Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Server Configuration Parameters | watt.tx.
Specifies the default time-to-live (TTL) value for outbound guaranteed delivery transactions. Specify the number of minutes you want the server to maintain outbound transactions in the job store when a service initiating an outbound transaction does not specify a TTL value. The default is 30.
Specifies whether you want to disable the use of guaranteed delivery for outbound transactions. By default, the server allows the use of guaranteed delivery for outbound transactions. The default is false.
Specifies whether Integration Server is to re-execute services for guaranteed delivery transactions in the job store that are pending when Integration Server is restarted after a heuristic failure. If the transaction status is pending, it means that the service began execution before Integration Server failed.
If watt.tx.heuristicFailRetry setting is true, Integration Server resets the transaction status from pending to new, and Integration Server will retry the service. When the setting is true, a request to execute a service can only fail if the transaction expires before Integration Server executes the service.
If the setting is false, Integration Server resets the transaction status from pending to fail to indicate the heuristic failure, and Integration Server does not retry the service. When the setting is false, a request to execute a service can fail due to a heuristic failure or due to the transaction expiring.
The default is true.
Specifies the number of client threads you want to make available in a thread pool to service pending requests in the outbound guaranteed delivery job store. The default is 5.
Specifies the number of seconds to wait after a service request failure before the Job Manager resubmits the request to execute the service to the Integration Server. The default is 60.
Specifies the number of seconds between sweeps of the job store of outbound guaranteed delivery transactions. The server sweeps the job store to identify transactions that it needs to submit. The default is 60.
Specifies an Integration Server ID. Use this parameter when multiple Integration Servers are running on the same host machine and they all use guaranteed delivery. By specifying a unique ID for each Integration Server, you prevent the creation of duplicate guaranteed delivery transaction IDs. The value must be an integer from 0 through 2147483647. The default is 0.