Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Managing Users and Groups | Defining a User Account | Configuring Password Requirements and Expiration Settings | Setting Password Expiration Requirements
Setting Password Expiration Requirements
For security purposes, Integration Server allows administrators to set password expiration requirements on passwords for administrator and non-administrator users. Integration Server contains a default set of password expiry setting; however, you can change these with the Integration Server Administrator. An administrator user receives a reminder email to reset the password before certain number of days, as specified in the Password Expiration Settings page of Integration Server Administrator.
*To configure password expiration settings
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Security > User management.
3. Click Password Expiration Settings.
4. Click Edit Password Expiration Settings.
5. To grant administrative privileges to users, perform the following:
Applies to Users
List of users to whom the expiration interval setting is applicable. Use the move left icon and move right icon buttons to move user names on or off this list.
Remaining Users
List of users to whom the expiration interval setting is not applicable. Use the move left icon and move right icon buttons to move user names on or off this list.
6. Fill in information in the following fields:
Whether to enable the password expiry settings. This option is disabled by default. Select Enabled to enable the password expiry settings.
Expiration Interval
Number of days after which a password will expire, if not changed. The value should be a non-zero integer.
Upon save, when this option is enabled, any password that a user had set before the expiration interval are considered expired and the user must reset them. For example, if you changed your password 10 days ago and now, the Administrator changes the Expiration Interval to 5 days, then your password has expired and needs to be reset.
Expiration Notice Email Addresses
List of email addresses to which Integration Server sends an email notification informing that the user password is about to expire or has already expired. If the field is left blank, then Integration Server uses the email address specified in the Internal Email field of Email Notification section on Resource Settings page ( Settings > Resources).
Note:Integration Server uses the SMTP server and port details specified in the Email Notification section on Resource Settings page ( Settings > Resources).
Expiration Email Reminders
Specifies the number of days prior to password expiry that Integration Server should start sending the reminder emails for password reset. The emails are sent daily until the user either updates the password is or changes the expiration interval. Set the value to 0 to prevent Integration Server from sending the reminder emails for soon to expire passwords. Default is 3.
Note:Integration Server continues to send reminder emails until the user resets the password, even after the password has expired. Reminder emails are sent for expired passwords, even if you set the value to 0.
7. Click Save Changes.