Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Managing Users and Groups | Defining Groups
Defining Groups
Predefined Groups
Adding Groups
Adding Users to a Group
Removing Users from a Group
Viewing Group Membership
Removing Groups
A group is a named collection of users that share privileges. The privileges can be:
*Administrator privileges
*Replicator privileges
*Developer privileges
*Privileges to invoke a service
*Privileges to allow the server to serve files
Privileges to invoke a service or access files are granted and denied by Access Control Lists (ACLs) that you set up. When an administrator creates ACLs, he or she identifies groups that are allowed to access services and files and groups that are denied access to services and files.
Administrator, replicator, and developer privileges are typically granted by adding a user to the Administrators, Replicators, or Developers group, respectively. Alternatively, you can create new groups and add them to the allow lists of the Administrators, Replicators, or Developers ACLs.
Create groups that identify groups of users that will share the same privileges. When you create a group definition, you specify a group name and the members of the group.
*Group name. A group name is a unique name that identifies the group. You can use any name, for example, a name that defines a department (Marketing) or job function (Programmers).
*Members. List of user names that are members of the group.