Integration Server 11.1 | Dynamic Server Pages and Output Templates Developer's Guide | Using Dynamic Server Pages (DSPs) | What Is a Dynamic Server Page? | What Does a DSP Look Like?
What Does a DSP Look Like?
A DSP looks like an ordinary HTML document that contains additional tags enclosed in % symbols (e.g., %loop%). When a client requests a DSP, Integration Server executes the action specified by the tag and substitutes the result of that action (based on the rules of the tag) in the document it returns to the client.
A DSP tag is never sent to the client; the client receives only the result of the tag.
The following is an example of a very basic DSP (tags are in bold). In this example, the DSP invokes a service by way of the %invoke% tag. The %loop% … %endloop% block loops over the list of documents (called orders) that the service returns and inserts the results into the HTML document.
<title>Order Tracking System>/title>

<h1>Current Orders</h1>
%invoke orders:showOrders%
%loop orders%
<p>Date: %value orderDate% PO Number %value orderNum%</p>