Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | An Overview of the Server | Integration Server Caching
Integration Server Caching
Caching is an optimization feature that can improve the performance of services by maintaining frequently used data in memory. Caching can significantly improve response time of services that retrieve information from high-traffic web servers and databases.
Integration Server uses the caching capabilities of Terracotta Ehcache to provide:
*Service results caching. When you enable services to cache results, Integration Server saves the service invocation results in the cache for a specified period of time. While the results are in cache, rather than re-invoking the service, Integration Server can quickly retrieve the service results for subsequent clients' requests for the service. For more information about service caching, see Caching Service Results.
*Data caching. With Terracotta Ehcache, you can define individual caches in which services can cache data. Services that want to cache data do so using the caching services provided in the pub.cache folder. Terracotta Ehcache enables you to cache virtually any kind of object. Additionally, it provides advanced features such as off-heap caching and distributed caching. For more information about using Terracotta Ehcache, see Configuring Terracotta Ehcache on Integration Server .