Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | MTOM Streaming | Using MTOM Streaming for Consumer Web Service Descriptors
Using MTOM Streaming for Consumer Web Service Descriptors
The following lists the requirements for using MTOM streaming with a consumer web service descriptor:
*When creating the consumer web service descriptor, select the Enable MTOM streaming for elements of type base64Binary check box.
This selection indicates that when creating the web service descriptor, Designer should represent the xsd:base64Binary types in the WSDL as Object types with the Java wrapper type com.wm.util.XOPObject. As a result, you will be able to use MTOM streaming for the xsd:base64Binary fields.
*When adding logic to the service that invokes the web service connector, add logic to handle MTOM streaming for the xsd:base64Binary fields.
*For an outbound request message, for each MTOM attachment that is to be streamed use the pub.soap.utils:createXOPObject service to create an instance of the com.wm.util.XOPObject class from an input stream for the attachment to stream.
*To process an inbound response message, for each MTOM attachment that is streamed, use thepub.soap.utils:getXOPObjectContent service to retrieve the contents of a com.wm.util.XOPObject instance as a stream.
After processing the contents of the stream, close the stream by invoking the service.
*Configure the server configuration parameters identified in Integration Server Parameters for MTOM Streaming.
For more information about these server configuration parameters, see IBM webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
*If you want to stream outbound MTOM attachments, set the web service descriptor’s Attachment enabled property to true.
*Ensure the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property of the web service descriptor is set to false. The web service descriptor must not be running in compatibility mode.