Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) | Processing Responses Asynchronously
Processing Responses Asynchronously
Consumer web service descriptors created in Integration Server version 9.0 or later can process SOAP responses asynchronously. To process responses asynchronously, you must ensure that a WS-Addressing handler is assigned to the consumer web service descriptor. You must also provide a ReplyTo or FaultTo URL that points to the consumer web service descriptor when invoking the web service connector.
When Integration Server receives a response with the endpoint URL pointing to a consumer web service descriptor, Integration Server invokes the corresponding response services that are generated when the consumer web service descriptor is created. If the SOAP response received contains a WS-Addressing action through which a response service can be resolved, Integration Server invokes that response service. If Integration Server cannot determine the specific response service for the SOAP response or if there are errors while processing the asynchronous response, the genericFault_Response service is invoked.
For more information about response services, see Working with Response Services.
*To process responses asynchronously using WS-Addressing
1. Ensure that the WS-Addressing policy you want to use is attached to the web service descriptor.
2. Use the Response endpoint address template binder property of the consumer web service descriptor as the address template and replace the placeholders <server> and <port> or <topic/queue/jndi> and <destinationName> with appropriate values depending on the transport mechanism used to invoke the web service.
3. While invoking the corresponding web service connector service, specify this response endpoint address as the value for ReplyTo and/or FaultTo address in the messageAddressingProperties parameter of the web service connector to use this consumer web service descriptor to process responses asynchronously by invoking the callback response services.