Integration Server 11.1 | Audit Logging Guide | Setting Up IS Core Audit Logging | Rotate Audit Logs Based on Size
Rotate Audit Logs Based on Size
By default, Integration Server rotates file-based audit logs daily. While daily rotation might be sufficient for audit logs that do not regularly contain a lot of data or are not frequently written to, some audit logs might increase rapidly in size. For example, if the service logger has a logging level of verbose, the service logger generates an extensive amount of data that is then written to the service log, specifically WMSERVICE_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.log In addition to consuming resources, a large audit log file can be difficult to examine. To avoid this, you can configure Integration Server to rotate the audit log files by size in addition to rotating by day.
Integration Server provides a server configuration parameter that you can use to specify the size limit for the file-based audit logs. When watt.server.audit.logRotateSize is set to a valid value, Integration Server rotates an audit log file when it reaches that size or at midnight, whichever occurs first. For example, suppose that the error logger writes to a file destination. If watt.server.audit.logRotateSize is set to 100KB and at midnight the error log file size is 80KB, Integration Server still rotates the error log at midnight. When Integration Server rotates an audit log file, Integration Server starts a new audit log file for the logger, using the time stamp of the first log entry as the date and time portion of the log file name.
There is no default value for the watt.server.audit.logRotateSize parameter. If no value is specified for watt.server.audit.logRotateSize, Integration Server rotates the audit log files for file-based loggers daily only. If an invalid value is specified, Integration Server proceeds as if no value was specified for the parameter. If you set the value using the Extended Settings page in Integration Server Administrator, validation prevents an invalid value from being saved.
The watt.server.audit.logRotateSize parameter affects only the audit loggers configured write to a file. The parameter does not affect audit loggers configured to write to a database.
Integration Server always rotates the audit log for a logger when the current audit log reaches the maximum size as set by the watt.server.audit.logRotateSize parameter. Integration Server also rotates the audit log for a logger after server start up and daily, after midnight. Integration Server rotates the audit logs after the logger writes data to the log. Some audit loggers write data to the log immediately after startup or midnight. Other audit loggers, such as the error logger, do not necessarily write audit log data at start up or at midnight. Instead, Integration Server rotates the log when the logger writes data to the log file.
For more information about the watt.server.audit.logRotateSize parameter, see watt.server.