Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) | WS-Addressing and WSDL
WS-Addressing and WSDL
Keep the following information in mind when using WS-Addressing and working with WSDL.
*If the WSDL for a consumer web service descriptor or a WSDL first provider web service descriptor contains WS-Addressing policy, Integration Server will honor the policy if Integration Server supports the assertions in the policy.
If a WS-Policy file is also attached to the web service descriptor, the policy in the attached WS-Policy file overrides the policy in the WSDL.
*If the WSDL for a WSDL first provider web service descriptor contains a port type operation with input, output, or fault containing wsaw:Action attribute, Integration Server honors the attribute. However, if you change the Messaging action property of the body or fault documents of a WSDL First provider web service descriptor, the value of this property takes precedence over the value of the wsaw:Action attribute. For more information about Messaging action property, see IBM webMethods Service Development Help.
*If the WSDL binding contains the wsaw:UsingAddressing element, consumer or WSDL first provider web service descriptors created from the WSDL will honor the WSDL. That is, WS-Addressing will be enabled for the web service descriptor.
*If you generate WSDL for a web service descriptor to which a WS-Addressing policy is attached, Integration Server generates a WS-Addressing Policy annotated WSDL.