Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Integration Server to Connect to an SFTP Server | Creating an SFTP Server Alias
Creating an SFTP Server Alias
Editing an SFTP Server Alias
An SFTP server alias is a named set of parameters that Integration Server uses to connect to an SFTP server.
You must create at least one SFTP server alias before creating an SFTP user alias.
*To create an SFTP server alias
1. Open Integration Server Administrator.
2. Go to External servers > SFTP.
3. Click Create Server Alias.
4. Configure the following server alias settings:
SFTP Server Alias Properties
SFTP Cient Version
The SFTP client to use.
The Version 2 client has additional configuration properties, Key Exchange Algorithms, Machine Access Code (MAC) algorithms, and ciphers that are not available in the Version 1 client.
A name for the SFTP server alias.
An SFTP server alias name:
*Can contain only underscores (_) and periods (.) as special characters.
*Cannot begin with the string "http://".
*Can be of a maximum length of 255 characters.
Host Name or IP Address
The host name or IP address of the SFTP server.
Port Number
The port number of the SFTP server. The port number must be in the range of 0 to 65535 (inclusive).
Proxy Alias
The proxy alias through which requests should be routed. The proxy alias can be HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS. If a proxy alias is not specified, Integration Server makes outbound requests using each enabled proxy server alias until the request is sent successfully or all proxy servers have been tried. For more information about proxy aliases, see Creating a Proxy Server Alias.
Host Key Location
The location of the public key of the SFTP server. Integration Server validates the SFTP server using its public key.
The public key file must be present on the same machine on which you have installed Integration Server.
If you do not have the public key of the SFTP server, click Get Host Key. Integration Server retrieves the public key for the specified host and port and saves it in a temporary folder. Integration Server then displays the temporary folder path in the Host Key Location field.
SFTP Server Alias Advanced Settings (Optional)
Min DH Key Size
The minimum DH key size. This parameter is not applicable to SFTP Client Version 1.
Max DH Key Size
The maximum DH key size. This parameter is not applicable to SFTP Client Version 1.
Preferred Key Exchange Algorithms
A list of key exchange algorithms that Integration Server presents to the SFTP server for key exchange. The algorithms are listed in the order of preference.
Preferred MAC Algorithms S2C
A list of Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms applicable to the messages sent from an SFTP server to the Integration Server. The algorithms are listed in the order of preference.
Preferred MAC Algorithms C2S
A list of Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms applicable to the messages sent from Integration Server to an SFTP server. The algorithms are listed in the order of preference.
Preferred Ciphers S2C
A list of preferred ciphers applicable to messages sent from an SFTP server to Integration Server .
Preferred Ciphers C2S
A list of preferred ciphers applicable to messages sent fromIntegration Server to an SFTP server .
*To specify the order in which Integration Server presents the algorithms to the SFTP Server, select an algorithm, and click Up or Down.
*Every SFTP server supports a pre-defined set of algorithms and ciphers. The algorithm that both Integration Server and the SFTP server support is chosen.
*To exclude an algorithm from a list, select the algorithm, and click Right. The algorithm moves to the list of excluded algorithms.
For more information, see Upgrade Impact on Existing Server Alias Data.
5. Click Save Changes.
If you see the error message: "com.maverick.ssh.SshException: Minimum DH p value not provided [2048]", set Min DH Key Size to 2048.
Key Exchange Algorithms such as diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 and diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 consider values set for the Min DH Key Size and Max DH Key Size parameters. All other algorithms ignore these values.
Integration Server stores the SFTP server alias configuration along with the host key information in the /<IntegrationServer_directory>/instances/<instance_name>/config/sftp/sftpServerAliases.cnf file.