Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Reliable Messaging in Integration Server | Reliable Messaging Sequence Reports | Client and Server Sequences
Client and Server Sequences
User Sequence Key
Unique key identifying a message sequence. The value of User Sequence Key is the same as the value specified in the sequenceKey input parameter of the pub.soap.wsrm:createSequence service or as the reliableMessagingProperties/sequenceKey parameter of the web service connector.
Client Sequence Id
Unique identifier that is generated by the reliable messaging client and associated with a reliable messaging sequence.
Server Sequence Id
Unique identifier that is generated by the reliable messaging server and associated with a reliable messaging sequence. This Id is returned by Integration Server as the serverSequenceId output parameter of the pub.soap.wsrm:createSequence service or the reliableMessagingInfo/responseReliableMessagingProperties/serverSequenceId output parameter of the web service connector.
To Address
The endpoint address with which the reliable messaging sequence is established.
Status of the message sequence.
Number of Completed Messages
Count of messages in the message sequence that have been delivered and acknowledgement messages have been received.
Last Activated
Timestamp that specifies the time when the last message in the sequence was transmitted.
Acknowledgement Request
Sends an acknowledgement request to the reliable messaging server. For more information about sending a request for acknowledgement, see Sending an Acknowledgement Request.
Closes the sequence. For more information about closing a sequence, see Closing a Sequence.
Terminates the sequence. For more information about terminating a sequence, see Terminating a Sequence.