Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring the Enhanced XML Parser | Viewing Peak Usage Statistics
Viewing Peak Usage Statistics
Integration Server tracks peak memory usage statics for the enhanced XML parser. The statistics cover the time period from when the Integration Server was last started to the current time. Integration Server resets the statistics during start up.
*To view usage statistics for the enhanced XML parser
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Settings > Enhanced XML parsing.
Under Peak Usage Statistics, Integration Server Administrator displays the following information:
Peak heap allocation for all documents combined
The maximum amount of heap used by the enhanced XML parser for parsing multiple documents at one time.
Peak heap allocation for any single document
Maximum amount of heap used by the enhanced XML parser for parsing one document.
Peak BigMemory use
Maximum amount of BigMemory used by the enhanced XML parser at one time.