Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Scheduling Services | Resuming Suspended User Tasks | Resuming a Suspended User Task
Resuming a Suspended User Task
Perform the following procedure to resume all scheduled executions of a task that has been suspended.
If your Integration Server is part of a cluster and you are resuming a task that has been scheduled to run on all Integration Servers in the cluster, you can resume the child tasks individually or you can resume all the tasks at once by resuming the parent task. For more information about scheduled tasks that run on all servers in a cluster, see Target Node Options.
To resume execution of a suspended user task
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Server > Scheduling.
3. Locate the task in the Services list, and click Suspended in the Active column to activate the task. The server displays a page to confirm you want to resume the task. Click OK.
The server replaces Suspended with the Active green check mark icon icon to indicate that the task is available to execute again.