Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) | Generation of the WS-Addressing Headers: Resolution Order and Usage | Service First and WSDL First Provider Web Service Descriptor: Response (Outbound Message) - wsa:Action Detailed Usage
Service First and WSDL First Provider Web Service Descriptor: Response (Outbound Message) - wsa:Action Detailed Usage
The following table describes how Integration Server handles provider response messages based on the setting of wsa:Action in the binder.
Is wsa:Action present in binder?
The wsa:Action in the SOAP response or fault will be the action specified in the binder against Output or Fault respectively.
In case of the WSDL First provider web service descriptor, you can change the ReplyToAction and FaultToAction values that were initially populated by the values from the WSDL.
The wsa:Action in the SOAP response is generated at runtime based on the default action pattern for WSDL 1.1. For more information about the structure of the generated action, see or depending on the version of the WS-Addressing standard you are using.