Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Starting and Stopping the Server | The Java Service Wrapper | JVM Configuration
JVM Configuration
When the Java Service Wrapper launches the JVM, it provides configuration settings that, among other things, specify memory settings and the directories in the classpath. When you start Integration Server, the Java Service Wrapper receives these configuration settings from the wrapper.conf and custom_wrapper.conf files in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\configuration folder. However, the custom_wrapper.conf takes precedence. For example, if is set to 1024 MB in custom_wrapper.conf and the same setting has a value of 512 MB in wrapper.conf, then Integration Server uses the setting from custom_wrapper.conf. Alternatively, if is set in wrapper.conf but not set in custom_wrapper.conf, Integration Server considers the settings from wrapper.conf.
If you need to modify the default property settings for Integration Server, you can override the settings using the custom_wrapper.conf file, which is located in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\configuration. For more information for configuring custom_wrapper.conf properties for Integration Server, see Configuring the Server. For general information about the Java Service Wrapper, see IBM webMethods Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.