Integration Server 11.1 | Dynamic Server Pages and Output Templates Developer's Guide | Using Dynamic Server Pages (DSPs) | Requesting DSPs
Requesting DSPs
To process a DSP, you request it from a browser using the following URL format:
Is the host name or IP address of the Integration Server on which the DSP resides.
Is the port number on which the Integration Server listens for HTTP requests.
Is the name of the package to which the DSP belongs. packageName must match the package directory in which the DSP resides within Integration Server_directory\packages on the server. If you do not specify a package name, the server looks for the named DSP in the Default package.
This parameter is case-sensitive.
Is the name of the file containing the DSP. This file name must have a “.dsp” extension, and it must reside within the pub directory (or a subdirectory beneath pub) under the package directory named in packageName. If the DSP resides in a subdirectory, include the name of that subdirectory in the file name (see example below).
This parameter is case-sensitive.
The following URL retrieves showorders.dsp from a package named ORDER_TRAK on a server named rubicon:
The following URL retrieves showorders.dsp from a package named ORDER_TRAK on a server named rubicon:
The following URL retrieves showorders.dsp from the STATUS subdirectory in a package named ORDER_TRAK on a server named rubicon:
The following URL retrieves showorders.dsp from the Default package on a server named rubicon: