Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Server Configuration Parameters |
Determines the information that is written to the Universal Messaging client log file, called umClient.log. Each level outputs log entries with that level or higher. Valid values are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, and off. The default is error.
The parameter displays the value specified for the Log Level parameter in the Logs > Logging configuration > View UM Client Logger Details > Edit UM Client Logger Details page in Integration Server Administrator.
You must restart Integration Server for changes to this parameter to take effect.
Maximum size of the Universal Messaging client log file measured in megabytes (MB). When this size is reached, Integration Server rolls the file over to a backup called umClient.log.number and creates a new file. The default is 10.
The parameter displays the value specified for the Log Size parameter in the Logs > Logging configuration > View UM Client Logger Details > Edit UM Client Logger Details page in Integration Server Administrator.
You must restart Integration Server for changes to this parameter to take effect.
Number of backup log files to keep on disk when using log rolling for the Universal Messaging client log file (see the property). When this number is reached, the oldest file is deleted. The default is 2.
The parameter displays the value specified for the Log Depth parameter in the Logs > Logging configuration > View UM Client Logger Details > Edit UM Client Logger Details page in Integration Server Administrator.
You must restart Integration Server for changes to this parameter to take effect.
Specifies the maximum size in MB of all the log files for event lifecycle logging. That is, the maximum size of all the log files, including archives, in the Integration Server_directoryinstances/instanceName/logs/umEventLifecycle. The default is 1024.
Make sure to set the value of large enough to accommodate the trace logs for each message store as well as the number of archive log files that you want to keep for each message store.
You must restart Integration Server for changes to this parameter to take effect.
The value of the parameter is tied to the value of the Trace Folder Log Size field on theMessaging > Logging configuration> View UM client logger details page in Integration Server Administrator. You do not need to restart Integration Server if you change the Trace Folder Log Size field.
Specifies the logging level for a trace logger used with event lifecycle logging. The trace logger writes detailed log messages for the message store specified in Set to one of the following:
*Off - Event lifecycle logging is disabled for this Integration Server. This is the default value.
*Info - Event lifecycle logging is enabled. A trace logger writes info level messages for the queues or channels specified in
*Trace - Event lifecycle logging is enabled. A trace logger writes trace level messages for the queues or channels specified in The Trace log level is more detailed than the Info log level.
You must restart Integration Server for changes to this parameter to take effect.
The value of the parameter is tied to the value of the Trace Store Log Level field on Messaging > Logging configuration> View UM client logger details page in Integration Server Administrator. You do not need to restart Integration Server if you change the Trace Store Log Level field.
Comma-separated list of the message stores, specifically queue names or channel names, for which event lifecycle logging is performed. Specify * for trace loggers to be used with all queues or channels that this Integration Server sends messages to and receives messages from. The default is *.
When specifying a queue or channel that uses folders in Universal Messaging, separate the folder names with a forward slash. For example, a publishable document type named myFolder.mySubFolder:documentABC is equivalent to a Universal Messaging channel name of wm/is/myFolder/mySubFolder/documentABC
You must restart Integration Server for changes to this parameter to take effect.
The value of the parameter is tied to the value of the Trace Stores field on the Messaging > Logging configuration> View UM client logger details page in Integration Server Administrator. You do not need to restart Integration Server if you change the Trace Stores field.
Specifies the maximum size in MB of the trace log file for an individual message store for event lifecycle logging. That is, the maximum size of an individual log file in Integration Server_directory/instances/instanceName/logs/umEventLifecycle. The default is 10 MB.When the event lifecycle log reaches this size, the UM client creates an archive of the log (.zip) and starts a new lifecycle log for the store.
The UM client does not keep any lifecycle log archive files for message stores if the value of is not large enough to accommodate trace logs for all the message stores. Instead, the UM client just rotates the trace store log file for each store.
You must restart Integration Server for changes to this parameter to take effect.
The value of the parameter is tied to the value of the Trace Store Log Size field on the Messaging > Logging configuration> View UM client logger details page in Integration Server Administrator. You do not need to restart Integration Server if you change the Trace Store Log Size field.