Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) | Generation of the WS-Addressing Headers: Resolution Order and Usage | Web Service Consumer: Request - Addressing Action Property Usage
Web Service Consumer: Request - Addressing Action Property Usage
The following table describes how Integration Server handles consumer outbound request messages based on the setting of the Addressing action property in the fault and body elements of the operation in a web service descriptor and the SOAP Action attributes in the consumed WSDL.
Is SOAP Action present in WSDL?
Is Messaging action property set in fault and body elements of Operation?
If both SOAP Action and Addressing action are specified, both the values should be the same. At runtime, Integration Server uses the value of the SOAP Action from the WSDL for both SOAP Action as well as wsa:Action WS-Addressing header.
Integration Server uses the value of wsa:Action from the WSDL as the values for SOAP Action as well as wsa:Action WS-Addressing header.
Integration Server uses the value of SOAP Action from WSDL as the values for SOAP Action as well as wsa:Action WS-Addressing header.
The wsa:Action WS-Addressing header is generated at runtime based on the default action pattern for WSDL 1.1. For more information about the structure of the generated action, see or​Submission/2004/SUBM-ws-​addressing-20040810/​#_Toc77464327depending on the version of the WS-Addressing standard you are using.