Integration Server 11.1 | JMS Client Development Guide | Building a Resource Monitoring Service | About a Resource Monitoring Service
About a Resource Monitoring Service
A resource monitoring service is a service that you create to check the availability of resources that a trigger uses. Integration Server schedules a system task to execute a resource monitoring service after it suspends a trigger. Specifically, Integration Server suspends a trigger and invokes the associated resource monitoring service when one of the following occurs:
*During exactly-once processing, the document resolver service ends because of an ISRuntimeException and the watt.server.trigger.preprocess.suspendAndRetryOnError property is set to true (the default).
*A retry failure occurs for a non-transacted trigger and the configured retry behavior is “suspend and retry later.”
*A transient error occurs for a transacted JMS trigger and the configured behavior when transaction roll back occurs is to suspend the JMS trigger and recover the message.
The same resource monitoring service can be used for multiple triggers. When the service indicates that resources are available, Integration Server resumes all the triggers that use the resource monitoring service.