Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) | Generation of the WS-Addressing Headers: Resolution Order and Usage | Web Service Consumer: Request (Outbound Message) Resolution Order
Web Service Consumer: Request (Outbound Message) Resolution Order
The following table describes the resolution order while generating the To, MessageID, ReplyTo, FaultTo, and From WS-Addressing headers for consumer request messages.
WS-Addressing Header
Resolution Order
To (address and endpoint reference parameters)
1. Passed In (Generated Web Service Connector)
2. Endpoint Alias
Message Addressing Properties/To
If the endpoint reference parameters of To endpoint reference are given as part of the connector input or endpoint alias, and if the original WSDL from which the consumer was created also contains To endpoint reference with a set of endpoint reference parameters, the resulting SOAP request will contain the merged endpoint reference parameters from the connector input or endpoint alias and the WSDL.
1. Passed In (Generated Web Service Connector)
2. Unique identifier that Integration Server generates.
ReplyTo (address, endpoint reference parameters, and metadata)
1. Passed In (Generated Web Service Connector)
2. Endpoint Alias
Message Addressing Properties/ReplyTo
FaultTo (address, endpoint reference parameters, and metadata)
1. Passed In (Generated Web Service Connector)
2. Endpoint Alias
Message Addressing Properties/FaultTo
From (address, endpoint reference parameters, and metadata)
1. Passed In (Generated Web Service Connector)
2. Endpoint Alias
Message Addressing Properties/From
Note:Integration Server picks up the values for MustUnderstand and Role from the web service connector or from the endpoint alias. If no values are specified, the default values as per the WS-Addressing standard will be used.