Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Starting and Stopping the Server | Restarting the Integration Server
Restarting the Integration Server
Restart the server when you need to stop and reload Integration Server. You should restart the server when:
*You make certain configuration changes. Some configuration changes require the server to be restarted before they take effect. Integration Server Administrator displays a notification if a configuration change was made that requires a server restart for the change to take effect.
*You want to incorporate updated services that cannot be dynamically reloaded. This typically occurs for non-Java services.
*To restart the server
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator.
2. Click > Shut down or restart.
3. To restart after all client sessions end, do the following:
a. Select After all client sessions end.
b. In Maximum wait time specify the number of minutes you want Integration Server to wait for client sessions to complete before restarting. The default wait time is 10 minutes.
c. Click Restart.
Integration Server begins monitoring user activity and automatically shuts down the server when all non-administrator sessions complete or when the time you specify elapses (whichever comes first). Then Integration Server restarts. For instructions on how to view the active sessions, refer to Viewing Active Sessions.
Restarting when all sessions end might interrupt running services that have not executed to completion.
4. To restart after all in-flight services execute to completion, do the following:
a. Select After all service executions complete.
b. In Maximum wait time specify the number of minutes you want Integration Server to wait for services to complete before shutting down and restarting. The default wait time is 10 minutes.
To specify the maximum wait time for an Integration Server running inside a Docker container to wait for services to complete before shutting down and then restarting, pass in a value for the SAG_IS_SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME environment variable when starting the container.
c. If you want Integration Server to cancel shutdown and restart if services are still running after the maximum wait time elapses, select Cancel shutdown after maximum wait time.
d. Click Restart.
Integration Server blocks new inbound requests. If all services execute to completion before the wait time elapses. Integration Server shuts down, terminating all active sessions, and restarts. If services are still executing after the wait time elapses, Integration Server does one of the following:
*If you selected Cancel shutdown after maximum wait time, Integration Server stops the shut down process and unblocks inbound requests. Integration Server does not restart.
When the server log facility 0091 WmRoot Admin Services is set to Info or a more verbose level, Integration Server writes the list of services running when the wait time elapsed to the server log. To determine which services prevented shut down and restart, review the server log.
*If you did not select Cancel shutdown after maximum wait time, Integration Server writes a list of services still running at the end of the wait time to the server log, interrupts any running services, terminates all active sessions, shuts down, and restarts. Integration Server writes the list of running services only when the server log facility 0091 WmRoot Admin Services is set to Info or a more verbose level.
5. To restart immediately, select Immediately and click Restart.
The server interrupts all executing services and terminates active sessions immediately. Then Integration Server restarts. For instructions on how to view the active sessions, refer to Viewing Active Sessions.