArray as input and
  sorts the array based on the errorArray and errorPosition

- wm.ip.hipaa.util:validateEnvelope

  Use this service to determine whether the interchange envelope
  is valid or invalid.

- wm.ip.hipaa.util:validateGroup

  Use this service to validate the syntax for transactions within
  a functional group. WmHipaaCodeSource

- wm.ip.hipaa.codesource:activateCodeSource

  This service enables a particular Code Source.

- wm.ip.hipaa.codesource:codesource

  This service displays a list of each Code Source and its status
  (Enabled or Disabled) that is available to Add or Upgrade.

- wm.ip.hipaa.codesource:loadCodeSourceValues

  This service loads Code Source values for a given Code Source
  into the database tables. WmHipaaTransactions for 820 Transactions

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.RA.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the Header of
  the 820 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.RA.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the ENT segment
  of the 820 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.RA.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the Header of the
  820 transaction.

- vm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.RA.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the Header of the 820

- vm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.RA.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the ENT segment of
  the 820 transaction.

- vm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.RA.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the RMR segment of
  the 820 transaction.

- vm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.RA.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the NM1 segment of
  the 820 transaction. WmHipaaTransactions for 834 Transactions

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in Header of the
  834 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the HD segment
  list of the 834 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the INS segment
  of the 834 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the HD segment list
  of the 834 transactions.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the INS segment of
  834 transactions.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the Header of the 834

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the HD segment list
  of the 834 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the INS segment of
  the 834 transaction. WmHipaaTransactions for 835 Transactions

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the Header of
  the 835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the CLP segment
  of the 835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the SVC segment
  of the 835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the Header of the
  835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the CLP segment of
  the 835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the SVC segment of
  the 835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the Header of 835

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the LX Header of the
  835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the CLP segment
  of the 835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the PLB segment of
  the 835 transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HP.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find transaction balancing errors in the
  835 transaction. WmHipaaTransactions for 837-I Transactions

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the
  PayToProvider HL of the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the Subscriber
  HL segment of the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the CLM segment
  of the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Source errors in the LX segment
  of the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.codeSourceValidation

  Use this service to find Code Errors in the SBR segment of the
  837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the Header of the
  837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the Subscriber HL
  segment of the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the CLM segment of
  the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the LX segment of
  the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.semanticValidation

  Use this service to find Semantic errors in the SBR segment of
  the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the Header of the
  837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the PayToProvider HL
  of the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the Subscriber HL
  segment of the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the Patient HL
  segment of the 837-I transaction.

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.syntaxValidation

  Use this service to find Syntax errors in the CLM segment of
  the 837-I transaction.

7.1.3 Changed Services

The following services have changed in the WmHipaa package.  See
the webMethods HIPAA Module Installation and User's Guide for

- wm.ip.hipaa.util:generate997

  Use this service to generate a functional acknowledgement for a
  functional group, based on the syntax validation results of
  transactions within that functional group.

- wm.ip.hipaa.util:generateTA1

  Use this service to generate a technical acknowledgement based
  on results of validating an interchange envelope.

7.1.4 Removed Services

The following services have been removed from the WmHipaa

- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HS.X092:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HB.X092:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HR.X093:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HN.X093:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HI.X094:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.RA.X061:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.BE.X095:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HO.X091:validateSyntax
- vm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.X096:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.X097:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.transaction.X12.V4010.HC.X098:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.trp:send
- wm.ip.hipaa.trp:sendRT
- wm.ip.hipaa.util:generateEnvelopeErrorReport
- wm.ip.hipaa.util:generateSyntaxErrorReport
- wm.ip.hipaa.util:getPreferredDelivery
- wm.ip.hipaa.util:invokeService
- wm.ip.hipaa.validate:validateEnvelope
- wm.ip.hipaa.validate:validateSyntax
- wm.ip.hipaa.validate:validateSemantics

8.0 Copyright Information

8.1 webMethods

webMethods Administrator, webMethods Broker, webMethods
Developer, webMethods Installer, webMethods Integration Server,
webMethods Mainframe, webMethods Manager, webMethods Modeler,
webMethods Monitor, webMethods Trading Networks, webMethods
Workflow, and the webMethods logo are trademarks of webMethods,
Inc. "webMethods" is a registered trademark of webMethods, Inc.

All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright (c) 2003 by webMethods, Inc. All rights reserved,
including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any

8.2 Other Products

Portions of this software contain encryption software from RSA
Data Security, Inc.

Portions of this software are copyrighted by DataDirect
Technologies, 1991-2002.

Portions of this software are based upon third party copyrighted
materials from Informix.

Portions of this software are copyrighted by JClass Chart
Copyright (c) 2002 by Sitraka Inc. 260 King Street E, Toronto,
Ontario, M5A 4L5 Canada. All rights reserved.

9.0 Contacting Us

You can reach webMethods Technical Services for support via:

  Advantage: http://advantage.webMethods.com
  E-mail: support@webMethods.com
  US Phone: 1-888-222-8215
  Europe/EMEA Phone: +800-963-84-637 or +31-356462770
  Asia/Pacific Phone: +612-8913-1198 or +656-389-3222