Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Endpoint Aliases for Web Services | Creating an Endpoint Alias for a Provider Web Service Descriptor for Use with HTTP/S | Setting a Default Endpoint Alias for Provider Web Service Descriptors
Setting a Default Endpoint Alias for Provider Web Service Descriptors
For the HTTP and HTTPS protocols, you can identify a provider web service endpoint alias as the default provider endpoint alias for each protocol. When the default provider endpoint alias is assigned to a binder in a provider web service descriptor, Integration Server uses the information in the alias when constructing the WSDL for the descriptor and during run-time processing. Simply changing the default provider endpoint alias for a protocol changes the information used to generate the WSDL and the information used for run-time processing. You do not need to edit the binder in the web service descriptor to specify a different alias.
Integration Server uses the default provider endpoint alias in the following situations:
*When constructing the WSDL for the a provider web service descriptor that contains a binder with a Port alias property set to DEFAULT(aliasName) or binder that does not explicitly set an alias for the Port alias property.
*During run-time processing for provider web service descriptor that contains a binder with a Port alias property set to DEFAULT(aliasName) or a binder that does not explicitly set an alias for the Port alias property.
*As an available alias when creating the endpoint for a service first provider web service
*As an available alias when setting the endpoint for a binder.
*When creating the binders for a WSDL first provider web service descriptor generated from a WSDL document with an HTTP or HTTPS binding. Integration Server assigns the default provider endpoint alias of the transport protocol to the binder. Integration Server uses the information from the alias during WSDL generation and run-time processing.
If the binder in a provider web service descriptor does not specify a value for the Port alias property and there is not a default provider endpoint alias for the protocol used by the binder, when Integration Server generates the WSDL document for the web service descriptor, Integration Server sets the “location=” attribute of the soap:address element to localhost:primaryPort.
Keep the following points in mind when setting a default provider endpoint alias for use with provider web service descriptors:
*You can set a default provider endpoint alias for provider web services only.
*You can set a default provider endpoint alias for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. You cannot set a default endpoint alias for JMS.
*Integration Server does not require that a default provider endpoint alias be set. If there is no default alias for a protocol, the Port alias property for a binder in a provider web service descriptor lists a blank row as a possible value. If you select the blank row and later specify a default alias for the protocol used by the binder, Integration Server uses the information in the default provider endpoint alias when generating the WSDL document and during run-time processing for the web service descriptor. That is, once a default provider endpoint alias is set for a protocol, any previously blank Port alias properties are effectively set to DEFAULT(aliasName) for binders that use that protocol.
*You cannot delete a web service endpoint alias used as a default alias.
*To set a default endpoint alias for provider web service descriptors
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Settings > Web services.
3. Click Set Default Provider Endpoint Alias.
4. Under Select Default Provider Endpoint Aliases, do one or more of the following:
*In the HTTP list, select the alias to use as the default endpoint alias for the HTTP protocol. If you do not want to set a default endpoint alias for HTTP, select the blank row.
*In the HTTPS list, select the alias to use as the default endpoint alias for the HTTPS protocol. If you do not want to set a default endpoint alias for HTTPS, select the blank row.
5. Click Update.
Integration Server updates the WSDL document for any provider web service descriptor with a binder that uses the default provider endpoint alias.
After changing the default provider endpoint alias, consumers should refresh any existing web service clients generated from a WSDL document for a web service descriptor that uses the default provider endpoint alias. Refreshing the web service client using the updated WSDL document enables the client to make use of the changed endpoint information.