Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Removing User Data from Integration Server | Removing Personal Data from Log Files | Removing Personally Identifiable Information from the Security Log
Removing Personally Identifiable Information from the Security Log
In the security log, the security audit log record includes the userid of the user performing the logged activity. Where that data is located and how to remove it depends on whether the security log destination is a file or a database.
If the security log is a
Use the following to locate and delete user data
File Location: Software AG_directory\ Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\logs
File Name: WMSECURITY_serverStartupTimestamp.log
userid is 64-characters long. It is logged from column 640.
Use a text editor to perform a search and replace for the userid. For example, you could search the security log files for the user name and replace the user name with an anonymous string or a blank string.
If the Security audit logger is configured to log to an external database identified by the ISCoreAudit functional alias, the log message are written into WMSECURITY table of the ISCoreAudit database.
The USERID column contains the userid.
Use the following SQL statement to remove the data: