IBM webMethods Module for 1SYNC
About this help
Document Conventions
Installing and Using 1SYNC Module
What Is 1SYNC?
What Is IBM webMethods Module for 1SYNC?
1SYNC Module Features
1SYNC Module Packages
Design-Time Architecture and Components
Run-Time Architecture and Components
The 1SYNC Item Synchronization Process
Item Management Message Flow
Item Synchronization with 1SYNC Module
Sending Business Documents To and From 1SYNC
Receiving Business documents from 1SYNC
1SYNC GDSN Item Registry Response
1SYNC GDSN Party Registry Response
1SYNC Item Authorization Response
1SYNC Item Synchronization Response
1SYNC New Item Attribute Response
Installing the webMethods 1SYNC Module
Installing 1SYNC Module 6.5.2
Upgrading to 1SYNC Module 6.5.2
Uninstalling 1SYNC Module 6.5.2
Configuring webMethods 1SYNC Module
Before You Begin
Step 1: Define IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks Profiles
Step 2: Define a Trading Partner Agreement
Step 3: Define TN Document Types or IS Publishable Documents
Step 4: Integrate Back-End Applications with 1SYNC
Creating an Outbound Mapping Service
Creating an Inbound Mapping Service
Step 5: Define a Processing Rule
1SYNC Request
1SYNC Response
Step 6: Set Up the EDIINT Interaction with 1SYNC
Defining Trading Partner Profiles in Trading Networks
What Is a Trading Partner and Trading Partner Profile?
Information that You Supply in a Profile
External ID Type Field in a Profile
Defining the Profile for Your Corporation
Defining a Profile for 1SYNC
Defining a Trading Partner Agreement
What Is a Trading Partner Agreement?
Defining a Trading Partner Agreement
Parameter Settings
Defining TN Document Types
What Are TN Document Types?
Defining TN Document Types
TN Document Types that IBM Provides
TN Document Type for 1SYNC XSD
Extracting Information from Business Documents
Queries that Trading Networks Uses to Extract Attributes from Business Documents
Defining the UserStatus Attribute
Setting Up EDIINT Interaction with 1SYNC
Using EDIINT AS2 with 1SYNC
Overview of 1SYNC EDIINT Integration Process
Setting up EDIINT Interaction with 1SYNC
IBM webMethods Module for 1SYNC Services
Summary of Services
Wm1SYNC Documents Package Services
IBM webMethods Module for 1SYNC
Wm1SYNC Documents Package Services