Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Managing IBM webMethods Messaging Triggers | Delaying Polling Requests for IBM webMethods Messaging Triggers
Delaying Polling Requests for IBM webMethods Messaging Triggers
How Integration Server Delays a Polling Request for IBM webMethods Messaging Trigger
You can conserve Integration Server and Broker resources used for retrieving documents by delaying polling requests when IBM webMethods messaging trigger is inactive. When a polling delay is in use, Integration Server waits the length of the polling delay before requesting more messages from the Broker. You can configure the polling delay to gradually increase as the trigger continues to be inactive.
IBM webMethods messaging trigger is considered to be inactive if it did not receive any documents in its last request to the messaging provider.
During a polling delay, the IBM webMethods messaging trigger will not retrieve any new documents. However, the IBM webMethods messaging trigger will not use messaging provider resources during the delay nor will the IBM webMethods messaging trigger be using Integration Server resources to poll the messaging provider.
To use a polling delay, you need to specify the following:
*The length of the delay that should elapse before the trigger polls for more messages for the IBM webMethods messaging trigger. The watt.server.control.triggerInputControl.delays parameter determines the length of the delay. If you want to use a gradually increasing delay, you indicate the incremental delays by specifying a comma-separated list of integers. The watt.server.control.triggerInputControl.delays parameter is measured in milliseconds and has a default value of: 500, 1000, 1500, 5000
*The time interval at which Integration Server introduces the polling delay for an inactive IBM webMethods messaging trigger trigger. If the trigger remains inactive, the same time interval helps determines when Integration Server increases the delay between polling requests. The time interval is determined by the watt.server.control.triggerInputControl.delayIncrementInterval parameter. This parameter is measured in milliseconds and has a default value or 1000.
Integration Server uses the following formula to determine the polling delay for retrieving documents from the Broker for IBM webMethods messaging trigger:
inactiveTime/interval = delay
*inactiveTime is the number of milliseconds that the IBM webMethods messaging trigger has been inactive. That is, the inactiveTime is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Integration Server last polled the Broker and the Broker had no messages for the trigger.
*interval is the value of the watt.server.control.triggerInputControl.delayIncrementInterval.
*delay is the result of the division rounded down to the nearest integer and corresponds to an index position in the comma-separated list of delay lengths specified for watt.server.control.triggerInputControl.delays.
If an exception occurs when parsing the supplied values for watt.server.control.triggerInputControl.delays or watt.server.control.triggerInputControl.delayIncrementInterval, Integration Server resets both configuration parameters to the default values.