Integration Server 11.1 | Microservices Runtime Guide | Starting, Shutting Down, and Restarting Microservices Runtime | Starting Microservices Runtime and Microservices Runtime Administrator | Running Microservices Runtime in Debug Mode
Running Microservices Runtime in Debug Mode
If you want Microservices Runtime to run in debug mode, you can run the startDebugMode.bat(sh) script located in Integration Server_directory/bin/. Running in debug mode allows you to connect an Eclipse-based Debugger to your running Microservices Runtime.
The default port used for debug mode is 10033. Additionally, by default, the JVM waits for Debugger to attach before the actual startup of Microservices Runtime. The DEBUG_PORT and SUSPEND_MODE properties in the startDebugMode.bat(sh) script control these defaults. You can change the debug port and suspend mode for a session by starting debug mode from the command line using a command like the following:
startDebugMode.bat address 8787 suspend n
Where address refers to the port used for DEBUG_PORT (default is 10033) and suspend indicates whether to wait for Debugger to attach to the JVM (default is y).