Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | Using SOAP over JMS with Web Services | Introduction
Integration Server provides support for using SOAP over JMS (SOAP/JMS) bindings with web services based on the SOAP over Java Message Service standard.
When Integration Server acts as a web service client, Integration Server provides support for creating web service clients from WSDL documents that contain SOAP/JMS bindings and sending SOAP messages over JMS to invoke remote web services.
When Integration Server serves as a web service host, Integration Server provides support for creating SOAP/JMS bindings and for retrieving and processing SOAP messages received over JMS.
Each role (consumer or provider) requires configuration in Integration Server and in Designer. As with other web service functionality, Integration Server and Designer use web service descriptors to encapsulate SOAP/JMS binding information. The following sections provide more information about the tasks you need to complete to use SOAP/JMS bindings with web services.