Integration Server 11.1 | Microservices Runtime Guide | Prometheus Metrics | Service Metrics
Service Metrics
Service metrics are metrics about a service on Microservices Runtime. When the metrics endpoint is called, Microservices Runtime returns service metrics for services called as top-level services. Microservices Runtime does not return metrics for internal services or nested services which are those services invoked within another service.
A top-level service is a service that is invoked by a client request.
The following table identifies the service metrics returned by Microservices Runtime when the metrics endpoint is called, a description of the metric, and the Prometheus label for the metric.
Prometheus Metric Name
Prometheus Label

sag_is_service_cache_ entries
The current number of active cached entries for this service in service results cache.
host, service

sag_is_service_cache_ expires
The current number of expired cache entries for the service.
host, service

sag_is_service_cache_ hit_ratio
The percentage of request for the service that have been fulfilled using cached service results since the cache was last reset.
host, service

sag_is_service_number_ access
The number of times the service has executed since the Microservices Runtime last started.
host, service

sag_is_service_number_ cache_hit
The total number of times that a cached service result pipeline has been returned instead of calling the service since the cache was last reset.
host, service

sag_is_service_number_ circuit_open
The number of times the circuit has opened for this service since Microservices Runtime last started. This metric applies only to services for which a circuit breaker is enabled.
host, service

sag_is_service_number_ circuit_open_request
The number of requests for the service when the circuit was in an open state since Microservices Runtime last started. This metric applies only to services for which a circuit breaker is enabled.
host, service

The total number of errors for the service since Microservices Runtime last started.
host, service

sag_is_service_number_ prefetch
The number of times that Microservices Runtime has prefetched and then cached the results for this service since the cache was last reset.
host, service

sag_is_service_number_ recent_prefetch
The number of times Microservices Runtime has prefetched and cached the results for the service since the last statistics poll. The statistics poll interval is controlled by the watt.server.stats.pollTime server configuration parameter. The default interval is 60 seconds.
host, service

sag_is_service_number_ running
The number of concurrent service executions for this service at the time Microservices Runtime gathered the metrics.
host, service

The average number of milliseconds to process the Microservices Runtime service in the last polling interval.
apiCat, code, execStat, host, service, origin

The total number of times the service was executed in the last polling interval.
apiCat, code, execStat, host, origin, service,