webMethods Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1

                           March 2003

Copyright (C) 1996-2003, webMethods, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Welcome to the webMethods Chem eStandards Module. This file
provides important information for using webMethods Chem 
eStandards Module 6.0.1.

For information about webMethods Integration Platform 6.0.1
enhancements, see the webMethods Integration Platform 6.0.1
Release Notes. For information about the status of previous
webMethods releases, see the General Support Statement. You can
download these documents from the webMethods Advantage Web site.

The webMethods Integration Platform Installation Guide contains
important information you must read before you install
webMethods Integration Platform 6.0.1. The guide also contains
instructions you must follow to perform and complete the

The webMethods Integration Platform Upgrade Guide contains
important information you must read before you upgrade
webMethods Integration Platform 6.0.1. The guide also contains
instructions you must follow to perform and complete the


1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Documentation
    2.1 Documentation Corrections and Additions
3.0 Known Problems and Limitations
4.0 Usage Notes
    4.1 Clustering Capability Statement
5.0 Globalization
    5.1 Database Configuration
    5.2 Known Globalization Limitations
6.0 Deprecated Components
7.0 Fixes and Enhancements
    7.1 Fixes in Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1
    7.2 Added Services in Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1
    7.3 Removed Services in Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1
    7.4 Changes in Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1
8.0 Copyright Information
    8.1 webMethods
    8.2 Other Products
9.0 Contacting Us

1.0 Getting Started

The webMethods Chem eStandards Module Installation Guide Version
6.0.1 contains detailed instructions for installing and
configuring webMethods Chem eStandards Module.

webMethods Integration Server and webMethods Trading Networks
must be installed before you can install and run webMethods
Chem eStandards Module. For information about webMethods
Integration Server or webMethods Trading Networks, see the
readme files in the directory where you installed the

2.0 Documentation

Documentation for webMethods Chem eStandards Module is located
in the \pub\doc directory of the WmChem package where you
installed the Integration Server. The following manuals are
provided as PDF files:

- webMethods Chem eStandards Module Installation Guide,
  Version 6.0.1
- webMethods Chem eStandards Module User's Guide, Version 6.0.1
- webMethods Chem eStandards Module Sample Guide, Version 6.0.1

The following manual is provided as an HTML file:

- webMethods Chem eStandards Module Package Contents,
  Version 6.0.1

An index.html file is located in the \pub directory of the
WmChem package where you installed the Integration Server. This
file provides links to release information, Chem eStandards
documentation, and other Chem eStandards related links.

To view the documentation supplied with this version of
webMethods Chem eStandards Module, you must have Adobe Acrobat
Reader 4.0 or later. You can download and install Acrobat Reader
4.0 from:


2.1 Documentation Corrections and Additions


3.0 Known Problems and Limitations

The following are the known problems with the webMethods Chem
eStandards Module Version 6.0.1:

- When processing large documents, file system archiving is
  turned off.

- Large document processing is not supported in a reverse proxy

- On the initiator side of a Chem transaction, the
  conversation cannot be restarted from the first wait step.

4.0 Usage Notes

4.1 Clustering Capability Statement

During operation, webMethods Chem eStandards Module data is
written to the Integration Server repository as well as to the
database with which users connect to webMethods Trading
Networks. As such, the webMethods Chem eStandards Module is
clusterable, because the Integration Server repository is
clusterable and most commercial databases are clusterable.

However, because of the many different options and possible
architectures for clustering, webMethods is not recommending or
certifying a specific configuration at this time. Please
contact webMethods Professional Services for support in
architecting and implementing your webMethods Chem eStandards
Module clustering solution.

5.0 Globalization

The webMethods Chem eStandards Module Version 6.0.1 has not been
tested for conformance with the internationalization standards
of webMethods. This internal certification is planned for a
future release. Support for character encodings and locally
formatted data depend on functionality in the webMethods Trading
Networks and webMethods Integration Server products, which have
been certified. The Chem eStandards Module is therefore
supported for use in any locale and with any platform supported
character encoding.

If you expect to display non-English data in your webMethods
tools, you need to ensure that an appropriate font is installed
in your operating environment. You should test to see whether
hollow boxes or black squares appear where you would expect to
see non-English data, and if you see problems, modify your JRE
font.properties file to reference the font on your system. You
can find information about modifying your font.properties file
on Sun's Java website (for the JRE provided with this release,
see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/intl/fontprop.html)
or refer to the document located at

5.1 Database Configuration

The configuration of your Trading Networks database affects
which characters can be stored. If you select a non-Unicode
character encoding for your database, characters in your
documents that are not included in that encoding will be lost
when stored in the database; therefore, webMethods recommends
using a Unicode encoding for your database if possible. Please
refer to the webMethods Integration Platform Installation Guide
6.0.1 and to the Trading Networks Server 6.0.1 Readme
(Globalization section) for information about selecting the
encoding and driver to use with your specific database.

5.2 Known Globalization Limitations

This product has the following known globalization limitations
at release time:

- XML documents that use encodings other than UTF-8 and which
  are posted via the WmTNWeb home page may be incorrectly
  interpreted by older Integration Servers, especially B2B 4.0.2
  servers that do not have the latest fixes and service packs
  installed. Most normal Chem eStandards documents are not
  affected by this. This problem can be avoided by removing the
  XML document declaration from the beginning of the document
  (that is, delete the text '<?xml version="1.0"

6.0 Deprecated Components


7.0 Fixes and Enhancements

7.1 Fixes in Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1

The following is a list of fixes for webMethods Chem eStandards
Module 4.6 that have been included in webMethods Chem eStandards
Module 6.0.1:

XML Namespace
Processing of XML documents with namespaces.

Pass user authentication while invoking HTTP.

NonRepudiation information incorrectly mapped into ReceiptAck
when signature does not exist. Document Id and DateTimeStamp
mapped correctly to Receipt Ack for large documents.

Use TN profile certificates for HTTPS connections.

Exit statement signaling failure was missing the from clause.

Incorrect check being done for "Receipt" in

InstanceIdentifier is not the same in all the documents.

Preamble header is not available to the inboundMap step.

Content Id in the body parts is not enclosed in the angle

The wm.ip.profile:getTPInfo service always returns primary DUNS
ID, even when another is specified.

When multiple DUNS are specified for a partner, signature
verification MultipleDUNS is failing authentication of sender.

7.2 Added Services in Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1

wm.ip.archive:getPackageInfo (formerly






7.3 Removed Services in Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1


Entire wm.ip.dictionary folder
  - wm.ip.dictionary:addCategory
  - wm.ip.dictionary:addDictionary
  - wm.ip.dictionary:addEntry
  - wm.ip.dictionary:createAndAddEntry
  - wm.ip.dictionary:createEntry
  - wm.ip.dictionary:deleteCategory
  - wm.ip.dictionary:deleteDictionary
  - wm.ip.dictionary:getEntry
  - wm.ip.dictionary:deleteEntry
  - wm.ip.dictionary:listCategories
  - wm.ip.dictionary:listDictionaries
  - wm.ip.dictionary:listEntries
  - wm.ip.dictionary:validateEntry

Entire wm.ip.doc folder
  ­ wm.ip.doc:insertIPDocType
  ­ wm.ip.doc:persistIPDoc

Entire wm.ip.log folder
  - wm.ip.log:getLog

Entire wm.ip.packages folder
  - wm.ip.packages:getVersion (moved to


Entire wm.ip.smtp.email folder
  - wm.ip.smtp.email:smtp


Entire wm.ip.rnif11.cm folder
  - wm.ip.rnif11.cm:getScriptTimeouts
  - wm.ip.rnif11.cm:setScriptTimeouts

Entire wm.ip.rnif11.profile folder
  - wm.ip.rnif11.profile:addExtendedFields
  - wm.ip.rnif11.profile:getPreferredProtocol
  - wm.ip.rnif11.profile:getTPAInfo
  - wm.ip.rnif11.profile:overrideRNIF11ExtendedFields


7.4 Changes in Chem eStandards Module 6.0.1


8.0 Copyright Information

8.1 webMethods

webMethods Administrator, webMethods Broker, webMethods
Developer, webMethods Installer, webMethods Integration Server,
webMethods Mainframe, webMethods Manager, webMethods Modeler,
webMethods Monitor, webMethods Trading Networks, webMethods
Workflow, and the webMethods logo are trademarks of webMethods,
Inc. "webMethods" is a registered trademark of webMethods, Inc.

All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright (c) 2003 by webMethods, Inc. All rights reserved,
including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any

8.2 Other Products

Portions of this software contain encryption software from RSA
Data Security, Inc.

Portions of this software are copyrighted by DataDirect
Technologies, 1991-2002.

Portions of this software are based upon third party copyrighted
materials from Informix.

Portions of this software are copyrighted by JClass Chart
Copyright (c) 2002 by Sitraka Inc. 260 King Street E, Toronto,
Ontario, M5A 4L5 Canada. All rights reserved.

9.0 Contacting Us

You can reach webMethods Technical Services for support via:

  Advantage: http://advantage.webMethods.com
  E-mail: support@webMethods.com
  US Phone: 1-888-222-8215
  Europe/EMEA Phone: +800-963-84-637 or +31-356462770
  Asia/Pacific Phone: +612-8913-1198 or +656-389-3222