Integration Server 11.1 | Configuring On-Premise Integration Servers for webMethods Cloud | Managing Applications | Uploading Applications
Uploading Applications
After you define an application, you must upload it to IBM webMethods Cloud before using it in an integration. The account associated with an application must use an enabled tenant alias for an application to upload successfully.
*To upload an application
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the webMethods Cloud menu of the navigation panel, click Applications.
3. Click one of the following icons in the row that corresponds to the application you want to upload in the Upload column of the webMethods Cloud Applications table.
This icon...
Indicates that the application on the on-premise Integration Server is...
New or has been edited since the last time it was uploaded to IBM webMethods Cloud.
*For a new application, this icon indicates that the application has not been uploaded to IBM webMethods Cloud.
*For an application that already exists on IBM webMethods Cloud, this icon indicates that the application on the on-premise Integration Server is not synchronized with the one on IBM webMethods Cloud.
Synchronized with the application that has already been uploaded to IBM webMethods Cloud.
4. When the Upload Application screen appears, from the Select column of the Select Accounts area, select one or more accounts to associate with the application.
5. Click Upload.
6. When Integration Server asks you to confirm that you want to upload the application, click OK.
When you upload the application, the on-premise Integration Server:
*Uploads the application to IBM webMethods Cloud, replacing the existing application.
*Updates the Last Uploaded Time column of the webMethods Cloud Applications screen to indicate that the application on IBM webMethods Cloud is synchronized with the one on the on-premise Integration Server.
*Shares the service name, service signature, display name, and service comments with IBM webMethods Cloud.
If the application has been uploaded previously to IBM webMethods Cloud, uploading the application again overwrites the existing application.
If any account associated with an application is disabled during an upload, Integration Server uploads the application successfully. However, you will be notified to enable the account to serve any requests originating from IBM webMethods Cloud.